The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 09, 1898, Image 4

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THE HUSTMMNM. EHUSTLER OF RO ME Established, IKVO. ■—■ -HE ROME COMMERCIAL Established. IKWS. Issued every evening, except Saturday. Ssndav and weekly. PHIL 0. BYRD, EDITOR AND MANAGER. limo*. Wilkerson Block. Thirdi Avenue tally and Bunoay.per year »5 0" Sunday, per year ♦ l - 00 Weekly (Tai RomkCouhikk) p«i year » Bl CAI Bl! R IN CITY AND BUBULBB Dshy and Bunday, lOcents per weo>, Remit by bank draft. expfMJ. money order or reiristered letier Address THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL ROME, GA. Entered at the Postoffice at Rome, Ga.. »• >econu class matter. Advertising rs»““ •nd sample co,.ies tor the asking. BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 Gen. Aguinaldo is only 28. Hobson’s old hats continue his correct size. The Watson-squadron-bluff should be relaunched. Cuthbert has her prohibition election next Thursday. The Havana Spaniards are an hungered so bull. Quitman’s first bale of new cotton only brought 5f cents. The Alabama Pops have not yet opened that threatentd war. The barb wire fence seems to have become obsolete tn Porto Rico. Broad street was never in a finer condition —from any stand point. Buy a “little brown jug” and filter the water for your own household. The was has cost down to date more than $100,000,000 in kool kash. The Democratic campaign will open in earnest within the next few days. Spain, not being able to make war ought to be an expert at peace making. Porto Rico i» losing no time in climbing to just aay old seat on the band wagon. The war is about over and no Georgian save a few immunes, has yet gone to the front. Spain has shrunk considerably in size, but she knows a whole lot more than she used to. Alger should be ashamed of his action ia betraying the pri vate letter of Col. Roosevelt. Reverend Jernegan, the sea water gold seeker, used divers means in gulling his backers. If Spain has lost all but honor she has a mighty small stake on which Io start business again. The Rough Riders are doubt less eager to come home in order that they may see their horses. Let the Christobal Colon or the Vizcaya,when Boated and re paired, be christened the Flori da, The Philippines, with their 10,000,000 inhabitants, should never be returned io the Span iard. ■■■ I' The colored sojer has a con tempt for the Spaniaid—because the bull lighter can’t even shoot “crap.” President Guggenheimer, of the New York Council, who in-; trod need the anti swearing ordi nance now in force there, has received an anonymous letter in which the writer says: ‘ You are a—of a good fellow and a— good cook. Inclosed find $2 for my fine.” Mr. Guggenhei mer is famous as a clam baker, which explains the un known correspondent says re regarding his ability as a cook. Hobson is a brave man but not wreckless. He took in the Merrimac, but reluaed to bring a license when challenged by a Kansas girl. He knows when he has enough, even though Spaniards include him among the “Yankee pigs.”—Albany Herald. And now it is the Du hess of Orleans who states that Dreyfus is innocent, and that everybody at the courts of Austria, of Den mark, of St. James and of St Petersburg is aware of it, and also of the identity of the real traitor. According to the Moultrie Observer, the populist party of Colquitt county is now practical ly a thing of tke past, most of its members having signified their intention to vote with the democracy this year. Miles seems to be conducting the Porto Rican campaign on his own hook, but after it is all over the Strategic Board is like ly to rush in with an official re port stating that it was within signaling distance. A St. Louis uncle has married his nephew’s widow. According to family tree experts, this makes the uncle his own nephew and his wife, who is also his neice, her own aunt. —St. Louis Republic. The Denver woman who sued her husband for divorce says his “love has melted.” This conetraius the bachelor editor of the Cleveland Leader to think that she made it too hot for him. The Miles style of proclama tion is of the very latest cut, warranted to give perfect satis faction to the people for whom it was made. And is bull-high if not pig-tight. The tax returns for 1898 from thirty three counties show a decrease of more than $500,000 in property valuation, as com pared with the returns of 1898. So far the prohibition cam paign in this city and county has been free from bitterness and strife. May it continue so to the end.—Americus Recorder. Hawaii is not ready for state hood, but carpetbagger Sewall ia ready to Hop down in the seat of territorial governor as soon as his appointment is signed. Aguinaldo says he is not ‘‘both knaye and fool.” No, Ag., we would notspoil so beau tiful a rogue by trying to make a fool of such material. It is reported that there are no snakes in Porto Rico. Just wait till Am send some Waycross blind tiger whiskey over there. Waycross Herald. The people of Porto Rico ap pear to h tye been waiting for some nice nation to come along and capture them, reiaaiks the Birmingham News. A St. Louie girl walked d< lib- Xrately up to Lieut. Hobson and kissed his De.vey li| s and that ) on ng Sampson looked as Schley ,Ub he d.d ph as -d. ’WW THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FKiS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it ia inanu fact tired by scientific processes known to the California Fig Srnur Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all ot/ier laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the naaie of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal. LeI’UVILLF.. ’ t'W YORK. N. V. We are told that the heat of comets ia about 2,000 times greater than that of red-hot iron. In thia temperature, aa well aa in some other respects, there seems to be considerable simi larity between comets aud Span ish typewriters. > Don Carlos pretends that he ia too chivalric to order a rising in his own behalf while Spain is in such great distress, but how does he ever hope to gain the throne until his distracted coun try has reached the last stages of desperation?—Chattanooga News. Coming from the Boston Globe, this statement has double force and appositeness : “Per haps if Gen. Lee had not been so good a democrat he would have been assigned before now to a responsible position at the front.” The Cork Examiner declares that Admiral Sampson was born in County Limerick, Ireland. This must be an error, for no Limerick Irishman would delib ately rob a fellow officer as Sampson has done Schley. Porto Ricans have a happy way of adapting themselves to their surroundings. They never rebelled against Spain and now their only trouble is in securing enough American flags to run up over their towns and cities. Speaking of patriots, the re cords of the treasury department at Washington show that there are 50,000 more holders of gov ernment bonds in this country than there are soldiers enlisted in the army. “There are too many girls in the world,” says the Atchison Globe, “who talk of their long ing to be army nurses and de good whose mothers continue to get up in the night when there is sicknes- in the family.” ’J he <>ld's member of th O.der of Odd Felons in the world recent iy celebrnt d the ninety-third an. niv- rsary of his birth in Baltimore. He is Captain Richard Lawton. LADIES' FINE SAILORS. Go to Lanham & Sons and get one of those fine sailors they are -a Hing so cheap. They are ac j tual'y w rth SI.OO, $1.50, $2.0 ) and some even more, yet the . I are .- tiling, choice for 50 cents. You are right, this time, Jane dear, foi air castles are built out of a specie of geld brick. If as a power Spain is to be ranked by what she owes she is of the first rate, if by her navy then she is out-of-sight. The bicycle hasn’t done any more to distinguish itself since the war began than the torpedo boat or the contact mine. The soldiers who exposed themselves to bullets and yellow fever ia Cuba will get lots of glory but no prize money. If the weather prophets could figure dog days off the calendar ‘.hey would do the country one real service.—Columbus Enqui rer. In bringing our sick soldiers home from Santiago Secretary Alger should avoid a repetition of the Concha and Seneca inci dents. It is regrettable, but neverthe less plain, that the Fmperor of Japan dislikes his wife. He has lately dedicated a volume of poems to her. Later reports indicate that Aguinaldo is simmering down. Perhaps Admiral Dewey has b> en making a few broken ob servations to the Malayan pom padour man. Gallant Dick Wainwright and Lieut. Blue are South Caro linians, Schley is a Marylander, “Fighting'Bob” Evans is a Vir ginian and Hobson is an Ala bamian. Hie South shows up all right in the naw. BL ■ ■■ —T Cammissioner Spencer R, Atkinson has created something of a sensation in holding that not only must telegrams be stamped when filed, but another stamp must be affixed before they are delivered.—Augusta Herald. ~l Mi Mr. Jelerson said in his letter to President Monroe that “cur first fundamental maxim should be never to entangle ourselves in the broils of Europe ; second, never to suffer Burope to inter meddle with trans Atlantic af fairs.” ■ J ll Hon. Steve Clay will make a political speech here on Monday of court. Every citizen in the county should hear him. It will be a great speech—the best per haps that the people of this county will be given an oppor tunity of hearing this campaign. —Spring Place Jimplecute. In April every good American was a naval expert. In June he was making military campaigns. In August he is a diplomatist. In October he will be pronounc ing on the government of colo. nies. The American citizen is hard pressed, but he shrinks from no duty in running his government. NEW MAN. “I was a sufferer from dys pepsia, gout and rheumatism, caused by impure blood. I tried various medicines, but obtained no relief until I began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. This med icine has made me a new man and is the best I ever took. It has beon a blessing to me.” William M, James. Brogdon, S. 0. Hood’s Pills are the only pills to ta«e with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. EC and yet efficient everything at cost FOR THIS WEEK ONLY CLOSING OUT TO QUIT FRANK WRIGHT’S FARMACY NORTON’S OLD CORNER OI’POSIT MASONIC PEMPLjC Impetuous Teddy Roosevelt has made a mistake in drawing invid ious comparm hi between his Rough Riders and other State troops the difleienso is only a difference of selection and equipment. Picked men who had learned to ride, and who were better arine ' and inured to the hardships f t war. ought to bi able to give a I ett«r immediate account of themselves than un trained volunteers. but somethii g can be forgiven Teddy in the prid he has shown for his Rough Riders'it was ashame to print his le ter ahich was evi dently never intend