The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 10, 1898, Image 4

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THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL | EHUSTLER OF RO ME | Established. 18M0. -He ROME COMMERCIAL ' Established. 1*». Issued every evening, except Saturday. Sandav and weekly. PHIL <i. BYRD. | EDITOR AND MANAGER. UtHoe, Wilkarsou Block. Tmrdi Avenue — Jtdly and Sunday,per year Wo° J at no Sunday, per year •* <eekly (The RomkCoitkikh) per year W BY C/BBIIK IN < I'l Y AND SIJBUI.BB D»*>y aid Sunday, lOeeuts per wee?, Remit by bank draft. exprsJl, money order or reaiatered letter Address THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL iff ROME, GA. Entered at the Postofflce at Rome, Ga., as class matter. Advenisiuir ra’“» *”d sample copies tur the asking. BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 Who mint them waterworks? .again, we exclaim, “Dam the Etowah 1” I 2 This is certainly dampwet ! weather. Joe Leiter’s brother-in-law is Viceroy of India. Miles continues to advance along a line of ratification meet ings. Spain may be gaining time, but the Americans are gaining victories. Dictator Aguinaldo certainly knows the combination on his rapid fire mouth. Uncle Sam is decidedly slow in moving out his excursion from Santiago to Spain. A few cough drops from the Vesuvius would do the Madrid government much timely good. I With horse meat at $1 a pound in Havana, the Cuban mule will soon be worth his weight in gold. J The last s*ate census of Mas sachusetts shows that Worcester is the second largest citv in the state, It is said Commodore Schley is a Cleveland democrat. This, (“ however, is forgiven.—Atlanta Constitution. —.... When an old maid arrives at the acknowledged age ot S 3, its S i safe to place her name on the centinaran list. ■" ■ w j The “immune” is an immune and as he enlisted as an immune n why he has a right to be treated as an immune. Miss Leila Cook, who was re ported engaged to Lieut , Hobson has her picture in the papers as the girl who is Not Engaged to Hobson. Capt. Alfred S. Barker, who has been ordered to succeed Capt Clarke, was the Oregon’s first E commander, when she took her rough initial sea trips. The more Gen. Wheeler’s re- Icord before Santiago is inquired into the higher up goes 9|Fi ght- F ing Joe” in the estimation of the people.—Cincinnati Post. ==-- If an opportunity had been afforded for Spain to pay that reward on Aguimddo’s head, Dewev and Merritt would have 1 been spared a lot of bother. If Spain piteously insists on retaining something from the wreck, why not throw in Blan cos typewriter and the skeleton of that Matanz; s mule and call J it square? A Scotch doctor proposed flog 1 ing as a cure for habitual drunk ards before the British Medico Psychological Society at Edin burgh For the “alcoholic crave” he suggested as a remedy blis tering and the application of plasters, and for “the plea of heredity” that the man should be flogged within an inch of his life every time he took a drink Russell Sage, now 82. ascribes his healthy old age to temper ance in all things. He takes just one teaspoonful of whiskey after breakf-ist and does not use to bacco. There are many temper ate men who die young and many imprudent ones who live long, but mederation is wise in any event. Life is a great mys tery. —Augusta Chronicle. The officers in the recent cam paign at Santiago met at Santi ago tecently for the ouqfiose of forming what will be known as the “Military Society of Santia go.” The idea is to make com morative medals from the bronze in the old Spanish guns at El Morro. They will be pleasant remembrances of the battle. The joke is on the town of Riverside, Mass, it was reported that Sergeant George Blackmer, of that town, had been killed at Santiago. The town pulled its flags down to half mast, and held public memorial services . Blackmer was not killed, and is now on his way home to raise a hot time in the old town. Hereafter the man who says that he doesn’t want to go to Europe until he has been all over his own country first, will have to spend a pile going to Porto Rico, and another pile .oilig to Cuba, and another on Manila, before he can dream of dating his letters Paris and Lon don. . The administration has come to Sampson’s relief. Its a poor administration that would not go to the relief of its favorite pet when he was about to be anihilated by a cruel and auto cratic public opinion. It is said of Gen. Stone : “He went mto Adjuntas last night with five men and four corres pondents,” which shows that a large proportion of the fighting force are paper adjuncts.—Flor ida Times Union and Citizen. Rev. Sam Jones defines a pop ulist a democrat with a devil in him.—Albany Herald. And its taking your old fash ioned Uncle Allen D. Candler to cast these devils out. As there are thirty three differ ent tribes of people in the Philp* pines, twenty seven of which never heard of Aguinaldo, it might be well for that states man to tell what he means by “my people.” There is a tribe in the Philip pines which smokes by placing the lighted end of the cigar in the mouth. When the pipe of peace gets down in the mouth it must be a warm member. Since the rumors of an early peace the recruiting officers re port business as dull. The volun teer wanted to fight for the flag and not beiag able to do so he is not enlisting. Senater Bacon’s protest enter ed in behalf of Ray’s ‘imnnuies”, was an attempt to make a grand stand play—but the field groan id while the crowd went w’ild with—hisses. All this week the Chick & Peters Co-, at the Par’’ theatre. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufaetured by scientific processes known t® the California Fia Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing 1 the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the CALI FORNIA Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all oilier laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. •AN FRANOIMI®. Cal. L«UUVILLF. ' ’»«W YORK. N. Y. SPANISH EXCURSIONS Macias lias been ordered to surrender to Miles on the same terms Toral secured from Shaf ter. The Spanish government has discovered that it will cost 50,000,000 pesetas to evacuate the West Indies immediately, as the terms of peace requite, and Sagasta can’t scare up the pesetas. If the blockading squadron off Havana is not careful, Blan co will come out in a skill some morning and surrender himself on the same terms that are to land 24,000 Spaniards in Spain free of cost. The bill for that little exclusion will amount to over half a million dollars and it is very probable that the Madrid government is anxi >us to do as much business with us on this basis as possible before peace is accepted. If we refuse to continue in the excursion business. Sagasta maybe expected to lend us his armies for policing Cuba and Porto Ricg. This would relieve him of the necessity of evacuat ing until he has collected suf ficient pesetas, and put the cost of feeding and clothing onto Uncle Sam. Great scheme I Spanish chagrin on account of the fickleness of the people of Porto Rico is said to border on disgust. But Spain has done little during the centuries of her sovereignty in the island to make the islanders love her and she has done much to scatter the seed and foster the growth of disloyalty. She is reaping what she has sown. The armored cruiser Maria Teresa, U. S. N , late As Cervera’s Spanish squadron, will come to Norfolk, Va., under her own steam. She will now have an opportunity to win a reputation. The expenses of the postoffice department last year wore $93,- 000,000 The receipts were $83,- 000,000. This year, it is expected the receipts will reach $100,000,- 000, breaking all records. LADIES’ FINE SAILORS. Go tc Lanham & Sons and get one of those fine sailors they are filing so cheap. They are ac tually worth SI.OO, $1.50, $2.00 and some even more, yet they are selling, choice for 50 cents. THE SEVENTY-FIRST OF NE A' YORK. We confess wo are in somewhat of a quandary concerning the ex act status ot the Seventy-first New York regiment, whose performance about Santiago were such as to call forth a vast deal of dbcusaion. First, The World told us that the regiment, or more properly, some of its officers and men, took occasion to lie down at a critical point of the operations and that all efforts to force them on failed. The appearance of this statement in one of the newspapers of New York was the signal lor a great hue and cry from some of the