The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 10, 1898, Image 2

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PERSONAL MENTION. • Mrs. T, J. Simmons is visit ing in Atlanta. Mrs S. M. Surk has retain ed from Catoosa Springs. Miss May Doyle, of Chatta nooga, is the guest of relatives. Mr. Mortie Jack went down to Carrollton today on business. Mr. Robt. D. Alien of Atlanta spent today in the city wi h friends. Amusing pictures at the park theater to night. Mrs. Joe Morton, of Anne delle, is the guest of relatives in the city. Miss Ora Best, of Cartersville, is the charming guest of Miss Clara Johnson. Mr. Herbert Stubbs, of Ce dartown, is a guest of the Yan cey house party. Mrs. W. F. King, of Calhoun, is the guest of Mrs. W. D. Cuu yus, for a few days. Bad blood beccmes good blood on taking Hood's is the great blood purifier. For Sale: 7 fine milk cows Apply to G-. B. Holder at Lindale. Messsrs. Charley McKinney and Hugh McCrary returned this morning from Texas Valley Mrs. Lillie E. Pickett, of Can ton, is the guest of her parents, Maj or and Mrs. Mills cn Fourth avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Funk houser and sou, Littell, left to day for Asbury Park to spend "■'lie time. * Fancy new honey, in comb or strained, at Lloyd & Harper’s - Also new Paragon Honey syrup, it’s delicious. Big Brown Jug Fil ters for sale. Price $2-00. Miss Julia Stewart. Fancy Tip Top Graham flour, new goods, at Lloyd & Harper’s. Also absolutely pure wheat flour at new prices : Mr. and M rs. Preston, of Lig non, were in the city today eu route to Rocky Creek to attend the Owens-Camp nuptials, Thursday. Miss Bettie Penn arrived in the city today from Atlanta and will spend several days with friends before returning to her home in Trion. Miss Bessie Jackson, of Wash ington, Ga., was in the city to day en route to Foster’s Mills, where she will spend several weeks as the of Mrs. Juo. C. Foster. COAMO CAPTURED By a Brigade es Volunteers in Half Hour's Fighting. Ponce, Porto Rico, Aug. 10.— The town of Coamo was taken at 8 o’clock this morning by the 16th Pennsylvania and the 2nd and 3rd Wisconsin. Artillery was used on an out lying blockhouse and undercov er of this fire the Advance was made. Two hundred Spaniards were captured ana twenty killed, in cluding the commandant, el Illeseas, and three other off? cers. Five Americans wer« wound ed. Their names are Kovincent Tolley, Frank Whitlock, Clyde Prance. Corpl. Varnes and Pvt. Biebold, all of the 16th Penhiyl* vauia The fight lasted iliiny' minutes. i aoyai u. botioe toowe. toots abow H f—— Bird bwtbor tbso oor stbor brooA so® » » ’ aosveaa. SAGASTAIN DANGER To be Assasiinatbd as Ths Result Or A Plot. Bayonne, France, Aug 10, —Dis- patohss received here from Madrid dated yesterday announce that the most rigorous military censor ship is exercised today. The news papers are uot allowed tc refer to the plot agaiust Senor Sagaeta's lite nor to the appearanceof revolu tionary bands is theCastillon pro vince . Concerning the plot it is ’aid the conspirators have drawn lots to decide which of team shall carry out its purpose and that the task has fallen upon a mau named Disbal, who has suffered impris onment in the for«r«ss of Mount .luich for participation in one of the Barcelona anarchist outrages and whose sentence was recently commut' d by the supreme court to expulsion fr<m Castillon the band consists oi twenty men. According to some account they are republicans and others say they are Carlisle there first move was to attack a custom* post end cap ture all the arms. Next they cut the telegraph end telephone wires, OWINS—CAMP Two Popular Young People To Marry Thursday. Thursday at high noon, Mr. J. Boyd Owens, of this city and Mias Minnie Lee Camp, of Rocky Creek will be united in marriage, at the home of the bride. Every body in Rome knows big hearted genial Joe Owens, es tb e rm of Cantrell A Owens, who counts hie friends by the score. Miss Camp is a lovely and popular young lady and is very popular among a large circle ot friends. The wedding will be a quiet home affair and only the relatives and a few friends will be present. Mr. Owens will leave in the moraiug for Rocky Creek accom panied by;the following: Mr. and Mrs. John P. Davie, Mr, and Mrs. John Pollock, Mr. and Mrs. Jake C. Moore. The Hastier-Commercial Wishes them a long life and much hap piness, BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts, brusese sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevet sores, tetter, ehapped hands corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itively cures piles, or no pay re quired. Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by all Druggists. HAY ASSOCIATION. Buffalo N. Y., Aug. 10.—The National Hay association convened today. Reports from the cemmit tees on transportation, legislation and.arbitration were preaaated. A number of interesting papers weie read during the afternoon. FOR SALEI A fifty aaw Gullatt Gia, Feeder and Condenser and a 5 H. P. Erie City Steam Engine, both in good order. Will eel) cheap or will exchange for horMes, mules, born, lumber, or almoat anything else of value, as 1 have no use fur them. Adder is or call on FIJETC’HER SMITH, 240 Broad St., Rome, LOCH HAPPENINGS. WANTED.—Two good clerks at once. Young men. Apply to Lloyd A Harper. PoL’CE Court. —Willie Dumas was police caurt for disorderly c in duct. Prayer Meeting.—There will be prayer meeting at the First Presbyterian church to night at 8 o’clock. German, —The society young men of the city will give a German at the Armstrong tonight, compli mentary to the young ladies of the Yancey house party. Public Schools Soon Open —bo to Lanham’s at unce and get some of those fine sailors they are selling so cheap. Only 50c for sailors worth $ 1.00, $1.50 aud $2.00. ORANDJURY TO MEET.— T h e grandjury will meet again Fri day to hear the report of the committee appointed by the grand jury last week to look over the tax receiver s book and see how the tex payers have given in their property. Chick & Peters. —In spite of the inclemency of the weather last night, a fair sized audience greeted the Chick A Peters Co., at the Mobley Park pavillion. The company gave a very cred itable performance which w*B highly enjoyei’ by all present. Tonight they will show the cinematograph of moving pic tures. The performance begins promptly at 8 :30 o’clock. Rear Admiral Under Knifw. Vallejo, Cal., Aug 10. —Rear Admiral Kirkland today under went a surgical operation, upon the outcome of which depend* his chance for life. Only a few dsya ago he was enjoying the beat of health One gallon of blood wee drained from tbe patient’s etum ach, the operation being auoceaa ful li d moat aatiafactory. STANDARD OIL DIVIDEND. New York, Aug 10.—The Stand ard Oil company today declared a dividend equal to 3 per cent, on the corporation stocks now in their possession an extra sum equal to 2 per cent., both payable on Sept. 15. Messers. C. A., R. J. and A. D. Owens, of Bartow county, were the guests of their brothtr Mr. J. Boyd Owens today. They are en route to Rocky Creek to to ‘ attend the Owens-Camp nuptials, Thursday. Woman’s Friend The Great Medicine that Gives Nerve Strength Meed’s Sarsaparilla Makoo the Bleed Rich and Pure, Creates an Appetite and Restores Health, Vigor and Vitality. “I feel that I ought to writs s few words in praiw of Hood's Sarsaparilla, which has done great things for me. I was in a delicate condition and was sick at my stomach and constipated. I tried remedies highly recommended for female weaknesses, but the medicines brought o<i other troubles. I was so weak I eon Id not attend to my household duties, and I tuv-n determined to try Hood's Sar saparilla. After I had taken thia medicine a abort time I began to gain strength. I Crow Stronger Each Day nntil I was able to work all day without any Inconvenience. I have taken Hood’s Pills for constipation, aud I am better to day than I have been for five years. Bines taking Hood’d Sarsaparilla and Hood’s Pillx I feel rested i.i the morning. I am less nervous and a.u sure I have richer and purer blood. 1 have always been bothered with scrofula, but now I am i. . ’ 't. JLf ro my L. t < Lild was born I .uu. u.r..perilla, and my girl baby was fat aud strong, while my other child was not well and lived to bo only two years old.” Mrs. E. F. Dkal, Box 418, Missouri Valley, lowa. Hood’s parilia laika best—iv.fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood’s Pilis |. s BEST sanitary plumbing £ A W i. : I ' J Gas, Water and Steam Fitter. k-’ .>2 I tj. Witter nl A f t Qas Fixtures, deters ' ,as Stove s ® U’ « Pumps, Hydraulic rams, steam fix- B <4r V ♦ tures, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Elec- cY ei • trie fixtures. fe- 1- J i* * | « I have employed Alex S. Pierce to IB L J take charge of my shop department. E £$ II * He is one of the best workmen in the pt WM • ou tfi- Repair work- attended to V;: jJ M £ promptly. Fj W I : JOHNGCHILDS, f M N • 223 Broad st. Opposite Th is. F ; £ *• L bt » DU OHCE ® i I ails o» eartli ♦ | S« THEY ARE THE * | $7 KIND • ? |at OTHER* PLACES. ♦ | BomWrCoZ© j > * II EVERYTHING IN S[ I | ! MILLIPERY ! | MUH a w S rS 11 COST. H £ Hrs. A. Ck Garrard H *»»#*««**»«*****#*** •••"St t