The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 15, 1898, Image 2

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fl BLOODY BATTLE I __ I Illi" Foilght Between Officers And Negro Gainbleis I AND FIVE WERE KILLED. ' 1 ■■ ■ Sheriff and I 3 Deputies Round UP 86 Law Bieakers. Moultrie, Ga., Aug. 15.—Bay boro, a little lumper hamlet thirteen miles east of this place, was the scene of ■ bloody battle Saturday night between a sher iff’s posse and about eighty five desperate negro gamblers, as a result of which five of the latter' were killed outright. Three of, the negraei were fatally wound-1 ed and three more disabled. Following is a list of the kill ed : John Darber, Mose Epps, John Blackshear, Charles John son, and El> Lester. So fierce v. as the fusilade that others doubtless sustained wounds of more or less serious ness, but in the terrible confu sion following the pitched battle were able to get away undetected. The fight was one of the blood iest and most stubbornly con tested in the criminal annals of the state. The officers of the law did not escape injury, Sheriff Fisher being painfully wounded in the hand and two of his dep uties crippled by the wild shots of the negroes. For aonifi time past the ne groes in the ompley of the At- Irnt* Lumber Company’s mills at Bayboro have been in the habit of congregating near the mill buildings Saturday night? for the purpose of gambling away the p"oceeds of their weeks labor. The utmost liscense reigned, and while for some ume p«t „ i x. of tlie the officers lw«rWi .„«rV. \ne law, there has been difficulty in reaching the offenders, as sentinels were carefully posted at Moultrie and the contingent roads to watch for any movements on the part of a posse and immediately re port them to their comrades, who would disperse before the officers arrived on the scene. But Saturday night Sheriff Fisher playsd in belter luck. Early in the week be determined on a strong effort for the sup pression of this outrage, and communicated his plans to thir teen of the nerviest and most resolute men of Moultrie, whom he swore in as deputies and no tified to hold themselves in read iness for action Saturday night. He did not, at the time, |rnow the extent of the work whilli he had undertaken, or a rarger force would have been provided and the entire gang of gamblers corralled. Word was secretly passed around to those selected for the rfcjd in the earlier hours of the evening, at the appointed time tJie fourteen men assembled Jin Moultrie, and choosing the dark est and most obscure paths, set out for the mills in buggios and wagons armed to the teeth and determiner’ to break up the gambling. For some reason the vigilance of the outlaws had been relaxed, or long immunity from interference had made them reckless, for the officers met no opposition u<itil they ar. rived on the scene of the revelrv. The proceedings of the negroes before they found themselves discovered aie described as riot ous. They occupied a large open space, fringed by a dens® forest, and lit here and there with XMOA MIN ' OO MIQMOd ONIMWI IVAOM •jna X|*lll|O««V HJdMOd w JM|l» 4wa Win M* -OM MO« M torches and improvished lan ten* Between eighty and eighty-five altogether wette split up into little groups, huddled here and there, industriously rattling dice in the crap game or excitedly indulging in all games imaginable in which cards I play a part. Whit-key had been flowing freely, and as cheating was free lo resorted to, all of the gam blers went heavily armed and ready to repel what they might consider foul