The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 10, 1898, Image 6

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Nc Dutt Sparks ■ Slewarl Co. ON THE LOOKOUT Constantly on the watch over the best markets, nailing every opportunity that will prosper the interests of our customers, is what keeps McDonalci-Sparks-Stewart Co., so far ahead of the others. For instance, we’ve just made a fortunate purchase in Carpets, Rugsand Mattings, an 1 immediately share the profits with our customers as follows:-- 4 5* Bj(( i 2 1 rpet, made, lined and laid 55c 14 Genuine Smyrna Rugs, 4X7 feet $4.45 Brussels carpet, made, lined and laid Best Brueselif carpet, made, lined and laid 650 “ 2 1-2X5 feet 2.10 W T Axminster, Wilton’s, Velvets and Saxony car- A “ “ “ 26X52 inches 1 .65 Z£ jp pets, we are offering at manufacturer’s prices As we never indulge in “False Alarms” you will realize the wisdom of coming promptly if you whh to enjoy these extraordinary offerings. They are too good to last long. Find them on the first floor. r MCDONALD-SPARKS-STEWART Co: y UNDERTAKERS, ■ EMBALrtERS, Fl RECI S ■WhS£^2l ( ’T-S ‘‘See hoah, ’Raetuß ” paid the good old colored deacon to his eldest son, “yo’ all am gwine out inter de wicked worl’ to make er livin’, is yo?” “Yes, sir,” replied the young iter, “I’b done gwine ter try git tin’ long on mah on hook.” “Den erbout all I’a got tor say, Rastua, am dis heah,” continued the old man. “Don’t try to break de record blowin’ froth oflen beer; don't start ter raisin poultry in de light ob de moon, en doan’t loaf ’round in front of de bin’ part of er mule. An’may de good Lawd hab mercy on youah soul.”—Chi cage Daily News. o o o announces that he will resign as soon as he concludes the treaty of peace. In other words he will sigh and immediately break for cover. Sag talks more like a train robber who hears the blood hounds coming than the I’rim Q Minister of a nation overcropped with honor. o o o “Eve must have been most un happy in Paradise.” said the Mean Thing “VVhv so?” asked his wife. “Because,” said he. “her husband had no pockets that she could go through at night.” o o o The editor of the Albion (N .Y.) News told hie Compos.tor that flat and level were synonymous terms. One day he hud occasion to speak of a townsman as a level headed man. The word “l-vni” had ton many letters foi the lii.e of type in which it war to Appear, 'l i e printer, bearing in mind his em ployer’s injnnctinii, subatitu'ed “flat.” ft requred a personal apology and a long explaimtn. i> t<> save the editor from assault and a k ibel suit—Typographical Journ .1. Fo o o made the ’acquaintance of bricklayer on an eleyated train this morning says a New York pencil pusher. He had just finish ed reading a dispatch from Wash ington on the peace negotiations as I accosted him, and when after a few preliminaries I inquired hie views as to the annexation of the Philippines he responded, lacon ically : “Dagos bad enough, Malays nit. I knew a Malay sailor once and don’t want to know any’ more.” “But shall we give those islands back to Spam?” I asketk “Give Spain nothing, was his indignant response. “Then what shall we do with them?” “Give that feller with 'he gold whistle plenty of kartridges a..d let him fightit out. ” o o o The New Orleans Picayune is consoling Spain, which has the op- j portunity of being the richest and most powerful country in the world unifortunately for her the policy she pursued was to follow the ex ample set by the Romans, and to plunder and strip her colonies. Such a course has wrought Spain’s ruin, and she now returns to the same condition she occupied when the conquest of the New Wo: Id be gan. Probably she will be all ’.he better oil for it. ,o o o A New Y >rk York negro, naund George Dixon, has a bullet-proof stomach. While trespassing, he was shot by Watchman Deratine at close range. J’he bullet passed through Dixon’s vest, and after making a scratch took an upward course, passed through a button hole and through the right hand, which Dixon had thrown upward when Deratine fired. Dixon said h< only felt a slight smg when th< bullet struck him. The bu let was found to be flattened 01. the end A regiment <4 |) xrnis w..uld if sent to (he front, L.