The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 08, 1898, Image 2

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Poisoned by Ivy Was in a Dreadful Condition Happened ti Read About a t Imilar Case Followed tho Other Man’s Example arm Was Cured. Ihe following Incident in given by Charles Morr. jobber,s2 l**xing* ton Avenue, Ni-.'vb Cambridge, Maae.: “Several yenis ago 1 became poisoned by ivy. I tried r.iAny medicines, spending a large sum of money without obtaining a particle of gm.d. My children were also afflicted with the same di .ua e. We w ire all eonr.:ani sufferers with ua awful itching sensation, mid it seemed as if I should tear i.i>.ielf to pieces. I picked up a paper in I found printed a testimonial from a man in Vermont who bad been simt. rly afflicted and had taken Hood’aSarsni-aril.a with benefit. 1 bought a bottle, which wo took and it did Mo i.nd My Children so much good I purchased another supply. We continued taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla until we used fire bottles and I can ' a .fely say that neit her myself nor children have any signs of the poison. It has en tirely left us and wo are perfectly cured. We give the whole credit to Hood’s Sarsa parilla. Before resorting to this medicine I was reduced in weight, but now I weigh 175 pounds. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Las not only done much good but has been the means of saving me a great deal of money. I would not be without it in my house and I heartily recommend it to all who are afflicted. I have writ ten this statement for publication, of my own will, as I want others to know what Hocd’s Sarsaparilla ha« done for us.” Charles Morris. H/wVe iI a « ie onl > P’ ll < to uk,r 1 ivOU o 1 11 Io Hood's Sarsaparilla LJ. 1 . 11 ' 1 ■ - ' ’ ijm J THE BEST Paint and CHEAPEST PAINT. That you can uze as a priming coat for fine jobs or for the com plete painting of any ordinary , job is the CROWN Wetherproof, Fireproof, cold water paint. For ( sale only at Frank Wright’s , Fannacy where you can get , culor card, descriptiv sheet and . see|a sampl of the work. 1 lb cost- < ing 10c will cover 75 squre feet ( ot smooth boadrs. Norton’s old corner, Masonic Tempi.] PROFESSIONAL UIDsl ATTORNEYS. J. BRANHAM, Law Office, 200 East First Street, ROME, GA. JTch A s? w Tunderwood - Attorney at Law, Rome, Ga. Corporate jn Law Only. M E3 EUBANKS, Atterney at law. officeKing Building. Rome, <>a. •W H ENNIS, Attorney at Law Will jPractice in all court) Office, Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga. ■W J NEEL Attorney at law. Will practice in all ocurts. Special attention given to commercial law and the examination es land titles. office in King building, Rome, Ga. "WALTER HARR.IS. Attorney at law and J. P. Office over F. J. Kane & Co.’s. LIFSCOMH <sc WILLINGHAM Commercial Lawyers. Gfficeln Armstrong hotel building, Rome, Ga J SANTY" OR A'WFORE Attorney at law, Rome. Ga. Collections a specialty. Masonic Temple Rome, Go. DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. S., Office24o 1-2 Broad. # Over Cantrell & Owen J. L PENNINGTON. D.D S..M.D. ENTIBT- Office, Sift 1-2 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur mture Co. PHYSICIANS. O HAMILTON, M U Physician and Surgeon Office, Medical Building Rome, Ga. Oil ce ’phone No. 82. L. B HAMMONO. M D . Physician and Surgeon, Office in Medlca building. Residence, No. 4U3 West First st ffice ’phoNo. 8 . application for; letters OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. Whereas A. I).Hardin,adminis trator of M. Avery Hardin, repre* sects to the court in his petition only filed that .i>* has ed M. Avery Hardin's es ate Thi.- is to cite all persons concerned kindred and creditors to show cause il any t 'ey can, why sain administrator should not be dis charged from his adminis r-tioi nda receive letters of diMtni'-ioi on the first Monday in Oct”bei 1898. This July 9ih 1898. . , J »ln P. Davis Oidinary a 1 LOSS OF LIFE I Reported al Pensacola by SUruinors of Wreck TUG BOAT DESTROYED And Captain And Part of Crew Went Down. Pensacola,Fla., Aug.B.