The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 16, 1898, Image 6

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MR DISPLSP.SED Madrid Papers Make Un ramble Coniine, B. LURKING ORDERS Governors General Have Ceas ed Hostilities. Madrid August 15.—The com ments of tire press on the protocol are a veritable funeral hymn on the destruction of the Spanish colonial empire. Some days ago the desire for peace made the people close th>i eyes to the price, but now upon reading the protocol, they realize that the cost is the loss of that empire which Spain had conquer ed with so much glory and that Spain now falls to tne second rank among nations. The public mind is stunned and there is general mourning* General Blanco telegraphs that Havant is greatly agitated by the news of the signing of the proto col and that much anxiietv is . manifested to learn the conditions which have not yet been published. Some uneasiness is f It regard ing the effect that the text of the protocol may have ot. the Spanish volunteers in Havana. Many n“ws papert express g ief and desp iir that the men who brought disaster on Slain by lack of foresigh’, o - - ganization and am lily, should con tinue to govern the country. The governors general of Cuba and Porto Rico have acknowledged the receipt of the news of the sus pension of hostilities between the United States and Spain and an nounced the carrying out of the orders. An order has been issued by the captain general of Madrid suspend ing the publication of the repub lican newspaper Ei Pais. Reports from Havana that that the bombardment of Manzanillo lasted from 3 o’clock until 9 in the evening and that attacks were made by the insurgents at various points. During the engagements fifteen Spaniards were killed. The Ameri can commander summoned the town to surrender, giving the aut horities three hours in which to capitulate El Epoca says: “The peace is the saddest impos ed since the treaty ot Utrecht, and expresses doubt “if a government which has allowed itself lobe drag ged into a war will acquit itself well by negotiating | eace.” El Pais today printed the text of the protocol signed by the Uni ted States and Spun with mourn ing borders, and says: “Spain without colonies is re duced to the rule of a third-rate power.” J*NI Imparcial says: “Peace will not bring to Spain even the rest she so much needs after three years and a half of war. ” El Nocion says bitterly: “If Spain had at least been van quished only after a furious and heroic struggle she could resign herself. Peace with the United States will only be a momentary respite fr >m our misfortune.” El Libera' says the artie'e in the protocol relating to the Philippines does not indicate that anything good for Spain will be fixed npot and the question will not be settle ed favorably for her. El Globo (ministerial) pines for peace betwsen Spain and the Uni ted States and says the communi cation on eastern ques’iotis which Day and Gambon have signed be gin the first Chapter in a new his tory of Europe. El Timipo (conservative) says: “Peace is an accomplished fact The bitterness of deieat does not prevent us from seeing with satis action the e*'d of th® war.” WANTED.—Two good clerks at once. Young men. Apply to Lloyd A Harper. I BIG BSGYGLE MEET. Crack-a-Jack Riders Coming to Rome. ■ PROGRAM ANNOUNCED. daces Begin on Wednesday, August 1 7th. Some of the best riders of the Southern circuit will be here. All races will be paced by single or tandem so that there can be no loafing. They will commence promptly at 4:30 o’clock and will run off without any delay. Don’t miss these races as they will be interesting. PROGRAM. One Mile —Open, amature. Baker [ll ;Dock Wingfield,Rome, Box |4| ;Littlefield |s] ;Rodgers, Gadsden [3] ; Ben Boaten rider, Atlaeta, |6| ;Will Sellick [7|;LaMar, Rome, [B], One Mile—Open, professional. Eli Winesette, Atlanta, [9] ; brank Steiuhau, Chicago, [10]; Zenu» Fieles, Atlanta, [ll]; Wi ley Mangum, Atlanta, [l2]; Ami Elliot, Atlanta, | 13] ; Tom Les ter [ 14]. ; Half Mile—Open, amature. Baker [ 1 ]; Winglield |2| ; Box 1 4] ;Litiletield [s] ; Rogers 13J ; Boatenrider [6 ]; Will Sellick [7] ; LaMar [BJ. Five Mile—Match race. Eli Winesette [9]; Frank Steinhaur | 10]. Paced by Mangum and Lester on a tandem. One Mile—Amature, (match) Wingfield [2] ; Barker [3].Most interesting race on program. (hie Mile Against track rec ord. Eli Winesett paced by tan lem. 2nd Heat—Mile, amature. Wingfield, Baker. Half Mile—Exhibition, Eli Winesett, paced by tandem. 