The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 08, 1898, Image 1

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EIGHTH year smoke a “Bill Arp’ warters New Brand TflE COLRY, Inclililiiiij Roosevelt's Rotlgh Riders. EM9RHKRD FOR HOME. Heroes Enroute to Montauk Point Camp. Santiago, de Cuba, Aug. S. The First regular cavalry and the First volunteer cavalry, Rough Riders, sailed yesterday on the transports Miami and Matteawan. Os the Rough Riders the fol lowing remain here sick : Second Lieutenant William Tiffany, troop K; Corporal Ed gar A. Schwartz, troop G. and Privates William Hoyle, troop E; F. G. Whalen, troop A. and T. I), Steadman, troop D.They probably will leave in ten days in care of Dr. Gonzalez. Cum ming’s battery will sail today on the Vigilancia. The Rough Riders came to tiwn by rail from their bamp at 1 o’clock. At the station they fell into line, each company be ing preceded by a red white and blue banner bearing the number of the regiment and the compa ny letter. Col. Roosevelt rode at the head of the regiment as it marched down the Alameda skirting the water front to the duck, where the Miami was moored. All the men look d fit, but worn out. They presented a pic turesque appearance. Some wore new khaki uniforms, while oth ers were attired in heavy blue Manuel shirts with their old equipment. All expressed regret at leaving their five companions behind, but were wild with joy at the prospect of so soon returning home. They take no tents or baggage with them. The work of embarkation was very easy and quickly performed. The men are ready an<l eager to return fur the Havana campaign in the full. Lieut, Sternberg, of the 1' ourth cavalry, and Lieut. Riv ers of the Third cavalry, mem bers of Gen Young’s staff, who, since Gen. Young lelt Sibonev sick, have been on Gen. Wood’s staff, have been ordered to re p' it to viflii. Young at Montauk 1 "int at once, and will leave on the Miami. A meeting of the officers of ' Military Society at Santiago held today at the palace, dll, l an election of officers took P ace. Gen. Shafter was elected President. Gen. Wheeler first VlCe President and Major Sharp, secretary. 1 *<OOPI ON THEIR WAY. Washington, Aug. B.—The Oo ps of Gen. Shafter’s com and at Santiago have begun eave Cuba for the United 4;f dt . S P art two regiments ' ' ahy are now en route from L * lni aga to Montauk Point, /|,“ g Idand ’ as indicated in the Hi dis i )atcll received last war d . partment ,r wnGeu. Shafter: 1898 deCuba » August 1, insHn 1 Jutant General, Wash me,, Oily witll 500 Mil.,, h ' ,<1 “"' 1 Sixth cavalry M anlau)c P om , lhia THE ROME HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL KLONDILKR PA|HIG Famine, High Prices And Des pair CAUSES HOME RUSH Terrible Condition Os Gold Hunte’s Causes Alarm. Vancouver, B. C.. Aug B.—Cap tain Charles Gates claims to bring the latest ne*B from Dawson, to the effect that a famine is threat ened and a stampede will shortly take place to get out of the land of gold and cold, exceeding m pro portion the rush for the Klondike in its most active stage. Prices are climbing skyward and provisions are so scares that single meals are again up to $4. Rents are so high that for one shack of offices the proprietors are getting a r»te of $2500 a month from law yers doctors ai d commission agents. Indignation meetings are held twice or three times a week to protest against the high handed conduct of Canadian officials. They are all getting ri?h and securing the choice claims. One of the most prominent lawyers in Dawson stated that every government official would leave Dawson a rich man. The bank giving sl4 an ounce for dust, when it should give sl6. afternoon. “Shafter, Major General.'’ Three other transports bear ing troops will leave Santiago today and two are scheduled to leave Tuesday. All of them will sail tor Montauk Point. AN EARLY BIDR. New York Bank Opens in San tiago- New York, Aug. B.