The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 09, 1898, Image 7

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PERSONAL mention. Mi. W. Q. McArver, of Coosa, is in the city today. Mies Ruth McLeod ifc vis ng friends in Artnuchee . George W. Harrison, of At lanta, is in the city. R«v. J. H. Eakes went down to Rockmart, this morning. Mr. W. C. Smitherman, of Chattanooga, is in the city. Mather Daniela went to Lees burg today to spend several days. Capt. and Mrs. John C. Fos ter, of Foster’s Mill, spent today in the city. Mr. T. B. Russell, of Gales ville, was the guest of friends in this »ity today. Bad blood becomes good blood on taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It is the great blood purifier. You are right, this time, Jane dear, for air castles are built out of a specie of geld brick. For Sale: 7 fine milk cows-Apply to G-. B. Holder at Lindale. Another shipment of five barrels fancy ripe LeConte pears from South Georgia, at Lloyd & Harper’s. All this week the Chick & Peters Co -, at the Par • theatre. Fancy new honey, in comb or strained, at Lloyd & Harper’s - Also new Paragon Honey syrup, it’s delicious. Big Brown Jug Fil ters for sale. Price $2-00. Miss Julia Stewart. Mrs. C. L. King and daughter, Miss Bessie, have returned from a pleasant visit to relatives in Everett Springs. Fancy Tip Top Graham flour, new goods, at Lloyd & Harper’s. Also absolutely pure wheat flour at new prices : First choice of everything in fruits, vegetables, cantaloupes, stc., goes to Lloyd & Harper’s, the hustling grocers. The many friends of Mr and Mrs. Will Fricks will be pained to know that their little son Roddy, is quite sick. Mr. J. «V. Campbell went down to Atlanta this morning where he will spend several days, before going t« Lithia springs on his vacation. Prof, and Mrs. W. 0. Connor were in the city today en route to their home in Cave Spring from Columbus, Ohio, where they have been spending several weeks. Lunch Milk Crackers, new stock, 10c lb package at Lloyd and Harper’s. Also City Sodas at 10c lb, fine Reception Wafers and delicious new Graham Wafers cheap. Go to Lanham's and get one or more of those fine sailors, they are selling so cheap. They are actually worth from one to two dollars and they are selling them at Qfty cents. Nothing like ever offered in Rome before., Miss Gertrude Ford will leave Saturday for A Ganta where she will make her future home with relatives. Miss Gertrude is a pietty little lady and host of friends here regret hor leaving Rome. Shipped to Cartersville.— AR the stock and tools of the Home house of the R. H. Jones Mfg- Co., have been shipped to artersville where the two con cerns have consolidated. Prof. C. bord will still remain with the company and will go down to take charge of the trimming department in a few days. TSe Reyal *• tbe biqbe.t grad. baking powder boowa. Actual taata ebow it gaaa oee iblrd farther than aay other bread. RBk POWDER Absolutely Pure KOVAL tAKIKO RO.HII CO., YORK. SPANIARDS Were Whipped in a Battle al Malate. ft THREE HOURS’ FIGHT In Which the Manila. Americans Won Glory. Manila, July 31, via' Hong Kong, Aug. 9.—a heavy engage ment took place last night be tween the American and Span ish forces at Malate. The Spanish made an attack attempting to turn our right. After three hours fighting they were repulsed. The troops engaged were the 10th Pennsylvania, Ist battal ion ; Ist California battalian, and Third artillery, regulars, and battery “A” Utah. Our loss was 9 killed and 44 wounded. The Spanish loss was 200 killed and 300 wounded. Our volunteers made a glori ous defense against upwards of 3,000 of an attacking force. Washington, Aug. 9.—Spain’s answer to President McKinley’s peace ultimatum will be pre sented this afternoon, so it is said at the French embassy. As well as can be learned, the details of the reply are not such as will be wholly satisfactory to President McKinley. GOOD MEETINGS In Progress at The First Bap tist Church. The services last night and this morning at the First Baptist church were very fine for the beginning. The congregations were large and attentive. The preaching seemed to be timely and well received. The singing by Mr. Wolfsohn and his choir of twenty voices was certainly delightful and highly enjoyed by all. Mr. Wolf sohn’s solos are charming for their sweetness and adaption to the spirit and sentiment of each service. The interest seems to be growing and wo trust that the , meetings will grow in power as they progress and much good accomplished. If you have not gone out do so and you f certainly will not legret it. FOR SALE! A fifty saw Gullatt Gin. Feeder and Condenser and a 5 H. P. Erie City Steam Engine, both in good order. Will sell cheap or will exchange for horses, mules, corn, lumber, or almost anything else value, as I have no use for them. » Addrr vs or cal) on FLETCHER SMITH, ' ■■■SQMI 240 Broad St., Rome, G< LOCH' HAPPENINGS. WANTED.