The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 08, 1898, Image 8

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GENERAL ADVfINGK By General Miles and jlis Army in Porto Rico. MARCH ON SANJUAN Americans Playing at War Under a “Uniform’’ General Ponce Porto Rico, August 8 via St. Thomas. D. W. I. —A gen oral advance <>f th* American force began yesterday morning. I'he re mainder of General Ernest’* trig'' ade, cons'ituting the advance cen ter, supported by two buttmies, moved out at 6 o'clock and a part of the Eleven’n infantry, o' Gen eral Henry’s division, started to the left toward Adjuntas. Troop A. of New York, the Philadelphia city troop and troop M . of the Six'h regulars, are con voying General Brooke's trans portation column along the coast road through Silnas to arroyo. Wira communication with Gen eral Brooke, on the right, has not yet been established. Colonel Rice, of General Miles’s staff, will j robab'y be assigned to the command of the Sixth Massa chusetts. General Miles has moved the headquarters of his division from Ponce to Juana Diez. General Schwan with rhe Eleventh regular infan'ry and two batteries, moved today through Yauco toward Muyngucz General Brooke is moving north frcm Guayama with 10.000 men, WARSHIPS AT ST THOMAS. St. Thomas, D W. I. Augu t B—The Mayflower and Annapolis are here coaling. The New Orleans was off the] port yesterday, but the neutrality laws forbid her entrance until the expiration of three months from the date of her last visit She re turned westward today. AMERICANS SEIZE CUS-Ti M H' USE. Madrid, August B—Au8 —Au ifiicia) dispatch fr m Porto Rico says the | Americans yesterday se : zed th> customs house in the village cf Farajardo, wh’ch place was withs out a garrison . The American column, the dis patch also s. ys, supported by ar tillery, advanced on Guvama, The Spaniards made a brave defense, but were forced to withdraw to Alteuras, Seventeen of the Span iards were kided. Public Schools Soon Opkn* —bo to Lanham’s at mice and get some of those fine sailors they are selling so cheap Only 50c for sailors worth SI.OO, $1 50 and $2.00. baby is like crazy patch work, composed of bits of * ts ancestors. All of / them contribute some ««Fx . v thing to baby's physical or mental or moral make-up. The mother ZSW?g>3j\ gives the largest share. To a r ..AAa great extent the ' health of a ' { child depends \ ' \2i-X'. upon the health V (11 of the mother, f both before and x~V_ I u after birth. ’ \ i If, during the ' H period of ex- '■—' /eSeAjsA-n pectancy, the W mother enjoys good general and local health, she will have a child with a robust body, an alert brain and vigorous health. You cannot expect such a child from a weak, sickly, nervous, despondent woman, who is broken down by derangements and disease of the distinctly feminine organs. A woman in that condition is almost sure to have a puny, sickly, peevish baby. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is the best preparation for motherhood. It relieves maternity of its dangers, and of almost all its pain. It restores the delicate and im portant organs that bear the brunt of ma ternity to perfect health and strength, and assists the regular ami healthful perform ance of all the natural functions. It ban ishes the ailments of the critical period, and makes baby's debut easy and almost gainless. It insures the little new comer’s ealth. Thousands have testified to its merits. Good medicine dealers sell it. and no honest druggist will insult your intelli gence by urging upon vou something else as “just as good “ The "just as good’’ kind is dear at any price. Mrs. F. B. Cannings, of No. 400 Humphrey Street. St. Ix>uis Mo . writes: I am now the happy mother of a fine. healthy baby girl. I feel that your Favorite Pr< scription ’ has done me more good than anv’hmg I have ever taken. I took three bottles of the ‘ Prescription,’ and the consequence- were I was only in labor forty ti.. minute. With my fit.-t baby 1 suffered aud then hail to lose him?* mt.i:. Fot a ii'irjf'iiniii on ’Wnt -HS BODY FLOWED Where The La Boilrgogne had Gone Down. i 543,000 IN HIS CLOTHES. The Remains Wero Givon a Sea Burial, Ganso, N. S., Aug. B—The schooner Florence ariived here this morning, the reports that she picked up a floating body in latitude 43 28 degrees north, longitude 59.55 degrees west. There were a number of papers on the body, among which were a passport and a draft for $ 13,- 000. The papers proved the body Io be that of Dr. Candido Diaz, 38. April 18. There was no life belt on the body when it was found. The schooner gave it proper burial at sea. WAS OF MEXICO. New’York, Aug. 8. —One of the passengers on La Bourgogne, when that vessel was sunk off Sable Island, July 4, was C. Diaz, lie was a member of the partv which stayed at the Hotel Martin, in this city, before tak ing passage on the steamship. There were seven ia the party and they came from the City of Mexico. They were bound for a three months’ pleasure trip around Europe. FOR SALE! A fifty saw Gullatt Gin. Feeder and Condenser and a 5 H. P. E,ie Citv Steam Engine, both in good order. Will sell cheap or will exchange for horses, mules, corn, lumber, or almost anything else of value, as 1 have no use for them. Addre is or call on FLETCHER SMITH, 240 Broad St., Rome, ftft SOUTHERN ■on RRiLiwy. lon Nchmlele In Effect July U, ISUS. si\4j <•v .. rSo U' N- ■ 1 I No. 8 Lv ('rial i;i • oogu ~&3*J«un i. t »pm 10. lupin \r Dalton 7.51 am; X.l2pm iMilam Viton* V.OUunij 9.40 pm 1.41 am Ar Atlanta 41 Muii 1 i.sopm s.ohrm Lv Atlanta ¥ VMpm. 11 5 .pm 5.20 am A. Al.icon 7.10 pm 2 Hsam U/Joam trjdsup I 45am 2.38 pm \ r Evwe it 7.25a m 3.25 pm \r Jacks mviNe 1 9.40 am I 9.25;»iu (.v Jesup ,10.01 am 6.50 pm Kr Jack. -mv;?- -. ■■• 4 » I.oopm. 1 pm Lv Everett ) 7.3‘iam B.:>o{*m y Bruu.-avlrk &30ti>m t3opm No. h> curripa Sleeping Car Chut taw o;u to Atlanta. N« . 14 carries Pullman Sleeping Car and Day • ia. ucs Caa.ta io-» to Jacksonville and At lanta to Brunswick. No. 8 carrier Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to A bln ft t a. si a i h»xs n 9 o 13 Ho y V->. 7 Lv Atlanta 4.&itin 4.t»Upni 7.50 am Ar Rome 6.sVain 6.25 pm 1(). 20am Ar Dalton -7.22 am 7.34 pm ll.‘loam Ar Chattnnoov? 8.40. x m 8 soptr. l.OUpm Lv Chattanooga 8.54*&m 9. lupin Ar Bureln 4.2l'ptp- Ar Lexington 5.10 pm 4.soarn Ar Louisville 7 oUpm ?.suam Ai ‘'lncinnid 7.80 pm l.tfoam Lv Chai im»*sga ... < l.2apm I. isam I 25prft Ar N;i-lt\'.ls . 