3rd Heat—Mile, a m a t u r e. Wingfield and Barker. Admittance 25 cents. Reserv ed seats on sale at West Cycle Co., Armstrong Bldg. The only Georgia volunteers who have had an opportunity of smelling powder are the heroes of the second who quelled that negro riot in Florida. Now that peace has been de clared let every soldier who is not to be retained in the service be mustered out promptly. Let the expenses be curtailed. Mkl’ON-LSkVE TO SELL. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern.W. H. E inis, Administrator of Red man Pentecost deceased, has in cue form wpplied to the under signed for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said de ceased and said application will be heard on the first Monday in September next. 'Phis 3rd day of August 1898 John P. Da*u«, Ordinary. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. Whereas A. I).Hardin,adminis trator of M. Avery Hardin, repre sents to the court in his petition duly filed, that he has administer** ed M. Avery Hardin’s estate. This is to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors to show cause il any they can, why said administrator should not be dis charged from his administrrtion nda receive letters of dismission •n the first Monday in October 1898. This July 9lh 1898. J *hn P Davis Ordinary CITATION—LEA\“to .SELL GEORGIA FL' YU C 'UNTY. Tc all whom it may concern. •John B P.Cber. administrator of Mrs H. I. Roser deceased, has in due form applied to the undersign ed for leave Io sell the lands be longing to the estate of said de ceased, and said application will be heard on the first Monday in September next. This fourth day »f August, 1898. J hn P. Davis Ordinary! ISHBRIFF SALES FOB BEPTEMB R 1898. | TEORGtA FLOYD COUNTY Vv ill be sold before the court I house door in the city <>f R une, j Floyd Co. Ga. between the 1. gal hours of sale, on the first Tuorduy in September 1898 the following described property to wit: That tract or parcel of land sit uated, lying and being in Floyd county Ga., and in the city of Rome lying on the Eastern aide of the Oostan m'a river, being a. por tion of land lot No. 236 in th - district and 3rd section of said county .* Beginning on King street at the Northeast corner of the lot known as the Pinson or old Brick Yard lot and running in l Northerly direction and along the West '-ide of King street to the Southeast corner of the lot known as the McGuire lot, thence to the Oostanaula river on a line at right ang es with King St. this last mentioned line being North of thq wo story brick dwelling standing on the pa.cel of land hereby conveyed, thence down said Oostanaula river to the Northwest corner of the said Pinson or old Brick Yard lot, thence along lhe Northerly boundary line of the said Pinson or old Brick Yard ot to the place of beginning. The said paicel ot laud is bounded on lhe North by the McGuire lot. on the South by the Pinson or old Brick Yard lot, on the East by King street and on the West by the Oostanaula river, being the parcel of land as now enclosed containing wo acres m ore or lets, also that tract or parcel ot land situat' o lying and being in the town o< Forestville in said county of F.oyd and stale of Ga , and known m lhe. plan of the said town i 8 lots 165, 166 167 and 207 Levied on by virtu » of a fi fa is sued from Floyd city conn in fa vor ot S, F. Magruder, cashier, against W M. T"wers, as the prop erty ot VV. M. Towers. Also at the same time and place a