The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 05, 1898, Image 5

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ts Wa A>«AJ ■ £h Ezi w QhLJL*j -'’J W Ess EtsfepT fO aflrSw <wT wrwr mL JKi^L WS ■\77IIDZEJjR .AJSTTD Srri-LTJ Wider HE IZ A III? ■” |k ffl Iw| ■’l '^ y VOl * -w m "tfj^gjgDv ?..c -._ ... Makes this great s'ore a Greater Store. It multiplies the gem treasures in this house; it mag nifies and illumins cur claim, that this is the great bargain-apolis of North Georgia. AND NOW ALL READY W The Kane stock is in; is marked down to cost and below cost, and you can buy an hundred ea- gle’s worth, a dollarg worth ora dime’s worth at or below cost. The Kane Stock is for sale and the Bass Stock is for sale—all at our store, 245 Broadway, at cost or below cost. Much of the goods away below cost That superb salesman, Frank Kane, will be on hand to wait on his friends and the trade. Silk Selects, Wash Wonders Winsome Woolens, Nobby Notions, flatchless Millinery, Superior Shoes •—Slick salables, IF YOU WANT GOODS CHEAP, GO TO ® ®S IHsga |S| jpSn| BFIrlSx iRa 3 iifoi sßi O £[l fUa ’W Asa R Ksß E-si wdß tel r 'difi wu?& esk O WbW W« OFFICERS RESIGN. c TremndoiJs Sensation in Porto Rican Ri'iny. INVESTIGATION ORDERED. Commanding Officers of the Sixth Massachusetts. Boston, August 5.—A special c ablegr ani to the Journal from Ponce, Porto Rico, savs: “A tremendous sensation has oc curred in the Sixth Massachu setts regiment, which is in Gen. srretson’s brigade. Tbe fiiction between the line 0 leers of the regiment and the J'OHof the brigade, which as «en growing ever since tin left Cuba, reached its J‘ nas Monday when Colonel upward, Lieutenant Colonel D ahn > Major Taylor, Chaplain Übh(! ' iu h and Captain Goodell, com Pany k * liesi Bned8 ned their nron?'.' i XaCt roason which «»n is not" 10 ," 1 to ‘ alte ‘ hi ’ Theo U present known. ouX:r i OUrCTXT ' OaVO Ma ‘ “““nd of th/ g 1,1 Ct,m " ter ha 4 ] reglment - The mat- Ge “«al T’”" 1 «> t’gation i, ' . <MH a ngid inve8 ‘ a w T“ ° rdered - B > ) leans acourtmar- FREE Pl' ' S Send your a. .> rese to H E Bucklen &Co , Chicago and get a free sample box of Dr. King’s New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particalar'y effective in the cure of constipa tion and sick headache. For Mala ria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They 3o not weaken in their action, but toy giving tone to the stomach and bowuls greatly invigorate-the sys tem. Regular size 25c per box Sold by Curry-Arrington Co., diuggists CHATTANOOGA democratic. Chattanooga, Tenn., August s.—For tlie first tim. since the civil war every ward in Chatta nooga went Demo < : 1 ' f derday’s election. The entire Democratic county ticket, cir cuit judge, Sheriff, circuit clerk, county clerk, tax collector and registrar, was elected by major ity ranging from 250 to 1,000. Phe negroes voted almost solid ly for the Democrats. ■JILXU4 ■ ■ “ New Recruits —Capt. Henry Stewart sent thro© new recruits for his company at Griffin this morn ing. Those went were. Ezra Siskf I’hoß. Poselv and John K. Bux’pr- FOR SALE! A fifty saw Gullatt Gin, Feeder end Condenser and a 5 11. P. ®vie City Steam Engine, both in good order. Will sen eheap or will exchange for horses, mules, corn, lumber, or Almost anything else of value, m 1 have no use for them. ▲ddrrea or call on fLKTCHEK SMITH, - . - REVIVAL SERVICES The First Baptist Protracted Wings •jJEINGLKRGLY ftTTPT'iiD 1 Services last Night Wero Deep ly Interesting At the First Baptist churh last night there was a fine service. The pastor laid down his plat form as he called it. It consisted of three planks. Ist. A higher standard of Christian living by church mem bers. 2nd. A restoration of peace and fellowship among all the members of this church. 