The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 08, 1898, Image 3

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We Swing The DOOr wider .ajstd still wider ofljist THE KANE STOCK! J&oh AA A® JNm Makes this great store a Greater Store. It multiplies tlie gem-treasures in this house; it mag nifies and illumins our claim, that this is the great bargain-apoiis of North Georgia. AND HOW ALL READY M The Kane stock is in; is marked down to cost and below cost, and you can buy an hundred ea gle’s worth, a dollars worth ora dime’s worth at or below cost. The Kane Stock is for sale and the Bass Stock is for sale-all at our store, 245 Broadway, at cost or below cost. Much of the goods away below cost. That superb salesman, Frank Kane, will be on hand to wait on his friends and the trade. Silk Selects, Wash Wonders Winsome Woolens, Nobby Notions, flatchless Millinery, Superior Shoes —Slick salables, IT YOU WANT GOODS CHEAP, GO TO BASSBROS.&CO, IS«|I 08H10R TOO 1 f Lieutenant Hobson Accorded ' J Grand Ovation J Bl THE fIEW YORKERS. I I About $5,000 Realized From i The Great Meeting. ' I I New York, Aug. 6.—Lieut. 1 Richmond Pearson Hobson won ' new honors latt night. lie astonished and delighted a huge audience in the Metropol itan opera house be unexpected ly proving himself an orator of rare dramatic force. For more than an hour he held the audi ence spellbound while in the eimplest language and with few gestures, but with wonderful force and pathos, he told the story of his immortal exploit in the harbor of Santiago. throughout he made no refer ence to the part borne bv him self, almost the whole of his thrilling story being devoted to the eulogy of his gallant com— l),l|ir>iis and of the magnificent hiavery and the implicit obedi ence in the face of death of noble American seamen whom he af fectionately referred to as “•Jackies.” Ihe occasion of Lieut. Hob >n s appearance at the opera 10UH ® was a monster benefit for he families of soldiers and sail lie was wildly cheered wl, e i he appeared and through hib address the audience applauded again and again. A uew P°‘ut developed from FREE Pl' ‘ S Send your a ureas to H. K Bucklen Co , Chicago and got a fr«e sample box of Dr. King’s New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are sasy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of constipa tion and sick headache. Fur Mala ria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to ba purely vegetable. They do not weaken in th°ir action, but Sv jiving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the sys la*. Regular size 25c per box Sold 'by Carry-Arrington Co., druggists nis talk on the experienc s of the Merrimac men. It was thm the Spaniards, niter the sinking of the Merrimac, displayed n tendedcy to resort to inquisition methods to get valaubh information from the prisoners An important question was put to tne prisoners by an officer. What followed is given in Hobson’s own words : ‘‘One of the men, Charette,” he said, ‘‘spoke Freich. Ihe Spanish soldiers mads a signifi cant sign (the speakerindicating the leveling of a muscet) by our seaman laughed. [Asplause.] “When the question was ask ed , ‘what was the object of youi coming in here ?’• Clurette, draw - ing himself, said, “ ‘ln the United States navy it is not the customer a seaman t.o know or to ask t) know the object of his superior officer.’ ' Ex-Secretary of the Navy Mc- Adoo and Gen. Woodford, min— • ister to 8 ain, wen among the I other speakers. 3rs. Hobson - and her daughter, mother and , sister of Lieut. Hooson. were in the audience. 