part of the property in the First ward of lhe city of Rome, hereto fore known as the Holmes Sanita rium lot and particularly describ ed as follows, — Beginning on the West side of Ninth avenue in said city of Rome at the Southeast corner of said Hclmes Sanitarium property and running thence in a Northerly direction along the West side of Ninth avenue two hundred feet to a stre-t. thence along the Sjuth side of said street in a Westerly direction one hun dred and thirty-one feet to the Eist side ot a street opened through the above mentioned Holmes Sau Barium property, thence in a Southerly direction along tha side of said street two hundred feet, thence in an Easterly direction along the line dividing this prop erty from the G.W. Holmes estate one hundred and thirty-one feet to the starting point. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fi fa issued from Floyd Superior court in fa vor of R G, Clark against VV. H . Uoker and W. J. Neel, as the property oi W. H. Cokerand W. J. Neel. Also at the same time and place fifty acres in North part of lot of land number oue hundred and ninety-six in lhe 24th district and 3rd section of Floyd county, to satisfy balance cf purchase money deed being filed and recorded in clerk’s office of Superior court of this county. Levied on by virtue of an attachment fi fa issued from Floyd Superior c< urt in favor of J. C Everette against Louis Bur ton as the property of lhe defend ant. Also at the tame time and place all that tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the Fourth ward of the city of Rome, Ga., known as the Mitchell survey Floyd couuty Ga , as lot number forty-tbr e in block “B” fronting on Mitchell street one hundred ft and on the West by lot No 44, on the East by* A. R. Harbor, ou the North by J"hn Harrison and more fully described indeed from H. D. Hill and Florence f. Hill to F. Hickey trustee, recorded in Clerk’s office book “D. D. ” page 58. Also all that tract or parcel of land lying in the 23rd district and 3rd section of said county being one half interest in lots designated as A and Bof Barnwell survey of what is known as the Glanton place near East Rome, said lots lying contigous to each other and containing in all about 25 acres' and bounded ou the North by the Veal property, on the East by Dean street, on the West by tb« land ot G. 11. Miller, see died from George D. C6x to Martin Graham. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fi fa issued from Floyd superior court in favor of R, G, Clark against W. H . Adkins as lhe property of the defendant. Also at the same time and pl «ce lot number two hnndn d and twen ;tv seven, eighty-five acies in the Southeast corner of lot number iwo hundred and forty, eighty live acres on the North side of l"t number two hu.idred and five, all ot lot number one hundred and ninety-one, Nor'h half of I * number one hundred and n nty> twb, twenty-eight acres and six teen rods of lot numb' “ IWu him dre<l and forty-two in the South west corner of s id lot, begi mine at Southwest corner ot said lot and running Nor h sixtv rods to Alabama road, then following the road to the slough sixty-seven rods, thence Southerly six y-eiglu rods, thence Wear to the original line seventy- 1 '" and iwo-third rods, n so Lust naif of number two hundred and sixty-three, be ing O’ghty acres, also all of lot number two hundred and six al’ lying a"d being in the twenty second district and 3rd section of Floyd county Ga. Levied on by yirtue of a fi fa issued from Floyd city court in favor of Ilamil ton & Co. . against Mary 7 A. Form bey. Jchnscn & Formby, Aifred Johnson and M. Formbey as the property of Alfred Johnson one of the defendants. Also at the same time and place all that tract or pared of land being in the 23 d district and 3rd -action of Floyd county Ga , be ing six eon acres in tie Southwest corner of lot number two hundred and eleVer.. Levied on by vir ue of a mortgage fi fa issued from Floyd Superior court in favor of