The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 12, 1898, Image 8

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THIS NEW YORKER Is A “Botcher" Whom Wey ler Kay Well Etiuy Iff HIS DRUNKEN ANGER He Slays A Mother, Wife And t Then His Children. New York. Aug 12. Policeman Henry C. Hawley of the Tender- Join station, whilein a fit of drunken rage shot hie wife, bis mother, Mary Hawley, his four year old son and his daughter, six years old. He then shot himself in the head. He was taken to Bellevue hospital, where he died soon after wards. The others were taken to the New York hospital, where it was said they would die. The only explanation of the crime was a statement made by Hawley’s mother to the effect that drink had caused all the trouble. When Hawley’s mother mo mentarily recovered conciousness at the hospital this afternoon she made s'atement in si balance as follows. ‘‘My son Henry C. Haw’ey had been drinking and appeared crazy. He shot his,wile first and then shot me. Then shot his two children and himself, the shooting occurs red at our home about noon.’’ Owen Gallagher, employed in a shop at the rear of the Hawley apartments, saw a good part of the tragedy. Gallagher, with other working men, had their attention attrac ted by hearing Hawley quarreling with his wife. The'policeman was sitting in a chairat the rear win dow. He held a revolver in his hand and was locking at its bar rel . Gallacher heard Hawley curse his wife telling her to “Get out of this.” Then the policeman’s meth er came up and tried to get the revolver away from him. The old lady put her arms around her son’s neck and endeavored to take the revolver away from him he shoved her off and then shooting began Ga'laghersaw the pehceman stand up and aim the pistol directly at the two little children. “He shot them down like dogs,” he said. As the mother wks putting hsr arms around Hawleo’s neck he wa» beard to be repeating this sentence. “I’ll fix them all” _■ y POISONED MELON. Tompkinsville, Ky , Aug. 12. —George Howard, colored, of this city, ate watermelon and was immediately taken violently ill and died. The melons had poison injected into them as a trap for thieves. TRADE PROSPECTS IN CUBy One of the largest merchants of Havana, who arrived here on Monday from Sagua, spoke thus of the trade conditions and pros prospects in Cuba : ' Cuba is an out-and-out agri cultural country, and American enterprises can only succeed when recognizing the fact. I think, however, one of the first things needed throughout Ouba will be electric railroads. After this the next important item of shipment should be lumber and ether building materials. Real estate is selling in Havana at next to nothing. It has not been possible to collect mortgages or get judgment against any pro perty during the last year. Building operations with a strong government, therefore, should, 1 think, have a consid erable boom. I should also imag ine that a number of large sugar refineries in Cuba would be a profitable investment. In addi- stfel 75 w Tlie door of health stands open to every woman who will enter. All that she needs is the key and a little knowledge. The knowledge that -be needs is concerning her own nature, her own physical make-up and tin principal cause of ill health in women. When a woman suffer* from headaches and pains in the back and sides, and burn ing and dragging sensations and the weak ness, nervousness and despondency that are caused by diseases peculiar to her sex, she cannot enjoy good general health. The key to the door of health—the cure for all disorders of this description—is Dr Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. It is a medicine specially devised for disorders of this na ture and no other It is the invention of an eminent and skillful specialist, Dr. R. V. Pierce, for thirty years chief consulting physician to the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgi cal Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y. When a woman writes to Dr Pierce she consults a physician who has practiced for thirty years right in one place, and who was some years ago honored by his own townspeople by an election to the National Congress. He will answer letters from women free of charge. All professional .correspondence is regarded as sacredly confidential. " Horyears I kept failing in health and getting worse and more nervous all the time.' writes Mrs Annie Dulan, of East Stroudsburg, Monroe Co., Pa. “ I doctored with two different doctors without relief. My system was run down and my nerves weak 1 had ulcers of the uterus which were so painful at times that I was afraid they must be cancers I felt discouraged and did not'get any better until my nurse advised me to write to Dr. Pierce. In May I commenced tak ing Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription and Gold en Medical Discovery. 1 took twelve bottlesill all. six of each Thanks to God and Dr. Pierce s medicines. I am cured and am a well woman." tion, public schools, roads and road implements and mining machinery are needed. There are many opportunities, I think, for large hotels.”