6.35 pm 6.40 am 6.55 pm No 13 curric Ptithnnn Sleeping Car Atlanta ,«»<'hatt ano va an I Chatia iou-ju to Cincinnati. No. 9 carries Pullman Sleeping (’ar Atlanta u» Cinolnnati ami Chattanooga to Louisville. stations. IN-. A No. 12 No. 16. Lv Chat-ia i o»'u 8.40 am 4. iuam 10.80 pm Ar Knoxville II 55am 8.05 am I.loam Ar Morristown 1.23 pm y..'»onm 2.2»um Ar Hot springs 3 |.lprn|ll.46am 4.00:nn Ar Asheville 4.35 pm t.lspni s.loaiu Ar Salisbury i 6.40 pm 9.30 am Ar Greensboro I 9.52 pm 12.10 pm Ar Riileigh | 1.40 am 3.23 pm Ar Norfolk .... .... • 7.50 am . Ar Wa hington.... I I 6.12 am 9.35 pm At New York I *l2 13pm 6.-.‘.i;iin No. 12 carries Pullman Drawing Ro >m Sleep* Ing Car Chattanooga to New York via Ashe* ville and Salisbury to Richmond, arriving Rich mond 6.40 a.m also Pullman Sleeping Cur Gr ns boro to Norfolk No 16 is solid train Chattanooga to Sails bury, with Pullman Sleeping Car Chattuii.xv- r a to Salisbury and Salisbury to New York with out change. -1 \i! ■ ' No. * Lv Oh utnnoogu . .... 5 10pm fl 4 lam Ar Knoxville 8 4*>pm 11.55 am Ar M trristiwn i 2.15 um 1.23 pm Ar Bristol 7.00 am 3.55 pm Ar Washington , 7.40 am Ar New York I I.2op<n No. 6. carries Pullman Slopping Car Clfabta nooraV* WHsnir>,»t«n uud Chnitun oga to Now York without rhnuge. No l ■•vrics Pullman Steeping Car Knoi« vtlle to 3H tol. 8 i xx j -x • N>» !•’’ Lv R.■ ’.♦ .... I 10am Ar Anniston Ar Birininghaim 1 10.QOpm Ar Selma Asspm Ar JJeridijMi | 7.30 pm Ar New Orleans ~. 10.30 am Ar Jacl foii i 9.45 am Ar \ i disourg 111.35 am Ar Shrcvepori ! | 7.20 pm | tjCo. 15 fXo. 9 . *Nu IK ? \<> in 2.(kipmj 4.sopm'Lv Itbrntt ar &toath 815 m s.Lpm 6.57 pm Ar Gad den. ar ti.oOnm 6.3 am . 6 0»lpm 7.b pm Ar Attalla, lv s.4hum 6.20 am t Daily except Sunday. $ Sunday only. F. GANNON. 3dv.p. & G.M..Washington. D.C. J M. CULP. Traf. Mgr.. Wa hington. D. G W A. TURK G. P. A.. Washington D. C. 0. A. BENSCOTEH. aq. r. ▲ .Ohatt&nooga Tenn « IH, P. WOOTEN & BRO., g Sv Successors to " ± ROME PHARMACY. 309 Broad st.—New Clark Building. . 55 •J ■< We have bought the entire stock of the Lome Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our • stock is complete and of the very highest grade. JL, We solicit a part of your patronage and shall en- ML, -j* deavor to the best of our ability to please you at all times. We should be pleased to have you call on us. Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articles and such things as are usually carried in a first-class drug JJR store. Cigars and tobacco. Come to see us. . dHimmiHHHffiffihffnnK '♦4 £ K S S. M. Stark, £ 2 h j? 2 Hi 3 uhb Mojunaun nunt x ' 3 x S .X ■x Dougherty Bldg, 2nd A- jj X •*- * F. HANSON. * * NORRIS N. SMITH. g g THE HANSON SUPPLY CO. | € Plumbing and Tinning. g 2 Engineers’ and machinists' 5 supplies. Stoves, rangesand ® G tinware. Gas and electric fix- G § tures. INSURANCE gasoline § 3 stoves. Water meters. 2 5 325 Broad st Phone 32. ® 2 ® Sq©©WOQOOOOOCX) $1.25111 5i 5> s'iirts far $ J. A. GIHIN 4 .COMPANY for everyone in Rome to come in and see the magnificent stock zgjj on men’s and boy’s clothing, ' ul bicycle and golf suits, is wh it wo are doing, but we are hus tHiig while we wait. We will , ' / v” show’ you the finest stock of 111 clothing, made from the newest Burfflfai styles and patterns in fabricks. I^"®;perfect fitting and handsome, to —*be found in Georgia, and they are above competition in values for the price. Thegreatest line of negligee shirts ever s’l )wa i i Roitil J. A. GAITMON &C 3 I Can supply all Department Nursery Mre \?Y r< t ;-- b ‘at e 6 ■rw fbQ If ■■ j ow rates. We publish one of ‘ a. ' 111 lltw w« | the | eadine Seed. Plant and Tree Catalogues issued, •'/ ■■ ■■ ■mnmnl will be mailed 1 r<ec« Send lor it now, it will V{ ? . save you money. Try us, can refer you to customers in every state and territory , z l in the Union. 