The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 10, 1898, Image 8

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BIG CYCLE MEET - - Has Seen Arranged Per Rome ’rack. NOTED RIDERS COMING. Mr. Roy West Has a Word to Say, Mr. West, of the West Cycle ..-Co., has just finished negotia tions with Mr. Eli W i'isett, one of the southern circuit riders, which results in his getting most of thebest bicycle riders iu the south to come to Rome. Those coming are : Ami Elliott, who holds state championship, Eli \\ insett, who holds several records for long distances, Frank Steinhemer of Chicago, Zennis Fields, Brooks Cline, Wiley Mangum, Paul Baker, Ben Botenrider, Grant, Edwards, and several others. Messrs. Finley and Rather will be pace makers. Brooks Cline and Wiley Mangum have both ridden on the Rome track and no doubt the public will re member them. This is only a partial list of the men who are coming. A match race has been made with Paul Baker, of Atlanta, and Doc Wingfield, Rome, Ga. This will be one of the most interest ing parts of the meet. Young Baker is one of the most promis ing riders of the state, and every local lover of the sport knows “Doc” Wingfield. Each race will have a time limit so that the riders cannot “loaf” should they want to. All races will be paced by a tandem, two teams coming will do nothing else. The date for the meet is Aug. 17th. and if possible Mr. West will get them to ride again on the 18th. CIATION—LEAVE TO SELL. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern.W. H, Ennis, Administrator of Bed man Pentecost deceased, has in due form applied to the under signed for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said de ceased and said app'ication wil be heard on the first Monday in Septe.mber next. This 3rd day of Auguitlß9B, John P. Davis, Ordinary. Ob Western & R. R. iBAIIIIHILDS iIM i AND Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway ' . TO . . ) CHATTANOOGA, NASHVILLE, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO, MEMPHIS a< ST. LOUIS. PULLMAN PALACE Bit FEE SLEEPING CARS JACKSONVILLE and ATLANTA . . TO . . NASHVILLE and ST. LOUIS, THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE. Local Staapers between Atlanta and Chat tanooga. Cheap Emigrant Rates to Arkansas and Texas. Excursion Tickets to California and Col orado Resorts. far Map*. Folders, Sleep-og Car Reservation and any information about Rales, Schedules, write or apply to t. 8. WALKER, J. A. THOMAS, ticket Agent, t ticket Agent, tnlor 'lepot. No. fi Kimball House, ATLANTA, GA. CK. AYER. J. t. EDMONDSON, ’.A.. ticket Agent, (hatteaooga, Rome, ua. leiia. •US. bL MOWN, CHAS. E. HARMAN, IraHfc Manager. ten Pass. Agt.. * -- MEANT A, GA. . CITY FATHERS, Will Advertise fora Filter for Water Works ALSO BUY RIOT GUNS. City Electrician’s Satisfactory Report. Council meeting, August B. Present the Hon. John J. Seay Mayor and councilmen Cr W. Morris, F. J Kane, W. T. Jones, A. B. McA'-ver, D. B. Hamilton, Jr., and B. T. Hsynea. The minutes of July 2c th and August Ist. were read and con tinned. The report of the fire commit tee was read and received show ing tint a draft had been drawn in favor of W.H Steele, trustee, for $400.00 in order to relieve the incurnnrance on the lot oc cupied by the Fifth ward Hose Co.. No 4, and that the trust deed was cancelled and the title to the lot conveyed to the city by the hose company. The city sexton's report was received showing 12 interments in Myrtle Hill cemetery, nine whites and three colored. Three whites were non-residents. O >e of them was a pauper found in North Rome hurt by a Southern railroad train. Two of the color ed were paupers, one of them f >und drowned in the river. The city electrician reports that the electric fire alarm sys tem had been put in good order, with the pu'tinjupof forty new pohs and the use of ten miles of wire, besides other material used in repairing and construc tion. The total cost tod“te being $555.06. The clerk was instructed to inform the inform the secretary of the Southeastern Tariff Asso ciation that the Rome fire alarm system has been put in good order and it is subject ta inspec tion if the Association desires to inspect. Ordered that the police com mittee be authorized to purchase sixteen riot guns at a cost of not exceeding $16.00 each for the use of the police force in case of emergencies. Resolved that a committee cf nine be requested to advertise tor bids and specifications for a filter for the Roms water works; to consider the bids and make a report to the council recommend ing some particular system. Said committee shall be com posed of the Rome water com mission, three members of the council, and three citizens of Rome. The six latter to be ap pointed by the mayor. The financial statement of the clerk was read and the following bills were pas sod and ordered paid: 1 J. Klasing C’.