The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 15, 1898, Image 4

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THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL EHUSTLER OFROM E EiUbiiabed. IHW». -HE ROME COMMERCIAL Establinhe<l. IHUS. tabued every evening, except Saturday. .Saodav and weekly.* PHIL G. BYRD. EDITOR AND MANAGER. ortlce. Wilwhiii Block, Tlnril, Avenue August is half gone. And so tiie war is really over. Camara now heaves a sigh of relief. Peace on earth, good will to men—and to Spaniards. Winter drawe th nigh and yet, Romans have no filter. Cervera is being lionized by the bean-eaters of Boston. wo • ' _ L Prince Bismarck’s estate is valued at about $5,000,000. The McCoy-Corbett affair will now secure additional space. Now, all together, a long pull and a strong pull, all for Rome. Anchors es hope and Hobson smacks are synonomous—com rades. Now watch the trouble open up on account of the Philip pines. The immune now has his in ning. Let us hope it will not be his ending. T-TVJUL Let all the “Round Robin” commanders be promptly retired from the army. “Ah, beautiful peach,” ex claims the Augusta Cliionisle, “get thee to a cannery.” The time is near at hand when the bald heads will go the front.—Atlanta Commercial. Porto Rico is working the “glad hand” business full time and to the “limit of her capaci ty-” Americus is said to be book’-d for u new depot. Atlanta should I not be overlooked by the depot builders. The “first bale” man of many of the Georgia counties has re ported and “got his name m the paper.” Shafter’s victory was a dearly bought one when the half-mil lion dollars of excursion money is considered. The war being over, you caa now afford at least a ten cent diversion. Take the Mobley park car at 8 p. m. =— — _ - Will the Florida camps be moved North for the winter? There’s no telling what a crank like Alger will do. The war is ended. Now watch the newspapers fall back on pol tics for material to fill space and breed excitement. With the Russian bear growl ing the English lion naturally looks to the American eagle for moral support, it not for an alli ance. The early rains have fallen, now will the winter rains de scend upon the Oostauaula wa ter-shed and find the Rome wa ter works without a filter. A protocol is a commendable diplomatic effort to call a spade a spade, reserving the right to prove and promulgate the fact afterwards—St. Louis Republic. Speaking of the army, the ' President siys: “All have It Ip- Jed in the great ciuse, whether •in camp or battle, and when peace comes all will be alike en titled to the nation’s gratitude. Thia doubtles, means an addi tion of some half a million names to the pension rolls. Soldiers whose services are not needed in the army should be promptly mustered out. A winter in camp will undermine the health of many and unnec essarily add thousands of names to the pension rolls. ■ — We agree with the Sparta Ish maelite in this : “The ‘hero’ business has been decidedly overworked since the war began. ‘Heroes’ have been as common as republicans in Vermont.” — Albany Herald. “Lord Beresferd” seems to be in the push in Mexico City, having worked the dons for some $20,000. But the “unique lord” seems to be living very comfortbly on the interest of what he owes. The genealogists think Samp son the son of Sam, Watson the heir of Watt and Hobson the son of Hobbs. The Spaniards agree that every one of them is a son of a gun.—St. Louis Re public. Col. Allen D. Candler will make Georgia a governor whom Detnocra a, Populists and Re publicans will delight to h mor. He is a grand and good man.— Darien Gazette. If the Nicaragua canal were constructed Porto Rico and Ha waii would be in easy reach of each other. They are now 12,- 000 miles apart. With Joseph H. Choat and Eliliu Root on the peace com mission, the Spaniards may well dread being hogged by the •‘Yankee pigs.” SANCTUM SILHOUETTS. The absence of lemonade from the Porto Rico picnic does not appear to detract from its pleas ure.—Pittsburg Post. And in that famous answer there ia not a word about Yan kee pigs and little boasting of Spanish honor.—Omaha Bee. The trouble about Porto Rico seems to be that it is not big enough to hold all the troops that want to gs on that picnic —Louisvill Courier Journal. Kissing that St. Louis girl in public makes it absolutely cer tain that Lieutenant Hobson is not engaged to young a woman of spirit.