The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 16, 1898, Image 1

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EIGHTH year smoke a “Bill Arp'’ warters New Brand DWEEY DID IT. Bombarded Manila, forced Unconditional Surrender. GEN, AUGUaTI ESCAPES And is Conveyed to Hong Kong by Germans. Washington, Aug. 16.—The department of state issues the following : “The folic wing dispatch was received at the department of state at 11:13 p. m.. August 15th from Consul Wildman, Hong Kong : “ ‘Augusti says Dewey b mi barded Manila Saturday; city surrendered unconditionally. Auguati was taken by Germans in launch to Kaiserin Augusta and brought to Hong Kong. I credit leport.’ ” WASHINGTON OFFICIALS HAVE BEEN EXPECTING THE NRW9. The information contained in Consul Wildman’s brief message aroused intense interest, but created no surprise among those officials who received it. For two or three days news of the fall of Manila has been expected. The last dispatches received from Admiral Dewey and Gen. Merritt indicated that it wm their purpose to force a surren der of the city as soon as pos sible. It is believed that they joined in a note to Lien. Augusti de manding the surrender of Ma nila, threatening to make a com binod sea and land attack upon the city unless the demand was acceded to. While no further information « than that received in Consul Wildman’s dispatch has been received by the administration it is, in a measure, confirmed by a brief dispatch from Madrid. As soon as the protocol was «ifned last Friday afternoon dispatches were sent to both Admiral Dewey and Gen. Mer ritt, via Hong Kong. On Satur day the British steamer Austral ian, left Hong Kong for Manila bearing the dispatches from thfs government It is expected that would hardly reach Manila be fore docisive measures rgainst the city has been taken by the American commanders, but every possible effort was made to insure their speedy delivery. D th# report of Gen. Augusti be true, and its accuracy is not questioned here, the probabilities a,e that official dispatches will be received by the government in a day or two, at the latest. Ihe flight of Gen. Augusti from Manila created some amused comment here lastnight. As one official expressed it : Had he maintained his posi tion, hard as it was, until the ai ’’ival of tin news of peace, he would have been a hero, but he bod, and he will now be branded as a coward.” A ’ -b'STI REACHES HONG KONG ON german CRUISER. Hong Kong, Aug. 15 —Gen Augusti, captain general of the * '‘ilippines, arrived by the kaiserin Augusta. He refuse# to Ge interviewed, and will eay nothing. m are than that he is THE HOME H[JSTLEB-a)MMEBCLAL TWICE A HERD Hobson saved The Life Os A Grippie THR3RAVE ALABAMIAN Dragged A Man From Beneath A Trolley Car. Newark. N. J , Aug 16.—Lt be came generally knovn h re Jto.iav that Lieutenant Hobson, the Mer rimae hero, •aved the life of Pat rick Halloran, a poor cripple, while hern a week ago. Hobson was waiting for an Grange troliey cbr near the Penn sylvania Rai road D pot. A largt crowd was gathering, among them Halloran, who tried to cross the trolley tracks The car bore swift* ly down upon him. Halloran ’beaaine dazed with fright ai.d to the onlooker# it ed as if he would be. ground Io pieces, Suddenly th»re was a rush aud the next instant an athletic young man dragged the cripple safe'y from the tracks. “Hobson? s 'gasped Halloran, re gaining his breath with difficulty “Hobson.” replied th-< hero calm y, extending his hand,, “Well here’* mvear. Good uv.’ : g' i to S t iin at the first oppor tunity. It is s significant fact that while the fastest German cruiser has brought Gen. Augusti, she brings only a small package of mail for the German consul. The consul is now in Canton, his mail matter remains unopened. The precise facts are not known, but it is supposed that Gen. Augusti lied from the Phil ippines. Augusti’s wife and fam ily accompany him. MADRID PAPER ADMITS FALL OF MANILA. Madrid, Aug. 16. —According to La Correspondencia de Es pana, the surrender of Manila occurred after the last attack made upon that city. londoN announces fall of MANILA. London. Aug. 16.—The West minister Gazette Bays it has re ceived advices indierting that Manila has fallen. News come' from Hong Kong. FRIGHT KILLED. Aged Floyd Cook’s Vain Race for Life- St. Albans, W. Va , Aug. 16 During the recent windstorm ai d cloudburst, which has just passed over this section. Floyd Cook, an aged man, died of fright. Cook discovered the water rushing down the narrow valley in which his home was situated and his only chance of escape was the mountains, some dis tance away. He ran for hi# life, had reach ed the hill in safety, but dropped dead just at the water’s edge ’ SARATOGA GAMBLES- Tod Sloane Won Thirty-four Hundred Dollars. Saratoga, N. Y. Aug. 16. From a gambling standpoint, last night was one of the great- ROME GEORGIA, TUESDAY EVENING AUGUST 16, |BbB. FLOYD IS SHY Though The Total of Tax Returns Show a Gain. MANY DEFAULTERS Doubled to The Tune of $405,- 100 Mr. Foster’s Neat Books. Tax Collector Bob Foster, more familiarly known to bis thousands of warm friends a-* ‘‘Old Uncle Bobb)” Foster, has finished the tedious labois on the tax digest for the year JB9B. Mr. Foster’s b»oks are always neatly kept and beautifully written, but this year he has broken the record and will turn over perhaps, the prettiest set of books in the state. He and his staff of expert as sistants have labored diligently and faithfully over the long columns and spent many tedious hours checking aud verifying. The result is a record that is all any one could ask. The total returns as shown I y the digest for 1898 show Floyd’s taxable valuations as returned, $8,086.7 32. Last year the returns were $8,010,145. Last yeai, however, there were no defaulters and double tax entered for same This year the defaulters list reaches $406,150, and i i conse quence there are that many dol lars double taxed. Deducting the defaulters list of $406 150 from the total of tax returns, $8,086,732 which in cludes the double tax, the real tax value for 1898 is only $7,- 680,582. This shows a real slu up in values returned for the county for this year, compared with la-i year’s returns of $329,563 However, the returns g • in at $8,086,732 and show an apparent gain, a gain which will prove real, so far as practical results are concerned. ‘‘Uncle Bobby” has done his duty, fully and abundantly. Ho has measured up to every re quirement of the duties of the office of Tax Asses ß or of Floyd county and when he surrenders to his successor he will walk out with the hearty commendation and well wishes of all his fellow citizons. est in the histoi y of Saratogi Neaily all the prominent politi ticians and race-track peoph now at the Springs, gathered in the Saratoga Clubhouse, and it is said that SIOO,OOO changed hands. One of the fyiggest win ners of the night was Tod Sloane who won $3,400, ESCAPE OF BLANCO ______ * From Havana Rumored. Block ade Raised. Playa Del Este. Cuba. Aug. 16.—1 t was rumored Thursday that Captain General Blanco had escaped from Havana on the Montserrat, and Commodore S.diley was instructed to head him off. Sampson and Schley will both come North soon. The blockade is practically raieed, LANHAM & SONS. SENSATIIONAL MH Os SAILORS wyE havd just o iught th 2 an ira stock of Lidias aad Miss sb Fine W W S&i ot 3 o'one of the La-g23t Millm'ry ho uses o : Nevyor and njw place then on si' 2 at a price that is c?rtainly m ?st remarkable. While we know the p 20p’e of Ho ma j bian fak 2d time and again, yet we make th 2 LTARTLIHG AMMCEMENT, “W That these Sailors are worth $ 1.0 J. $ 1.50 and $2.03 each andw > will sail the n at th 2 astonishing low price of 50HEACH! z There Is Twenty-on 3Ca ies cr one Thousand an j Eleven H ats and not a plug in the lot, but the prsttiesc an 1 latest thing 4s in Sailer $ Somefine Milan,some fine sp it straw,some r eugh brim and smooth crown, some colored brim and white crown,so me of all coiors of l ramhow. Bell crown, straight cro An, wide brim, narrow brim, some <fine white and in fact ail kins dox sept che vp trasn and those we do not want. This is a ch mce ta buy fine sailors at a price that will probably not come again. <<<s#s HM’ Sons. 10 CENTS PER WEi K