The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 14, 1898, Image 7

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furniture at f HUB In order to make room for our Fall Stock we are offering anything in our house h LOW LOWN--FOR CASH MONEY! h \ f ALL GOODS NEW AND UP-TO-DATE BUT MUST BE SOLD out AT ONCE! We need the money. We need the floor-room—so call at once for BARQA’NS in: BED-ROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, CHIFFONIERS, DINING TABLES, CENTER TAB! ES WARD-ROBES, HAT RACKS, SIDE BOARDS, ROCKERS, MATTINGS, LACE CURTAINS HALL CURTAINS, RUGS, PICTURES, EASELS, SCREENS, BABY CARRIAGES & & RHUDY HARVEYX Our Undertaking Dap?rtment is complete in erey oarciaalir. GDIs promptly attended da.y O r ni°-ht Day ‘Phone No- 9. • Night Phone T ° ‘ 182 ' ESSJVIL IOTIHI. Miss Lillian Wood is visiting friends in Canton. Mr. W. Thompson, of At lanta, is in the city. Mr. John I). Wade, of Etowah, was here yfesterday. Mr. L. ('* Fletcher of Atlanta, was here ydstesday. D f - Frank Wright will spend today in Cave Spring. Mr. J as . j ( Bonnyman, of Lyerly, is m the city. Mr, J. C. Fain, of Calhoun , spent yesterday in the city. Mi.N l< (Bass, of Lavender, spent yes Ray i H the city. ’ Mr. J, I. 'Tppin. o f Six Mile Stition, yesterday. Miss A i,lierite Wood is the guest of Hs in Vans Valley. Mu. 1{ ilewell returned to us home ionroe yesterday. y. Hawkins, of 1 lllda £ s in the city yes terday. J J -i * i l ' Donald went to ° llv 1 la., yesterday on business. Mr. A Lt , • Ledbetter went down to A , ’ n on business yesterday. Miss Le i . left jester win "; here she ■elaliL weeks v.s.Ung Dr. Brov i r .f q leading dentist Dt bummer . , resterday. V" 8 UlO clly Sonu' er ,0 i riso ». of the » Memphis t P . tOdßy n '••L' 1 " pi oo *e is spend- lis ! e ' V ' u . Vs d tht city with 118 home f Iks. k 'lh, <( L d afl w .|„ J 8 witl ’, friends in the city. Bad blood becomes good blood on taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It is the great blood purifier. Mr. and Mrs. Harper Hamil ton left yesterday for Etna where they will spend some time Sim Magruder went up to Chattrnooga yesterday to spend a week on Lookout Mountain. Miss Loula George will return home tomorrow after a pleasant] visit of several weeks in Atlanta. Sergeant Frank Omberg came up from Griffin yesterday and will spend several days in the city. Mrs. W. B Chidsey left ves-, terday for Summerville to spend I several weeks with relatives for j her health. Big Brown Jug Fil ters for sale. Price $2-00. Miss Julia Stewart. Miss Williams returned to her , home in Athens yesterday after being the guest of the Yancey house party. Misses Louis and Susie Lump- | kin have returned to their home in Athens after being the guest of the Yancey house party. Miss Ethel De\ ant, who has been the guest of the Yancey house party, returned to her home in Memphis yesterday, Miss Esther M arks has return ed to her home in Atlanta after sp nding several weeks most pleasantly with friends in this city. Mr. and Mrs. M. Rosenberg were called to Gurley yesterday to attend the bedside of their son-in-law, Mr. David Halpern, who is dangerously ill. Misses Fannie and Carolee Meldrim, who have been the guests of the Yancey house party left yesterday for White Sulphu r Springs to spend some time. Mrs. Gus Young, of Young’s Station, arrived in the city yesterday and will spend several weeks with her mother, Mrs. Benj. Neely, in the Fifth ward. Go to Lanham's and get one or more of those fine sailora, they are selling so cheap. They are actually worth from one to two dollars and they are selling them at 6fty cents. Nothing like it ever offered in Rome before. The Miases Mills, on Fourth Ave., are entertaing tin ir cous in, Miss Maud Potts, of Baton