The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 15, 1898, Image 1

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eighth year smoke a Bill Arp ’ warters New Brand TO DISBAND Part of Volunteer Army Plans :X’ Are Made. forming two boards To Accomplish The Discharge And Sell Certain Ships. Washington, D. C., Aug. 14. —Secretary Alger hae decided to appoint a board of army offi cers to consider the matter of disbanding part of the volunteer army, especially those troops mustered in under the second call. It is deemed necessary to take some such action because of tbs heavy expense entailed by maintaining such a large , force. i Aside from the expense, it has been a very difficult matter to find suitable sites for camps, and if the present force can be reduced the necessity for the establishment of additional camps can be avoided. Many of the men mustered into the service have been eerv iug at a ve>y great personal sac rifice, and it is most necessary to muster these men out of the service in order that they may e return home and resume their , business,- f ‘III v uuaiu »v - ... the secretary will meet as soon t as appointed and consider the advisability of mustering out a 4 part of the army ; the establish- 1 ment of new camps; the most . advantageous distribution of the , troops at the old camps ; decide ( upon the troops to be assigned lo permanent garrison duty in the Philippines, Cuba and Porto Hico ; the disposition of surplus or unnecessary camps and other equippa e in general, aud regu late all matters pertaining to the army. I A similar board is to be ap-1 pointed by the secretary of the navy, f or t| le p Ur . oße o f selling ships that have not seen duty in the Cuban blockade and can not further he utilized to any advantage, and to adjust many other such naval matters. BIG BICYCLE MEET. —“— >■—. ■ ■■ I Crack-a-Jack Riders Coming Io Rome. PROGRAM IRKOUNCED. dace s Begin on Wednesday. August 1 7th. of the best riders of the Bouihent circuit will be here. All races will be paced by single or tandem 90 that thslre can be 11 * ' oa^Q g’ they willjcommence at 4 ;30 X l()ck and , lUH without jany delay. t mis # u lese ra r ß „ tbey Wlll be interesting. jF J'R'XiRA A p u Ue ( I ' e ~“L)nXn, amature. M e ' 11 j ,bock \yingfield,Rome, I*l],Littlefield [sl;Rodgers, (31 X Bo » teu . ‘ er > Atiaeu, j>6| ;Will Sellick THE HOME HISTLEH-COM.MEHCIAI. fl CLOUD BURST Io Which Many Lives Were Lost HOROR OF BEECH CREEK Disaster Raported From Ten nessee. Knoxville, Tenn., Aug. 15. Death to seventeen persona de vastation to a hundred farms i« th •tory in brief of a terrible cloud burst that fell in Hawkina county along Beach Creek, Saturday, night. The story of the fatality reachsd this city today, but the details, which have been eagerly awaited until a late hour tonight have not yet been revealed. It i« known however, that the omire family o William Figou, tyith the exception o'’hims-lf, was. into et<rn tj by being drowned by tha heavy downfall of water. For several weeks past east Fenuessee has been fl .oded by heavy rainfalls and the cloudburg was therefore a surprise at this time. Th. people were not expect ing such a calamity and the result)- of its destiuctive influence punuot be outlived for many years. I’ht* torrent of water came witl «Udh gigantic force as to sweep away evwrytning in its reach li. first fell in a tnoun*ainoda region a terriLTe 4 a^#fTnjßf‘B ) with The deh ge of water carried withit every human within its reach and the only names of the lost report ed h*-re up to a late hour are in addition to the Figon family, are John Arnold and Samual Hen ry aud wife These people esidod within a quarter of a mile of th, Figon house. This information was received in thia city by special friends of the deceased. The houses and farms within reach of the mighty sheet ot wa ter wtre swiftly carried along in I the current and the lives of those who were least fortunate wen I sucked up by the mighty rivei from the clouds. The casualties resulting from this flood are not yet known, ex cept that seventeen lives were lost las above stated. The eearchine parties are now at work and it it probable that some of the bodiei may be recovered although it i, I doubtful. 