The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 12, 1898, Image 2

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Nc M Sparks Slewart Co. ON THE LOOKOUT I . . % Constantly on the watch over the best markets, sailing every opportunity that will prosper the interest s of our customers, is what keeps McDonald-Sparks-Stewart Co., so far ahead of the others. For instance, we’ve just made a fortunate purchase in Carpets, Rugs and Mattings, and immediately share the profits with our customers as follows: fBs(! i: i rpet, made, lined and laid 56c AA Genuine Smyrna Rugs, 4X7 feet $4.46 Wf Brussels carpet, made, lined and laid 60c fj M “ 3X6 feet 2.85 W Best brueselis carpet made, lined and laid 65c j “ “ “ 2 1-2X5 feet 2.10 Axminster, Wilton's, Velvet® and Saxony car- fl ° ” 26X52 Inches 1.65 X pets, we are offering at manufacturer's prices. k\ X As we never indulge in “False Alarms” you will realize the wisdom of coming promptly if you wish to enjoy these extraordinary offerings. They are too good to last long. Find them on the first floor. r MCDONALD-SPARKS-STEWART Company 1 UNDERTAKERS, EMBALMERS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS ARCHER DENIES. The Only Real Kid JHayor of Ohio MAKES AQUEER DEFENSE Mrs. Orr Said to Have Banquet ed Her Servants. Clarendon, Ark., Aug. 12. Great excitement here over of four colored people for the assassination of Merchant John Orr and the sui cide of his widow after a confes sion that she had offered in a fit of anger to give S2OO for his death. Letters have been found which tend to show that Mrs. Orr and Rachel Morris proposed, after collecting the Orr insurance, to join two men in Mew York and start a theatrical company. Deputy Sheriff Mil wee sent the following telegram last ni lit: “Arthur 0. Archer, Ohio’s Only Real Kid Mayor, Caldwell, O.: Your dear Lorilla was lynch ed here tonight. Please wire disposition of the remains. R. F. Milwee.” LETTER TO LORILLA. It was in response to the fol lowing letter, received Wednes day : “Caldwell, 0 , Aug. G, 1898* Dear Lorilla : Inclosed you will find a picture of me taken August 2, 1898. Another matter has been brought to my attention since I wrote you last and that is that our common pleas court convenes September sth and 1 hardly see how I can away in September. Perhaps it would <uit you to defer until October. Let me hear from you in regard to the matter. “However, if you cannot defer it until October I thinkl can ar range matters all right, but if it would be more convenient for you to defer it until October, I could stay with you longer, as I would haVe all my court affairs attended to for the September term. ‘ Trusting that you will be pleased with Ohio’s real kid mayor, I am still your “Arthur 0. Archer.” This letter is accompanied by photograph of the “real mayor,” indorsed on the back “Arthur to Lorilla.” It must be understood that Lorilla is the negro woman who cooked for theOrrs. Appar ently Mrs. Orr carried on cor respondence in Loiilia’s name. Enemies of Mrs. Orr say that “Lorilla” meant Mrs Orr. A telegram from Archer denies that he had any knowledge of the letter to Lorilla or that he knew any of the parties. Mrs. Orr was Miss Mabie Ear nez Parker, and she was attend ing school in Kansas when Orr married her. Her father lives at Waupon, Wis. Until the present affair nothing had been said against her, and she has been Methodist church organist, and has moved in best society. Mrs Orr said that her husband abused her, but that she had no criminal intent when she said that she would like to have him killed. It is stated that the night after Orr’s burial Mrs. Orr gave her negro accomp’ices a sort of ban quet, and that she waited on the table. THE ONLY KID MAYOR. Cincinnati, Aug. 12. —In re ply to a telegram sent to Mayor Archer, of Caldwell, that young official wired back. i Caldwell, 0., Aug. 11.— My I connection with thj Orr affair at Clarendon, Ark, is a'eorreepond- ence by two or three, through a Cincinnati correspondence bu reau. The letter published was hot writteij by me, but by anoth er, who impersonated me. All correspondence was to Lorilla F. Weaver through the bureau, and I did not know her person ally at all. ArthtrO. Archer. HOUSE PARTY At The Freeman’s Beautiful Country Hom* next Week, Mr. Frank Freeman will en tertain a number of his friends at a house party at the Free man’s lovely home near the city next weeK. ’ •, The frequent entertainments given at the hospitable home of the Freeman's are always a source of great pleasure and it goes without saying a most de lightful time is iu store forthose so fortunate as to be present. The following are those who will compose the party : Messrs. Frank