The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 09, 1898, Image 2

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Wai Time Prices While on the one .hand as a result of the war, nearly all food products have advanced in price, on ttie other hand, it has Phad 'precisely the opposite effect on the pURNTE Trade. We must keep our sales upto the normal standard, and to do (his we realize that goods must be sold lower than ever, and we are prepar ed and determined to make you lower prices on anyth'! g in* our house than can be found elsewhere. Our line is Cmpletearid Upto Date,' Consisting ir. part off Bedroom Suites, Parlor . Suites, Sideboards, wardrobes, Chiffoniers, Dining Tables, Rockers and Chairs, all kinds Hatracks. Baby Carriages Mattings. Rugs, Portiers, Curtains, Lace Curtains, window shades. Pictures, Easels Screens, Iron Beds. etc. Also complete linejof casketsco ffi is, robes, :etc at the lowest prices.C ill *Joti Rhudy, H iirvcy GIT! FATHERS. ; Will Aihertise fora Filter for Water Works I ALsO BUY RIOT GUNS. City Electrician’s Satisfactory Report. Council meeting, August B. Present the Hon. John J. Seay Mayor and councilmen Cr W, Morris. F. J Kane, W. T. Jones, A. B. McA’-ver, D. B. Hamilton, Jr., and B. T. Hnyne». The minutes of July 2"th and August Ist. were read and con firmed. The report of the fire commit tee was read and received show ing tint a draft had been drawn in favor of W.H. Steele, trustee, for $400.00 in order to relieve the incurnorance on the lot oc cupied by the Fifth ward Hose Co., No 4, and that the trust deed was cancelled and the title to the lot conveyed to the city by the hose company. The city sexton's report was received showing 12 interments in Myrtle Hill cemetery, nine whites and three colored. Three whites were non-residents. oie of them was a pauper found in North Rome hurt by a Southern railroad train. Two of the color ed were paupers, one of them found drowned in the river. The city electrician reports that the electric fire alarm sys tem had been put in good order, with the piVtin; up of forty new poles and the use of ten miles of wire, besides other material used in repairing and construc tion. The total cost tod 'te being $555.06. The clerk was instructed to inform the inform the secretary of the Southeastern Tariff Asso ciation that the Rome fire alarm system has been put in goo J order and it is subject ta inspec tion if the Association desires to inspect. Ordered that the police eom mittee be authorized to purchase sixteen riot guns at a cost of not exceeding $16.00 each for the use of the police force in of emergencies. Resolved that a committee cf nine be requested to advertise tor bids and specifications for a filter for the Rome water works; to consider the bids and make a report to the council recommend ing some particular system. Said committee shall be com posed of the Rome water com mission, three members of the council, and three citizens of Rome. The six latter to be ap pointed by the mayor. The financial statement of the clerk was read and the following bills were patsod and ordered i paid: II J. K lasing C’.-n’t’y Dept 1.10 J Branham *• " .■81.86 J. S. Crawford.. Uontg...." 4.00 W. O. Clements “ “ 12.00 .1. Sam Veal “ •* I.JVE B. B. Tatum •• "...... 12.40 J. J. Childs Fire....* 1 5.00 J. McDonald Veal “ '• 3.V0 Rome Lighting Co Gas & L...“ 630.00 J. R. Cantrell & Co.. Public Bldg." 60 Charlie Wood •-.... •• 8.25 Nathan Walker 7.80 Hand & Co Belief.." 100 W. J. Gordon “....“ 3.55 Southern RailwtyCo “ 474 M. A. Wimpee Street.." 13.15 G. W. Washington “...." 34.50 Moore & Reese "... .75 Rhudy, Hatvey a Co 3.CS The following named gentle men compose t'ne committee: E. L. Bosworth, J. 1). Moore and I. F. Davis, of the Water Com mission, A. B. McArver, B. T. Haynes and D. B. Hamilton, Jr. of the council. W. Al. Towers, J. W. Rouns iville, and W. J. Griffin, citizens. Council adjourned. H alsted Smith, Clerk Co incil. VILE EPITHETS ■ ■ ■ - Used in TiWl'l Rmiii This Morning BY KMMA MCKINZIE She Was Contempt of Court There was a lively session at th'# nu.ruing s police-c'ourt. Emma McKinzie a degenerate who was on trial for running a disorderly house ”on “Beaver S ide,” became 80 boisterous and used such vile epilhels toward a witness who was testifying against her, the recorder fined her $25,00 for contempt of court and it was all two policemen could do to re* move her from the court room She was given 3 days to move her place oi abede. Recorder Eubanxs says be in tends to brake up the dives on “Beaver Slide,” and that if the parties continue to rent the houses to immoral characters he will find them heavily. Joe Brown was fined five dollars for disorderly conduct. LETTERS OF