o'hers who immediately furnished no end of testimony from the of ficers and men of the Seventy-first to show that they had all behaved most gallantly. So strong was the showing made, and eo stro. g i t the same lime was the tendency on the part ol the fiiends of this particular regiment to boycott The World for what, were alleged to be slanders, that this paper in characteristic style proceeded to nut-Horod Herod, and there was no lim ; t to its praise of the gal lantry of these particular New- York men. Then to further • t-engthen its position, Mr. Pulitzer’s organ ftarttd a mon ument fund for the heroes of the, regiment who died upon the field. But this effort to mollify did not seem to .-each the desired spot, and members of the regiment who at first indorsed the scheme drop ped it. This furnished more food for comment by the other news papers. Tne World had been caught in a base slander, and its monument scheme was held up as a virtual acknowledgment of its sinning. Now comes Gen. Kent, in whose command the regiment was serv ing, and if we read the English language underetandingly, deciar es that all that The World charg ed was true. He goes into details which are not complimentaryjto this particular regiment of volun teers. Ineffjct he repudiates all the good things that The Woild’s contemporaries had said of these men and at the same time repudia tes most emphatically thi later de clarations of The World. In the lace of the official report we notice that our York con temporaries have nothing to say. In view of the peculiar complica tions, this is doubtless the best way out of it. It is the newspaper phase of the matter that has interested us par ticularly. As for the merits of the case, we are not disposed to criti cise in the absence of a better un derstanding of the condition, Step hen Crane hasshownus how many experiences it takes io make a sol dier, and if in their first experience thing# went wrong with some of the boys of the Seventy-first, we know that tlipy will more than make amends the first chance they get. The report of the commanding general shows that but one battal ion is under the ban, and the ac tion of that battalion may have been due to casualties among com manding officers and confusion of orders. At any rate, it. will go hard with the next portion of the enemy that goes against the S?veuty-first. Whatever stain there is will be wiped out with somebody else’s blood.—Constitution . NE W MAN. “I was a sufferer from dys pepsia, gout and rheumatism, caused by impure blood. I tried various medicines, but obtained no relief until I began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. This med icine has made me a new man and is the best I ever took. It has beon a blessing to me.” William M, James. Brogdon, S 0. Hood’s Pills are the only pills to tase with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. EC and yet efficient When Blanco makes his exit from Cuba Gen. Fitzhugh Lee should be on hand to superin tend the performance.—Cincin nati Post. The people of Porto Rico ap - pear to have been waiting for some nice nation to come along and capture them, remaiks the Birmingham News. It is reported that there are no snakes in Porto Rico. Just wait till we send some Waycross , blind tiger whiskey over there. —Waycross Herald. Aguinaldo says he is not “both knaye and fool.” No, Ag., we would notspoil so beau tiful a rogue by trying to make 1 a fool of such material. Hawaii is not ready for state hood, but carpetbagger Sewall is ready to flop down in the seat of territorial governor as soon as his appointment is signed. So far the prohibition cam paign in this city and county | has been free from bitterness and strife. May it continue so to the end.—Americus Recorder. The tax returns for 1898 from thirty three counties show a decrease ol more than $500,000 in property valuation, as com pared with the returns of 1898. The Miles style of proclama tion is of the very latest cut, warranted to give perfect satis faction to the people for whom it was made. And is bull-high if not pig-tight. A St. Louis uncle has married his nephew’s widow. According to family tree experts, this makes the uncle his own nephew and his wife, who is also his neice, her own aunt.