Freeman, Bur ney Hale, Oscar McWilliams, Horace Johnson, Horace King, WklUfr Ross, Worring Best, Griff Sproull, of Anniston ; Gus Blont, of Gadsden ; Paul Jone* and Bob Best, of Cartersville. • Misses Lou Fleming, Edith Smith, Clara Johnson, Hazel Adkins,. Edith Carver, Mary Berry, of Rome ; Susie Freeman, Mayme Hudgins, Ora Best and Julia Smith, of Cartersville. Chaperone, Mrs. Blont, of Gadsden. Big Brown Jug Fil ters for sale, rrice $2-00. Miss Julia Stewart. .gT I '■ 1 L. - ' Successful Physicians. w* reflomm»nd Dr. Hathaway A Co. “f ® Broad St., Atlanta, Ga.. aa being per fyitly raliabla and remarkably eucceaaful in the areatment of ohronie diaeaaae of men and women. Tmv oua whan others tall. Our readers if in aaafl of medical help should certainly write iMee amiaaut doctors and yon will receive a tree uvSf*** "■*•»••• JSW once by retain mail BEACHED BY CREW. _ t - - Chased by Launch From The Bancroft. ONE AMERICAN KILLED. Enemy’s Loss Heavy-Gallantry of United States Sailors. Key West, Fla , Aug. 12—The Bancroft arrived today from the Isle of Pines, bringing newe that 10 miles from the south coast of the Isle of Pines, near Santo Dominge, a schooner was sight ed. When the Bancroft’s launch, with a one pounder on board, was sent to reconnoiter, manned by 14 men, Lieut. Wilson, see ing the launch, sailed for Puerto Cortes, beaching her, and, with the aid of a rope ashore, ran her aground. Soldiers on shore fired at the Bancroft’s launch, which held her own, firing her one pounder, eventually compelling the Span iards to flee. Apprentice James Munroe, by swimming, reache 1 the schooner and tied a rope to her. At the same time Seaman Holmgren also swam to another small boat which was made fast to the rope. Stoker Noulouris was killed by a bullet through his left arm and chest. The launch soon afterward towed the schooner away. She was loaded with firewood. The Spanish loss must have been heavy, judging by the launch’s effective fire. The lieutenant in charge and her crew were cheered when re- turning to the Bancroft. 'Hie prisoners captured cave valuable informaiion, and were then re leased. They said the Spaniards were fortifying Bailen Port, near Colonia, Pinar del Rio Province. Bailen has a garrison of 40 men There are several warehouses there. The Branrroft’s launch and the Maple went to Neuva Gerona afteward, and report having captured several small crafts which were released. Seaman Lacoz, of the Bancroft, lost his eyesight, owing t<» the intensity of the lightning off the Isle of Pines. VES I ILL. Missouri Senator In Critical Condition. Naw York, Aus. 12—Senator Gao. Vast. < f Miss- uri. in reported to be lying critically ill at Asbury Park. N. J. Senator Vest has been ill for soma time, but a rapid de dine, such as it is ssid he has suffered within the past few days was unlocked for I. < Annual Sales over •,000,000 Bowt roi BILIOUS AND HEBVOUB DIBOBHEJLB »ueh mm Wind and Fain in th* Stomach. Ulddln'-a*. Fulue** alter meal*. Head ache. DiMfnoe*. ProwulnM*. Fluchlntrs at Heat. L«m of Appetite. CoatlveuoM. Blotebea ou the Skin. Odd Chill*. Dl»- turived Sleep, Frightful Dream* and all , Nervous and Trembling Sensation*. THE FIB3T DOSE WILL GIVE BELIE! IM TWENTT MINUTES. Every suffere. will a«kuowlad<e them to ba A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. MKBCHAMW NIJAUDu ae direct ed. wil1«ul«kly r-atore Female* to eoin pl>te be* I th. They promptly remove >U»tr«teUoti» or irreauleritle* of the K ys tem au4 cure kick MeatUrche. y vr a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MIN, WOMEN OR CHILDRKN Bsscham's Pills ar* Without a Rival Beve Ikv LARGEST SALE ■f MF SNSMt SvSiNe* la Um WeuK Wa. al all Dear Stores. CHEAP RACES. 'l'iie Southern R'j operates $ daily train-* between R >ins sud Chattanooga, by which partite can leave Rome in the morning, spend the day in ChatUuo >g» and return home same evening. The schedule between these points is as follows. Leave Rome 1 :00 a. m. arrive C.iattanootri 4:15 a in.; leave Rome 10:85 arrive Chattanooga 1: 00 p. m. ’ leave Rome 6 :25 a. ni. arrive Chattanooga 8 :50 p. m. There is alto a local train leaving Rome 3:50 p. in. going by the way of Cohutta and Cleveland and ar rives Chattanooga 7:20 p. m. Returning, trains leave Chatta nooga 6 :80 a. in. arrive Rome 9:00 a. m. ; leave Chattanooga » :10 p. m. arrive Rome 5 :45 p. m. ; leave Chatlanoega 10 :10 p arrive Rome 1 :44 a. in. Pull man sleeping cars on all train*. For further information call on C. Harrison, C. T. A. The little brown jug filter price $ I 00. The OostanauU is in the jug. See how D«w ey. For sale by Mi«s Julia Stewart, also at Moore & Reese’s. I Beware of Imitation* am aOKAN** •»* ««. ** ***