The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 16, 1898, Image 7

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W® Swing The DOO.t W'IDEB STILL WIDER OPEN - ™ KANE STOCK! Makes this great Greater Store. It multiplies the gem-treasures in this house; it mag- '■ aifies and illuming our claim, that this is the great bargain-apolis of North Georgia AND NOW ALL READY W The Kane stock is in; is marked down to cost and below cost, and you can buy an hundred ea gle’s worth, a dollars worth ora dime’s worth at or below cost. The Kane Stock is for sale and the Bass Stock is for sale—all at our store, 245 Broadway, at cost or below cost. Much of the goods away below cost That superb salesman, Frank Kane, will be on hand to wait on his friends and the trade.’' Silk Selects, Wash Wonders Winsome Woolens, Nobby Notions, Hatchless Millinery, Superior Shoes —Slick salables, IF YOU WANT GOODS CHEAP, GO TO BASS BROS. & CO. THE MICHIGANDERS tat the‘*Oaly Real Thing’’ in Old Santiago WESTERN ENTERPRISE 4 <iot Out a News Paper Under Great Difficulties New York, Aug. 15—In th« from Santiago arrived an nlu-t-ation of how spjedily soldier 3 y ß l an get back to a business b *»iß when victory crowns them m battle, c K p o f tl)B * b,r ’ Michigan Volunteer Infantry »« published a newspaper in the Clt yof Santiago. Co. F Enter- P r ‘»e is its expressive title, and the worn on it was all done by printers in the company . Enterprise is full o f news, u 8om» ot ths best features are >U editorial p (1 g< a We ur6 the nil FOai ® 'glish reading “ eW «P»P® r tob B p r i nted in E°> declares the editor “Aye” he n!ode Btly continues, “by the y smoke, we are the first real ..J." 8 th ’ i#I »»d of Cuba. Our Col * ri>kl ’riend, Christopher al u“ 8 ’ la, ’ dttd - believe, four W * rt) * n l his neighborhood centuries or so ago. We were onrlo' U '‘‘ uipldt ‘ ve mood the other fmr * 1 11 the * dea struct us that in CnT* , |rit ’ 8 ° f whlte ,nen ’ 8 rul » with 4 WM alf( too long uw *n? n fillßlish -P --iunm d ,Jeniu * *° a twinkling and That’s wh/ we bu eUeral Shafter approves b ; b^ pUßhofCo F ‘> h()wi) lor X gr “ Ph Os to him kl TUt'“k the Paper 10 be Pr,ut thosa who are in charg • T*: Fill! Pl' ’ 8 Send yaar a. « ress to H. E Bucklen de Co , Chicago and g<»t a free sample box of Dr. King’s New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy iu action and are particularly effective iw the cure of constipa tion and sick headache. For Al .la ria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free fr >m every deleterious substance and to bs purely Vegetable. They do not weaken in th-ir action, but by giving toae to ths stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the eys- Uw.kscßlar size 25c per box Sold by Carry-Arrington Co., druggist* of it are sharp business mm is proved in its advsitis-mentb', which are so many that a supplement had to be added to the first issue All the men of the company an from Port Huron and every bus iness man in that city has been impress >d into the advertising columns of the Enterprise “Our entire stafr,” says the editor, “from editor-in-chief t printer’s deyil, lives in Port Huron. We expect to return there when the war is over. We will send advertising bills to our Port Huron advertisers and we will be able to camp on their trails till they pay. “Our rates are all we can get, no cord-wood taken for subscrip tions, spring poems are barred.” Sergeant Janus Stewart is busi ness manager f the Enterprise. Its o lvr < fficials are: Corporal F. G. Cuvkendill, editor-inschief, Private F. J. Me utche r n, local John A. Barrow, mechanical superintendent: Pri vates A Radigan and G. Maurer, printers and Private T. W Butler, interpreter. The army mule and,bis value furnish material for several in teresting items and comment the bast of which is thia answer by the editoi to one “Peter Fuzzy,” wh compltins of corns, and wants to know whether to blame the Santi ago pavements: “Our veterinary editor, to whom Mr. Fuzzy’s question was referred, is too busy repairing army mules to answer in this issue.” This is taken from a tribute to the army mule: “The army mu. is all right in theory, but I '< u < suggsst that tbe army mu et„ given a chance to have his picture on the Am Ticap H -•g and coins. The mule is the soldier’s best friend ” Santiago can scarcely be expect d to have all the modern appliau ;es for printing. One of tne things if which it in short is the letter “w,” as is shown in this thrilling story of a battle’s afterermath: “A view of ihe battlefield of July 1 aid 2 would lead one ot wonder how' the American army came out of this cmnpeign with such a comparatively small losi of life.” But one can forget the lar k of this, when he reads ti e edi tor’s apolcgy; “Please excuse the ’w’e,’ as we ran shy on “w’s,” SENATORIAL RACE General Lee Announces That he A ill Be in It. Washington, flngusv 16.