The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 08, 1898, Image 7

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personal mention. \li M W Merritt of Atlanta, jn the city- \lr A W. Jones, of Atlanta, j 8 here today. Mr Thomas L. Johnson, of Gad.deu, iu lhe city- Clever Halstad Smith, Jr., spent yesterday with friend, in Lyerly. Dr 1). W. Curry returned to dsy from a several week’s outing in Virginia. Messrs. Jos 'i« Mr »"<* J - W McCaffrey h»» returned from, Birmingham. j)r. J. A.Tigner went down t 0 Rockmart on professional business today. Mr. Ab Dean returned this morning from a pleasant weeks’ stay at Ashville. Mrs. Henry A. Smith return ed from a pleasant visit to An niston yesterday. Dr. James E. Ivey went up to Pope’s Ferry this afternoon on professional business. Bs.i-blood becomes good blood on taking Hood’s ’Slrsapanii*. Il ig the great blood purifier. Miss Isabelle Huflman of Livingston, spsnt yesterday in the city the guest of friends. Mr. Stewart Marshall return ed from Dalton this morning where he spent several days. For Sale: 7 fine milk cows Apply to G-. B. Holder at Lindale. Another shipment of five barrels fancy ripe Le Conte pears from South Georgia, at Lloyd & Harper’s. All this week the Chick & Peters Co-, at the Par • theatre. Mrs. John C. Foster and daughter, Miss Bonnie, of Fos ter’s Mill, are visiting friends in Lyerly. Big Brown Jug Fil ters for sale. Price $2-00. Miss Julia Stewart. First choice of everything in fruits, vegetables, cantaloupes, etc., goes to Lloyd & Harper’s, the hustling grocers. Misses Maud McCaffrey and Mary Qiincy have returned from a pleasant visit of several weeks to Cave Spring. Chick & Peters Co., at tliA park tMeatre all this week with a change of bill nightly. Misses Beatrice and Alma Sharp, two charming young ladies of Piedmont, are the guests of the Misses Bailey near Rome. Mr. Lamar Sparks, after spending Saturday with his fam ■y in Cave Spring, spent yester day in the city en route to Atlanta. Frank Wynn, of Atlanta, after spending several days in dwcity with home folks, went d°wn to Rockmart this morning for a week’s vacation. Eva Camp, of Rome, who 18 now visiting Miss Chassis Tray. p ur 111 Cleveland, will join Miss auline Carter’s house party at arter « —Dalton Citizen. Dr. J. Taylor Carney and wife " ‘o have been visiting the lat ter’s father, Maj. H. Mills, on ,Jl "tli avenue, have returned t le * r Rome in Cherokee coun ty, Ga. Go to Lanham's and get one more ®f those fine sailors, areV? i? lhng 90 chea P- They t»vo y worth from one to ‘Rein atVr lhey sr ® B ® ,lin g it ever nff , cantß - Nothing like off( wed m Rome before. Tto Bsyal is tba hl«S..t gr. 4. baldaf pawSar baawa. Actaal taata abaw It t aaa aaa- WkS farther tbaa aay ether treat lei POWDER Absolutely tore ROY Al AAMtHQ POWMR CO., NEW YORK. Prof, and iMrs. J. C. Harris have returned from a pleasant visit to Cedartown. The Chick & Peters Co., ar rived in the city this morning and are stopping at the Central. Mieses Ida Holtzchaw aad Kate Thrash, two pratty young ladies of Atlanta are the guest of Mies Jessie Lewis in the Fourth ward. STINGING REBUKES Administed Interlopers By The Volunteers. Washington, Aug B.—“ People who ara trying to make it appear that the volunteer.soldier is afraid of anything iu Cuba, from mic cobea to Mauser, have been fitting ly rebuked twice with 24 hours,” said a leading official of the War Department “No sooner,” he continued, “had Senator Bacon protested agaiust sending a Georgia regiment to the front, than the regiment’s Colonel wired the Secretary of War that n ither he nor his men had any sympathy witn the movements to keep them away from Santiago. ‘ ith true sodierly pride, they ob ject to being branded as sunshine warriors. “At the same hour almost the Sixth Illnois met and unanimous, ly petitioned the Secretary to rend them to the fever-infected camp to relieve their brothers of ths First Illinois, who are sick almost to a man. “ This is the true military spirit and it is the spirit which makes the American soldier invincible on land and sea .” A great deal of adverse criticism on Senator Bacon’s communisa tion was indulged in at the War Department this morning by both civihons and military men. It was conceded on all sides that he had placed the Georgia troops in an awkward position, and that only the prompt action of Colonel Ray in repudiating him had saved the State from disgrace. Miles’ Work Wed Done. Washington, Aug. B.