—Two good clerks at once. Young men. Apply to Lloyd & Harper. Went To Cave Spring Dr’r Lindsey Johnson and W. D. Hovt went down t) Csve Springs this morning to perform a surgical operation on a patient. Public Schools Soon Open —Uo to Lanham’s at uiice and get some of those fine sailors they are selling so cheap Only 50c for sailors worth SI.OO, $1.50 and $2.00. Foot Sprained. Deputy Sheriff Bill McLeod while work ing on his new house in the Fourth ward yesterday after noon, fell from the roof spraining his foot badly. Sent to Chaingang.—Nelson Pinson, Harvey Bradley and Jim McClody were sent to the chaingang this morning. They were convicted at the last term of the superior court. Sidewalk Grade.—The side walk between Gentry Bro’s. Ci gar factory and Wooten’s stable is being filled in. This brings the entire street to the standard grade from First to Second ave nue. Agriculture Convention—Col. J Lindsey Johnson left this morning for Indian Spring’s where he goes to attend the Georgia State agriculture, convention, which convenes tomorrow He is vice president of the convention. Left Yesterday—Capt H. J. Stewart returned to Griffin yester day having his company complete. He called in his two Lieut, who nave bean at different parts of the state recruiting. Capt. Stewart now has one of the best and largest companies at Griffin and fast getting trained to army life. Seminary Opened.—The Ev erett Boring Seminary has open ed for the fall term with a large number of students enrolled. The school is in charge of Profs. W. J. and Isaac Moore two well known educators, who have built up the school to a high standard. Chick & Peters Tonight. —The program tor 'his evening by the Chick & Peters Co., at the Mobley park theater will Fe a high class vauderville. During the play they will show the ,v > i - | derful cenamograph ot movin' pictures of the battle of Mini's. Admission free nly 10c will be charged for reserved seats. Private Wheeler Here.— Mr. A. G. Wheeler was in Rome today en route to Tampa, where he goes to join his regiment, Go. H, 2nd Georgia. He has been spending a few days with his home folks in Chattooga county. He says his company expects to leave for Porto Rico in a few days. Chick & Peters—The Chick & Pet rs Co., give its first perform ance at the Mobley park theater, last night to a large audience The company is first class. Miss Annie Chick in ths serpentine dance and coon songs was splen did They deserve good houses. The curtain will go up promptly at 8:30 o’cluoß each evening. Dr. Tilley Dead.—This morning at 4 o’clock Dr. R. A Tilley diod at his home in Cave Spring. He was 79 years of age at the time of his death’ and leaves seven children to mourn his death, vix: Rev. A. A. Tilley, chaplain of the 2nd Georgia reg iment; R. C. Tilley, of Atlanta; J. W. F. Tilley, R. B. Tilley, Mrs. Nannie Smith, Mrs. W. T. Phillips, of Cave Spring, and Mrs. J. R. Marrows, of Texas. Chick & Peters Co., at th« park tMaatre all this week with a change of Mil nightly. S BEST SANITARY PLUMBING M N * Mi j ■ | £ Gas, Water and Steam Fitter. kT U. A * \ Qas fixtures, Gas Stoves tS || ,‘4 R * Pumps, Hydraulic rams, steam fix- E. I 1 ! Y * tures. Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Elec- ft ! < • trie fixtures. » ■rs. p * fe ■ ite . S ■ have employed Alex S. Pierce to st fl L take charge of my shop department. S; ; $1 U £ hie is one of the best workmen in the ; W M * South. Repair work attended to fe ’ ' I £ promptly. h ' , 4 B X 1 JOHN O-CHILDS. fe SI M • 6? • 22 3 Broad st. Opposite Th js. F } Jgt \ JI if "-.l' ; - ’ - ■ .. • t jWE Itt ON URGE ® | I Mi® anlsowflh * ! a, I (•* THEY ARE THE ♦ <■*(• 5 $7 KIND IAT OTHER* PLACES. • ItaedailawCo.Z'Q I, •Ji "o'®""®#*®®" “ s'B's' — J W. W/ Ml/ Wf -M. .Wz Mr XUf M W * W "If WW W- II n : ■■ EVERYTHIN!) IN © i S || !|. * « r , i *« * : IP : *' *J' ! * |i COST. || | firs. A, O. Garrard | B1 * ■ • • 4 ■ “ - -j *