7] ;LaMar, Rome, |B|. One Mile—Open, professional , Sli Winesette, Atlanta, [9|; Frank Steinhart^ Chicago, | lOj; Zenu* Fieles, Atlanta, [ll];Wi ey Mangum, Atlant i,[l2]; Ami Elliot, Atlanta, [l3] : Tom Les ter 114]. Half Mile—Open, amature. laker [l] ;Wingfield [2] ; Box 4] jLittlefield [s] ; Rogers |3] ; ioateurider] 6]; Will Sellick | 7]; LaMar [BJ. Fire Mile—Match race. Eli Winesette [9] ; Frank Steinhaur [lo]. Paced by Mangum and Lester on a tandem. One Mile—Amature, (match) Wingfield 121 ; Barker [3]. Most interesting race on program. One Mile —Against track rec ord. Eli Winesctt paced by tan dem. 2nd Heat —Mile, amature. Wingfield, Baker. Half Mile—Exhibition, Eli Winesett, paced by tandem. 3rd Heat—Mile, amature. Wingfield and Barker. Admittance 25 cents. Reserv ed seats on sale at West Cycle Co., Armstrong Bldg. ROMS GEORGIA, MONDAY EVENING AUGUST 15, |8»8. LEGION OF FONOR Medals to be Awardei the ‘Brave’’ men of Crew OF THE LA SOURGOGfIE The Frenchy Way of Reward ing Cowardice. I aria, Aug. 15.--Far from being pnniahad. -he crew of the HRfated transatlantic liner La Bourgogne ire about to be decorated, »om with the croaa of .he Legion pf Honor others with life-saving tnedals by President Faure, for the alleged “heruisßi” which they are asserted to have toanifeat*d at the time of the disaster. This is the result of the inquiry instituted by the naval authorities *t Havre into the matter, aud the Minister of Mariae, M. Lockroy, son-in-law of France’s great au* hor, \ ictor Hugo has uow sub nitted to President Faura th« tames ot the members of the crew vhb are to receive decoialiens. According to the official report, the charges of cowardice and brutality brought against the of ficers and the crew of the unfor» innate yessil are “shameful cak tunnies, and the hope is express ed that the honors about to be conferred upon them by the French Government wil! in some degree •t me for the injustice of the slan ders of which they Inye been v* . The otnciai report admits that th ire was a good deal of brutality and savagery displayed, but it in sists that the crew and the officers of iheveseel were entitely innocent thereof and that it must bs laid ’ it the door of certain of the steer ige passengers. Six of these steerage passengers, who occupied boat No. 11, aud w<rs arrested on their arrival at Htvre, have now been liberated is the result of the investigation, which has cleared them of th changes brought against The report practically charges that the only man guilty of the savagery and brutality wrongly ascribed to the crew was an Aus train steerage passenger of the lame of Louis Posette, who, ow- ing to the neg’egence of the United States authorities, was permitted to escape at New York, ard thus olace himself beyond ‘he reach of French justice CHICK A PETERS At The Mobley Park Theatre all Next Week. The succesk of the ‘Chick it Peters Co., at the pafk theatre last week induced General Man iger of the City Electric Ry., to engage them for this week. The company has given Rone <ome first class vaudeville enter tainments. I’he cinematagraph done is well worth the time and money to see and those who did • iot attend last week should not ] niss the opportunity of seeing he wonderful war pictures of ) die blowing up of the Maine, t f king a Spanish fort, troops leaving Ohicamauga and many other interesting views. In Maton, Columbus, Atlanta and other larpe cities where they have played previous to coming li to Rome they have had crowded houses. 3. Mr. Marvin has gone to a great expense in giving Rome a r- first class place of amusement e and he should bj encouraged by I being liberally patronised- LANHAM & SONS. ssKiTioiii a i or SAILORS hav« just DJUght tha •nlir* stock of Sailors of one of the Largest Millinary houses of No* yorx * V and now place them on sale at a price that is certainly most remarkable. While we know the people of Rom e |hav« b*en faked time and yet we make the STARTLING ANNOUNCEMENT. That these Sailors are worth $ 1.09. $ 1.53 and $2.03 eash and wj will sell them at th > astonishing low price of 50mCB I There Is Twenty-one Ca ies or One Thousand and Eleven Hats and < not a plug in the lot, but the prettiest an d latest thinj-' r Sailor > Some fine Milan.aomefins ap it straw,sama r jugh brim and s noot i > crown, some colored brim and white crown,some of all coiors of t 'e > rainbow. Ball crown,straightcro A/n, wide brim, narrow brim, soma * < fine white and in fact all kins dexceptcheip traan and those we do < not want. This is a change to buy fin > sailors at a price '< • ' > that will probably not come again. ♦ r d : THNHHM H-Nl) SoNs-