The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 15, 1898, Image 3

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• q U t ?■<■■• »Mg™ a. ■ -Yirl • '**■ j t j s estimated that h« popula tion of th“ •" bicfea-img at th,, rate < f 1 500.000 souls each V( . ir To ba exact the birth rate ■ju 7<) s minute and the death rate C 7 ft minute. Th-a difference of only three per cant makes the to tai 1,500,000 O 0 o The Chicago Record man has been there and knows how it is. him: “Kissing that St. Louis girl in P‘ lblic niakeg jt *bsolutely certain that Lieut. Hobson is not engaged to any young woman of spirit. ’ o o o Mrs. Elizabeth Cus’er, widow of General Custer, has just returned to her Georgia home from a trip to Egypt, where she was engaged ingathering material for another book. Mrs. Custer has written several valuable works on her busband and Western camp life, her whole time since his tragic (foalh having been devoted to this work, says the Philadelphia Record. o O 0 Diatnandi, a native of Pylaroe, one of the Greek islands, is excit ing European scientific curiosity by his remurkaHe feats of lightning calculation. After a mere glance at a blackboard on which thirty groups of fingers are written ho can repeat them in any order and deal with them by any aritlitn ti al process. It is said that he nev r makes an error in calculations in volving billions and h< can ex tract square or cube roots with marvelous rapidly and ac 0 0 0 Chicago’s tilleet and thinnest citizen died the other day. He was seven fe it e ght inc'es in height, arid w sighed only 125 pounds. It i» interesting to note the fact that he w»« a Pole. O 0 o “Too warm to esp ’says the Boston Transcript, “i? a com mi n accusation against, the weather in these humid days and irghts. A i physician says that acute insom nia miy be very promptly cured by the pracliceot deep brea hing. Draw into the lungs as much air rs possible, and do not exhale it until obliged t<>, and then as slow ly as possible.” o o o A pension has b«en granted to a Turkish soldier known to his c >m radts as Kreusse Ahme (that is, Biardhss Ahrna ) who, after three years service in the army, fell ill, imd coming under medical treat ment wis discovered to be a wo man. • o o o “Os the six encampments along the const that 1 visited,” writes General O. O, Howard tithe Inde- I’eu le.,t, “Gen. Fitzhng Lee’s is a l in all decidedly the best.” o o o Says the New York Herah': lighting Joe”VVheeler may safe ly cany out his threat to write a book about die Cuban war. After h's galiant w.-rk. even the wilting ol a book can lie forgiven. o o o lh“ Charleston News and Cour |Mt contends that the best troops 4• • * ■ 1 s-rvice in Cuba are those who I'.ive already pass d safely through a 1 attack of of yellow fever there. I hern are BoVeral tbrusand such • mmunes. I o o o 1 he Chicag j Post save that ac ’ "ding to reports received by rail- companies and business men tlie largest wheat crop within the H'-tory of the United States will barv csted within a fortnight. It l> 'that the winter wheat yield ,r from 375,000,000 bushels to I lll( *(0,000 will be increased to tne extent of nearly 3.000,600 Bushels in the spring wbea w re gi m. o o o 1 he entertaining serial, the C.»n greisioral Record, is still being is nd with pertinacious regularity. Cancer Os the Breast. Mr. A. H. Crausby, of 158 Kerr St., Memphis, Tenn., says that his wife paid no attention to a small lump which appeared in her breast, but it soon de veloped into a cancer of the worst type, and notwithstanding the treatment of the best physicians, it continued to spread and grow rapidly, eating two holes in her breast. The doctors soon pronounced btr incurable. A celebrated New York specialist then treat- V J ed her, but she con- Vj£» Zr tinned to grow worss w ben informed -ZjyLSx that both her aunt —£ jiJjA and grandmother had kdied from cancer he tiie case up as > J 5 hopeless. f jfrjff Someone then re- “ 1 commended S.S.S. and though little hope remained, she begun it, and an improvement was no ticed. The cancer