—Journal of Commerce. PRICE OF STEEL Advances In the Pittsburg Dis trict, Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 12 Prices of steel are upward bound. The structural Iron and Steel Manufacturers’ Association has shoved up the p ice of all struc tural material $1 per ton. Steel billets have gone up 25 cents per ton in the Pittsburg district, and the trade is so brisk aud'the outlook so encouraging that one big firm here this morn ing refused an order for 20,000 tons of billets at present quotations. 1 hl-j-.-j." _’_r BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts, bi usese sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands,{chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itively cures piles, or no pay re quired. Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by all Druggists. CI A LTON— LEAVE TO SELL. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern.W. H, Enn’S, Administrator of Red man Pentecost deceased, has in due form applied to the under signed for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said de ceased and said app’ication will be heard on the first Monday in September next. This 3rd day of Augu>tlß9B. John P. Dat«, • Ordinary APPLICATION FOR; LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. Whereas A. D.Hardin,adminii tra or of M. Avery Hardin, repre sents to the court in his petition auly filed that he has administer* ed M. Avery Hardin’s estate. This is to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors to show cause 11 any they can, why said administrator should not be dis charged from his administration nda receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in October 1898. This July 9lh 1898. .1 'UN P Davis O'dinArv CITATION—LEAVE TO SELL GEORGIA FL' YD COUNTY. Tc all whom it may concern, John B Reser, auministrator of Mrs. H. I. Roser deceased, has in due form applied to the undersign ed for leave to sell the lands be longing to the estate of said de ceased, and said application will be heard on the first Monday in September next. This fourth day jf August, 1898. John P. Davis. Ordinary.* SHERIFF' SALES FUR FEFTEIBER 1898. f 3EORGIA FLOYD COUNTY , U ill be sold before the court house door in the city of R >me, Floyd Co. Ga. between the l»-gal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in September 1898 the following described property to wit: That tract or parcel of land sit uated, lying and being in Floyd county Ga.’, and in the city of Rome lying on the Eastern side of the Oostan tula river, being a por tion of land lot No. 236 in the 23rd district and 3rd section ct said county. Beginning on King street at the Northeast corner of the lot known as the Pinson or old Brick Yard 10l and running in n Northerly direction and along die West -ide of Kiug street to the Southeast corner of the lot known as the McGuire lot, thence to the Oostanaula river on a line at right angles with King St, this last mentioned line being North of the two story brick dwelling standing on the paicel of land h-reby conveyed, thence down said Oostanaula river to the Northwest corner of the said Pinson or old Brick Yard lot, thence along the Northerly boundary line of the said Pinson or old Brick Yard of to the place of beginning. The said paicel of laud is bounded on lhe.North by the McGuire lot. on the South by the Pinson or old Brick Yard lot, on the East by King street and on the West by the Oostanaula river, being the parcel of land as now enclosed containing 'wo keros more or less, also that tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the town of Forestville in said ccunty of Fioyd and state of Ga., and known in the plan of. the sard town as lots 165, 166 167 and 207 Levied on by virtue of a fi fa is sued from Floyd city court in fa vor of S, F. Magruder, cashier, against W M. Towers, as the prop erty of W. M. Towers. Also at the same time and place a part of the property in the First ward of the city of Rome, hereto fore known as the H times Sanita rium lot and particularly describ ed as follows, — Beginning on the West side of Ninth avenue in said city of Rome at the Southeast corner of said Holmes Sanitarium property and iiirr.iing thence in a Northerly direction along the West side of Ninth avenue two hundred feet to a street, thence along the South side of said street ui a Westerly direction one hun dred aud thirty-one feet to the East side of a street opened through the above mentioned Holmes San it.arium property, thence in a Southerly direction along the side of said street two hundred feet, thence in an Easterly direction along the line dividing this prop erty from the G.W. Holmes estate one hundred and thirty-one feet to the starting point. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fi fa issued from Floyd Superior court in fa* vor of R G. Clark against W. H . Coker and W. J. Neel, as the property oi W. H. Coker and W. J. Neel. Also at the same time and place fifty acres in North part of lot of land number one hundred and ninety*eix in the 24th district and 3rd section of Floyd county, to satisfy balance of purchase money deed being filed and recorded in clerk’s office of Superic r court ot this county. Levied.on by virtue of an attachment fi fa issued from Floyd Superior d- urt in favor of J, C Everette against Louis Bur ton as the property of the dofend ant. Also at the tame time and place all that tract or parcel of laud situated, lying and being in the Fourth ward of the city of Rome, Ga., known as the Mitchell survey Floyd couuty Ga , as lot number forty-three iu block “B” fronting on MitchelJ street one hundred ft and on the West by lot No. 44, on the East by A. R. Harbor, on the North by xtobn Harrison and more fully d scribed indeed from H. D. Hill and Florence f, Hill to F. Hickey trustee, recorded in Clerk’s office book “D. I) ” page 58. Also all that tract or parcel of land lying in the 23rd district aud 3rd section of said county being one hall interest iii lots designated as A and Bof Barnwell survey of what, is kti'.wn vas the Glanton place’near East Rome, said lot 3 lying cmligoiß to each other and contain ini' in all about 25 acres! and bounded oil the North by the’ Veal property, on the East byl D an street, on the West by the land ot G. H. Miller, see deed from George D Cox to Martin Graham. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fi fa issued from Floyd superior court in favor of R, G, Clark against W. H. Adkins as the property ol the defendant. _c Also at the same time and place lot number two bnndred and twen ty seven, eighty-five acres in the Southeast corner of lot number two hundred and forty, eighty five acres on the North side of lot number two hundred and five, all ot lot number one hundred and ninety-one, Nor*h half of Hi number one hundred and imty two, twenty-eight acres acd six teen rods of lot number two hun dred and forty-two in the South west corner of said lot, beginning at Southwest corner ot said lot aud running North sixty rods to Alabama road, then following the road to the slough sixty-seven rods, thence Southerly six y-eight rods, thence West to the original line seventy-two and iwo-tbird rods, also East half of number two hundred and sixty-three, be ing eighty acres, also all of lot number two hundred and six al 1 lying a"d being in the twenty - second diitnct and “rd section of Floyd county Ga. L’-vied on by virtue of a fi fa issued from Floyd city court in favor of Hamil ton & t o. . against Mary A. Form bey, J' hnsen & Form by, Aifred Johnson and M. Form bey as the property of Alfred Johnson one of the defendants. Also at the same time and place all that tract or parcel of land being in the 23rd district and 3rd -action of Floyd county Ga , be ing six'een acres in tl.e Southwest corner of lot. number two hundred and eleven. Levied on by vir'ue of a mortgage fi fa issued from Floyd Superior court in favor of A. S, Burney against Martha Gro ves, as the property of the defend ant. Also at the same time and place that part of lot number sixty-one in block “B” in the F-urili ward of the city of Rome Floyd county Georgia fronting 40 f et on ave nue “B. ” formeny Spruce street, and running back same width one hundred and forty feet, the same being bounded on the North by the Conaway property, en the East by avenue “B” and on the South and Westby the property of W. P. McLeod and being the premesis whereon J. A. Buffington now re sides. Levied on by virtue of a fi fa issued from the Floyd Superior court in favor of lonn 11, Reynolds against W. P. McLeod, ( as the propertv of the defendant. J. P. McConnell, Sheriff tlsrills Tai sales For seplemlier 1898. GEORGIA,FLOYD COVNTY, Will be sold beforo the court house door in the city of Rome Floyd county Gs., between the legal hours of sale on the IstTues day in September 1898,the follow ing described property by v-tue of state and county tax fi fas is sued by the tax collector of Flwyd county Ga., and against the fol lowing named defendants. All that tract or parcel of land situated, lying aud being in lot No. 278 in th.> 23rd district and 3rd section of Floyd county Ga Said particu'ar tract of land being one-half of lot No. 2 in Penning ton survey and lying near South east corner of lot No. 9 78 measur ing 200 feet North aud South and 163| feet East and West and con tains f th* of an acre. Levied on by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by John J. Black, firmer T. C., in favor of state and county for lax 1892 against John T. Taylor, as the property of the defendant. J. P. McConnell. Sheriff. CITATION- LEAVE TO SELL. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern W. H. Ennis/ administrator of Polly Penticost, deceased, has in due form applied to the under signed for leave to, sell the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased, and said application will be heard on the first Monday in September next. This 3rd day of August, John P. Davis, , Ordin a ry. LIBEL EOR DIVORCE. STATE OF GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY — Laura B »iley No 45 Floyd S’p’r v-. court,Jan,term ’9B John Bailey. jbel for Divorce. To the defendant John Bailey: You are hereby commanded to lie and appear at the next term of superior court of Floyd County Ga.,to be held on the third Mon day in January 1899 then and thereto answer the plaintiff’s pe tition for divorce in the above stated case, as in default thereof the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Hon. W. M. Henry, judge of B4'd court, this sth day of July, 1898 W. E, Bkysiegel, Clerk of Superior Court. I School Supifc. 