The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 17, 1898, Image 2

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LIVELY RACES fit The Exposition Park This Afternoon. LARGE CROWD PRESENT. The Races Were Fir st-oiass and Good Time Made The race track .'it the Exposi tion Park was put in perfect condition for todays’ bicycle) races. A large crowd was present and the races were first-class. On account of the lateness of the hour it is impossible to give the result of the contest. The following was the pro gram : PROGRAM. One Mile—Open, amature. Baker | 11 ;Dock Wingfield,Rome, Box [4]; Littlefield |s];Rodgers, Gadsden [3] ; Ben Boaten rider, Atlaeta, (6|;Will Sellick [7];LaMar, Borne, |B|. (>ne Mile —Open, professional. Eli Winesette, Atlanta, |9|; Frank Steinbau, Chicago, [10};I Zenus Fieles, Atlanta, ( 111 ;Wi- ■ ley Mangum, Atlanta, 112]; Ami | Elliot, Atlanta, [l3] ; Tom Les-1 ter | 14]. Half Mile—Open, amature. . Baker |ll AVinglield |2] ; Box [4] ;Littlefield |sj ; Rogers |3| ; Boatenrider | 0|; Will Sellick | 7]; LaMar 1 81. Five Mile—Match, race. Eli Winesette |9j; Frank Steinhaur |lo|. Paced by Mangum and Lester on a tandem. One Mile—Amature, ('natch) Wingfield [2] ; Barker [3],Most interesting race on program. One Mile—Against track rec ord. Eli Winesett paced by tan dem. 2nd Heat—Mile, amature. Wingfield, Baker. Half Mile—Exhibition, Eli Winesett, paced by tandem. 3rd Heat—Mile, a m a t u r e. I Wingfield and Barker. Admittance 25 cents. Reserv ed seats on sale at West Cy cle Co., