The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 15, 1898, Image 7

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W a Swing The DOOr WIDER A.TTJD STILL WIDER OPEN THE KANE STOCK! Makes this great stere a Greater Store. It multiplies the gem-treasures in this house; it mag- ! ■ nifies and iliumins our claim, that this is the great bargain-apofis of North Georgia. ’ AND NOW ALL READY The Kane stock is in; is marked down to cost and belew cost, and you can buy an hundred ea ■ , • gle’s worth, a dollar's worth or a dime’s worth at or below cost. The Kane Stock is for sale and the Bass Stack is for sale—all at our store, 345 Broadway, at cost or below cost. Much of the goods away below cost. | That superb salesman, Frank Kane, will be on hand to wait on his friends and the trade. Silk Selects, Wash Wonders Winsome Woolens, Nobby Notions, Flatchless Millinery, Superior Shoes —Slick salables, IF YOU WANT GOODS CHEAP, GO TO EASS BROS. & CO. IH (U L MENTION. G. L Htrlaiu of Colbous, is in the city. Mr. Bill Aluuoy went to Rock Run, today. Geo T, S ribling. of Atlanta is in the city. Payton Grimm returned to Griflin today. W. W. Welch.of Atlanta :n in the city today. Mr. J. Ed Camp, of Livingston, was here t<day. Dr. I. C Mull, cf Shannon, is in the city today. Miss May Ramsey of Calhoun, spent today in the city. Mayor Jah i J. Seay went down to Cave Spring on busi ness today. House to Rent.—ln East Lome, near depot. Good water. Apply to L. A. Lloyd. Mrs. E, B. Watkins, and child ren are spending some time with relatives in Cartersville. Bad blood become g »od blood on taking Hood’s is *he great blood purifier. Dr. 8. R. Belk and family left today for (Jharlott and Wilming ton, to spenu several weeks. Big Brown JugFil- l e J s sale. Price $2-00. Miss Julia ( otewarr. Dr. Frank Wynn, of Atlanta, spent yesterday in the city with his parents. He is en route home the springs. Dr. J. a. Tigner will go to Gartaraville tomorrow where he will wind up his business io that oily aid move hie • slice to Konae. ruicpi' ’ s Beu4 year a.areas to H. E. Buokloe ACo , Chisago and g*t a frss sample box of Dr. King’s New Life Pills. A trial will convince ef their merits. These pills are easy iu aetieu and are particularly affective hi the ouro of constipa tion and siok headache. For M Ja na and Liver troubles they have boon proved invaluable. They are gaarantoed to be perfectly free lr >m every doleterions substance and to bo purely vegetable. They do not weaken iu th»ir action, but by ftviag toeo to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the sys- Sem.Begolar sice 3&s per box Sold by Oarry-Arriogton Co., druggist* Miso Madaline Wyley left to day for Now York, where she will spend some time with rela tives. Miss Mamie Underwood, one of Rockmart’s moot charming little ladies, is visiting friends in thio city. M iss Mamie Towns has return ed to tier home in Atlanta, after a pleasont visit to her triend Miss Lucy McLeod. Clever Barry Cothran return ed to Atlanta this morning after spending several days with his home folks in thio cLy. Mrs. W. W. Wrtters left today for Gadsden, to spend severa weeks. Sne was accompanied by her niece, Miss Alliene Logan. Miss Margarret and M ister Eugene Ford left yesterday for Atlanta, where they will make their future home with relatives Go to Lanham's and get one or more of those tine sailors, they are selling so cheap. They are actually worth from one to two dollars and they are selling them at tifay conks. Nothing tike is ever offered in Rome before. LOUIS JONES Accidently Shot in the Leg by George Harris. Kouis Jones, while out hunt ing Saturday afternoon, met with a very painful, and which came near pioing a fatl acci dent. He and George Harris ao i <>»’ Judge G. A. H. Harris, of this city, went out hunting together on the Jones farm, six miles from Rome. They separated, both going in different directions. Suddenly