4I We are pioneers in the achool books and school siq>. P>y business and we are also right up,ro-da»e in BVery . W »» thing tha‘ should be kept by an up-to-date Bookstore. 'if | ******»**MM*Sfc*JP*M*x**M I i WALL PIPER, No hcuse in th" St'te car. se-ve vou hett*r when vno a». $$ ???? »>> sire to invest in a new covering tc- ’r.e de<r 'id w »!U < f < $$ your home. See our stock on hand and samp'es 1 H. A. SMITH 1 !| THF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE. | I ____________ • - “ ’ • ■ • To the People of Rome. I wish to announce that I have bought the Model j Steam Laundry and propose to rearrange and ahi to it so that you will have in your city a plant second tc none .-a-, iu the south. \f/ I have had years ot practical ex, re lence, the past three years of which I have own ipera <d .it e of the largest plants iu Texas. With the r-<.f Vlr ence I have had and as I will d'v m y Pll tiiP ii nje f , n( ] attention to the business I will be a positi ni to guar-, w antee that anything coming to my laundry will be dime y.? satisfactorily. A trial will convince you that 1 can do all that I claim- Smd iu your bvndle. If it *ails to please yov there will be n » charge. Stop our wag m or teleph me /a No 158, and your bun He will In returnei promptly. i /Ak Hoping t» receive a fair shire of your Jpatro iage, I am ik yours to please* t S H- PARKIN * Proprietor MoJelJSteam Litiudry. $ T $ ~ ------ ~ ..... . LETTER’S OF ADMINISTRA TION. GEORGIA FL-.YD COUNTY. To ah whom it nay concern. Emma Penteci st bavinf in proper form applied t<> mb for permant nt letters of administration on the estate of Redmon Pentecost, late of said county deceased. Thi* is . to cite al! and singular tbo credit' ors and next of kin of Redmon Pentecost to be and appear at my office within th*-, time allowed by 1 law and show cause if any they can, why permanent administra -1 tion should not be granted to \V i H. Ennis Co , Adrn’r on Redmon I Pentecost’s estate Witness my ' hand and official signature this 4th • day of July 1898 John P. Davi- Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE i Agreeably to an order of the ■ court < f ordinary for Floyd county ■ 1 Georgia, grant'd at the November , term, 1897, will be sold before the court b use door in the city ol I Rome between the legal hours of sale ou the first Tuesday in Sept he following property towit, —One undivided 2'5 interest in lo g Nos, 167, 168, 171, 190, 192. 202, 241, 242, 244, 245 and 3 4ths of 189 i and the South half of 240 All ! containing 450 acres more or less, . subject to dower of Mrs Martha ] G. Miller. Said property sold as the propirty of J. J. Miller, de [ ceased, late ot said county. Terms , »f sale cash. W H. Ennis • Administrator estate of J J. Miller der-eased. : LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION. . GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. . To all whom it may concern. j ; Emma Peut«cost having in proper *orm anplied to me for.pei inaneut j letters of administration on the state of Polly Pentecost late of j. said county, deceased. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Polly Pentecost ’ to be and appear at my office with n the time allowed by law and -how cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not bo granted to W. H. Ennis, Co., Adrn’r on Polly Pentecosts’ estate Witness my hand and offi ' cial signature this 4th day of July 1898. John P. D .vis, Ordinary, towtld* cured h» !>»• Miles’ Piu- I z- CITATION—LE WK TO'Ei.L. GEORGIA FL-YDC (JNTY. T.i all whom it mav cone th, J. W. C. Harris, administrator of Dr C. S Harris. dec o ased, ba.'in due form applied to the under signed for leave to sei' the lends belonging to the estate of said ceased, and said apjlics'i'n will be Ward on the first. Moidt* in September next. This Ist <l»v of August 1898. J ha I*. Davis, Ordinary. YEAR S SUPPORT. GE< RGIA FLOYD C .UNTY. To all whom it m»y concern. Notice is hen by g ven i‘’at the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a year’s support to Mrs. Margaret J. Harris, the wid< w of Dr. C. S. Harri'. deceas ed, h ve fib-d lheir award and mi ll ss go >d and eufficiri t cause u shown the same will be matie t>« judgement of the court at | September term of the ( co, ' r r<( " ordinary Th.s Angus' -alb 1 - ,1 -- John P. Davis, Ordinary. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION GEORGIA F OYD C -UNTY. To all v-hom it man concern. George F . Chidsey having in prop er form applied to me for peima nent letters of administration " the estat- of Mrs. Sarah B. blii‘- sev late of said county, decess _ This it to cite all and singular ' cre-iitois and next of km o - Sarah B. Chid-ey tu be pear a’ mv < slice within the allowed by law and show cause any they can why permanent ministraton should not be gra to Geo. F Chidsey on Mrs. ® rah B, Chidsey estate. « 11 mv hand and ofli ’ifl l his sth.dav of August 18J»- ’ Joh/P. PAV» S - ° rd CITATION—LE AVE TO riE ‘ L ' GEORGIA t'L YD COUNT'’ p To all whom it 8. ain'er, executor o kle, deceased, has in du 1 plied to the undersigned ( |i» to sell 'be lands bek" J,n C estate of said deceased, , be application wil b e ea . () ext. first Monday in Sep-* 11 ’ This Bth day of Augast. • • John P, Davis, Ofdin*