-n’t’j Dept 1.10 .1 Bran bam “ “ MSI .86 I. S.Crawford. Contg....“ 4.00 N. O. Clements •• “ 12.00 I. Sain Veal. ...a “ “ 1.3 F H. B. Tatum. “ •' 12.40 I. J. Childs Fire.... u 5.06 I. McDonald Veal “ •• 3 20 Home Lighting Co Gas & L...“ 639.00 I. R. Cantrell & Co..l'ublic Bldg." 60 harlie Wood “.... “ 8.25 ■ athan Walker 7.80 Hand 4k Co Relief ..‘ 100 W. J. Gordon. “....“ 3.55 Southern Railway Co 4 74 H. A. Wiinpee.. Street. 13.15 G. W. Washington “....*• 34.50 doore -S Reese “ “ 75 Ihudy, Haivey A Co 3.00 The following named gentle men compose the committee: E. L. Bosworth, J. D. Moore and f. F. Davis, of the Water Com mission. A. B. McArver, B. T. Haynes and D. B. Hamilton, Jr. of the council. W. M. Towers, J. W. Rouns iville, and W. J. Griffin, citizens. % Council adjourned. H Smith, Clerk Council. SHERIFF' SEES fCE WTEHB R 1898. 3EORGIA FLOYD COUNT 1 Will be sold b fore the court house door in the city of Rome, Floyd Co. Ga. between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuerdny iu September 1898 the following described property to wit: That tract or parcel of land sit uated, lying and being in Floyd county Ga., and iu the city of Rome lying on the Eastern side of the Oostan >ulr river, being a por tion of land lot No. 236 in the 23rd district and 3rd section of said county. B gi lining on King street at the Northeast corner of the lot known as the Pinson or old Brick Yard 10l und running in a Northerly direction und along the West ‘•ide oi King street to the Southeast, corner of the 10l known as Uhc McGuire lot, thence to the Oostanaula river on a line at right ang es with King St, this last mention* d line being North of the two ttory brick dwelling standing on the pa,cel of land h-reby conveyed, thence down said Oostauaula river to tiie Northwest corner of the said Pinson or «ld Bries Yard lot, 'thence along the Northerly boundary line of the said Pinson or old B ick Ynd oi to the place of heginni >g. Th* said paicel ot land is bounded t.n the North by the McGuire lot . on the South by the Pinson or old Brick Yard lot, on the E »s' by King street and on the v\ est by the Oostanaula river, being the parcel of land as now enc o-ed containing 'wo acres more or 1-i-s, also that tract or paicel of land situated lying and being in the town of Forestville in said county of Fiiiyd and state of Ga., and known in the p'an of the said town as lots 165, 166 1(57 and 207. Levied on by vii Iu , ut a fi fa is sued from Floyd city court in fa vor of S, F. M/igruder, cashier, against W M. Towers, as the prop erty of W . M, Towers. Also at the same time and place a part of the property in the First ward of the city of Ruud, hereto fore known as the II (lines San'ita num lot and particularly duscrib ed as follows, — Beginning on the »Vest side of Ninth avenue in said city of Rome at the boutlmast corner of said Hclrm s Sanitarium property and lun.nng thence in a Northerly direction al mg the Westside of Ninth avuiue two hundred feet to a street, thence along the South side of said street m a Westerly dinet i ju one hun dred and thirty-one fee’, to the East side of a street opened through the above mentioned Holmes San itarium property, thence in a Southerly direction along the side of said street two hundred feet, thence in an Easterly direction along the line divining this prop erty from the G.W. Holmes estate one hundred and thirty-one .feet to the starting point. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fi fa issued from Floyd Superior court in fa* vor of R G. Clark against W. H . Cokerand W. J, Neel, as the property ot W. H. Cukerand W. J. Neel. Also at the same time and place fifty acres iu North part of lot of land number one hundred and ninety-six in the 24th district and 3rd section of Fioyd county, to satisfy balance of purchase money deed being filed and recorded in clerk’s office of Superit r court of this county. Levied on by virtue if an attachment fi fa issued from Floyd Superior c urt in favor of I. C Everette against Louis Bur ton as the property of the defend ant. Also at the same time and place ill that tract or parcel of laud situated, lying and being in the Fourth ward of the city of Rome, Ga., known as the Mitchell survey Floyd couuty Ga , as lot number lorty-thr e in block “B” fronting on Mitchell street one hundred ft and on the West by lot No. 44, on the East by A. R. Harbor, on the North by John Harrison and more fully d.scnbed indeed from H. D. Hill and Florence T. Hill to F. Hickey trustee, recorded in Clerk’s office book “D. D ” page 58. Also til that tract or paicel of land lying in the 23rd district and 3rd section of said county being one ball interest in lots designated as A and Bof BarnweP survey of what is kn wn as 'he Glanton place near Ent Rmne, said lots lying c mtigoin io each other and contaimiiK in all about 25 acres tnd bounded on the North by the Veal property, mi the East by Dean street, on the West by the land it G. H. Miller, see deed from George D. Cox to Martin >r.,bum. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fi fa issued from Floyd 'Up-nor court in favor of R, G, Jlurk against W. H. Adkins as the property of the defendant. 1 Also at the same lime and place 10l nurubei two hnndr* d and twen ty seven, eighty five acres in the Southeast corner of nt’ number iwu hundred anil forty, eighty fiv* acres on the North side of lot number two hundred and five, all ot lot number one hundred ai d ninety-one, North half ‘of l?i number one hundred and irnty two, twenty-eight acres and six teen rods of lot numb' r two hun dred and forty-two in the South west corner of stud lot, beginnmg at Southwest corner of said lot and running North sixty rods to Alabama road, then following the road to the slough sixty-seven rods, thence Southerly six y-eight rods, thence West to the original line seventy-two and two-third rods, a so East half of number two hundred and sixty-three, be ing eighty acres, als3 all of lot number two hundred and six aP lying a"d being in the twenty seeond district and 3rd section of Floyd county Ga. L vied on bv yirtue of a fi fa issued from Floyd city court in ' favor »f Hinnil ton & ( o. . against Mary A. Form hey, J( hnsen & Formby. Aifred J hns m and M. Formbey as the property of Allred Johnson one of the defendants. Also at the same time and place all that tract or parcel of land being in the 23rd district and 3rd -action of Floyd county Ga , be ing six’een acres in the Southwe-t corner of lot number two hundred md eleven. Levied on by vir ue f a mortgage fi fa issued from Floyd Superior court in favor of A. S, Burney against, Martha Gro ver, as the property of the defend ant. Also at the same time and place that part of lot number sixty-one in block “B” in the Fourth ward of the city of Rome Floyd county Geu gin fronting fi t !• e’ on ave nue “B ” formerly Spruce street, and rumiii g back same width one hundred and forty feel, the sarre being I ounded on the North by the Conaway property, an the East by avenue “B” and on the South and West by the property of W. P. McLeod and being the Dremesis whereon J, A. Bullington now re sides. Levied os by virtue of a fi fa issued from the Floyd Superior court in favor of lonn 11, Reynolds against W. P. McLeod, as the property of the defendant. J. P. McConneul, Sheriff Tax s|s ' ForsejMier 1898. GEORGIA,FLOYD COVNTY, Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Rome Fleyd county Ge., between the legal hours of sale on the IstTues day in September 1898 the follow ing described property by V'tue of state and county tax fi fas is sued by the tax collector of Fl»yd county Ga., and against the fol lowing named defendants. All that tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in lot No. 278 in th > 23rd district and 3rd section of Floyd county Ga Said particular tract of land bsitg one-half of lot No. 2 in Penning ton survey and lying near South east corner of lot No. °7B measur ing 200 feet North and South and 163| feet East and West and con tains f ths of an acre. Levied on by virtue of a tax fi fa issued bf John J. Black, f ’rmer T. C., in favor of state and county for tax 1892 against John T. Taylor, as the property of the defendant. J. P. McConnell, Sheriff. CITATION- LEAVE TO SELL. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To al! whom it may concern. W. H. Ennis, administrator of Polly Penticost, deceased, has in due form applied to the under signed for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased, and said application will be heard on the first Monday in September next. This 3rd day of August, 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. LIBEL EOR DIVORCE. STATE OF GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY — Laura Bailey j No 45 Eloyd S’p’r vs. court,Jan,term ’9B John Bailey. ) Libel for Divorce. To the defendant John Bailey : You are hereby commanded to be and appear at the next term of superior court of Floyd County Ga., to be held on the third Mon day in January 1899, then and there to answer the plaintiff’s pe tition for divorce in the above stated case, as in default thereof tho court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Hou. W. M Henry, judge of sml court, this srh day of July, 1898 W. E, Beysiegel, Cler< of Superior Court I School Su pd ies. 4 < iWe are pioneers in the school books and school BU p » ply business and we are also right j n every «« thing iha' should be kept by an up-to-date Bookstore 5 | | 11 ill PAPER. I 4 No house in th > Stste car. pcvi .