a rabbit jumped up and young Harris blazed away with a double-barrel shot gun, but instead of the shot hitting the rabbit the charge went in young Jones’ leg, inflicting an ugly wound. He was taken to his home near by and Dr. Lindsay John son sent for. He responded to the call as quickly as possible and found young Jones suffer ing great agony, and it was thought for a while his leg would have to be amputated. Over 13 shot were cut out of the limb, and at last reports the young man was resting as easy as could be expected. ! wuiwr REVIVAL SERVICES Incrkasins Daily at The First Baetist Church. The services at the First Bapt’st church, are increasing in interest at each meeting and many souls are being converted daily. All (he other churches in the city gave way to (he Baptist last .light and the church was crowded to its utmost capacity. Dr. Headden preached two able sermons at tbe morning and nvcn» ing services, and tbe singing by ProL Wnlfaohn, was grand. Go out tonight and hear a good sermon by Dr. H»adden? It will do you good. Soldier Shot. Wilwauxee, Wis., Aug. 15 A dispatch from Ponce, Porto R co, says that Private La Duke of the Second Wisconsin, who killed Private Stafford in aquar >• •1, was court martialed and shot Aug. 4. Wfk w!t> www vtLwdbwr yww wwwMmm w«rvw-hiiiiß< uwt wm-re * reeursi U« ffwwivo fw W wvt awrvoem diwbrwew. • xwwla I M»W. psrtlM few UwU. * B - gterew Uwt maafcwwff. A > A Lew we »ate« yww Hr«M X/A M MffJXV ia bemlta _<■ B> IB wamwawsarvd Buy from bmw* .zWa•»“ Anmgul whu W B far w. Tale it with 1W wtU. wwreUtwnUy Qrw ■ K Ms-' Ims« ffl muaUj warwe; 1 bciw L'G i wwaraavoad ba rsra ar va rwffuna j « gßaateffyCa, CbUaaa ffemSr—l. law V«vt 2-KNT STAMP! Win send a Uttar to any point in Uncle Samsbig dotuaiu. f<r this very IT you are sick, ffX ' sure or suffering, thia very trWing outlay May Save Your lif a I )l " f how LIIOi It to. Von can Tnjlw write a plala letter, can’t you? Wall, S win take just tiro cents to carry It tin tta “Wishligtoi Mifltil & Sirflcal liitltiti. Atluta, Cierfla,” | And tbe fatuous specialists wise fora the staff « that Institute arc able to give you advice sad | treatment by mall ua wen aa If you cause la per- 1 aon to tbe city. This to no mistake. They are do ing It event day. They bow have patieata la alfthe adjoining States, some of them huudra<to ! of miles away, and their cures are simply wen* I derful i CURES POSITIVE AND t D C CI CONSULTATION Tlftti ta every kufonnity of Spine or Limbs dub Foot, Hare Lip, Cross Ryes and other surgical cases, else ia all forms of Hkin and Blood disorders,ltheuma ttons. Sciatica. Catarrh of the Nose. Throat Lungs. Stomach or any vital organ, liver. Kid- I nsy and Bladder troubles. Nervous Weak nesses at either men or women, dipeaaes of tbe , sexual parte and every ether bodily affliction that i highly trained apscialista alone can daal with. Write freely It costa you nothing If we un dertake your caae we ahall send you qusetloe blank for Aitl parLculara. If youi case to curable by human skin and perfect edesua W1 SHALL CURE IT. That first U-cent stamp may eave your life. AS tatlet a sacredly private. ADDRESS, Washluilon Medical A S erclcal INSTITUTE. j«-i i—SsN BMg.. fttteasa tw S - _ THE AR 15PRONG HOTEL Rome, Ga Kefluidr i . j,. BiFiDra Wind- I u H- The placa to <sefa quick, good meal. fl McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors. BE."-! U ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i i i ■ ■ w H Best While LEGHORNS! is *ss Forth» ve •/ o^3-b 35J ill n)> « perfectly marked Toags, leave orders ♦♦ with J. f. Grouch &, Cfe,, $ 3 p jr trio. Splen .lid c jckerals O'il / $ 1. 1. D. QAILL? A{ ) iHf l IRepairing || ♦Don’t Walk On | I O Your Vppersll l S W.A-MU LLIN L'VER f. SALT. AMO. F£i3 STA3LSS - ~ | 1 Offer* ihs jkuhlvj U « finest a, belcvivev waeos »ud ii».>it paltte kileiifHin Iritis /> i Tks best stwski of horsss axd .Bilo* swU oo»