The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 05, 1898, Image 3

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Me DonaM Sparks Start Ct ON THE LOOKOUT Constantly on the watch over the best markets, sailing every opportunity that will prosper the interests of our customers, is what keeps McDonald-Sparks-Stewart Co., so far ahead of the others. For instance, we’ve just made a fortunate purchase in Carpets, Rugsand Mattings, and immediately share the profits with our customers as follows: . sells carpet, made, lined and laid 55c Genuine Smyrna Rugs, 4X7 feet $4.45 Brussels carpet, made, lined and laid 60c “ 3X6 feet 285 Best brueseli? carpet, made, lined and laid 65c | ** “ 2 I-2X5 feet 2.10 aP Axminster, Wilton’s, Velvets and Saxony car- A “ “ “ 26X52 inches 1.65 J? pets, we are offering at manufacturer’s prices. 4 V JjT As we never indulge in “False Alarms” you will realize the wisdom of coming promptly if you wish to enpy these extraordinary offerings. They are too good to last long. Find them on the first floor. F MCDONALD-SPARKS-STEWART Company 1 UNDERTAKERS, EMBALrtERS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS THO PORTO RICStIS Cheer The Americans as Thou Mapph i ii oy jiirli un. MILES HAS 9000 MEN Or as Many as The Spania'ds Have on Porto Rico. Ponce, Island ol Porto Rico, Aug, 3, via St. Thomas, I). W. I , Aug. 4,—The Porto Ricans of Ponce lined the streets by the scores and hundreds and fill ed the air with cheering on the arrival of Gen. Garretson’s bri gade from Yauco. 1 he arrival of these troops and those on the St. Louis makes ’he fighting strength of the Americans now operating near I once about 9000 men, equal to the entire force of Spanish reg ular troops on the island. t’cn, Garretson’s camp is tem porarily near the Second and Jhiid Wisconsin tegiments, on t-m outskirts of the town. Tire b'lgade marched seventeen miles from Yauco to Ausby. they arrived travelstaiued and mud bespattered. Almost the mitiie population saw the troops Pass through the city and gave le m cheer after cheer, particu II •} as the artillerymen lumber ed by. The officers at the front, in— c “ding lluliugs, W i t |) the p Hnil . vanmnsand Captains Austin, "heelock, Buras „ |r| Ha|h the f our advance! ««mpanie s do not believe 2? auiar^ 3 will make an advance. ‘ ouU ' ,he enem 7 will act 7 ’"’he defenaive, There’ was some firing last night be weenCapt. Austin’s picketsand the Spaniards in the bush, but no damage was done. All the American troops are restless, due to false alarms of the approach of the Spaniards, and they are anxious for an en counter with the enemy. It is the general belief, however, that there will be no forward move ment of the main body of our troops until the transports ar rive. They are expected every hour. The troops on board the St. Louis are reported to be in good health. She brought twelve rep resentatives of the Porto Rican junta, whoso business it is to inform the people not to resist the Americans. The Dixie’s shot at Morro castle on Saturday caused the utmost consternation at San Juan de Porto Rico, where it was behoved to have signified that the place would be nom barded within twenty-four hours. CARLISTS RISE. London, Aug. 4,—A special from Bdrcelonia says a formidable uprising of Carlisle has taken place n ar Lerida, Catalonia. Lerida is the capi'a’ of Lerida Province, in the northeastern part of Spain adjoin ng the Pyrenees. Mr. Jas. L. Hight, of Decatur, Ga., is in the city today on bus iness. TWO TOWNS TAKEN American Ships Took Possession Os Two Places In Puerto Rvo. St. Thomas, D. W. I , Aug 4. — Captain Goodrich, of the S'. Louis with the Wasp and Gloucester en. tered Guayama Bay yesterd iy morning and took p jsaossiou of the towns of Arroyo and Guayama as 30 miles east of Ponce. The entire second division of the army will probably be landed at Guayama Bay and march 40 miles to Cayey to effect a junction with the other division to move on San Juan together