-on better when vou s>>> sire to invest in a new covering fc - ’r.o dear 'id w i!|m • '■ your hoine - Sfle our “ tock 0,1 •‘“l’d and samn'ei H. A. SMITH | >/// ’ ail I !| THF OLD RFLIABLE BOOK Il SR To the People of Rome. | •I’ \l/ 1 Wlsh to announce that I have bought the Model Jb Steam Laundry and propose to rearrange and aid to it ▼ yl/ so that you will have in your city a plant second to none • a-, in the south. ™ I have had years ot oractical ex ( re ience, the n aß t \|/ three years of which I have own iperi m<| one of MA the largest plams iu Texas. With the • r-of exp. ri- W euce I have had and as I will d>v . my eotim lime imd kL W attention to the business Iwill he a position to guar, w antee that anything coming to my iaundry will be done /k y.J satisfactorily. A trial will convince you that 1 can do all that I claim- Sand m your bvndlo. If it 'ails to please /|\ yly yov there will be n > charge . Stop our wag mor teleph me ia No 158, and your bun He will In returned promptly. H) Hoping t i receive a fair shire of your Jp.itro.iage, 1 am k Myours Jo pleae>»’ ( S H. PARKIN /S Proprietor Model'Steam L tundry. WIFE’T CASH Offered For Assassination Ot H usband, Says 3layer. Clarendon, Ark , Aug 9. —Six persons are under arrest charged with the assassination of John T. Orr, on July 30. Ameng them is his widow. All except Mrs. Orr negroes. Mauz Castle, a negro, has con fessed that Mrs. Orr promised to pay him forth i killing of Orr and that he kil’od him. A mob gathered it. Court Square last night to lynch the prisoners, but Circuit Judge Thomas moun ted a box and appealed to the crowd to await action cf the law I'hey then Cancer 01 the Breast. Mr. A. H. Crausby, of 158 Kerr St., Memphis, T«nn., says that his wife paid no attention to a small lump which appeared in her breast, but it soon de veloped into a cancer of the worst type, and notwithstanding the treatment oi the best physicians, it continued to spread and grow rapidly, eating two holes in he: breast. The doctori jK* soon pronounced her incurable. A celebrated New York specialist then treat cd her, but she con kZ? y tinued to grow worse TrY Jwi an< i when informed xT- that both her aunt ' a: "l " ran 'h n other had died from cancer he v 1 a£ ave the case up as » // hopeless. • itfr Someone then re- •* commended S.S.S. and though little hope remained, she begun it, an l an improvement was no ticed. The cancer commenced to heal and when she had taken several bottles it disappeared entirely, and although sev eral years have elapsed, not a sign ol the disease has ever returned. A Real Blood Remedy. S.§.S. {guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real blood remedy, and never fails to cure Caucer, Eczema, Rheumatism Scrofula, or any other blood disease. Our books will be mailed free to any ad dress. Swift Specific Co., AllanUG*. There is more Catnrrh in tub section of the country thm nil other diseases | ur. together, uni until the last few yiar<s wa* sup posed to be incurrhle. For a g l 'it many years doctors pmn.iuiiceii it a local diseas, and presiilied lo cal remedier and Uy constantly failing to cure with local treat ment, pronounced it inen-able Science has proven catarrh tohea constitutional disease, ni <1 tben foie requires cousti utKiial treat nifeiit. Hail’s Catarrh Cura manii-l factored by F. J. Cheney & Cc. Toledo, Ohio, is the conslitii tiontil cure ou the market. I r 1* taken internally in iron 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts di rectly on the blood and muconrj surfaces of the system. riit‘)’°^ r l one hundred dollars for any case i fails td cure, send for cirjubirtl and tesiimonials Address, F. J Cheney & Co . Toledo,o t | Sold by Druggists, 750. I Hall’s Family Pills are tli“ CITATION—LEAVE TO SELL-j GEORGIA, FL )YD COUNTY. I To all whom it may concern, 1 W. C. Harris, administrator I Dr. C. 8 Harris, deceased, has J due form applied to the signed for leave to sell th« belonging to the estate of sal I ceased, and said application I be heard on the first September next. 1 hie let 8 I I August 1898. John Da vlß - Ordinary- J YEAR'S SUPPORT. I GEORGIA FLOYD CjUN’T'• ■ To all whom it may Notice is hereby given d™ ■ appraisers appointed to 8 and assign a years ~ L tl'B Mrs. Margaret J. H wid- wof Dr. C. S. arr *, S ‘ l) diii'B ed, filed their awar< \.„ f P | 1< s-i good and Bufll °J t '‘ 1 n , g de dl si o v n rhe same will ’ jin judgement of the f C .° U coo rt 4 September term of tne I& s|