—The Post tomorrow will say: “General Fitzhugh Lee will en ter the senatorial race in Virginia. This announcement can be made vithout any qualification. It is Authorized by General Lie him self, who last night dictated the statement to a representative of The Post “Upon being asked the question as to his future intentions and appreciating the ’uterest felt in the matter thoughout Virginia, General Lee sail: “‘I shall be a candidate for United Staten senator. ”* ter He who kisses a maid kisses a miss, and he kisses another man’s w"e kisses amiss; so the only thing left for a man is a widow.—ls you are Hobson’s friend, go warn im. o o o President McKinley is on deli cate grounds. He has given up cis gar-smok’ng and now smokes a pip‘ England is the great pipe smoking c untiy; “pain is the maker a;.d smoke of cigars. Is the Pressdeut’s change ot smoke an in ernational move? Does it mean that—what does it m a ? asks an exchange. Why he means that the time hao come for Americans to smi ke the pipe—>f pea -e. o o o 'I h<> «<t d oance de pa r‘ merit has re- Ceivet’ 9 000 M user titles and 10,- 000,000 rounds of ammunition, so far, troin the Spaniards who sur rendered in Santiago • province, there are others to come, and it looks as if the United States will eventually have a dozen or moi e regiments equipped with Spanish arms. 000 There have been great rej uc ng at L°slie, in Scotland, over tie coming of age of the Ear! of Roths •b. Prom 1858 until the present earl succeeded at the age of 16 years, nis grandmother in 1893, there were no Earl of Rothes, the peerage haying been held in the interval by two ladies. The Leslie family is one of the oldest in Scot land, and was historical eVen be fore 'he d iys of vVallace and Bruce. I 000 When Mrs Giev'land was niis tress of tbe White House one of [her moat intimate friends was L'VER '.SALE! AND FEED STABLES: Oflfs'i th » j'l’i'ic tbe finest teams, betconvev ances aid mnt p ilite all eoarteo n dcivj s Ibehe it stock, of horses an Imiei oa saJ<* c< a Btantly. “Dear Mary Leiter” as she fondly called her. A year or tvo Imnce, as tho wife of the Viceroy of India the former Washington belle will be able to wMc nno Mrs Cleveland as gorgeous as th >se of Any court in the w >rld, I a o o o Col Roosevelt announces that he is going to take his Rough Riders to the Paris Exposition and hear the exp use himte f Ted dy proposes to g ve the Flench as well as the Rough Riders a show, 000 A man has recently died in Ireland who has been postmaster tor th° little town of Scarva for the-period of s -veiity-six years. He was 108 years old when he m*r:ied and died at 134. 000 Twenty people own nearly 18 p-r cent of the real proper'y with in tbe limits of Greater New York and pay taxes upon nearly |4'K),- 000 OCO of land. The tax assessor says that 150 people, whose natn s might be taken rom the books, own 50 per cent »f all 'he real estate in Greater New \ ork, and the tendency is to increase instead ot diminish these enormous holdings. 000 Levi Z Leiter has borrowed another million. Ihe money was obtaiiii-d trom the N irthw?stern Mutual Life A~B<>ciaiion.mortgages on Chicago Teal esta'e being given as security. 000 “Mother,” the little Spanish boy screamed, “it is said that th* jßhips of the Yau tree pigs have* been seen off the ehure. ” r “Be c ilm. mv son.” replied the Itn ither. “Let us not cavort about ’•aftevthe manner of hysterical | B Tstonians.”—lndianapolis Jour -11 nal. , I 1.-J4 : ONE 2-CENT STAMP! 1 ' " | j Will send a latter to any point in Uncle Sain's big / D Aomnin.' For this very J reason, if you are sick, tore or luffering, this 8 . very triflihg outlay . May Save Your llf a I Hrr e’« W how > LIIUI it i». You can r wvwvw write a plain letter, can't yon’ Wrll k win take just two cents to carry it to U« '' “Washington Medical & Surgical listltute. i Atlanta, Georgia," 441(1 the famous specialists who form the staff of that Institute are able to give yon advice and treatment by mail as well as if you camr in per son to the city. Thta fa no mistake. They are do j injf it every day. They now have patients in all the adjoining States, some of them hundred of miles away, and their cures are simply wo ri de Hui. ‘ CURES POSITIVE AND F n r r I CONSULTATION r Kll i In every Deformity of Spine or Limbs, dub Soot, Hsre Ijp, Cross Qyesand other surgical cases, also in all forms of Skin and Blood disorders, kheuma tisiii, Sciatica. Catarrh of the Nose. Throat, Lungs, Stomach or any vital organ. Liver, Kid ney and Bladder troubles, Nervous W«ek neases of either men or women, diseases of the r sexual parts and every other bodily affliction that highly trained specialists alone can deal with. ) Writs freely It costs you nothing If we un dertake your case we shall send yer question I blank for foil particulars. If yoro ease fa curable by human skill and perfect science WH SHALL CURE IT. That first 2-cent stamp may save your Ufa. AU letters sacredly private. I ADDRESS, 1 Washington Medical & Surgical INSTITUTE. SCO-1 Austell Bldg., Atlanta- Cm ItrMte wftn yo etasr yon oontinur nervo-ktlliug unenaluMl V tt-TO-11 AC remote. Uedeairefnrtobare, r ■■Pt .■nnei vcusdisireK. upelsnuv- 1 J W JISC » lor. purities the blood, re-4 S store* iosi Bushssd, -.W A hoses ■uekw yen staong jf Sh 4MiJOe in health,