A. S. Burnev against Marina Gro ves, as the pr ptriy of the defend ant. Also at the same time and place that part of lot number sixty-one in block “B” in the Four'll watd of the city of Rome F oyd couuty Goorgia fronting 40 f-e' on ave nue “B. ” forme.iy Spruce stieet, and runnii g back same width one hundred and b Tty feet, the same being bounded on the North by the ( oi away property, on the East by a euue “B” and on the Sou k and West by the property of W. P. McLeod and being the nremesis wh reon J. A, Buffington now re sides. L vied o" by virtue cf a fi fa issued from the Floyd Superior court in favor of lonn 11, Reynolds against W. P. McLeod, as the propertv of the defendant. J. P. McConnell, Sheriff . M s Tai sales Forssjlejta 1898. GEORGIA,FLOYD COVNTY, Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Rome Floyd county Gu., between the legal hours of sale >n the IstTues day in September 1898. the follow ing described property by v'tue of state and county tax fi fas is sued by the tax collector of Floyd county Ga., and against the fol lowing named defendants. All that tractor parcel«of land situated,,lying and being in lot No. 278 in th » 23rd district and 3rd section of Fioya cuiioty Ga Said particu ar tract of land being one-half of lot No. 2 in Penning ton survey and lying near South east corner of lot No. Q 7B measur ing 200 feet North and South nud 163| feei East and West and con tains f h- of an acre. Levied on by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by John J. Black, f rmer T. C., in favor of state and county for tax 1892 against John T. Taylor, as the property of the defendant. J. P. McConnell. Sheriff. CITATION- LEAVE TO SELL GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY . To all whom it may concern W. H. Ennis, administrator cl Polly Penticost, deceased, has in due form applied to the under signed for .eave to sell the 1 .nds belonging to the estate of said deceased, and said application will be heard on the first Monday in September next. This 3rd day of August, 1898. John P. Davis. O i d i n a r y. LIBEL EOR DIVORCE. STATE OF GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY — Laura B 'iley ) No 45 Floyd S’p'r v-. court,Jun,term '9B John Bailey. ) Libel for Divorce To the defendant John Bailey : You are hereby commanded tc be and appear at lhe next term ol superior court of Floyd County Ga.,to be held on the third Mon day in January 1899, then and there to answer the plaintiff's pe tition for divorce in the abov stated case, as in default thereof the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Hon. W. M. Henry, judge of said court, this sth day of July, 1898. ~ W’. E, Beysiegel, [Clerk cf Superior Court. Isctoolsupfc4 We are pioneers i- the a Imo] books » l: d school »up. S ply business and wh are also right up-ro-da»e in 9V ery- M thing ’h>» should be kept by an up-to-date Bookstore ‘W JI Ml MPER. [ No hcuse th -St t p can serv vou Better wS von fi?. »>> . . w! sire to invest in a new covering fc w 'r.r- gpaf ?i f your home. See cur .stock on hand and samp'es 1- H.A. SMITH, • i THF OLD RFLIABLfi BOOK STORE. | [| fill Ifffflflf t iy fi i To the People of Rome, ’ P annon nce that I have bought the Model S’eam Laundry and or-pose to rearrange and aldto it V?/ that y..n will have in vour citv a. plant second tc none \|/ • a*, in t.fie south. W I have had yeirs of nruct cil ex re mice, the , ast 11/ thi ■e \ t'lt is(i 1 w < have 1 > v i > 11era e:f u eof A yr the largest plan sin T-xus. Wth the r- ■I • xn-ri- M/ 111 ,v,) ill 1 “O'* Iwl d w my - ;i . im.