43 years of square dealing has made us patrons and friends fat and f near. Have hundreds of carloads of * FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES, PLANTS. We send by mail postpaid. Seeds. Bulba, Plants, Roses, Small Trees, Etc. Safe arrival ... satisfaction guaranteed; larger by express or freight. 44th year. 32 greenhouses. 1,000 acre I THE A> HARRISO** Bo> 528 Painesville, S so Miiical Peopi; of Rome li is with pleasure that we introduce to our readers th of a new and complete stock of b ric IP WK LfrlWaill DjimUm, ANT Small Musical liastrijmen, n the new Moseley bull din 327 Broad street whore we would be pleased t » have you call and examine our goods. Thu stock consists of som of ’he best mikes up pianos and organs on the mirk T tod ty. We keep a full line of everything pert iini ig tea first class music store—Something Rome has n< eded fur a long time Give us a call and you will find a music store that Romans may be proud of f We are determined to close out - BIC 1 'CLE>> the earliest possible date. ' r.» ' r.» fviT r)' r,i 327 Broad Street. S. P. Davis, Marager. x \ \ x x \ \ \ \ \ xx xxx\\\\\\ \ \ rr We keep on hand at all times a full stock of Sheet Music. RELIABILITY is a quality some newspapers have lost sight of in these . days of “yellow”, journalism. They care little for truth and a great deal for temporary sensation. It is not so with THE CHICAGO RECORD. The success of THE RECORD rests upon its reliability. It prints the news—all the news—and tells the truth about it. It is the only American newspaper outside New York city that has its own exclusive dispatch boat service and its own staff correspondents and artists at the front in both hemispheres. It is the best illustrated daily newspaper in the worlds Its war news service is unapproachably the best. -m Says the Urbana (Ill.) Daily Courier: ■ •- ■■ j “We read the war news in the other papers, then we turn to THE CHICAGO RECORD to see bow much of it is true.” Sold by newsdealers everywhere and subscriptions r * — **J ß by all postmasters. Address THE CHICAGO RECORD, ••• Madison street, Chicago. — ~ —1 -—nua~ij,-: .-.-Mrf’ —»»■ > • w »n. /Jig® Ti*. Como, Wis., Hyannis, Nebr, Jan. 10,1898. Ja*- * I would not be I without P J SO’S CURB for Co< /SWSStP SU “™ o \“2l guittwuftaimy m Cough or C? dit 13 “ having used beyond all others. 15 years. mj-s c. Reynolds. j. a westovu “The Best Cough Medicine. I j. but have sol I direct to the con- <3 |\ sumer for-5 yean at whole- , .jf 7 l\ 7 \ sale prices, saving him the ..v * I deaiec 8 prutits. Shipany- -\ t J I M here 1»r examination, /x \\ r \ Everytfiing womnled. / j\ I 118 Styles f Vehicles, I f . 11l IJ\ '» 55 Btylei of Harness. I I—\L 7 I\\ // \ V Top Buggies, to V/VTVzlvk / 'x /\LAZzf\ / I )) // Jr. Surreys, to f 125. (arrii-\ /trA/Fi \ / v \ [ kZ,. ZuJyi Pbn.rnnii Trorw Yi n 'J' ettes, Spring-Road r.ud Milk law* Fe. TT. Snmv narneM. Price, >lf 00. Wagons. Send for icrgu free .r-? ▲a good Mila fer >25. Catalogue of all our style." nV... . ronuniiendera. r*'- * • , iLKHART C-AIUUIUE AND UA&XK3B MFti. CO. W li. I’HATT, Sre’j. bi-KBAUI.