The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 08, 1898, Image 4

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IIIE HUSTLLR-CONIMERGIAL EHUSTLER OF RO ME EntabilHhed. IHW. •'HE ROME COMMERCIAL Established. 1885. Issued every evening, except Saturday. Saihlav aud weokiy. PHIL U. BYRD. EDITOR AND MANAGER. Office. WUksrsou Block. Tbirdl Avenue Jelly and Sunday,per year o<t Sunday, per year • , 0 " Weekly (Thk Romk Cou«ikk) pei year W ( A } Rih 1' If* • I’l Y AND HU BULBS D»‘‘y and Bunday, lOceuts per wee,, Remit by bank draft, expr-m. money order or registered letter Add r eBJ THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL ROME, GA. Entered at the Fostoffice at Rome, Ga., • class matter. Aovei uaiui'r?’““ *>>■• sample co,.lea tor Ibe asking. a BUSINESS OFFICE 1’ HONE 85 In dig-nation: Klondike. The white dove of peace is still flapping its wings. Noah is said to be the first broker to float stocks. Mile’s campaign in Porto Ri co is the picnic of the war. Sampson wasted $2,000,000 worth of ammunition on Santia go forts. The mails f< How the flag. Ad dress your letters Porto Rico, U. S. A. < Garcia is showing the Ameri cans that his sword lias not lost its cunning. The fishermen are enjoying mud cats as the net profits of their business. There are more reception com mittee! in Puerto Rico than regi ments of soldiery. The dry goods clerk volunteer should make a good man on a counter-march. That great European war that wa« to come as a result of th*- Hispano American conflict has failed to materialize. A punster observes that the gen eral of the army is no longer Miles -"»av from *h» front, r x \ hit the bull’s eye /-m he made a manly appeal die lovers of fair play of Amer- Attoi ’J ed ly, the Colonel of the Rough Riders, is easily the Lieutenant General of Rough Writers. The New York Sum, among oth er pet names, refers to James Gor don Bennett asan elemosenary re ref rigera tor. A law granting SSOO to every burgher who is the f ather of twelve I bovs has hem introduced in the I • Transvaal Volksraad, Suppose Miles does capture Port* Rico without loss of life, does such an accident justify his claim for a Lieutenant General ship? Shafter has betrayad Teddy Roosevelt’s private letter. Teddy should have profited by the Georgia democratic primary of last spring. Ry the fall of Santiago and the Cuban cable station Spain bas lost the sweet click-click of the musical typewriter, operated by Blanco. Grover Cleveland, like Mrs. Hayes’ lata husband, is starting a chicken farm. Grover will never be able to raise democratic roosters, again, however. Two or three American men of-war may be sent through the Suez canal to re-enforce Admi ral Dewey’s fleet. Should the Oregon be one of the vessels or dered to the Philippines, as ia hinted, her new cruise would be a remarkable supplement to the voyage of that battleship around the South American continent. Returning later to San Francis co, the Oregon would have made the most wonderful cir cumnavigation of the waters of the world achieved by any man of-war in naval history. Spt-akei Reed predicts with pat riotic confidence in the enterprise of his countrymen, that a new era of prosperity will set. in after re covery from the check given to business by the war it is evident that the Speaker does not hold, vith Senator Thurston and other eminent Jingo statesmen, that war is a great promoter of national prosperity. JB. —‘g Louisville has determined to exempt from taxation for a pe riod of five years any new man ufacturingenterprises that may be started up at that place. Rome has many richer attractions to offer and therefore does not have to discriminate against the man ufacturers now engaged in hell - ing build the city. ‘A 1 J. "’J The Rev. James Boyd Brady, of Boston, recently preached in the morning on “Reasons for Resting in the Living Arms of God” and in the evening on “To Hell With Spain.” The Rever end Jeems is a lulu.—Memphis Commercial Appeal. It was Commodore Schley who said that the naval victory at Santiago was “big enough for us all.” Admiral Sampson might have kaid something more to the point, but it was necessary to show where the New York was. —Constitution. Don Carlos pretends that he is too chivalric to order a rising in his own behalf while Spain is in such great distress, but how does he ever hope to gain the throne until his distracted coun try has reached the last stages of desperation?