3rd. The conversion of souls to the glory of God. A text was made as to the peace and fellowship of the church at the close of the service A large proportion of those present declared by standing up that they cherished no ill will or enmity to any other member of the church. The pastor declared that he would keep this before his people until the saying of Psalm 133 would be true of them : Behold how’ good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. Services tonight at 8 o’clock. The song service was good last night, but when Mr. Wolf sohn organizes his choir it will lie splendid. 1 ADMINIS I’ATOR S SALE Georgia, Floyd County. Pursuant to an order ©f the court of ordinary of said country granted at the Mav term, 1898, will be sold before the court house door in the city of Rome, within the legal hours of sale, on the I ,lrst Tuesday in July 1898, the foi j viug described property, towit ; 80 acres of land, more or less, the same, being the west half of lot No. 81 in the. 23 d district and Brdjsection of said county. Said property sold as the property of Julia Park r, deceased Terms o sale cash. W. II Ennis Admr • LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA- TION. ASORGIA. FLOYD C UNTY 1 To all whom it tnay cencern : Eqmtable mortgage company having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of ad ministra'ioo on the estate of Wm B. Wiggins, let- of said county deceased. This is to cite all and) sin gular th« creditors and next of km of Wm. B. Wiggins 'o be and appear at my office within i the time allowed by law and show *' cause, if any they can, why per- ' manent administration should not ' b« granted to W. H. Ennis Co. H Admr. on Wm. B. Wiggins estate Witness my hand and official sig- p nature this 2nd day May 1898. John P. Davis. M Ordinary. If ri. Mi/ *<-.-» co-. «c» Cora-' fitept all <v: .nr •• •.cc. i.t Dr.rjUM* .- E. F KJ? KU RFS . V.7. HAIR? BALSAfiS ■ b.. th, -,t t „ a Inixiriant g-owth. f , V ->-«v X. BUM Om> " „ H ~ to )tl I.JrtMul Color. < ,■< -€u X’.. V f»” > c. uhG j, at On.gpM It GQU • U VE £ m-s IpaifT'KtHm, pninf »• iLLh r lability cd any klrwi a.< PkattKß’fl iluny who w *it' wshutuJ t istxxijntet-d fc.Mv i otwltb uj it* u*' w‘tt3 y<rß vrttaffljer Tea y.arvo-troHng tolMTr*> h r-‘H. > rrnievos fib; dttair- ;jrt. ‘ k-- o, ♦-> ' , Mil von-sHiNt™ V' 7»< 1 F t 7 Mi It- fT-ij, f kk la *’lJa I Jost BUUU. '. 3 JKM, »ad waMts*. wjiTltWca Kfe,. '■‘Sw-TU-BAC »!?*• -teJ- THE ARPISTRONQ HOTEL Rome, Ga r • ; Regular i;.i ’ : Boarflsrs jh ; -. .. ats , Wanted. V’ ? liiii ]■ The place to get’a quick, good meal. McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors. -'- 1 L -BB ILI. JB3EM3Bm»gMßUii|iiij | i' i j mu, , » jmi Juibum , X SH& »SF-*W» »••• 3 Best While LiGDIB! g S 5 For t’u /J’/ ontb’H.l ill rn j ; XZ perfectly marked fovis, leave ordars with J. f. Crouch & Co., $3 per trio. Splen jid c >ck*r3ls o il ✓ $ 1. W ,a Da * V . / M »w •■-a 81" '.■■■l .■■M.iwygfogj, ißepairing || |Don’t Walk On | J © Tour 4?pp era 1 * IW. A-MULLINi f L'VER f, SALE AND FEED STABLES D Jdfi Lis p 1 )ll« J 15 d USt t3.l 11 », 0016 0 J IVO Z aucas aid inm. pilito all aurAa >t> aU a •