commenced to heal and when she had taken several bottles it disappeared entirely, and although sev eral years have elapsed, not a sign oi the disease has ever returned. A Real Blood Remedy* S.S.S. {guaranteed purely vegetable') is a real blood remedy, and never fails to cure Cancer, Eczema, Rheumatism Scrofula, or any other blood disease. Our books will be mailed free to any ad- 8 "<£ o 0 Atlanta Gn. No doubt the halls of CongreFS were littered with unspoken speech -9 which must be rescued from ob livion and the waste basket—The Savannah News 000 This is how the editor of the Humboldt (Kun,) Hi-rdd reennth announced his marrisge: “M- F. A McCarthy (that’s us) and Mi-s Nannie Fisher (that’s mor> of u->) were united Wodnei-div July 27 at 10 am, The ceremony wa< folljwtdbya sumptuous repast which we have only a faint recollec lion of Soine way events seemed to crowd on each other then.” 000 The father cf ten daughters liste ned silently to the solemn words that united his e dest to a million aire. “There!” he murmured as tying of the knot was successfully concluded, “that h 10 percent of! for cash.” —Brooklyn Life. BENO HAPPY. Muncie, Ind , Aug. 11.—Be no, the Egyptian, who makes a specialty of eating poison and allowing himself to be buried foi three weeks at a time, arriv ed in the city today. Beno came to Muncie in quest of his young and pretty bride, formerly Miss Grace Waymiri, whom he recently married here Soon after Mrs. Beno, who did not fancy having her husband spend so much time under ground, deserted him. A reconciliation was effected' today when Beno came from Middletown, where he has been,, buried for a fortnight. For Sale: 7 fine milk cows-Apply to G-. B. Holder at Lindale. Fancy new honey, in comb or strained, at Lloyd & Harper’s' Also new Paragon Honey syrup, it’s delicious. Annual Sales over6,ooo*ooo Boxes t'OB BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISOE.KL.S such Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Giddiness. Fulness after meals, llcad xcbe, DUdnoßs. Drowsiness. Flushings of Heat, Liss of Appetite, Oostiveimss. Blotches bn the Skin. Cold Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and al! Nervous and Trembling Sensations THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE BELIE! IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every suffers will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BURCHAM'S PILLS. taken as direct ed, will quickly r-store Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem and cure sick Headache. Fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN WIEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Riva! And have the LARGEST SALE irf*ny Patent Medicine In the 'World. 25e. at all Drug Stores. ;E 11. P. VV OOT IIN & BRO., ; Successors to * "X ROME PHARMACY. " Hl&l ' L 309 Broad st. —New Clark Building. R 5* . . r We have bought the entire stock ot rhe Rome C Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in ■ '■■'ip the drug, prescription and patent medicine line. Our :.o stock is complete and of the very highe t grade.• g We solicit a part of your patronage ami shall en- M deavor to the best of our ability to please you at all • times. We should be pleased to have you call on us. J Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articlesand such things as are usually carried in a first-class drug n store. Cigars and tobacco. Come to see us. * "i Ytfi ir 1 1 xl2 i£i j. i t». ■: •>. ‘i i f.; ■X' ■ x A K ■S. M. Stark, Hr? ~>t -X 1 • -H- X • ’ H- Dougherty Bldg, 2nd A e k H" ■-X K z _ . ... - wi> /r ' ; 5 Z F. HANSON. NOKIHS N. SMITH. l» 1 THE HANSON SUPPLY CO. I S PlumbingJand Tinning. 2 2 Engineers’ and machinists" 3 supplies. Stoves, ranges and ® ! tinware. Gas and electric fix= C tures. INSURANCE gasoline § stoves. Water meters. 