—Chattanooga News. S .ntiago must have a garrison —then who better to send there than the iinmunes. These gallant boys by the act of enlistment bound themselves for this very duty. Let Senator Bacon, et al engage thwir services and enter their protests elsewhere. 25.000 men have always made a sufficient large standing army for the United States, now, how ever, we are told that it will take 50,000 troops to keep Cuba in a state of peace after the war is over. Who is to pay the freight? Coming from the Boston Globe, this statement has double force and appositeness : “Per haps if Gen. had not been so good a democrat he would have been assigned before now to a responsible position at the front.” The Cork Examiner declares that Admiral Sampson was born in County Limerick, Ireland. This must be an error, for no Limerick Irishman would delib ately rob a fellow officer as Sampson has done Schley. The oldest member of the Order of Odd Fellows in the world recent ly celebrsted the ninety-third an. niv rsnry if his birth in Baltimore, lie is Cap win Richard Lawton. The war is costing Spain S2B - COO 000, a mouth But she needn’t cere. The folks that she is borrow ing >t from are the ones who shou d ' do the w< rrying. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processus known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in evoiding the worthleu imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the mine of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all oilier laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it docs not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. LOUISVILLE. " *EW YORK. N. V. And now they claim that the Spaniards do not write letters because they cannot lick stamps, Ray’s “immunes were delight ed when ordered to march on Santiago. Ry this time they are in transports. From thsir kindly manifesta tions we gather that our British friends know a baud wagon when they see cue, and know a'so what to do when it draws near. The average water drinker dams the Etowah every time he encompasses a gulp of Oosta naula real estate. Who ruint them water works, anyhow? Ray’s immunes knew what they were doing when they en listed. Then why raise a kick when they are ordered to do that for which they were enlisted? i » France will not take a ha»d in the war so long as there is a chance that a wandering American squad ron might capture Devil’s Island and give Capt, Dreyfus a chance to tell his storv. Gen. Miles has cut off his mustache, and will confirm the Spaniards in their belief that expedition against Porto Rico s a barefaced proceeding, says the Chicago Ledger. There is a Gen. G ircia in Cu ba ; there is a Gen. Garcia in Porto Rico, there is a Gen. Gar cia in the Philippines. Has John Smith taken a non de guerre and gone on the warpath? Gen. Coppinger is perhaps the only United States officer who has also seen service in the ranks cf the British army. The son oi a Warwickshire squire, he serv ed as a “Tommy Adkins” before he came to this country. LADIES’ FINE SAILORS. Go to Lanham & Sons and get one of those fine sailors they are selling so cheap, They are ac tually worth SI.OO, $1.50, $2.00 and some even more, yet they are selling, choice for 50 cents. Have You Noticed—What a spick, span, live, wide-awake, up-to-date paper this morning’s Hustler-Commercial is? If you have not, then glance through its columns of all home set read ing matter. Every page is full of readable items and enterpris ing t dvertisi merits. Now is the tesdS&ti' ■- The wife of S’aiico I’nawictch, a gypsy in Chicago, han apph ■ ! for a divorce, claiming that for punianmeut he chained her to a btar.—The hti’band in hie peti tion says he did it to punish the Dear fcr not performing properly. o o o Over in Alabama a young man went to enlist. IL was given a newspaper to read, but he could not, and was just as succeeßfu’ when asked to write in English, and when reminded of his ii.« fliciencv he said: ‘‘Veil. I can’t read or write English but I can fight 'ike h—l in any' langwitch, and J thought id vos fighdters wanted, not brofessora.” He was enthusias tically accepted . o o o Apuinsldo will find that placing himself between h—l and the iron works will not add to the comfort of the situation, suggests an ex change. o o o “No Evangeline, ’hors de com bat’ is not ‘the French for war ho”se observes the Charlestor News and Courier; it is the Spanish of what comes of monkeying with the business and of a war mule.’ ’ ’ o o o Flour contracted for by the gov ernment, last May, has fallen in price since that time $2 50 per barrel. o o o One of the New York girls at Manhattan Beach created a little excitement the other day by wear ing a inask when she went into the vurf to bathe. Perhaps she felt that she really ought ot wear something, observes the Chicago Times-dierald. o o o The people of H molulu are very much interested in a natural curi osity which there exists in the shape of an algaroba bush, or honey mesquite, which is growing upside down. Tnis remarkable plant is ths property of C. B. Ray nolds who drove an algaroba branch into the ground suull end first as a suppirt for a vine. To his surprise the branch threw out other branches and leaves, all inclined toword the ground, and it is still growing luxuriant 1 v, 0 0 0 FjtncaV rious Sources. Hav ing missed one of his students from the kirk sch >ol for several Sunday®, a Scotch minister said to one of his relatives: “I haena seen yeer cousin Bell at the class for a long while. Ye ken it’s her duty tae attend the schule. Whar has she gaen?” “I canua very weel tell ye that, meenister,” was the cautious reply, “but she’s deed. ” o o o When the eminent botanist. Profession Altman, of Glasgow, was a small boy he had the pres ent of a silver bit. whereupon his mother was so worried with the questions as to what hj should do with it that she exclaimed: “Real ly, you had better go to Thomas Elliot’s (a well known pharma cist,) and buy sixpence worth of patience.’’ Down th u street marched the lad and demanded of the chemist. “Mr. Elliot, please give me six pence worth of patience.” Mr, Elliot, taking in the sit uation at a glance,suid; “Certain ly, my boy there’s a chair. Just sit down and wait till you get it.” Professor Aitman’s endeavor to purchase patience was a great suc cess. It has never b<>nu forgotten by either himself or hie friends. o o o “Now.” said the lawyer who was conducting the cross examina tion, “yon will please state how and where you first met this man.” “I think,” said lady with the sharp nose, “that it was.—” “Never mind what you think,” interrupted the lawyer, “We want facts here. We don’t care what you think, and we haven t any time t<> waste in listening to what you think now please tell us where and w hen it was that you first met this man.” The vjtness made ro rtqily. “Come, come,” urged the lawyer I demand an answer to my qm s tmn.’’ Still :io response from the wit ness. “Your honor,” said the Icwyer turning I,j the court. “I think 1 ■ am entitled to an answer to tl e question I have j ut “The witness will please answer! the question. ” said the court, in mpreßsive tones. “Can’t,” said the lady. “Why not?” “The court doesn’t care to bear what I think does it?” “No ” “Then ther’s no use qti' F toning line any further. lam not a law yir I can’t ta k without thinking, so they called the next witness America is the home of the eagle, and so long as he comes home to roost the republic is safe. The Roosevelt “round-robin” sings the first notes of hope Spain has heard since the picnic opened. Hobson is the son of Georgia’s daughter, then little wonder he had a big t ime visiting his grand parents. An exchange says “Merritt will win in the Philippines.” Merrit should always and at all places win. The secretary of war is a queer animal. He his been frantic to get immune regiments to Santi ago. The regiments already there have become immune in many cases, and th >se he purpi ses to send back to the United States. He is a weak brother.—Sparta Ishniaelite. THE COST OF THE MAINE. Spain has already lost her navy. T’m Pelayo and the Car los V. ; re all that remain of her fightin ■ ships As a naval power Spain >w ranks with Chili or with P >rt ugal. Spain h >s also lost all of her colonies which were of any im portance. 'litis is bad enough, but “worse remains behind.” With the loss of her naval power amt of her colonial em pire Spain drops from the ranks of the first class powers of the world. Unable either to nelt> or harm, not worth regarding eith er as friend or foe. Spain loses her rank in diplomacy, The Am bassadors at her court will be replaced by ministers and in the affairs of Europe and the world she will ij neither voice nor weight Historic Spain, t : e Spain ‘ great tra Lticns and of some pus-ibilities, came to an end m that dark night when the Marine was blown up in Havana harbor.