- 'W at’enti.m to the busim s* [ wtH ‘ e apo h i-'-i> i.. guar-, Vs ante ■ that an thing joining to my inunlrv "HI be done /i\ s ‘tis’actori y. A trial will co iviuce you that 1 can do all th i I claim- Sind in your bvn Ila. Hu Gtils to please /|\ V>V 1/1 > rß i)rt n ’ ch ir,ie ’9 our w or te l ft ph >ne Lix N> 15S, an i your bi i lie will bi returned promptly. /Ak H ipitig t > ra'teive a fair «h ire of your fpatrooage, I am /Ak Cv' yours to please" g H- PARKIN $ Proprietor M > lei St a n L uudry. LETTERS OF ADMINISTR A I 1 ION. GEORGIA I’L YD COUNTY To al it may concern I Emma Pent.eccst havinf n proper form applied to mt tor permanent letters of admi. istration on the estate of Redmon Pentecost, late of said county deceased. This is to cite all and singular the credi - ora and next o! kin of Redmon . Penteco«t to be and appear a< mv office within th» time allowed by law and show c use if any they can, why permanent administra tion should not b-> granted Io VV H. Ennis Co , Ad a T on R dmon Pentecost’s est.te Wi nes*' my hand and official signal ure this 4lh day of July 1898 John P. Da«i O.dina’-v. an mil -■ i ■■ w.i—««m i, ■ am ■»«■»-, m»« —>,*mmw- ADMINISTR V! OR S SALE - Agreeably to an < rder of the i court ul i ’Ciliary for Floyd county Georgi**. cranii-d al the November term, 1897 will ne sold before the' court house Hour n Hih city ol Rome b i"'<-n the legal hours of 1 sale on the first Tuesday in Sept he foli wi -ir n".>!'»■• it y towjt, -(Re j undivided 2 5 interest in !<>• w N"s, I 167, 168. 171, 190, 192. 202, 241,' 212, 244. 245 and 3 4 ; hs <>f 189 j md the South half of 240 All ontaining 450 more or lens subject to dower of Mrs Martha G. Miller. Said property sold as .he p opir yof J J_ Miller, de •eased, late ot said county. Terms 4 sale cash. VV fl. Ennis Administrator estate of j. J. Miller rler-Hiised. L'.C IT ERS OF ADMIN SIR \ TION. GEORGIA FI.OYD COUNIY. IM all whom it may concern. Uinpiß P-iitecost having in proper 'erm aupjied to me for peimanent 'otters of ad minist ration on the state of Polly Pentecost late of •nd county, deceased. This is to cite al I and singular the creditors r d next of km of Polly Pentecost ro be and app -ar at my office with i) the time allowed by law and how cause, if any they can, why perm-<neot administration should not be gr nted to \V. H. Ennis, Co., Aum rou Polly Pentecosts’ s’ate \\itn-s*‘ my band and offi cial signature inis 4lh day of July 1898. John P D ivis, Ordinary, Monthl-** P’Htti cuitMi by Dr. Mlles* I CITATION—LEAVE TO E! L. GEOT GIA, FL Yl) C UNTY 1 o all wh tn it tuav rone •m, J. .VV C . H trriH, admiuiitralm of i Dr. (’, S Harris decia-’cl, has n due I rm applied to the under signed ter leave to sell thi Duds belonging to th" estate of said de ceased, and san! ap jlica'ion w.ll be 1 eard m th" first Monday in September '.ext. This 1-t day of August 1898 John P. Davis, Ordinary. YEAR S SUPPORT. GE< RGIA FLOYD COUNTY.. To all whom it may concern. Notice is hereby gi vhh that the appraisers appointed to set apart ■nd assign a year’s support to Mrs. Margaret J. Harris, the widow of Dr. C. S. Harris, deceas ed, h ve filed iheir award and un !e.-s go jd and sufficient cause is shown 'he Same will be made the jii'lg'inmt of the court at ’he j September term of the court of j oidiiiarv. Th.s August 4th 1898. J' hn P. Davis, Ordinalj . - ; LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION GEORGIA F OYD C UNTY. To all whom if mat) concern. George F. Chidsey having In prop er form applied to me for perma eut letters o p administratin'-: on Tie estate f Mrs. Sarah B. Chid stv late of said county, deceased. Thi- it to cite all mid singular the ere *ito:s aiid m-xt of km of Mr-. San. hB. Chid-ey t" be n' - d a|- pear..' my ofiP'e within the ti.i 0 allowed by law and show cause if any they can why permanent ad 'iiinistraton should npi be granted to Geo, F Chidsey on Mrs. Su rah B, Chidß u y estate. Witness mv hand and official signature his sth dav of August 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. CITA'I ION—LEAVE TO SEI L. GEORGIA FL' YD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern P. S. amter, »x’cutor oi Jchn Win kle, deceased, has in t’ue form “P* plied to the undersigntd for lea'o ’o sell 'he lands bel< using to the estate of said deceased, and s fl ' ippiicaiioD wil be on t firsi Monday in September m’ x This B’b dav of /ugnst. 1898. J..11N P, Davis, Ordinary.