—Chicago Record. Should a popular election be held in Cuba to decide the form of government suppose the in surgents were called on to sup port a meal ticket.—Philadephia Times. Since a St. Louis bslle saluted Lieut. Hobson with a kiss there are thousands of young men who are bewailing their hard luck because they were not on board the Merrimac.—Detroit Free Press. I \\ eyler, it is said, is the only Spaniard opposed to peace Nothing would please Ara o ricans better than to continue the war longer if Weyler will undertake to do some of the fi<ditin<».— Nashville American Privato John Alien’s regiment of congressmen and Washington officials will not go to the front. What firing is done by congress men will be kept up through the Congressional Record. St. i Louis Dipatch. I Will the money power permit I Spain to sid lie an enormous I debt on Cuba? It all depends on where Mark Hanna’s interests are “at.” Allen I). Candler has begun to shell the woods and already the middle-of-the-roaders are making for tall timber and swamp islands. The only Georgia, volunteers who have had an opportunity of smelling powder tire the heroes of the second who quelled that negro riot in Florida. Now that pea -e has been de clared let every soldier who is not to be retained in the service be mustered out promptly. Let the expenses be curtailed. It makes us tired when we hear a 2x4-would-be-statesman jabbering about" Puerto Ricner” Why not use plain U nited States language and call it Porto Rico? The full name of the young king of Spain has twenty-one syllables in it- Shall we not re tain one or more of these for coaling stations?—z\ m ericus Herald. As the days roll by Flein du Bignon, of the county of Chat ham, grows more and more pop ular among the sturdy yoeman ry and wool-hat boys of North Georgia. When the first elections are ordered for Cuba it will be a safe bet to “put your stuff” on the election of the meal ticket.' Cu bans are too well bread to go back on a bill so fair. '■. In 189'5 the populists of Ala bama carried 22 counties. In the recent election they carried only six Let the Georgia Pop ta’-e warning ami hasten to the Democratic fold. A man named Satan was over come by heat in New Jersey the other day. That old gag about Jersey being hotter than h—l may now be expected to go the rounds. —Constitution. Spain clauns she has $ 10,000,- 000 with which to pay off her soldiers in Havana. Let the pay ship run the blockade. Havana needs the money and it will save Uncle Sam many a dollar. The war is about over and n<> Georgian has distinguished him self. But, then, Texas, Tennes see, Florida, L misiana, Missis sippi and possibly other South ern States are aboard the same transport. The moon gets full twice this month, the. first time such a thing has happened since 1883 Luna is evidently celebrating l the victorious windup of our I trouble with the Dons.—Colum bus Enquirer-Sun. Rome has done her full share in sending nearly three hundr d volunteers to the front—ami Rome has not been hankering after a military encampment, either—as much as her enter prising citizens love money. The list of postoffices in the United Scales now includes Hob son (Va ,) Sigsbee (Ark..) Dewey (N. C,) Sampson (Fla.,) and Manila (Ky.) The list will not be complete until we have a Schley (Ga.,) and a Foxey (Kan.) The Adjutant General at Washington wired Gen. Lee that the peace protocol had been signed and that the war was over. Gen. Lae promptly wired back: “Thank you. I will at once order the Seventh corps to cease fiiimr” M S BEST SANITARY PLUMBING 1 ‘bl A $ f r- T i « H % ■ S, ’ x Gas, Water and Steam Fitter. L ? Water $ i ( A t- ,(ias P ixtures - Pieters C,as 51 °ve s fl R 5 Pumps, Hydraulic rams, steam fix- D y £ tures, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Elec- ‘i'j ' £ trie fixtures. 8 # 1 have employed Alex S. Pierce to U; G L, 'S take charge of my shop department. & '‘M U one OI ie best workmen in the K M * South. Repair work attended to <■ “J » promptly. U •in: johno-ohilds, f " 1 ® I* AM © 222 Broad st. Opposite Thos. F ' M i !G C -S'- • ■ . ■ ® ’ ' ' fl I* ! I I I i 1 ? v* $ - I) It I G I) <3 <i won Pir n-W » « UluUuubpJi dllluUlludllll Wf o) g tßs («• THEY ARE THE • **’<• • J . , ojh. e) S $7 KIND M fa AT OTHER 1 ' 0) ® n r * • n o a SniifHPV hi nhinsi 11 n ,a gulllllDV lallUWllgbJ.Broad t > * (•SSSB3SSSBSS . 8 B WWWWWBW W t II I I.WWW ’ Sy ¥ TiTinm? ' ?• I i; hl hit lin 111 In W ; *f WW If *8 ' I * *B' . I * yi 8 * I- I .. 1 * || ;■ Mrs, A, 0. Garrard * |j|, S**WW*