The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 15, 1898, Image 6

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FOHITBRE IT f EIUF fl Tl lfT> nnmi** w_wß Ii ■■ iiilkili .. * In order to make room for our Fall Stock we are offering anything in our house - ' - . -0 ■ ' “ L 4 • . V '*’ » LOW DOWH--FOB CASH <OHEY! | h ALL GOODS NEW AND UP-TO-DATE BUT MUST BE SOLD'OUT AT ONCE! ? '■ J ■ We need the money. We need the floor-room—so call at once for BARGAINS in: BED-ROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, CHIFFONIERS, DINING TABLES, CENTER TABLES, WARDROBES. HAT RACKS, SIDE BOARDS, ROCKERS, MATTINGS, ' LACE CURTAINS HALL CURTAINS, RUGS, PICTURES, EASELS, SCREENS, BABY CARRIAGES, & &. WT M A JNlt 4HI ■■Yr ■■fm MU Wf 17 i I I Xf ' S 3 M @ W fes *<Pl M" B ■[ Bl LIIUU A i MAM I V JU A Web Our Undertaking Dap.prtment is complete in evay Oils promptly attend ad diy or night. Day ’Phone No. 9. - f Nwct ’Phone No- 182 i . ■■■ - W BTfITEIE|tT Ciuiiiii The Terms Os The Protocol A JJKRiCAM OHMHDKI Has Been Notified By Adjt. Gen, Coi,b n. Washington August 13. An official statement for pres* publication setting out the provis ions of ih » protocol was read and approved at ’he cabinet session It was prepared by Secretary Day the purpose being lornake it pub lic immediately alter the required signatures hs 1 been affixed to the protocdci ot elonot give the text of the document, but detai s its main points an 1 provisions, which are as foliows: 1. That Spi.i will relinquish all claim of sovereignty over and title to Cuba. 2. The Ih ito Rico and oth*r Spanish island in the West Indies and an island m the Ladroutß, to be selected by the United States, shall bo ceded to the latter. 3 That the United Stat-'s will occupy and hold the citv, bay and harbor of M i i:(a, pjuding the conclusien of a tr Mv of peace, which shall terminate the control, disposill in a>d g iverntn ‘til of the Philippines. 4. That Cuba. P-«rto Rico and other Spani.-h island m the West Indies shall be immediately evac uated and that commissiouers to be appointed with a ten days, shall within thirtv day* from the sign ing of the proto* d, at Hava an and San <1 uan re-pectiv l ly to arrange and t-xi ute the details of the eva nation. 5 That the Guile i Sta'e* and Spain will earn ipp I'n-, n >t in > r e than five cnn nisiinn.>rs to n“g > - tiale and c > ic’.u 1» a tr.uty >f p> i; > ,i. i tli > commißsionard are to meet in Pans not later than the Ist of O'* tuber. *G On the signing of the proto col hostilities will be suspended and notice to that effect will be given as soon as possib'e by each government to the commanders of its military and naval forces. A* soon as the peace protocol was signed the president sent for • ecretaries Alger and Long and General Corbin, and by his dir ection orders to cease hostilities forthwith were sent to Generals Miles, Merritt and Shafter, to Ad mirals Dewey and Sampson and military commanders generally. The order sent to General ‘ Miritt to suspend hostilities was as follows: “Adjutant General’s Office 1 \Vashington. August 12, 1898. r Merri r, Manila: 'the president ' directs all military operations ' against the enemy be suspended. Peace negotiations are nearing 1 completion, a protocol having just ’ teen signed by representatives of 1 the two countries. You will in form the commanders of the Spa n ish forces in the Philippines of the«e instructions. Further orders will follow. Acknowledge re 1* celpt. “By order of the secretaiy of war: ’ “H.C. C irbin, Adjutant General,” The orders sent to General Mil* e and General Shafter were identi cal with the above save as to 1 names As. the order st ites further in struction* will be £sent to each general, General Merritt wi’l be directed to confer with the Span ish commander at Manila ’o carry j ut the terms of the protocol and to occupy M anila ’immediately. 1 I General Miles wi 1 ! put himself in communication with the chief authority in P. rto Ric > for the purpose ot having the Spanish > . forces turn over San Juan nnd other points to him preparatory to.evacuation. Owing to the con ditions in Cuba, the orders to General Shifter to b- s nt he e if'erwil' he much differmt than those to other generals. -r —— ur* Stomach, :• metimes e;. I dwaterbrash, :;n<t buriiin./ 1 ;.i.i, a stress, nausea, dyspepsia, are cured bj Hood's Sarsa parilla. This it accomplishes because with its wot: Idfui ’power as a blood purifier, Hood’s Sav- parilia gently tones and strengthens the stomach and digestive organs, invigorates the iiver, creates an appetite, gives refreshing sleep, and raises the health tone. In cases of dyspepsia and indigestion it teems to have ‘'a v agic. tone’ll.” “ For over 12 years 1 suirwed from sour Stomach with severe pains across my shoulders, and great dii trcss. 