—The North American Trust Company officers received a telegram from S. M. Jt.rvis, its vice president, now at Santiago, in which it is slated that the company has secured the banking rooms for merly occupied by the bank of Spain at Santiago ank that the office has been fully equipped. Business begun today. INHUMANELY Prisoners Are Said to be Treat ed at Santiago. Madrid, Aug 8 —An official dispatch from Santiago says that there are 600 sick and wounded Spanish soldiers in the town and that they are inhumanely treat ed by the American officials w'ho deny them proper food and medicine and compel them to sleep out of doors. Murder And Suicide. Davenport, 10., Aug. 8, — Henry Schultz of Valley City, 10., shot and ki led his wife to day and then killed himself. The wife bad applied for a di vorce on the ground of cruelty. Have You Noticed —What a spick, span, live, wide-awake, up-to-date paper this morning s Hustler-Commercial is? If you have not, then glance through its columns of all home set read ing matter. Every page is full of readabte items and enterpris ing advertisements. Now is the ROME GEORGIA, MONDAY, EVENING, AUGUST. 8. 1898. SPAIN 8 REPLY Is Couched in Most Dignified Expressions. BOWS TO THE INEVITABLE The Queen Agrees Who May be Spain’s Commissioners. Madrid, August 7.—The cab inet council terminated after having completely approved the reply to the United States, which it is said, accepts the American conditions. The reply will ba telegraphed to Senor Leon y Castillo, the Spanish ambassador to France tonight, so thatM. Cambon, the Fiench ambassador at Washing ton, will receive it tomorrow. The government is fully con vinced that the note|will be satis factory to the Washington gov ernment, and that a suspension of hostilities will be its imme diate consequences. From a well informed source it is learned that while the an swer to he United States’ terms does not discuss the four bases which the United States makes an essential preliminary to peace and which Spain accepts with out reservation, it points out that in order to avoid the defin itive negotiations being in any way complicated by incidents of the war, it is expedient to agree before hand to>a /uspens’oi’ of hostilities. It is reported that Duke Almo dovar de Rio, the minister of foreign affairs, and Monsignor Merry del Vai, Spanish ambas sador to the Vatican, will be selected to represent Spain in the negotiona. The newspapers make no com ments on the situation or. i <■- * the strictness of the cens r >"ffiip Senor Sagasta has submitted the answer to the queen regent and her majesty approves the general lines, which the premier fully explained to her. The government believes that the United States will accept Spain’s answer, which will cer tainly reach the white house by Tuesday, As i consequence of the United Sta es accepting the reply hostilities will immediate ly afterwards be suspended. As the reply to the American terms was onD submitted to the •* I queen regent today all the re ports of her approval yesterday of the American demands are necessarily without foundation. According tithe most reliable sources of information the Span ish note is couched in dignified language. It asserts that Spain bows to the force of circum stances, having done nothing to provoke the var, into which she has been unwillingly led in the defense of her rights and terri tory. It expresses a willingness to appoint delegates to meet the American ccmmissioners to dis cifSs a regine for the Pbillip pinee. It is unlerstood that both Senor Sapista and Duke Almo dovar de Fio, the foreign minis ter, told tie queen regent that they felt dieply the painful duty circumstaices imposed upon them . LANHAM & SONS, WW WWWWWWWW W WWWWWWMWWW ww ww SENSATIONAL MB OF SAILORS have just o c'ught th a entire stock o Lid 33 ill Miss n Fin 3 yV Sailors O' one of the Largest Millinary ho jses of Ne.v and now place th? m on sale at a price that is certain ly mos e remarkable. While we know the people of F?om ? have b)jn fik ed time and aga-in, yet we make th? STARTLING ANNOUNCEMENT. “W That these Sailors are worth $ 1.00. $ 1.50 and $2.00 each 11 1 w will sell them at the astonishing Io v price of 50 ” E ACS i ♦ There Is Twenty-one Cases or One Thousand and Eleven Hats and not a plug in the lot, but the prettiest an d latest thing* in Sailors. Some fine Miian,some fin esp it straw,so me rough brim and smooth > crown, some colored brim and white crown,some of all colors of i s e < rainbow. Bell crown, straight cro An, wide brim, narrow brim, some $ fine white and in fact all kins d except che ip trasn and those we do not want. This is a ch ince to buy fin e sailors at a price # that will probably not come again. IHNHH M p N1) Sons. i i ;: ir > ’• < v• •