The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 09, 1898, Image 3

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We Swing Tiie DOOr WIDER A-ISTID STIDL WIDER OPEN THE KANE STOCK! Make* this great store a Greater Store. It multiplies the gem-treasures in this house; it mag nifies and iliumins our claim, that this is the great bargain-apolis of North Georgia. AHD HOW ALL READY W The Kane stock is in; is marked down to cost and below cost, and you can buy an hundred ea gle’s worth, a dollars worth ora dime’s worth at or below cost. The Kane Stock is for sale and the Bass Stock is for sale-all at our store, 245 Broadway, at cost or below cost. Much of the goods away below cost That superb salesman, Frank Kane, will be on hand to wait on his friends and the trade. Silk Selects, Wash Wonders Winsome Woolens, Nobby Notions, ITatchless Millinery, Superior Shoes —Slick salables, IF YOU WANT GOODS CHEAP, GO TO BASS BROS. & CO. THE CfIVSLRV, laclildioy Rooseuelt’s Rough Rita. EMBAHKKD FDR HOME. ? heroes Enroute to Montauk Point Camp. Santiago, de Cuba, Aug. B. The Hrst regular cavalry and * le Hist volunteer cavalry, ou kl* Riders, sailed yesterday ll >e transports Miami and Matteawaii. Of tbe Rough Riders the fol- Wll ‘S remain hete sick : Second Lieutenant William 1 tt “y. troop K; Corporal Ed- p a J A> Swartz, troop G. and Willi ara Hoyle, troop T D r " luleU ’ lroop A ’ aild in leave ln te “ days ffil ? Dr - Gonzalez. Cum o \ a ‘ Vi " -il today o,lV *ilancia. 7 t°WnV/radf C * me ‘° I o’clock f^ ,ntl,eir bampat 811 into n ue . “ ttttion the * me, each company be* by • red whit » and J the " 81 l,e,ri "8 *■•>. number ‘"° co '" p “- ot“ l,oS “ ,alt r ° do Ui..d dot 7 ,raß, :i “ “ lek W “ tor "->• to the Cored IBK tbe Miami was [‘"‘•’•men looked fit b .. t k kh.k*T a , PMC9 - s “ to< ’ »»« FitK ft Pl* ' S Send yuur a rees to H. E- Buckleu A Co , Chicago and gat a free sample box of Dr. King’s New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy iu action and are particularly effective in the cure of constipa tion and sick headache. For Mala ria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do sot weaken in their action, but by giving tens to the stomach and bawele greatly invigorate the sye !•■.Regular size 25c per box Sold by Carry-Arrington Co., druggists era were attired in heavy blue flannel shirts with their old equipment. All expressed regret at leaving their five companions behind, but were wild with joy at the prospect of so soon returning home. They take no tents or baggage with them. The work of embarkation was very easy and quickly performed. The men are ready and eager to return for the Havana campaign in the fall. Lieut, Sternberg, of the Fourth cavalry, and Lieut. Riv ers of the Third cavalry, mem bers of Gen. Young’s staff, who, since Gen. Young lelt Siboney sick, have been on Gen. Wood’s staff, have been ordered to re port to Gen. Young at Montauk Point at once , and will leave on the Miami. A meeting of the officers of the Military Society at Santiago was held today at the palace, and an election of officers took place. Gen. Shafter was elected president, Gen. Wheeler first vice president and Major Sharp, secretary. TROOPS ON THKIR WAY. Washington, Aug. 8-—Thi troops of Gen. Shafter’s com mand at Santiago have begun to leave Cuba for the United States. A part of two regiments of cavalry are now en route from Santiaga to Montauk Point, Long Island, as indicated in the following dispatch received last night at the war department from Gen. Shafter: “Santiago de Cuba, A tigusl /, 1898.—Adjutant General, Wash ington —Gate City with 500 men of Third and Sixth cavalry sailed for Montauk Point this afternoon. “Shafter, Major General.’’ Three other transports bear ing troops will leave Santiago today and two are scheduled to ‘ leave Tuesday. All of them will! sail tor Montauk Point. AN EARLY BIDR. New York Bank Opens in San- , tiag o .. ' New York, Aug. 8. — Ihe J North American Trust Company officers received a telegram from ; | S. M. Jarvis, its vice president, n now at Santiago, in which it is | 1 stated that the company has secured the banking rooms for- , merly occupied by the bank of J Spain at Santiago ank that the ' office has been fully equipped. ! Business begun today. INHUMANELY i i prisoners Are Sajd to be Treat- t ed at Santiago. J t Madrid, Aug 8 —An official « dispatch from Santiago says that d there are 600 sick and wounded c Spanish soldiers in the town and that they are inhumanely treat- 1 ed by the American officials who » deny them proper food and ' medicine and compel them to sleep out of doom. \ j X- rETTERS OF ADMINISTRA- TION. GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTY 1 To all whom it may cenceru : Equitable mortgage coupa ny having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of ad ministration on the estate of Wm. B. Wiggins, late of said county I tngular the creditors and next >f kin of Wm. B. Wiggins to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why per manent administration should not be granted to W. H. Ennis Co. Admr. on Wm. B. Wiggins estate Witness my hand and officia 1 sig nature this 2nd day May 1898. John P. Davis. Ordinary. 2-CENT STAMP! Will send a letter to any point in Uncle Sam’s big q domain.’ For this very reason, if you are sick, I sore or suffering, this vtaß; very trifling outlay .diltts; May Save Your lif n I Here ’» Just how LI IB l it is. You can | ........ write a plain letter, can't you? Well, it , will take just two cents to carry it to the "Washington Medical & Surgical Institute. Atlanta, Georgia,” And the famoug specialists who farm the staff of that Institute are able to give you advice and ( treatment by mail as well as if yon came in per- , son to the city. This is no mistake. They are do- x ing it every day. They now have patients iu z all the adjoining States, some of them hundreds " of miles away, and their cures are simply won- z derful. 1 J (J CURES POSITIVE ANDrnrri,« CONSULTATION tlt 11U In every Deformity of Spine or Limbs. Club Foot, " Hare Lip, Cross Eyes ana other surgical cases, also A in all forms of Skin and Blood disorders.Rheuma- ' tism. Sciatica, Catarrh of the Nose. Throat. A Lungs. Stomach or any vital orgau, Liver. Kid- " ney and Bladder troubles, Nervous Weak- i uessesof either men or women, diseases of the - sexual parts and every other bodily affliction that highly trained specialists alone can deal with. Write freely It costs you nothing If we un- a dertake your case we shall send rot question « blank for full particulars. If yom case is 1 curable by human skill and perfect science WE ’ SHALL CURE IT. That first 2-cent stamp may save your life. AU letters sacredlyLrivate. ADDRESS/ Washington Medical & Surgical INSTITUTE. Au4£«!l BMg., AtlMrtßvQa THE ARriSTRONd HOTEL Rome, Ga RGfllllar ' B Mra3rs al 6S i Warned* Moamij- OF The place to get'a quick, good meal. McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors. ..m w— i M mi.i J —' aa aaaaa aa is Best White LSHUBI H For tu />•/ out b*)3 1 ai i nis « perfectly marked fowls, leave orders ♦♦ with J, T. Crouch & Co., $3 per trio, vw Splen iid cockerels onl/ sl. yw I. D. }V-J \1 ) Ijt tßepairing |i ♦Don’t Walk On • O Your XTpperslt fW,A.MULLINIX, M s .”. l :„E'¥£| L'VER f, SALE AND FEED STABLES 0 r«r» Lib p i »ii; t'u i uit >/ n»n ail an! p>Ubt ail :huh lri/>f Tab h>it »t»:c at ill a tin si at ! I »i ' i