—Nine survivors of the tug W. J. Key ser, of this port have reached here with a most harrowing tale of the loss of life in a hurri cane which occurred iu the gulf, 150 miles south oi here, Tuesday night, The Keyser was chartered to intercept the Nimrod of Mobile, to tow the dredge Hernandon and two scows from Mobile to Dry Tortugas for government work. The Keyser left here Tues day morning to meet the Nimrod and her tow off Cape San Bias. Tuesday night a southeast gale set in before they had sighted the tow. By midnight the wind bad reached a velocity of 70 or 80 miles an hour. Suddenly the wind changed to the northeast, and the tug was in the center of the hurricane. At 1 a. m. a huge sea swept off the pilot house and threw the tug on beam ends. She began to sink rapidly and the men cut away the lifeboats. In a few seconds tug went to the bottom, carrying down the Captain, W H. Allen ; the colored cook, Henry Brown; a white cabin boy. Walter Brown, and a white fireman nam'd Goodfellow, lately from St. Louis. '1 he tug went down 20 miles of! St. Joseph’s, and for eight lours the nine survivors in the ifeboat were tossed about in the lurricane. At 9 o’clock Wed nesday morning they were thrown up through the surf on the beach at St. Joseph’s. 1 Later the bodies of Capt. Al an and Henry Brown were thrown upon the beach. They were so badly disfigured that they were buried on the beach. The Mobile tug Nimrod lost her smokestack and was badly dam aged, but reached St. Joseph’s Bay without loss of life. She lost tow, the dredge and two scows. There is no doubt that the dredge sank with 26 men on board, who were lost. They belong to Mobile. ggJg'LL ■— L SERGEANTS FIGHT. Jacksonville, Fla.. Aug 8, —In the Second Alabama Sergeant Gar rett, Company G. nad a dispute with Sergeant Robinson, Company I. in regard to the rations last night and struck Robinson on the head with a pickie bottle. Robin* son then stabbed Garrett above the heart with a bayonet. Ga.rett is at St. Luke’s Hospit al. Robinson arrested. There wil| be a court martial. above HtoA \N’|jEORGIA ! sea WlifT Agricultural It liU College r Mm Building. fr ijL y^'*^^x lJ'u'TloNl fWnWfer , ] | |i *r-r V - k'lL~uarare Ti i I 111 I gßf w 5 DAHLONEGA, GA. A college education in the reach of all. A.8., 8.5., Normal and Business Man’s courses. Good laboratories; healthful, invigorating cli mate; military discipline; pood moral and religious influences. Cheapest board in the State; abundance of country produce {expenses from $75 to $l5O a year; board in dormitories or private families. Special license course for teachers; full faculty of nine; all under the control of the University. A college prepar atory class. Coeducation of sexes. The insti tution founded specially for students of limited means. Send for catalogue to the President. Jos. S. S rtwniiT, A .M- BE BURIED ALITE. Spanish Horror of Hie Yankee So SHOWN OREL CANEY HILL Rev. McCook Relates a Pathet ic|ncldent of tha Field. Philadelphia, Aug. B.—Rev. Dr. Henry C. McCook, special commissioner of the National Relief Association, who has just returned from Cuba, relates this incident cf the battle of El Ca ne.C : “After the capture of the fort that crowned the hill of El Ca ney, a burial party under Cap tain Allen proceeded to inter the Spanish dead, which was done by laying them in their own trendies dug bafore the breast works, as was also done at San Juan. “Nearby lay a lad of 17, shot through the hips. As the bodies of bis comrades were borne be hind him, he would turn his head and follow the sad work with a horror stricken counten ance. “The American officer observ ed his face, and, rightly discern ing his feelings, called an inter preter and assured the youthful soldier that no harm would be dune him. B’TRIED ALIVE? “ ‘Shall I not be buried alive, along with my dead comrades?’ was the anxious query. “ 'No, you shall be cared for presently and your wounds dressed and tended as if you were an American.’ “The youth’s face was instant ly transformed. His horror was changed to happiness, his fear to friendship. He reached out his hand to Captain Allen with profuse thanks, and until he was taken to the hospital show ed his gratitude by shaking hands with every American who came near.” N E vV M AN. “1 was a sufferer from dys pepsia, gout and rheumatism, caused by impure blood. I tried various medicines, but obtained no relief until I began taking , Hood’s Sarsaparilla. This med icine has made me a new man and is the best I ever took. It ’ has beon a blessing to me.” William M, James. Brogdon, S. c. Hood’s Pills are the only pills to taie with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. ■ EC and yet efficient LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. ’ To all whom it may concern. Emma Pentecost having in proper , form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the ‘state of Polly Pentecost late of ’ said county, deceased. This is to I cite all and singular the creditors and next of km of Polly Pentecost to be and app“arat my office with in the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be gr uted to W H. Ennis, Co., Aiim i on Polly Pentecosts’ estate V\ itiiesa my hand and offi cial signature tiiis 4th day of July 1898, John P. D ivis, Ordinary, PASTEUR FILTERS t liq onl G-erm Proof Filter in the world. Makes water pure and clear for sale by The Hanson Supply Co ~ —T- ,*, 'V 'ZT Successful Physicians. W« heartily recommend Dr. Hathaway A Co. of Z 2% b Broad St., Atlanta, Ga.. as being per fectly reliable and remarkably successful in the treatment of chronic diseawwof man and women. They cure when others tail. Our readers if in need of medical help should certainly write these eminent doctors and you will receive a free ' and expert opinieai of yuur ease by return MtaU wilbeutcoet. LETTERS )F ADMINISTRA TION. GKORGIA FL< YI? COUNTY. T) all whom it may cot.corn. \. Moses having in proper form ap plied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate ot I). J Meyerhardt late of h id coun ty deueased. Thi- is to cits al 1 end singular the creditors and next o kin of D. J. Meverhardt to be and appear at my office within ttie time allowed by law and show cause it any they ca.-i, why per manent administration should not fie granted to A. Moses on D J. Meyerhardt’a estate. Witness mv hand and official signature this let day of August 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION GEORGIA Fl OYD COUNTY. To all whom it nun concern. George F. Chidsey having in prop er form applied to me for perma nent letters of administration on the estate of Mrs. Sarah B. Chid eey. late of said ceuuty, deceased. This it to cite all and singular the creditois and next of kin of Mrs. Sarah B, Chidsey to be and ap pear at my office within the tune allowed by law and shew cause if any they can why permanent ad ministraton should not be granted to Geo, F Chidsey on Mrs. Sa rah B, Chidsey estate. Witness my hand and official signature this sth day of August 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. CITATION-LEAVE TO SELL. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern. W H, Ennis, Administrator of Red man Pentecost deceised, has in due form applied to th« under signed for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said de ceased and said app'ication wil be heard on the first Monday in September next. This 3rd day ol Auguitlß9B. John P. D.vp, Ordinary CITATION-LEAVE TO SELL* GEORGIA FLOYD CuUNTY. a Tc all whom it may concern. John B R Geer, administrator ot Mrs H. I. Roser deceused has in due form applied to the undersign ed for leave to sell the lands be longing to the estate of said de ceased, and said application will be heard on the first Monday in September next This fourth 'day of August, 1898. Jc-HN P. Davis Ordinary i ———.—r - - CITATION—LEA VE TO SELL . GEORGIA FL'iYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern D. S. Painter, executor of Jchn Win kle, deceased, has in due form ap plied to the undersigned for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased, and said application wil be heard on the ‘irst Monday in September next Thisßr.h day of August. 