play on the part of thuir opponents. Sheriff Fishsr was somewhat taken aback by the number he had to face, but his men very pluckily formed 8 cordon around the unsuspecting negroes and at ' a given signal the sheriff boldly walked into their midst and de manded the surrender of every man in sight. The surprise was complete and for a moment ev ery man sealed powerless to comprehend what was going on. Then pandemonium broke loose. Springing to their feet with yells of fury and fear, the half intoxicated wretches drew their weapons and a fearful bat tle began between them and the little baker’s dozen there to en force the law. Those who did .possess . -i --•v •v® •* - any other weapon? ftenziodiy for tteedom and re venge. It is marvelous that so few of the officers were wounded, for the bullets sang and whistled about their heads like hail. For tunately the lights were extin guished in the confusion and the desperate negroes, firing in discriminately to the right and left, hit many of their own com panions. The officers quickly formed into a squad, and di rected by the Hashes from the weapons of their foes, directed a deadly and well-aimed fire into the midst of the latter. The drunken brutes yelled and screamed in agony as the balls struck home, and in the terrible darkness more than one incohe rently shouted prayer was heard. Finally the negroes lost heart and a universal stampede be gan.’Tn a few minutes the scene was clear except for the dead and dying. The sheriff and his posse, in guarding and tend ing the wounded and were unable to bring news of the battle in until Sunday. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts, bi usese sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands,'chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itively cures piles, or no pay re quired. Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by all Druggists. LAST WEEK OF LOW PHI CES. Drugs, patent medicines, sta tionary, eoaps, brushes, paints, and everything at cost to quit the business, at Frank Write’s Farmacy. Norton’s old corner opposit Masonic Temple. L0C«l HAPPENINGS. Pl< NlC—Mies Mary Wright wi i givr a picnic in honor ot ll.« S. A S. club tomorrow wventug, Tlm member of th) club will go out m a band wago i. H >use Party—The young ladis* who are to compose the Freeman hound party have arrived and are | being ei|iertain»d at tb» Freeman l home near the city. New Building.—'The old building which fell in, that was occupied by the West Cycle Co , has been torn and will be replaced by a handsome new building. Lunch Milk Crackers, new stock, 10c lb package at Lloyd and Harper’s Also City Sodas at 10c lb, fine Reception Wafers and delicious new Graham Wafers cheap. New Storks —The foundation for the new Dougherty building next to No. 1, engine house on upper Broad street, was com meiiQpd this morning. The build ing will be one story and will have three store rjim< in it. New Hotel —The naw Watt’s hotel st Cave Springe, which has been in course of construction for the past few mouths. waa complet ed Saturday. The building has 12 rooms at.d cost $6,000. The work waa done by W. 0. C »ok, the con tractor of thia city. Fight.—Two negro boys, whose mimes could not be learn ed, got into a fight at the old exposition park yesterday after noon. They used knives freely and one of the hoys was badly cut on the shoulder. They made good their escape. A particular coffee for partic ular people. That’s what you’ll find at Loyd & Harpers’... Spe cial blend for 25c pound, seldom equalled goods else* with wfiMJk'°unu .xnap ßVt St. Peters.