1 Nearly $504)0 wis raised as a 1 result of the meetng. GRN. RGUINRLDO Writes fl Smart Note ToCon sili Wiltan POINTED QUESTS.': Wants To Know What He Is F ghtjng For. Hong-Kong. Aug 6. —The fol lowing haa been received by United States Consul Gen . Wildman: “Cav'te. Philippine Island July 30. —I have read that I am getting the big bead and net behaving as 1 promised you. In reply I ask Why should America exp< ct me to outline my policy, present and future, and fight blindly for her in this, when America will no be frank with me? “tell me th js—am I sigh ing for annexation, protec.ion or indepen dence? “It is for America to say, not me. “I can take Mani's, as I have defeated the Spaniards everywhere but what would be the use? “If America take Manila I can save my men and arms for what ihe future has in store for me. “ Now, good friends believe me 1 am not both fool and r< gue. The interests of my people are sacred to me as are the interests of your people to you. “ Aguinaldo.” Mr. Cbarh s Hagin and Miss Ma bel Kiiue of Rime, was married Wednesday evening, 27th ult. M". Dagin is a grandson of Mr. I’. J. Thompson. Mies Klitrn is pleas antly remembered here by ethose wh > formed her acquaintance while visiting Rockmart last year. —Rjckmirt SlxLi. ADMINIS i’ATOR S SAL'X. Georgia, Floyd County. Pursuant to an order wf the court of ordinary of said country granted at the May term, 1898, will be fold before the court house door in the city of Rome, within ihe legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in July 1898, the fol lowing described property, towit; 80 acres of land, more or less, e same being the west half of t No. 81 m the 23 d district and 3rd section of said county. Said property sold as the property of Julia Parker, deceased Terms o sale' cash - W. I{ Ennis. Admr 1 ——•— : —~ -■ LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA- TION. (IK RGIA. FLOYD COUNTY To all whom it may cencern : Equitable mortgage company i having in proper torin applied to me for permanent letters of ad ministration on the estate of Wm B. Wiggins, late of said crnuiy deceased . This is to cite ail and Mi gular the creditors and next of kin of Wm B Wggin* to be and appear at my office wilhin the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why per manent administration should not he g anted to W. 11. Ennis Co. Admr. on Wm. B. Wiggins estate Witness my hand and officis sig nature this 2nd day Mav 1898. John P Davis. Ordinary. in k £lc IT: T- -• i« A • •- • Com .-•’nf-' Ji r<w-'. » -* vn> • ••• * 1 ■ \ I;-’.. g-.sL J 1 i.; . - • KAtXAtI t • j iHt krtal ; • < ftmOu I He?S' - vr r.x ls to G-Mjt y <•'-> - Colon 1 -.10 flixi-/ "x. ; w b»l» uiJuf ■ ..D-dx.-m />» n If ilMntnt HU h j billiy << any twt PA7 , KKH , W GENG.IB TO’TIC JUny Ftrv‘z WBHiMirt dineonr.Mrert*r v O’ <-* •** r»wvo-Linific Vo**'*}** b-s-k/c. . VwJk- tho dtiairufor totaicro, 4 a tux-, purifier W > «t<iros lost VJ be a; • voa atrotiGf V £ fi < u ‘ < in hralt-b. nervi* 1 ♦’ T *mi pocket-L^r n ' i R €*-T< H/. C fr< >r a- Qt2r drvitfKJ/t. wht. ff K 2 aT***' wHI vou' L foriif.. TrUUrit wifi will,rati utly, peryisicntiy. Om box. fl. usually cures; 'i ix.xe«,s2.b' ffaarajiteed tocure. or we refund money ..CUcagß, tUaireai, Jew Sort, THE ARfISTRONQ HOTEL * i Rome, Ga Regular §Ji Boardsrs $&-■' r.H Wanted- JwjnWfcw «M(iil>- «’• J \sut.u. The place to get a quick, good meal. McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors 4Best White LUI 111 I! : Forth a /a’/ oss: bvj ? 1 ail nit jL parfectly marked fowls, leave orders with J. T. Crouch & Co., $ 3 trio. Splendid cockerals only $ 1 ' fr t* I. D. IV ..A t > M —IL — M.I I ■ W. Illi II Ml. 11 .1.111 I HlM—ww, jßepairing ff •DoiPt Walk On » * O Your 'O’pperslf |W.A.MULLINiX, 1 a n IL w L'VER f, SALE AND FEED STABLES OfftM p kh» Q i >it t ances aid m p >li'.♦ ai 1 e *»i < i-tz , • TllO but LU ;£ >t 11 ) 1 H a1 I 1 l >1 }.l ■* -4