—N. Y. World. I rosperity follows in the wake of t iat peach of southern beauty, Milk Elberta, Alnual Sales 0v0r6,000,000 Eoxos ■'C'"brLIQJ3ArID KLRVOUS DISOE3SI3 in 1 tr I I . nfn tlio Stomach, de. ness. i'u],,i s ii. r in. ahi. h h «...' ■.in? Dizziness, Jr-ow.-iness. Flushings. Fiat. of Appetite* Costivem > ■ lo’ lft ß on the Skin, Gold Chilie, Die hi. . ..e.p Friglitf li Dreams and all ixen <u. tii.d Trembling Sensations TH: FIR T DOSE WILL GIVE RELIE} iS TWENTY MINUTES. Every suffuro, will • iknowiedgo them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. MI'TE AM’S rn.1.8, taken asdireet ix" aK'.ilyrestore Females to com plete heal ill. They promptly remove ObstrFti ms Or irregularities of the svs tein ai<i cure siek Headache. For a V/e.ik Stomach Enpaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN FEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Wthout a Rival And bnve the LARGEST SALE ufanj Patent Medicine in the World. 25c. aj. all Drug Stores. THE MODERN BEAU’]/ Thrives on good food sunshme, with plenty of exeicis a e m the open air. Her form gl Ows and her face glows with eauty. If her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative i r ' me,] y sho the gentle a 11( ] ! pleasant Syrup of figs, manufac. puredby the California Fj„ , Syrup Co . onlv ® /// X ■ 1 * i JOEL PYLE. . Is a pupil in Rome Business College. He is mastering a long course in Theoretical Bookkeep ing and practical accounting, also a thorough course in Short hand, Business and Law dicta tion and general office routine. This course with its accompany ments makes an exceedingly strong one. Rome Business Col lege enjoys now the largest en rollment it has had in years. Every seat in the C >lleg e hall is taken. 1 lie =■•'! nmer term is in progress. Severn! graduateswill leave soon totak ■ positions. The college procured ninety two po sitions the past year. 11. S Shockley, Prin. Rome. Georgia. ROME BUSINESS COLLEGE Rome, Ga., will receive young men and ladies now at the actual cost to the College for carrying them through a thorough comnier r cial course, and furnish board, - books and commercial blanks and p accept an easy ti ne i< te for tuittea payable after a p «ition is seuiiUl. r The College procured ’ j 82 POSITIONS THE PAST I3AR. It supplies schools ind colhgei '■! with competent teachers of Fir . | manship and principals r-' cial departments; •Till* i»»st ’ sons in Shonhf. u ul’j explained for io cents tn stcmps: i. ? strongly I endorsed by hundreds of business and professional men who employ its graduates at Stenography ot ’ Bookkeeping, A< ill letter • to the Principal, 11. S. Shooklw» . Home, Ga Successful Physicians. ’ We heartily recommend Dr. Hathaway & C'i of 22‘-; 8 Broad St., Aflat ti h ae bdnffP* I fectly reliable and remarkably snccusefal ia treatment of chronic disoarosof men ana women. I They cure when otl ’■ Oar reacere if» need of medi 1 ’ T , rl ™ > these eminent iloctore n;d you will receive#™ and expert opinion of your case by return nau ’ without cost. |2-°CENT STAMP! Will send a letter to any f A point in Uncle Sam’s big 4 domain.! For this very reason, if you are sick, sore or suffering, this very trifling outlay May Save Year Life! ."r FFwrvTWT write a plain letter, can’t you? Well will take just two cents to carry it to “Washington Medical & Surgical Institute. Atlanta, Georgia,” Ami th famous specialists who form the s«> of that Institute are able to give you advice an treatment by mail as well as if you came iu P‘ son to the City. This is no mistake. 1 hey are ing it every day. They now have P B,ie ”, *. all the adj minj. states, some of them hm ‘ of miles away, and their cures are simply derful. CURES POSITIVE AND [ 0C fI CONSULTATION TOLL' In every’ Deformity of Spine or Limbs Club Fj- Hare Lip, Cross Eyes and other surgical caws, in all forms of Skin and Blood disorders, K . tism, bci.Mica, Catarrh of the Nose. Lungs, Stem ,ch or any vital organ, Li'e ney ami bladder troubles, Nervous w™ f nesses of either men or women, diseases sexual parts and every other bodily highly trained specialists alone can deal wn». Write freely It costs you nothing lI dertake your case we shall send yot *1 l( blank for full particulars. If y o ".'‘ tfß curable by human skill and perfect sciem SHALL CURE IT. That £ rst 2-cent stamp may save your life letters sacredly private. ADDRESS, Washington Medical & Surgiwl INSTITUTE. s<M>-i Austlli Bldg., Atlanta 09