—Rev. Clarence S. Wood formerly of Rome, but now assistant rector of theEpis ccpal church of Columbus, Ga., filled the pulpit at St. Peters’ church yesterday and preached a beautiful and forceful sermon to a large congregation. 1 Second Nebraska Regiment. —About ten members of the Second Nebraska regiment sta tioned at Chicainauga, spent yesterday in the city. They were in the best of spirits and don't think they will get a chance to fight the Dons, but will be dis banded in a short while. Ponca Court.—The fallowing cases was tried at this morning s police court I John Eberhart, col., cruelty to auim la, case dismissed John Front, col., disorderly con duct $5,00 or 10 days, Jesse Rey nolds, col., disorderly conduc’ $2.50 or 7 cays. Eater Parks, col., disorderly conduct $2 50 or 7 davs Julia McCall, col., $5.00 or 10 days. NEV MAN. “I was a sufferer from dys pepsia, gout and rheumatism, caused by impure blood. I tried various medicines, but obtained no relief until I began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. This med icine has made me a new man and is the best I ever took. It has beon a blessing to me.” William M, James. Brogdon, S. C. Hood’s Pills are the only pills to taxe with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. EC and v«t efficient CHICK & PETERS At the Mobley Park Theatre al) This Week. Theie will be an entire change of program at the park theatre tonight by the Chick A Peters Company. New specialties dancing and J THE EXCELLENCE OT SYRLT OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufaeturcd by scientific processes known t» ths California Fig Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of tliat fact will assist one in s voiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all oilier laxatives, as it sets on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. •AN FRANCISCO. Cal. LMUUVILI.K. ’ YORK. N. V. singing will be introduced by the company, while the cinama tograph will form part of the evening’s entertainment. The skirt dance by Miss Chick, by special request, will be re peated each evening. Those who go out are sure of a most pleasant evening. There is more Catarrh m this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was sup posed to be incurable. For a great many years d ctors pronounced it a local di iens, nnd presoibed lo cal remedier, and by coustantlv failing to cure with local treat ment, pronounced it incurable fecumc* has proven catarrh to be a OOSSW ti4M <j’ »Si«l < / Zh,-o • «.! foie requires constiiuticnal treat ment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure manu factured by F. J. Cheney & Cc. Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitu tional cure on the market. It is taken internaliy in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts di rectly on the blood nnd mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case i fails to cure, send for circular! and testimonials. Address, F. J Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O, Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best TO SUCCEED THE POPE Intrigues Among Those Eligible For Hjs Hbliness Puce. Raaie, Aug 15, -The pope’s ex treme weakurss has produced a great commotion, excitement and intrigues among the members of the Sacred college it is reported that France. Germany and Austria as being chiefly concerned in the accession to the papacy, have or dered their represaives not to l«-ave R >me. Dr. Laponni, the pop’s physician th.nkg is no danger it the pope is able to pull through the hot weather. All the members of the family of the pope have hur ried to Rome. Holiness on Friday insioted up on getiing up, but soon hud to be carried to bed agawi in a state of partial collapse. He does not suffer from any specific aff.