The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 14, 1898, Image 4

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THE HUSTLER-GOMMERCIAL EHUSTLER OF RO A£ Established, i«9O. --I—~ —~ ‘ ROME COMMERCIAL Established, IKVS. issued every evening, except Saturday. .Sindav and weekly.; PHIL a. BYRD. EDITOR AND MANAGER. Ollies, Wilsjrsin Block, Third, .Avenue The next holiday will be Labor day. The E igle is not fond of the “Hound Robin.” J 111 1 “ Miles continues his jaunt through Porto Rico . Aguinaldo was conspicuous by h’.s absence ot Malate. Fighting Joe Wheeler is not a “Round Robin” general. It useterwas Santiago de Cuba’ £ It nowam Santiago de U. S. A. Is Aguinaldo to become the Don Carlos of the Philippines? In the meantime will someone please tell us who ruint them waterworks? _ ■- __ Wilkes county is to vote upon the prohibition question on Sep tember 14th. Porto Rico seems to have been just pining for Uncle Sam’s pro tecting arms. Alger si ruck Teddy below the belt. There is no doubt of that. — Sparta Ishmaelite. Sampson’s “four mile limit” will force him 10,000 miles from the Temple of Fame. ..... , Think of it, peace has been declared and there will be no campaign against Havana. Sunday again, and the Span iads will be thrashed wherever they tire a gun at our boys. - ■■■■■■-'-J ■ "g? Alabama gave democracy a cool 60,000 majority. Now watch Georgia make it 40,000 better Porto Rico is large enough and densely populated enough to become a state in the Union. The Prince of Wales can’t bend his knee—but, then that doesn’t keep him frpm bending his elbow. With white-winged peace hovering over the realm, the Georgia boys will soon come marching home. If Japan wants the Philippines why let’s trade them to her for fans,and in sticking to the Mon roe doctrine, also keep kool. Red-handed murder and sui cide seems to be riding the crest of a very crimson wave across the United S ales just now. Speaking of David Bennett, there are lots of New Yorkers who would like to see Democra cy keep up its down 11 ill pace. No, Jane, dear, the torpedo is not made out of the same brand of pitch as is used by the soldiers when they to pitch their tents. Capt. Sigsbee having passed through hell on the Maine is now assigned appropriately enough to the Texas.—Detriot Journal. The coilapse of the warlike spirit in Shafter's troops since the fall of Santiago has been most pitiable.—For this, Shafter and most of his leaping subordi nate officers are responsible.— Sparta Ishmaelite. Atkinson, Bacon and those alarmists did not speak for Georgia when they clamored to have the Georgia tr op held back from Santiago. The Geor gia soldiers enlisted to face dan ger, and when ordered to face danger they do not appreciate any one playing the baby act for them. B<>g to have our troops sent forward, and then when they are ordered forward beg to have them kept back. Why, ttie army of brave women nurses are not afraid to face yellow fever? Why should brave men quail? —Dalton Argus. Col. John J. McCook is seen these days flitting in and out of the white house. Col. McCook will be recalled as the gentleman who, as the representative of certain Spanish-Cuban bond in terests, pulled a long peace string in the early spring. The fighting McCook® have not been heard from during the progress of hostilities, but they are get ting numerous now that peace is in sight.—Constitution. When the Senate goes into executive session to consider the nomination of Sampson over Schley, the doors ought to be open. There will be a circus. Philadelphia Times. Such a grotesque scene would never have been put on had not the clown assumed the d'Ctator ship of ring-master. Manager Marvin’s efforts to furnish Romans with whole some, health-giving amusements .ind recreation deserves the ap preciation of all stay-at-homes, especially. It costs money to provide these attractions and operate the cars—and your share is only 10 cents a trip. Go often. The oftener the better. When it comes to “yells” the college boys and football enthus iasts will nave to practice with their bellows quite frequently to keep in line with the “yell’’ of the Brooklyn’s crew, which is as follows : ' One! Two! Three! Who are we? We are the flagship of the new uavee. We are in it; Chai's no lie; Brooklyn ! Brooklyn ! Schley ! Schley ! Schley!’ And so Brigadier Bill, Lieut." Col. Bob and R. R C. Spencer R., have all scrambled into the band wagon and will help the “common people” swell the ma jority to 100,<100 for the Plow boy of Pigeon Roost Good. Lit Hogan & Co., g> do likewise and make the thing unanimous The St. Louis Goble Democra observes that American versatil ity is manifested everywhere and at all times. When the army captures a railroad from the enemy every company is ready with a detail of engineers, con ductors and brakemen to keep Hie train in motion. Editor Chas. J. Bayne, of the Augusta Herald, is spending his vacation lecturing in Missouri and Illinois. Bayne is a gifted and brilliant writer and lectur er. May he attain the full measures of success he deserves. , The negro regulars now camp ed in Florida continue to violate the laws,and then to rescue from the officers of the law, the guilty culprits who have been appre hended. rhe negro regular is becoming a problem Yancey Carter will have a picnic—doing garrison duty in Cuba—compared to the duties Mr, Hogan will have to attempt during the home campaign. If peace is declared why not change Watson’s orders to read Tin key instead of Spain, and lei him sail along across the , tempestuous Atlantic. Peace has been declared. Now let the army in the Philippines fie called mustered out of service. Allen I). Candler has begun to shell the woods and already the niiddle-of-tho-road-rs are making for tall timber and swamp islands. The only Georgia volunteers who have had an opportunity of smelling powder are the heroes of the second who quelled that negro riot in Florida. Now that peace has been de clared let every soldier who is not to be retained in the service be mustered out promptly. Let the expenses be curtailed. It makes us tired when we hear a 2x4-would-be-statesman jabbering about“ Puerto Richer” Why not use plain United States language and call it Porto Rico? The full name of the young king of Spain has twenty-one syllables in it- Shall we not re tain one or more of these for coaling stations? —Ara e ricus Herald. As the (lays roll by Flera du Bignon, of the county of Chat ham, grows more and more pop ular among the sturdy yoeman ry and wool-hat boys of North Georgia. When the first elections are ordered for Cuba it will be a safe bet to “put your stuff” on the election of the meal ticket. Cu bans are too well bread to* go back on a bill so fair. I In 1896 the populists of Al i bama carried 22 counties. In the recent election they carried only six Let the Georgia Pop take warning and hasten back to the Democratic fold. A man named Satan was over come by heat in New Jersey the other day. That old gag about Jersey being hotter than h—l may now be expected to go the rounds.—Constitution. Spain claims she has $10,000,- 000 with which to pay off her soldiers in Havana. Let the pay ship run the blockade. Havana needs the money and it will save Uncle Sam many a dollar. The war is about over and no Georgian has distinguished him self. But, then, Texas, Tennes see, Florida, Louisiana, Missis sippi and possibly other South ern States are aboard the same transport. The moon gets full twice this month, the first time such a thing has happened since 1883. Luna is evidently celebrating the victorious windup of our trouble with the Dons.—Colum bus Enquirer-Sun. Rome has done her full share in sending nearly three hundred volunteers to the front—and Rome has not been hankerirm after a military encampment, either—as much as her enter prising citizens love money. The list of postoffices in the United States now includes Hob son (\’a ,) Sigsbee (Ark..) Dewey (N. C ,) Sampson (Fla.,) and Manila (Ky.) The list will not be complete until we have a Schley (Ga.,) and a Foxey (Kan.) The Adjutant General at Washington wired Gen. Lee that the peace protocol had been signed and that the war was over. Gen. Lee promptly wired ba< k : “Th ink you, Iwil at once order the Seventh corps to cease firing ” M S BEST SANITARY PLUMBING fl < A 'Ki ’p| 1 * Gas, Water and Steam Fitter. ?>1 l 4 ' J/- i- . Water „ _ ■’l '< A inDas Fixtures, rieters Gas Stoves II -v Pumps, Hydraulic rams, steam fix- p I y * tures, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Elec- fj | •’> trie fixtures. ( ? h ‘J # < >'4l O -v I W - ’ have employed Alex S. Pierce to B jl L § take charge of my shop department. I 1 ’ I <4 U ? He is one of the best workmen in the K I W m South. Repair work attended to i* I ! i promptly. LI "1 B * N I IN S JOHN C-CHILDS. f J 0 I @ 223 Broad st. Opposite Thos. F ' Bl 2j £ |g I —• n— IB r . B hf iuf M OREE 0 s ©) HL llin’lL Uil UIIUL a firn 1 ataearth ♦ • THEY ARE THE * £ $7 KIND „ <9 AT OTHER 1 PL ACES. » (© (t n T ' ‘ 0 090 c® Hiirnnu i q nrjnn I n gDUIIIuV Id U’llgbJißroad ® “ Cj to S'® S'S'®-SS'B S'B* "B 1 S'B'2 BBS-S'® B *********tf st * I PWIYfHiIO Iw JN 1 * t M .tel 1 mil u In w Ii ! | *! ! i * I ar i i B * I I WOS9 | I i If | fliivso A, O ? Garrard *