1 had violent nausea wuich would leave me very we&k and faint, difficult to get my breath. These spells came oftencr and more severe. I did not receive any kiting benefit from physicians,-but found such happy effects from a trial of Hood’t Sarsaparilla, that I took several bottles and mean to always Heep it in tire house. ' I am new able to io all my own'work, which for six years t have been unable nc io. My husband •-•nl son h.«ve also be: greatly bene itrd by Hocd’i Ssrai.par’ ia —for pains in the back, and after th. 'l'fn. 1 gladlyi •eromraer*: t.bis gra.'.d tx « * Medicine.”! VtBB Pi.'iE'. l,co.>nM *, Maas. I fts ~.. - P j L; ■.. .J 351 L. "ca arilla i li> the O|ne True Blood Vi.riiier. All druggists, $ , , ~ cur. all Liver Ills .11 HOfid PiHS Sks Bcii.kiehe r— /tv. - V' A JkpfH ■ ??ovU r SORGiX ; sea “L: L-5- Agricultural L jSb College « Main Building. I iJ- •v'lfkEt -- . JmJ ■ ——- tai'!.' 3 DAHLONEGA, GA? T h< • all. 1 ‘ | I 6. ('«<>< ! lalr ” lories; h< .itbftil, invi;y< ratititli- ( hi to; mi’ii.irj discip i ; p-otxl ni r.liind : relii i n: ■ iniluotK- s. Cb* :i|H t bo.'ird illi*- Si; 1, :.llm nd i tie.*. <*£ coulit ry proflucif ;cx[W>cg front £75 to sls) a; boaid i:t dorniifies or private f undi s. Special license connfor teachers; full 1 tculty of nine; all ttudfhe f control of the University. A college p|ar- v atory class. Co-education of sexes. Thtydi tution found'd : Deci ill v for students of lit cd C means. Sen ' r catalogue to the Pre«nt. HHTW ATTORNEYS. J. 23R.A.3STHA.M, Law Office. 2D(i Kist Firs Street, LOME. GA. LGHAS, W. UNDERWOOD’ Attorney at L w, Rome, Ga. Corporat’in Law Only. MBH] GTSA/IST-cCS, Atterney at law. oftlceKing Building, Rome, a. . vz. ii misrisris, Attorney at Law Will Practice ia al! court- Office, Masonic Temple, koine, Ga. •W. J JSnSKLi Attorney at law Will practice in allocurts. Special attention given to conrir.-reiat law and the exa lie alion el land lilies. office in King building, Rome, Ga. ■WA.LiT.aiE2, HC ARRIS. Attorney at law an t,L P. Office over F, J. Kane & Co. ’s. •A 1lIF»,-SCOMB iSc WILLINGHAM j Commercial Lawyers. Gffice in Armstrong hotel b uidlng. U >me, G * J- SA.NT T O 2, A- WFORD Attorney at law, Rome, Ga Collections a specialty. Masonic Te nolo Rome, Go. DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. 5., Office 2401-2 Broad. Over Cantrell & Oven J. L PENNINGTON. D D S.,M.D. KXTJST- Office A)5 1-2 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur niture Co. PHVSILIANS. O. £X AMIBPON. 1A- D. Physician and Stirgeon Office, Medical Building Rome, Ga. O. ce ’phone No. 62. Xj. 1“, SIA.MMON’o. m:. id , Physician and S irgeon. Office in Medlca I building. Residence, No. 10.1 West First st ffice ’phoNo 6 . Chick & Peters Co., at ih« park theatre all this wee k with a ch angec fbi 11 nightly. All this week the Chick & Paters Co -, at the Par 1 ’ theatre. , ~ «... . . Sit U:Ii;:: •:: t T:t" :'K ■ g -;.; ‘::::: ::t tnt.., r . *... 3, ’ tr"..! ■*■— ** * 1 •■ * - •■il ■■ - .. f , ... . ■ ”• i 1 WHOLE CLUB g ftj .. . -h.-. -X. *** C^**- ’ l-U ■ ’ iJi ’ f-sd j::t £ ■-' I - "I" 4 •; : if • r • . ■ ? L tier '■ v ■ Ph i- :• I - ■ ■■■■■•. T ims 9 ■:/ - : H . |ji • Mwn'ft- •.tor? Ex | t ’ * • i f ! rr * 11 ' ■ 1,1 '• c line of j iwolry. inc in- , fiW djug A 1 hi > idh I k*£ My st ick of si: vr»r inti i>g nnd nw i ti»>s w n-’V j -kB- 9r m °r<: c mplete. ru j p i s 4JSPS jlalty, j It J. K Wniiamson fc "■L.'.yidrihKffii i uu'y cliiwh 'U 'iMM'diil 'meh •"•y.'I.UJ. -O I ■ :-U. :? - ■ ■ . ..... *. ..: .. ■ . FO RST Y1 EAN 1) C 0 MFOR P, and for a jolly good time with family or friends there is noth iti'f like an open surry for cither Winter or Summer. Our stock " fli wjl : of stylish cirri iges is unrivalled ( jKm •nd our spider phaetotn, run »-. <'ar\ »outs, buggies,traps, carts, wag- \ 1 >m ttr-; can py top, or open sur- fit, eisy, comfoita- '. 1 i»i ;nd beautiful in construe— - tint, trimmings and finish. We also repair an 1 overhaul vehicles; also carry a big li < e harness and lap robes, The Rom is Buggy Co, 5 O-'d 1 I road strict,Rome Ga, Satterfield & Williams, Agents. 0,1 | f z * —b * u - aw M<w<M» M . m a VCMnH;aHaauaMl <W| -.ja* CANDY ® CATHARTIC CURE CONSTIPATION 10c ALL 255 500 DRUGGISTS J ■““ . - _ ' '