—Up to this point not the slightest com plaint has reached the war de partment respecting the manage ment of the Porto Rican cam paign, a tribute to Gen. Miles’ ability. No word has come of soldiers without food or ammu nition, or ot sick men without doctors or medicine, nor is the inward movement of the Ameri can army delayed for lack of artillery, owing to Gen. Miles’ insistence upon keeping his artilleiy in the very vanguard and giving personal attention to the commissary and quarter master’s departments. • French Steamer Released Washington, Aug. 8. —The government has ordered the re lease of the steamship Manoudia of the Compagnie Generale Transatlantique of France, cap tured by the American warships in West Indian waters and brought to Charleston, S. C, A decision has not yet been reached as to the Rodriguez, another French steamer captur ed under similar conditions and held at Charleston. That great European war that i was to come as a result of the Hispano American conflict has failed to materializ ♦. CM HAPPENINGS. WANTED.—Two good clerks at once. Young men. Apply to Lloyd A Harper. Negro Meeting—The negroes* held a big mee ting at <he old ex. position building yesterday. Fully one thousand negroes attended. Justice Court.—Justice of the Peace E. P. Tread away held a short setsion of the justice court at the court house today. Will Meet Ihur’DAY, —On Thursday, August 11, at 5 ;30 p. m., The Rome Chapter D. A. R. will meet with Mrs, T. B. Haynes. Reception . —The Epworth Liague of the Fourth ward will give a reception at the residence of Mr. Clare .ce Lumpksu next Thursday evening. Fire Saturday Night.—The fire in W( s' Rume Saturday about 9 o’clock was a small three room ed house belonging to J.D. Moore and occupied by Matilda West colored and was valued at S3OO. House and contents was entire loss No insurance. Revival—Dr. R. B. Headden preached twobeautiful and force ful sermons at the First Baptist church yesterday to large con gregations. The music was un usually fine. There will oe ser vices each evening this week at 8 o'clock. Chick & Peters Tonight. —The program lor 'his evening by the Chick & Peters Co., at the Mobley park theater will Fe a high class vauderville. During the play they will show the won derful cenamograph ot moving pictures of the battle of Manila. Admission free and only 10c will I e charged for reserved seats. Still in The Lead. —Lewis Banet', the up'own tonsoral ar tists, proposes to sustain the repu tation of his hair dressing estab , ishment. Lewis has just secured be services of a first class barber and hair dresser, bringing him here all th > wav from Washing ton. D. C. No advance in prices. Call at the Central hotel barber shop, Police Court.— r|, he following cases were tried at this morning’s police court: Tbos . Adams, drunk $3 or 6 days, Jane Murray, ob structing street $1 or 3 days. Henry Gage colored was sent to jail in default of a S2OO bond for stabbing Jobn Satras, tbs Greek fruit dealer on Second avenue q it urday night. Several ca< s we.- j continued until next Satii 'lej . Chaplain Tilley Here, — Rev. A. A. Tilley, Chaplain of ths Second Georgia regiment, came up from Cedartown this morning where he has been spending several days. He leaves tomorrow for Tampa to join his company which leaves in a few days for Porto Rico. He says the boys are getting on nicely, and Tampa is not such a bad place as some think. STREET DUEL Ended In One Leath At Wlißes. BARRE, Wilkesbarre, Pa., Aug 8. —Mi- chael St>a and Joseph Caput, who had threatened to kill each other on sight, met on the street in Haz lebrook with the result that Soa is dead Caput is in jail. As soon as Caput got within range Sea fired two shots and missed. Before he could fire again Caput sent a bul et through his head. The po'ice had difficulty in pro tecting Caput from Sea’s friends, but at last succeeded in locking him safe in jail here. i j 'a Murder And Suicide. Davenport, 10., Aug. 8, — Henry Schultz of Valley City, 10., shot and ki led his wife to day and then killed himself. The wife had applied for a di vorce oa the ground of cruelty. «• s BEST SANITARY PLUMBING | iK t p $ Gas, Water and Steam Fitter. ® , Water w W A < iGas Fixtures, deters Gas Stoves W c i r> K * Pumps, Hydraulic rams, steam fix- R Y S tures, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Elec= # trie fixtures. IB S IL i * ' have employed Alex S. Pierce to p I L £ take charge of my shop department. & (J St tie ,s one °f the best workmen in the W M # South. Repair work attended to W |1 g | promptly. S 1 I JOHN GCHILDS. t //J NJ » <>> • 223 Broad st. Opposite Th os. Fy ® • ■ n* ®SS'S'S'®'S'S'®V'SS'SS V S® S' IWE BE ORGE • | IteMSfaiilsoiieailli# I *•♦ THEY ARE THE • W(® I $7 KIND *i- IAT OTHER-’PLACES. • g ItoerlatagCoSe | v< S| W 8 EVERTTHIN6 111 ®j I 11 HILLIDERY I I Si x w*~ , » W B * IV * *i 7 i w ii GOST, il * I I It H | rtrSo A, Oo Garrard | | *«WWW****O-i ********'* -