1898. John P, DAvis, Ordinary —»■ K , ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Agreeably to an order of the court of ordinary for Floyd county Georgia, granted at the November term, 1897, will be sold before the eou r t house door in the city of Rome between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in Sept the following property towit,—One undivided 2-5 interest in lo's Nos 167, 168. 171, 190, 192. 202, 241’ 242, 244 245 and 3 4ths of 189 and the South half of 240 AH containing 450 acres more or less, subject to dower of Mrs. Martha G. Miller. Said property sold as the propirty of J. J. Miller, de ceased, late ot said county. Terms of sale cash. W H. Ennis Administrator estate of J J, Miller, deceased. LETTERS OF ADM INISTRA TJON. GEORGIA FLOYDCOUNTY. To ali whom it may concern. Emma Penteccsi havinf in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Redmoi Pentecost, late of said county ceceased. This is tc cite all and singular tbo credit ors and next of Inn of Redmon Pentecost to be aid appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show caijse if any they can, why permanent administra tion should not life granted to W H. Ennis Co., Adtn’r on Redmon Pentecost’s estate. Witness my hand and official sguature this 4th day of July 1898 John P. Da is Ordinary. >iu»m wu>n you wmwmmb o-a wre-UHMikg loksere habit. M-Ttl-itiMi , fje# •move* the danwr tor toboe.l. wltK- Al'.-jflKJ’ ail norrou. distrust), cipu: nt- /B .1 t« k .’lf lue. purihs- tte n jtaff/j R k 2 HMR .Soros lost manhood. lit. “J* you struugJSgrV fjf Aft - JoL, , 1 F -«O Tv aA'■ tr r i.oijpit’. w,.. wfll.paUtiMj , pi’; nh-tenti' Cj a W1 >®*»bf cwi. 3 boxes'. S 5 bl T HANKS 4 v I Furniture f ' ■ . x - 0U- Vou wil| surprs ed to see how muc you can buy at our store for a little money. It is our object to gi ve th . best goods for the least money !f you are thinking of tJ nyin 4 s Jme thing in the line of Furniture,. Car pets, Mattings. Rugs Etc you wj|| be rorry i you don’t see us Wesre making some ve y !□ N pricas n everything now, to get ready for our fall goods that are coming in. Don . ______ —n see us. Yours ; >4 to please. I II I 1 I1 \J |l Furniture I U Ji J i:: /Lj. iii: :: i.:; iii 4; : d ::: imm dnwlmn wnntwii iimniiinm iiimn fflnrn 'inim mmn minn nmin wi 1 -AWHOLE CLUB | rs ; Ca ’ l 'P iiil - ■ \ Ma'<e SI ■. ' . Better Li SI : Running Tim 3 Hi ■ U XWfc COFvR.GMT.|a»» ■> t I cirry a f ull an 1 c>inplet‘ line of jewelry, inclu uiufe di ig Diami.ids My stock of silver notions and nov lties was n>v- er <n ire complete. \V.S )3LO PRHKE'IM AJSPEJIiLTY. |! J. K. Williamson [d SUMMER RESORTS Many delightful summer resorts are situated on and reached via the Southern Railway. Whether one desires the seaside or the moun tains, the fashionab'e hotels or quiet country homes, they can be reached via this magnificent high way of travel. Ashevills, N. C. , Hot. Springs, N. C., Roan Mountain, Tenn and the mountain resor’s of East Tennessee and Western North Carolina “The Land or the Sky” Tate Springs, Tenn., Oliver Springs, Tenn , Lookout Moun tain, Tenn., Lithia Springs, Ga., the various Virginia springs, and the seashore resoris are reached by the Southern Railway. The Southern Ra way has issued a handsome folder entitled “Sum mer Homes and Resorts,” descrip tive of nearly one thousand sum mer resort hotels and boarding bouses, including information r - arding rates for board at the fferent places and railroad rates reach them. Writ- to C A. Benscoter, As nX>General Passenger A'i era R». il way, Chai tan hfo i s<t ( ) <u< it GOT RECEU’TS FOR EV ERYTHING under the sun and can make properly all most auj thing you want. My Reference Book, latest edition of U. S., Pharmacopoeia cost $2.50, U. Dispensary SB, Remington 8 Practice of Pharmacy $6.50, Pattent medicine formulas Druggist’s Formulary $ 10, I'ea uer’s Formulary $lO, Scientific American Cyclopedia of Receipt ß $5. Total, s4l worth of the most reliable receipt books publMd containing thousands of miscel laneous receipts covering eve'? department of the human indu try together with my litten yo» r 3 experience in the drug kusinei-s at your service at Fra" Wright’s Farmacy, Norton 8 old corner, opposit Mas)" 1 Tempi. . It’s high time for the^ w ar partm mt to be giving Htzh '!■ Lee and the Southern vol i » c nance at the front ■