- v< ritabl., im im _■«. . non | “Thanks,my child,” were the last words of Bicinark as his d.i tight wiped the perspiration' from her father’s brow. o o o The young-si. colonel in the army is Duncan blood, a son of the fam ous general. He is twenty-five years old . o o o The may< r of Yauco. Porto Rico, announces to the citizens of that place that their address is U. S, A. o o o Speaking of territorial expan sion,the Democratic party is re sponsible tor the acquisition of twenty statesjand three territories, whose present population is 20,000- o o o An exchange says “the inside way of the wayside inn is what makes it so popular.’’Now if it be in a prohibition town ti the 8 de way in of way side inn that makes it so popular.—Dalton Citizen. Brother Reynol ! s knows how to get a “smile” in a dry town. Madisonion. ‘trusts with ww whether yoa c-dintit the M . . •< i -,r»ao <• habit. Nb-TUTrtC/liftfl* • .noves the dear.’ lot tobacco, with. - ai J 4EI ICtfWa «' utn votn cxpeionic .1 f >r.' , puriUe* thn” . <»d, ro J* *• it 1 i res Jo; t nt ; jud. box#’ m h I * OIK,! torus. Taknjt with will, pati ’utly, pejsigtrntiy One t usually ci res; 3baxcß,S2.y ft * ‘7 1 >rantve<J to<•”»•! , >r we refund money Marilug EamjdyCu. Chicago. Mimtraai, 3ew lurt, / h / T \ r A above .. ml • sea - w ■ Main Building. S " Hr JE-a'A; W' -‘: WM. i DAHLONEGA, GA. A college education in the reach of all. A.8., 8.5., Normal and Business Man’s courses, t.ooil laboratories; healthful, invigorating di m It.-; milii.iry discipline; (rood moral ami religions i itluences. Cheapest board in the State; aburxi nice of country produce;expenses from to sl.-A a year; board in dormitories or private f imili- s. Special license course for If teachers; full facnltv of nine; all under the 11 control o( the Univc-.sity. A college pr.-par- | atorv cla.-» Coeducation of sexes. Tbeiuati- | tutiou founded Sfiecially for students of limited means. Send for catalogue to the President. Jos. S. Stbwakt. A.M. CHEAP RATES. The Southern R’y operated 3 daily trains between Rome and | Chattanooga, by which parties can leave Rome in the morning, spend the day in Chattanooga and return home game evening. The schedule between these points is as follows. Leave Rome 1 :00 a. m. arrive Caattanooga 4:15 a. m.; leave Rome 10:35 arrive Chattanooga 1: 00 p. m. ■ leave Ronqe G :25 a. m. arrive Chattanooga 8 :50 p. m. There is also a local train leaving Rome 3:50 p. m. going by the way of Cohutta and Cleveland and ar rives Chattanooga 7:20 p. m. Returning, trains leave Chatta nooga 6 :30 a. m. arrive Rome 9: 00 a. m. ; leave Chattanooga 3 :10 p. m. arrive Rome 5 :85 p. m. ; leave Chattanooga 10 :10 p. arrive Rome 1:44 a. in. Pull man sleeping cars on all trains. For further information call on C. Harrison, C. T. A. The little brown jug filter price $ 1 00. The Oostanaul i is in the See how D«w ey. For sale by Miss Julia Stewart, also at Moore & Reese’s- ■-- --<irrnrirmn ciimiul, , (Beware of Imitations i - * I rtf.'’."?- * . ------ I j L r..<. ]]LOOD.|| e 4 -/r/i'f cwf ‘w? -i ffl Ji l * j 11 GHILb FrW ffi 8 bilious: ■ . . / H J COL. ' P L CEHP. : h j Restores ?, D S PPirT V lIWOfUUa * I i PBKI tsnM .a ll ‘ - t A-ry. ur 4 || Sictuncb (■ He»kSy X R j] t)iHG v V. UondUio.. g i - : v ' ' -W! 5 .r ■ t- ■ B .-; | Hl ; " L! f B fl -I Ml: B. it ISaadSl ' t 1 j [1 ly Ifcae gewlM **•* * “ j s ’ 7ER LIVER PILLS 2$ CENTS. h Purely Vegetable ViU ,;e B.liouswss couatlpaUea Piles. Sick-HeitaaM ll H> Dyineoßia. Ea.r A io ..... n [ $3.00 A MONTH. 7 I F<r BWre, y raouttf fee any sufl&rer fram atw Ckmte ®»aSB « ftiw «f traattoeut tbfrt has gafnefl a wipstetfie® for heafiag auM curative powers. Cases ttafl befletess are qotokty ami ralfficafly ft m Cowden gives every ease Ms fliraoHai eStefflSiiX. Thousands cureti. His tan: I Nose, Stomach, PonWhnoinT, AslfwNt, Throat, Bowels, Coruemr nsci&a, k Lunga, Blood, Rbawmstiism, Obcaflfofc Skin Diso«s«o. yiQORINE’SSSKS I -VITALINE gMber of these rtansthns w® t» swt onoe reoetjfrSf S2JMk ajfc- is Utile short es Send fer WiiAs an*l ftrf? iß»fern»fttif>n rcpnrdtng ■ An liHiuWes oheerreily answered. Cpftsnft&tfon Frw. Don't let «i'« cnanee ■ escape tt may never occur egahi. Address, < [*J.M.COWDEN,M.D„ 71513th5t.,H ts„ Wasbington.D.