—St. Louis Republic. Miles seems to be conducting the Porto Rican cam] dgn on his own hook, but after it is alt over the Strategic Board is like ly to rush in with an olii ial re port stating that it was within signaling distance. Acco ding to the Moultrie Observ r, ,he populist party of Colquit. County is now practical ly a thing of the past, most of its members having signified their intention to vote with the democracy thi- rear. — And now it is the Du hess of ■ Orleans who stales that Dreyfus lis innocent, and that everybody! | at the courts of Austria, ol Den-j mark, of St. James and of St I Petersburg is aware of it, and also of the identity of the real traitor. Hobson is ;• b' - ayn man but not wreckless. He look in the I Merrimac,, but refused to bring ! a licence when challenged by a Kansas girl, lie knows when' he has enough, even though Spaniards include him among the “Yankee pigs.”—Albany Herald. President Guggenheimer, of the New York Council, who in troduced the anti-swearing ordi nance now in force there, has received an anonymous letter in which the writer says: “You are a—of a good fellow and a— good cook. Inclosed find $2 for my fine.” Mr. Gugeenhei mer is famous as a clam baker, which explains whit the un known correspondent says re regarding his ability as a cook. = | EVERYTHING AT COST J FOR THIS WEEK ONLY CLOSING OUT TO QUIT FRANK A’RIGHT’S FARMACY N 011 TO N’SOLDCO R N E R OPPOSIT MASONIC FEMPLE Chick & PatsrsCo., at th=> ptrk theatre all this weak with a change of bill night! y.' THE MODERN BEAUTY Thrives on good food and su.ishine, with plenty ofexe " d ■" ‘he u „e„ uil , „„ , orm and her face gl„ KS wh| ’ 9 eauty. If J, er , ystem 9 cleanemg „ c ti™ 0( , remedy she ueea the flcmle ’ Peasant Syrup of tigs, manu . tured by the California Fj Syrup Cn . nnlv ® Aw * JOEL PYLE. Isa pupil in Rome Business College. He is mastering a long course in Theoretical Bookkeep” ing and practical accounting, also a thorough course in Short hand, Business and Law dicta tion and general office routine. This course with its accompany ments makes an exceedingly strong one. Rome Business Col lege enjoys now the largest en rollment it has had in years. Every seat in the College hall is taken. The summer term is in progress. Sov. .rradnates will leave soon to t t h • nositions. The coUege procur'd ninety two po- the past year. 11. S Shockley, Prin. Rome, Georgia. ” - TH | L'l • ROME BUSINESS COLLEGE Rome, Ga., will receive young men and ladies now at the actual cost to the College for carrying them through a thorough commer cial course, and furnish board, books and commercial blanks and accept an easy time note for tn’tion payable after a ] ■•i'.ion is mjc<. td. The College proc, ed 92 POSITIONS S IE P.\CT 'TAT It supplies schools nn«l col.egm with competent te.icherr '• f ]’■ * manship and priueip.■ 1 c* cial departments; - V <’ust les sons in Sho r rb?j explained for 10 cenLx in st. u p , is strongly endorsed by hundreds of business and professional men who employ its graduates at Stenography m Bookkeeping. Addri/s all letters to the Princij al, H. >. Shockley, Rome, Ga Two or three American mr - of-war may be sent through the Suez canal to re-enforce Admi ral Dewey’s fleet. Should the Oregon be one of the vessels or dered to the Philippines, as is hinted, lier new cruise would be a remarkable suoplement to the voyage of that battleship around the South Ame rican comment. Returnii) , r later to San Francis co, the Oregon wculd have made the most wonderful cir cumnavigation of the waters of the world achieved by any man of-war in naval history. The Denver woman who sued her husband for divorce sa) s his “love has melted.” This constrains the bachelor editor of the Cievelaud Leader to think tliat she made it too hotforhim ihousness ‘•I have h- 1 j our valuable sners and li' 1 them p.-i-feet. Could" t do 7. dim;'!, ttiom. I ham used them for some time ' >r i . I rest lor. aim" s.iund ant now .!<•! ly.-.r-d lie... Itu !id t l;eo>. to evorj . nice ti"' i i. wid n< v< rbe without them lam ■ Albmur.«• x - CANDY , ‘4 X 7 CATHARTIC % XWSUs. TRACE MARb P' Palatable. Potent. ?' i ’ s,p M 2 f w2. file Good, Nt vrr 1-ii-ke’L Wrakcn.or Gripe. H* . * • ... CUKE CONSTIPATION. -• HlFfliwg RfHeily llmapwy. Chlfue®,