ADMINtSTRA TION. GEORGIA ELOYD COUNTY. To aB whom it may concern. Emma Pentecost having ii. proper form anplied to me for peimanent letters of administration on the estate of Polly Penh cost late of said county, deceased. Th.s is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Polly Pentecost to be and appear at my office with in the time allowed by law and show cause, if any'they* can, why permanent administration should not be granted to W. 11, Ennis, Co., Ailtn’r on Polly Pentecosts’ estate Witness my hand and offi cial signature this 4th day of July 1898. John P. Divis, Ordinary, LETTERS OF ADMJNISTRA TION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it nay concern. Emma Penteccst havinf in propel form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Redmon Pentecost, late of said county deceased. This is to cite all and singular the credit ors and next of kin of Redmon Pentecost to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show cause if any they ;an, why permanent administra tion should not be granted to W H. Ennis Co., Adm’r on Redmon Pentecost's estate. Witness my hand and official signature this 4th day of July 1898 John P. Davis Ordinary. Vestern & Auntie R. R. (BAI II I f 111 OS LINE) AND- lashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway :hat tanooga, lASHVILLE, - CINCINNATI, e CHICAGO, MEMPHIS ml SI. LOUIS. —-' 4- r * ; m - 11 IMAN PaLLCE BUffLF SLEEPING CARS JACKSONVILLE and ATLANTA .. ID .. NASKVILLI and ST. LOUIS, THROUGH Ilf OUT CHANGE. ocal Sleepers Atlanta and Chat tanoogd. heap Emiyrant kakis to Arkansas and veursion lick ts t; Ctififbrnia and Col orado Resorts. ■ • . > -■ , . 'or Maps, folder*. Sfeopog Car Reservation and ■y information about Rates, Schedules, etc, ilte or apply to 8. WALKER, J. A THOMAS, T! 'ket Agent, Ticket Agent, Imo* Oepot, No. 8 Krv.had House. ATLANTA, GA. K. AYLB, ’ L. EDMONDSON, fickel Aocnt. ClwtUaooga Rouse, va. Tenn. JS. *L BR0« N, OUS. I. HARMAN. Traffic ..onager, Gen ?o*s. Ast.. 1 - ATLANTA, f-A. . HERESRMUSS Fitisiniiiioiis Threaten To Kill Jini Corbett JIM CAiiLKO “SORE HEM" By Mrs. and Corbt kyett Called . Her A M Asbury Park, N- J., Aug 9 Trouble is brewing between Bob Fitzsimmons and James J Corbett when Fitz and his wife passed Corbett's place yesterday. Corbett claims Mrs. Fitzsimmons shook he- fist at him and said: “Sore head I” Fitz says the fjorbett crowd raised an uproar and all began laughing as he drpve by. Corbett called to Mrs. Fitzsimmons to send her monkey hushand back to him. Corbett feels highly insulted . Fitz said today that he would kill Corbett on the spot if he ever in sulted his wife. He also said that he would have the third-rate figh ter put out of the park, or put him out himself. There is every possibility that the two pugilists will meet face to face on the street and have it out. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts, bi tisese sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands,(chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itively cures piles, or no pay re quired. Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by all Druggists. IN CANTEEN Dead Body Os Koeffler Found Hanging. Tampa, Fla,, Aug 9. —The body of Sergents Koeffler. Thirteenth United States Infantry, was found yesterday hanging by the neck from a beam on the regimental canteen. Koeffler was in the saloon Sat urday night and had S2OO, but this bad been taken from his body, An investigation has been ordered of the robberv and murder. NO TIME. Will Be Given Columbia To Pa Italy. Rome, Aug, 9.—The Italain Government tbday decided not to grant any further extension of time to Columbia in the settle ment nf the Italain claims. - j Columbia has already agreed to pay the Cerrutti claim, growing out of the alleged personal less on the part of a citizen of Italy, but is slow in planking dowp the cash. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Agreeably to an order of the court of ordinary for Floyd county Georgia, granted at the November term, 1897, will be sold before the court house door in the city of Rome between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in Sept he followup property towit, —One undivided interest in lo's Nos, 167, 168. 171, 190, 192. 202, 241, 242, 244, 245 and 3 4ths of 189 and the South half of 2,40. All containing 450 acres more or less, subject to dower of Mrs . Martha G. Miller. Said property sold as the property of J. J. Miller, de ceased, late of said county. Terms of sale cash. W H. Ennes Administrator estate of J. J. Miller deceased. CI A HON— LEAVE TC SELL. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern. W H, Ennis, Administrator of Bed man Pentecost deceased, has in due form applied to the under signed for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said de ceased and said application will be heard on the first Monday in September next. This 3rd day of I Augmllß9B John P. Da 'i-», Ordinary. (School Siipfe, 4 y W ® ar “ piouAMS in the school books and school ply business and we are also right up-ro-daig j Q e thin; ilia- should be kept by an np-to-daf, Books)",' v?> No house in th? St?te car. vou better when vo n ,j. MS sire to invest ir. a new covering fcr *r> Gear Jd w .,", «<< home. See our stock on hand and samples * | H. A. SMITH, g THE OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE To the People of Rome. I wish to announce that I have bought the Model Steam Laundry and propose to rearrange and aid to it so that you will have in your city a plant, second tc none •a- in the south. I have had years of practical eX| re leuce, the past three years of which I have own m-raied odb of W the largest plants in Texas. With the r., of experi euce I have had and as I will dev > my entire time Hud W attention to the business I will be a position to guar, antee that anything coming to my laundry will be dune /AV sa t'’ 9 f ac to r ily. A trial will convince you that 1 can do all that I claim- Send in your bvndle. If it r ails to please /K will be n > charge. Stop our wagon or teleph me No 158, ant your bun lie will bi returned promptly. Hoping to receive i fair shire of your Jpatroaage, I am M. yours to pleas" 1 , & H- PARKIN Proprietor Model. Steam Liundry. WIFE’T CASH Offered For Assassination Ot Husband, Says Slayer. Clarendon, Ark , Aug 9.—Six persons are under arrest charged with the assas i na’ion of John T. Orr, on July 30. Among them is his widow. : All except Mr.u Orr negroes. Manz Castle, a negro, has con fessed that Mrs. Orr promised to pay him for tin killing of Orr and that he killed him. A mob gatl ered in Court Square last night to 1 t:ch the prisoners, but Circuit Judg" Thomas moun ted a box and appealed to the crowd to await action cf the law They ’hm di-pers d. Cancer Os the Breast. Mr. A. H. Crausby, of 158 Kerr St., Memphis, Tenn., says that his wife paid no attention to a small lump which 1 appeared in her breast, but it soon de veloped into a cancer of the worst type, and notwithstanding the treatment 01 the best physicians, it continued to spread and grow rapidly, eating two holes in her breast. The soon pronounced zflSvTher incurable. A '1 celebrated New York specialist then treat jfei ed her, but she con- IL * inued to grow worse and when informed "’at both > her aunt V and grandmother had F died from cancer he I /z'J'/gave the case up as: J hopeless. » ''Lif '' Someone then re- j •* commended S.S.S. ■ and though little hope remained, she 1 begun it, and an improvement was no ticed. The cancer commenced to heal and ! when she had taken several bottles il disappeared entirely, and although sev eral years have elapsed, not a sign oi the disease has ever returned. A Real Blood Remedy. S.S.S. {guaranteed purely vegetable} is a real blood remedy, and never fails to cure Cancer, Eczema, Rheumatism Scrofula, or any other blood disease. Our books will be mailed free to any ad- Ngk. Ngfr, dress. Svzift . k Specific Co., Atlanta Go. There is more Catarrh t. section of the country t'm ot her diseases | ut logeditr, until the last few years was i posed to be incurable. F >r a s many yea r s doctors pron.m it a local dioeas, and presoiM cal remedier. and by cori«ta| failing to cure with iocal ti ment, pronounced it incur Science has proven catarrh 'o constitutional disease, aid l| foie requires coDStiiutKiial t ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure m' factured by F. J. Cheney & Toledo, Ohio, is the oily con tioual cure on the market. taken internally in doses fro« drops to a teaspoonful. It acta r ectly on the blood «n>l surfaces of the system.’lM] one hur dred dollars lor any o fails to cure, send for ciM and tesiun' nia's. Address j F. J Cheney & Co.. Tobd Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are CITATION—LEAVE TO Si I GEORGIA, FL .YD COUNTY. I To all whom it may conc’i W. C. Harris, administrHJ Dr. C. S Harris, deceased, o' due form applied to the signed for leave to sell th belonging to the estate o 8 ceased, and said «PP il^'' i“ he heard on the first Moul September next. 1 h ;8 » August 1898. John I M j YEAR’S SUPPORT !GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. ':/o all whom it m»y * i Notice is hereby v ’ ll | appraisers and assign a year f< . Mrs. Margaret J- y. widow of Dr. C. b. a r( jand ed, hrve filed their a« hss good and mad si own the same will ftt judgement of the ' c(11)] September term of , < rdmary. Th.a Aug John !’• in * -UM ..«»«•