ed for the pub lie eye. The army contractors are growing rapidly wealthy. It is claimed that the hay contractor pays sl2 50 per ton and sells all he can buy to the government for $25 per ton, while the politi cians who have the contract of supplying the army at Chica mauga with about 60,000 loaves of bread per day,sell the same at 5 cents per loaf after having sub-let the contract at 2 cents the loaf. The army contractor, the members of the navy and the other millionaires of the country seem to be “doing very well, thank you.” Two or three American men* of-war may be sent through the Suez canal to re-enforce Admi ral Dewey’s fleet. Should the Oregon be one of the vessels or dered to the Philippines, as i» hinted, her new cruise would be a remarkable supplement to the voyage of that battleship around the South American continent. Returning later to San Francis co, the Oregon would have made the most wonderful cir cumnavigation of the waters of the world achieved by any man of-war in naval history. Speaker Reed predict* with pat riotic confidence in the enterprise of his countrymen, that a new era of prosperity will set. in after re covery from the check given to business bv the war it is evident that th ■ Speaker does not hold, with S ; nator Thurston and other eminent Jingo statesmen, that war is a great promoter of national prosper i ty. Louisville lias determined to exempt from taxation for a pe riod of five years any new man ufacturingenterprises that may be started up at that place. Rome has many richer attractions to offer and therefore does not have to discriminate against the man ufactnrers now engaged in help, ing build the city. The highest rank conferred upon an officer in the United States army is that of general; the next highest rank is that of lieutenant general. Neither office has an occupant at present though Major General Miles has eager ambitions in that direc tion. Hon. O. B. Stevens, Georgia’s next Commissioner of Agricul ture, has nearly a thousand ap plications filed with him for po sitions. Obe Stevens will mak' wise selections for every offict to which he appoints a man Mark that prediction The Rev. J tines Boyd Brady, of Boston, recently preached in the morning on “Reasons for Resting in the L< ving Arms of God” and in the evening on “To Hell With Spain.” The Rever end Jeems is a lulu.—Memphis Commercial Appeal. It was Commodore Schley who said (hat the naval victory at Santiago was “big enough for us all.” r Admiral Sampson migh have said something more to th< Point, but it was necessary to show where the New York was. —Constitution. THE MODERN BEAUTY Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exeiciw in the open air. Her form gl Ow . and her face glows with j u eauty. If her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy she uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup of figs, m anufac tured by the California Fia Syrup Co , only g £ JOEL PYLE. Is a pupil in Rome Business College. He is mastering a long course in Theoretical Bookkeep, ing and practical accounting, also a thorough course in Short band, Business and Law dicta tion and general office routine. This course with its accompany ments makes an exceedingly strong one. Rome Business Col lege enjoys now the largest en rollment it has bad in years. Every seat in the College hall is taken. The summer term is in progress. Several graduates will leave soon to take positions. The college procured ninety two po sitions the past year. H. S. Shockley, Prin. Rome. Georgia. - . - JS JI . ROME BUSINESS COLLEGE Rome, Ga., will receive young men and ladies now at the actual cost to the College for carrying them through a thorough commer cial course, and furnish board, books and commercial blanks and accept an easy time note for tuitioa payable after a position is secu.vkd. The College procured 92 POSITIONS THE FAST YEAS. It supplies schools and college! with competent teachers of I<• manship and principals of iCcf cial departments; s«st lee sons in Shor/he’.j fully explained for io cents in stamps; is strongly endorsed by hundreds of Luslbsm and professional men who employ its graduates at Stenography oi Bookkeeping. Address all letters ‘o the Principal, H. S. Snoctur, Rome, Ga. Annual Sales Bowa -*OR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DxSOWEN inch as Wind and Pain in the s tom"A Siddin-ss. Fulness after nieaK iche. Dizziness, Drowsiness. I lush w of Boat, of Appetite. Cos vein J Blotches on the Skin. ,C<»hl Chill • turned Sleep. IWIHf.u Druams and U Nervous and Trembling SensaW* THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RtL.u [N 'fWENTY MINUTES. Every suifei* will ackuvM lodtfe them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. HEECH ASi’*. PILES, taken -d. will'luickly restore Females to pleto health. They Prt-nptiy rem"'* obstructions or irregula rlt ’ < '® ‘ v ul » tern an«l cure sick SleadACbe. Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDRt* Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival And have the '' .Na Uy PaS.!?M-<™«“‘ , ’*‘ W ‘’ ,W ' Ofi,, ,11 D-n.- Stnrea Biliousness "I have used y° ur HETS and find them ',1“,,; without them. 1 us e*J ‘JI „ n( j a nino**J •orind'gestion and biliousness and jletcly cured. Recoumiend tlieu . t ( e®/ Vnce tried, vou will neve, be he family.” Edw. A. Makx, Aioa CANDY W cathartic A, MASK Pleaaant. Palatable. Potent- Good. Never Sicken. Weaken. —, o gj. -• ... CURE swrttaa HO-TO-BAC iWA’«« ***