-chon but on ly from debility. "" I ‘ t _ ■ ■ RICH MAN DROWNED. Seattle, Wash., Aug 15.—Wil liam Deming Smith a man of wealth ami prominence on the Pa cificcoast, and manager of the Al aska Association at Blaine was drowned by falling overb >ard from one of the company's steamers an choitd a tha> port. g"? RANK CO WAR DIGE May Be Charge Against An Ohio Captain. I New York. Aug 15 —A telegram from Pone* Saturday via St, Pho- mas, D. W. I , says thst Crptnin Biddle, Company C F< urt ent Ohio Voluii'tHFß, must stand tria by court,-nvrr rul and then ansve’i for th-conduct t f hifl men during 1 ihn attack <»n Gnavami, Tuesday It i« alb g<*d that duriug th f | ght sko’Diah CoiApsuv <’ fl'< panic stiickin at the first fire and theit flight sprrad r.» alarn which almost c lilted a pai ic in •!" ranks. SLY ALAMO With Grants Kentuckians Can Not By Found. Washington, Aug 15—No id iugs have beet) received at the War Deparime! t from Gen. Grant who slipped away fro n Norfolk with the Alamo, for Porto Kco a few d<*yn ago. He slipped away he got a friendly tip that the War De parument was ab>ut to ord a r the ■hip and troops to remain in this country. It is expected that the Alamo is avoiding the regular course and cha‘, she will g-t, to P >rfo Rico if tip-top husil ng can bring about 'hat end . LADIES' FINE SAILORS. e • i Go to Lanham & Sons and get one of those fine sailors they are selling so cheap. They are ac , '.ually worth SI.OO, $1.50, $2.00 and some even more, yet they •ire selling, choice for 50 cents. THE BEST PAINT AND I CHEAPEST PAINT. That you can uze as a priming coat for fine jobs or for the com plete painting of any ordinary job is the CROWN Wetherproof, Eireproof, cold water p i tit For sale only at Frank Wrig it’-. Farmacy where you can g t culor card, descriptiv sheet and Snep' saniplu'r die work. 1 lb cost ing IO? will cover 75 sqnre foet ot smooth boadrs. Norton’s old corner opposit Masonic Tempi. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Comlented Srhedu e In KtiVct Ju’.j «. 18»8. STATION-;. ~~ ~"■ No. 10 No. 14 ’No’ i Lv Cninta.-.uogu (Wion, 7.3 ■pm 10.10 pm Ar Dalton •| 8.42;>tn'12. Klam IrllniM ... I o.mainj «.4opni| 141 am Ar Atlanta !li4 :am I •.tWprn 50 mm '.v Atlanta ~ ' i.aromj ls>piuj n.zoum IB Macon 7.lepio- 2 u'4im h. 2mm } r i esu P ■■ ■ i I ".45am| 2.38 pm 5r Everett 7 25-. Itn I 3.25 pm \r Jacksonville I . I 9.4onm< o.3npm *V Jesup lU.l' 6.58 pm Ar Jacksonville I.CMpm 1(1 ispm Lv Everett 7.3'iam|'Out«m Ar Brunswick - s. ?,o.i'n 4.30 pm No. 10 carries Pi.'.man Sleeping Cur ChaP lanooga to Allan’. 1 No. 14 carries Pullman Sleejiimt Citj- and Day 'cachesCkaaa no, ,t t, J<i-Itsoiivlile and At lanta to Brunswick. No. 8 carries Pullman keeping Car Ciiatta .lol igu to At hi fit a "sta n . jjoi 13 Ra 9 No. K Lv Atia-.ta 4•» am 4 O-'pm 7..‘>(him Kr I, 0 ! 11 ' f.HUiitn Aiipm lO.S’.nin Ar Dalton ' JUmt T.lUjim 113 mm V ' Latlnno ■■• , B.4*>-.m B..joprr< I.Oopm Lv Ciiat.;..;<■>■>••.l 8 .'Jmin 9.10 pm Ar Burg.-i I 4 'gpm Ar Lexfii ' .0.1 5. lupm 4.50 am Ar Lout-vJll * 7 Ixtpflil 7.50 am . . A1 ‘ .0 ■ » 1 lopm 7 31-am!.... Lv i :’-iin 1. i.iam.Tkftpm Ar Nast,. . i'-" /inn k■ • .1111’*iu 11 ‘•■•'li 'u im i-i -I.- lar tltinta toClmttano-ig 1 :vi*t i i.iatcuiiooua Oo Cincisaiili. No. 9 carries Pullm.m 6.■ v.