by the military roads. Trv that new and absolutely pure Hour for sale by Lloyd A IT- rper. Only 60c for 24 lbs this week' EVERYTHING AT COST FOR THIS WEEK ONLY CLOSING OUT TO QUIT FRANK WRIGHT’S FARMACY NORTON’S OLD CORNER OPPOSIT MASONIC TEMPLE Blood Poison. CMtagtem* Bte*d Mw* h** been ap propriately tiled th* eum of Beskina. It ie the M* Atoms* that pbyeiciaae can not cave; TOter mcrcnml and potnab rOMedia* emly bottle tin the paieoo in the a/atw, tn auraly break forth in a mere eirataM term, in—llring in a total wreak of Mta eyateen. Mr. Fraak B. Martin, a prominent jeweler at pad P*a*ylvMi* Are.. Wash ia(ton,D.C.,aay«: I waa for a long ttaae under treat ■ meet of two of ***• k*** phyai eieus of thia etty, f/ *•* • aerere case F' e* blood poison, wK||9’ feat my conditio* grew wore* eJi Wr mR th* while, not- VfTlr/ mE/k withatandim the •»« that tb *y 'V JhK charged lae three ’ (HmM ' hundred dollar*. ’SjF /lyr My month we* filed with **tls< ear**; any tongue waa alaaoet eaten away, *o that month* I wm enable to taste any **lid food. My hair naw coming ont rapidly, and I waa in a horrible ftx. I bad tried rerkm* tmeiteeat*, and waa nearly die cMragad. nhea a friend recommended 8.8.5. After ’ bad taken four bottle*, I to Mt better, and when I had fiaiahed eMtaM bottle*, I waa cured •mind and wall, my akin waa without a bltrndah. mA I have had no return of the tltaeM*. AJkS-aared me from a life •f misery.” 8.8.5. (/woroWrrrf will ears any case of blood poiaon. Boeks *■ thediaeaae and It* t*e*S- Ma A. BK-ot. mailed tree by Swift V Specific Co., UW k W Atlanta, Ga» W CHEAP RATES. The Southern R’y operates 3 daily trains between Rome and Chattanooga, by which parties can leave Rome in the morning, spend the day in Chattanooga and return home same evening. The schedule between these points is as follows. Leave Rome 1:00 a. m. arrive Caattanooga 1:15 a. m.; leave Rome 10 :35 trrive Chattanooga 1: 00 p. m. • leave Ronje 6:25 a. m. arrive Chattanooga 8 :50 p. m. There is also a local train leaving Rome 3:50 p. m. going by the way of Cohutta and Cleveland and ar rives Chattanooga 7:20 p. m. Returning, trains leave Chatta nooga 6 :30 a. m. arrive Rome 9: 00 a. m. ; leave Chattanooga 3 :10 p. m. arrive Rome 5 :35 p. m. ; leave Chattanooga 10 :10 p. arrive Rome 1 :44 a. m. Pull man sleeping cars on all trains. For further information call on C. Harrison, C. T. A. The litt e brown jug filter price $ I 00. The Oostanaul a is in the jug. See how Dew ey. For sale by Miss Julia Stewart, also at Moore & Reese’s. M*MmaumiMMmmmmmMm*MmMC| 1 Beware of Imitations OMMMM AM*, MW VMM I S/TEII TOMC PIUIFIES ™ Bl I A POSITIVE CURE -OR 1 1 S PYSPEPSM, KMJEIA ? II CHILLSFEiER. GHIPP. / f j { BILIOUSNESS, SICK-HEHEACHE ZC'®’/ j CONSTIPATIONS H 1 CENEREL DEBILITY, X h imti.ina 2 J fl pbkb 50 cu 4 sm ‘ f [] AT ALu Wil! Keep yo*r * [I El n A "V '■<?Stomach in Hei.Rhy S i DRUGGISTS. W Condition. g ’ * * ,z F JI y SAVER J 1 □ Nsao eOTuln» except ‘‘Trade & j b* * TOI 7 ’ ISUIO ' 1 j T ,--3 J ]V2R p !LLS 35 CENTS. U u n Pnretv Vegctnbk Til .e R t ini Files. Sick IleL 0.12 and H 4iys’>epsia. SiuaH Iw/ k. j* I ■ - - ’ p $3.00 A MONTH. • Fer this merely neminaf fee any eaflferer from aoy Skroalb disease gaa ofitato a line of treatmeat that has gained a wortd-wfife eepahikM for its healing and curative powers. Cases that hare been proimmeed hopeless are quickly and nfioafly fijmwfl at heme. Dr. Cowie* gives every ease hb personO MteKttoa. Thoasamis cured. His epedaHteS are: Rowe, Stomach, Deafness, Asthma, Throat, Bow* I a, Coaaumpttan, CatarouA, Lungs, Blood, Rheumatism, Obesity, Skin Dlseeees. 1 VIGORJNE-'SSS® KE=-“=VITALINE Either afthrt* remedies wfli be aeat opas receipt of $2.80. Their effect h Wttte *bort of mtrasskM*. Bead fcjr Symptom Maaks and full Information regarding specialties. A* teqaiMte ohtertotiy amwored. CouMltafteo Froe. Don't let this chance ewapr-« may Mvsr *ocw agai*. Address, ■. cqna, A 8., TO «a St,». W., WuMgtm, B.