Rouge, La., who is makaig her first visit among the north Geor gia hills. We prophesy in ad vance that she will enjoy her v i s i t. One Large Scar Is All That Remains of Great Scrofula Sores Neighbors Could Not Bear to Look Upon Her —A Grand, Complete Cure by Hood’s Sarsaparilla Astor Others Failed. “I was taken with neuralgia in my head and eyes. Not long after thia, • scrofula sore appeared on my left cheek, extending from my upper lip to my eye. Other sores came on my neck and on my right arm and one of my limbs. They were very troublesome and painful and soon became great running sores. My face looked so bad that some of my neighbors could not bear to look at ms and advised me to wear a bandage, but I feared this would irritate the sore and make it worse. So I Could Not Hido the Sores. My niece, who was familiar with a caae similar to mine, which had been cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, urged me to try it. Finally I was persuaded to do so, and in a short time I saw it was helping me. The sores began to heal and the neu ralgia in my head was better. In a few months the sores on my arms and limbs all healed; those on my neck gradually disappeared and now they are all gone. I have never had any symptom of scrofula <ii>ce. One large scar on my right arm is <ll the sign that remains of my terrible miction. The neuralgia is also cured.” •Iks. J. M. Hatch, Etna, New Hampshire. Hood’s s ”5. , the best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood’s Pills PRBfiSSIQIfiL CIRDi ATTORNEYS. J. BRANHAM, Law Office, 100 aast First Street, ROME. GA. Vgmas, vv unßerwood’ Attorney at Law, Borne, Ga. Corporat» >n Law Only. M B HUBANKS, Atteruey at law. OfficeKing Building. Rome, i.a. W H ENNIS, ttorneyat Law Will Practice in all courts Office, Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga. ■W. J. NH3HHL Attorney at law. Will practice in allocurts. Special attention given to commercial law and the examicatiou of land titles. office In King building. Rome, Ga. WALTER HARRIS Attorney at law and J. P. Office over F. J. Kane & Co.'s. LIPSCOMB Ac WILLINGHAM Commercial Lawyers. Gfflce in Armstrong hotel building,Rome, Ga J SA.NTX" OX A.'WB’ORD Attorney at law, Rome. Ga Collections a specialty. Masonic Temple Rome, Go. DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. S., Office 240 1-2 Bruad. W Over Cantrell A Ow en J. L PENNINGTON. D D S..M.D. ENTIBT- Office. 306 1-3 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur niture Co. PH YSICI ANS? O- HAMILTON. M T>. Physician and Surgeon Office, Medical Building Rome, Ga. O ce ’phone No. <>3. I». HAMMONO. L 4 Physician and Surgeon. Office lu Medlea buildtag. Residence, No. 4U3 West First st ffice 'phoNe d . Chick & Peters Co., at th« park theatre all this week with a change of bill nightly. All this week the Chick & Pa te rs Cj •, at the Par 1 ’ theat re. I AWHILE CLUB fa 'ft -L.., Ca ’t/l« /L- i L - Make Tu -T Better I Running Time !«• ||E zz ' v' ■ . fessi I carry a full andJin lllie of j J ' velr yi iodu- Iding Di tin >nda Ejid My stock of silve ndtions a»a nw- HjaE ar more complete. , T -.v Era WKDDfNj AjSPtSOLILI'Y. || J. K Williamson j| FO R S'!’Y L E DCOMFO RT ’ and for a joV g ood time with family or fiends, there is noth in<» like r 1 °P en sur, 7 for either ' Summer. Our stock Wh of stylish carriages is unrivalled , and our spider pli tetoii-i, ran t- < '• bout”, buggies,traps, carts, wag- i ] oiFttes, canopy top, or open sur reys, are liidit, e isy, comforta- V bl and beautiful in construe ti >u, trimmings and finish We also repair an I ovrhaul vehicles; also carry a big line of harness and lap robes, The Rome Buggy Co, 509-511 Broad, street,Rome Ga. Satterfield & Williams, Agents. ———,m ML CANDY x. CATHARI ,fc i 25c 50c DRUGGISTS