-pin-r Car Atlanta to Cincinnati and Chaltauo»>ga to Louisville. STATION- _ N 1 No It! No. 1.4 Lv Cha '“i ■“ .1 b. loain 4.10 am lOtxlpm Ar Knoxville 1155 am 8.113 am I.loam Ar Mornst wn l.Jiprn 0.50 um 2.25 am Ar Hot Springs 3 l.lpm;il.4(J;un 4.00 am . . s .! ievl " t ' 4.3.ipm 1.15 pm: 5.10 am Ar Salisbury I 6.40 pm O.HOani Ar G: (.-015,11070 ■ H.f>_>pm 13.10 pm I i-* ,| am l 8.23 pm Ar VVa b iozton.../ I'jj Ar Yorki h-ililpm 6.-.’ No. 13 carries Pnl'man D-awing tnliieep in'j- < ar 1 li r t.a'-.'i 1-a (■■ N. « York via Ashe vi 1 ii- au.i sal; ,i.iiry t<> illciim md. arriving lii.ih -6.t( am also I’ullnii’i Sleeping <'ar l::"riis. uro ; . <0 oik l'.i4 ''l triti w Sails. b’>iwo h ibi Im i,! sie ii.i <’-i ittun->o'a to lixo.iry aid .-> iliso ■ v i,> w York with out change. -1 No. F Lv } “a't •-'Oiina • ii .'.ipin K-lOanr. '■ r !' ■' " .8.1 pm 11.55 .m 1 ii "" ; 2.141 m 1.2 pm Ar ' ' I i.'Main B.:>6pin Ar I.n. ton 7 4 aim Ar New York I V ,J t.ejpm No. 6. i-tirries J’ull.n 11 sh> ‘iiin/ Car Clr-itta- 1 ' Wasliin/i. 11 ull ; ('uattau untu New fork withou". chan.- -. No. I ai-nm Pullni i.. Sleeping Car Knox. Ville to Bn mt. H'V.i is" Lv Rome i I 0. ptam Ar Ann.-ton 'll.-.Uam Ar Birmiughan lii.OOpm Ar Selma.. 3.55ptn Ar Meridian 7.80 pm Ar New f.>vlgatrs 10.:it)am Ar Jack-on 9.45 am Ar Vicksburg 11.35 am Ar Shreveport 7.2Upm tNo. 15 1 |No. 0 | i+No. IB No. 10_ 2Wpni| 4 _.Ujnn.Lv Rome ... an B.soam| 8.35 am #. I'ljnn B.aTpnt Ar (Aad den. ar B.uOam 6.8 nm 6.00 pm 7.1 i pin Ar Attalla. Ivl 5.46 am Q..uu<a t Daily except Sunday. | Sunday only. F. S. GANNON. Iklv.p A o.M..Washington. IXO. J. M CULP, Traf. Mgr.. Washington. ». C. W A TURK G. P. A.. Wawhlngton, D. C. C. A BltNakXrrjf a n.>. A,OhnttAAooo*«TMtt THE MODERN BEaUt? Thrives on good food -un4 ue.with plenty of n /" d iu the |en air. Her f uril) U,d I'T face glo W . w llh g ®auty. If her Byslein * leaning action of, | emedy she uses the , Hlt | “'l lured by the California f i Syru ) Co., only 9 YOUNG LA! Y GIUDLh J Os the Rom ■ Busi le-sf-TI <re thoroughly pr.p h(| ’J stenographic and w .| they are found cap, I .they go into j business prac | tice ; they re- I ceive high .Ji T/a. ■ comm end a- JCT ■ lions fro m BOfl their employ era as being B capable and experience. ■ Rome business Coliegtmjß the larg >st enrollment. it has had in its histu y. Thß will be thousands of vai,c t | <c jß this fall to fill. Young ju,. oi H ladies will do well to enttrhfl and prepare lor thorough Jj mercial work. B H. S. Shocklei, B Principilß EVERYTHING AT COST B FOR THIS WEEK ONLY E CLOSING OFT TO QUIT K FRANK 'VRIGHT'S FARMEE NORTON'S OLD CORNER K OPPOSIT M \ '() C.CTEUpK PASTEUR FILTEIB The only G&rß Proof Filter in tl world. Makes waß pure and cle r ■ • sale by The Hans® iShod’vCo B Biiiousn® ••1 hate med year vuliiabi C.i it fir and ii d tbeui perD ut. vith nil them 1 have used liicin foi •iritid (fe tu»Q nudbill-"lanes- .tiiduL* w< •eti 'y cured )(e<-"ui nd'c t 'nee »rie i. von will i- ver wilin' 1 ne fumiij.” Ldw. a Marx.AH/M'J « candy « aS-' CA ” HARnc r* 'M s- TRAOt owantt# J J: W ’ Pleasant. Pnlo’able. Pntrnt J’ ’'/’'] uooil, Never Sicken. Weaken.ot ... CURE CONSTIPATIOH.I Slerllnx lUuolj C«u|.»»r, Cklr<rs 4“^-J" 'I 4u!bN Western & .Atlantic I (BAITUfIELOSLHI I AMl——• Nashville, Chattanooga! Louis Railway! ' ~. 10.. i CHATTANOOGA, | NASHVILLE, f CINCINNATI, I CHICAGO, I MEMPHIj ST. LM human palace bueeet si® JACKSONVILLE and ..TO . • ■ NASHVILLE and ST >'■ j THROUGH WITHOIJ (»■ Lodal Sleepers jetween tanooga. ( Map Emigrant Rates to Texas* , 'A™'- writelor appb t 0 . GB. Auhfß 'icAet Ahent, 1/ C. K. AiCV ’• u ■ •wJ*® Aqent. - J.3S.M.BA.WX. i’ . S ■ ®