5 ® 325 Broad sj. Phone 32. ® x « $1.25 and Negligee shirts for $1 J. A. GHDI S COMPANY —AR3 WAITING’^ for everyone in Rome to comt in and see the magnificent stock on men’s and boy’s clothing SL .bicycle and golf suits, is wh.ii we are doing, but we are hus tling while 'we wait. We will show you the finest stock o ff clothing, made from the newest styles mid patterns in fabricks | erfect fitting and handsome, t —g be found in Georgia, and thei are above competition in value'- for the price. I Thegreatest liie of njgligee shirts < ever shown i i ?ome. ( J. A. GaPIMON &CO " . ■ ■■ - Q an supply all Ours is the IVlost Complete n. 9 / , Department Mursry rZZTX??;YXV lr IW/WM ( In tha I J Q JW** 1 ""' low rates. We pcblishone of Si rf/i. .1. Ilk,? vn *>•B theleadir.;eed, Plant and Tree Catalo, ues is-aierf, ■Mwii»i>iii | <n’«'»*” c ‘ ag: - trlc - J, °' ;g ” which wile mailed I r<-<-. Send for it n.'W, it will v;_ jji/ y save von money. Try us, can refer you customers in every state and territory in the Union. 43 years of square dealimas made us patrons and friends Grand & near. Have hundreds of carloads of FRUIT ORNAMENU TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES, PLAHTS. We send by mail postpaid, Seeds, libs. Plants, Roses, Small Trees, Etc. Safe arrival a Mtisfac-ion guaranteed; larger by ewss or freignU 44th year 32 '.reenbouses. 1,000 acn. : the -k MARBO* 1 *'** Rot 530 Gainesville, C | To Mblcil PaplJol' Hijd: It is with pleasure that we introduce to our realr's thi prio of 1 now and complete stock of ippnft hbo AND ( Small Musical men | n the new Moseley building, 327 Broad street where we would be pleased to have you call and examine our goods. The stock consists of some of tho best makes <4l pianos and organs on the market today. We keep a full line of everything pertaining to a first class music store—Something Rome has needed for a long time Give us a call and you will find a music store that Romans may be proud ofj We are d Germined to close o -L3ICYC I.E> the earliest possible date. IL B" !■:»; 327 Broad Street. S. P. Davis, Manager. We keep on hand at all times a full stock of Sheet Music M RELIABILITY t is a quality some newspapers have lost sight of in these days of “yellow” journalism. They care little for truth and a great deal for temporary sensation. It is not so with THE CHICAGO RECORD. Ihe success of THE RECORD rests upon its reliability. It prints the news—all the news—and tells the truth about it. It is the only American newspaper outside New York city that has its own exclusive dispatch boat service and its ' own staff correspondents and artists at the front in both hemispheres. It is the best illustrated daily newspaper in the world.l Its war news service is unapproachably the best. J Says the Urbana (111.) Daily Courier: 1 “We read the war news in the other papers, then we turn to THE CHICAGO RECORD to see how much of it is true.” Sold by newsdealers averywhere and subscriptions received by all postmasters. Address THE CHICAGO RECORD, 181 ( I Madison street, Chicago. ] 1 Como, W is., Hyannis, Nehr„ ’ i I Jan. 10,1898. Jan. 2,189a. f I I would not be I regard PISO’S * J vithout PISO’S CURE FOR CON- JURE for CON- TwT where all hse fails. TAi SUMPTION as the ■ 'I SUMPTION for any Vac g| best Cough medi- I 1 hqg. For & bad cine on the market, I 'ough or Cold it is ““ hr ving used it for t I >eyond all others. 15 years. 1 Jrs C. REYNOLDS. J. A. WESTOVER / I “The Best Cough Medicine.” ( , I •- _ I - i &<WE HAVE NO AGENTS I I but have Bold direct to the con- ■ M |\ Xt. Burner for 25 years at whole- . LfliZl ■ Ts I‘\ sale prices, saving him the V~£ ’•.‘‘ll f«J 1 dealer's profits. Ship any- s"' Wt 'fl /I J where for examination. fcfojMgyT -'"■jklKk Tu IB l •V" Everything warranted. / ill lid styles of Vehicles, \ M * Ihl j J\\M 55 Btyios of Harness. I — t ■ ' A //\IW Top Buggies, $36 to S7O. \7AdVVA\f fl 11 )) // IIV Surrey b, S3O to $125. /'LX \ / \/vA2si\ \/ fl J gea> Traps, Wagon- xA/X \ 'X. X I fl ettes, Spring-Rond and Milk fl •.TV. Sarrey Harnese. Price, >IC 00. Wa«ons. Send for Urge, freo ffw,Surrey. Price, withcartaina,lamps, cnßb> fl ▲a good aa aeila far f 35. Catalogue of all our ttiyles. aLado, aproa ax.d fendcra, S6O good mm! la forfl IKHART CAHUIAUE A.M> HAKJKHH Mi U. CO. U K. PKACT, Key. iikUUX I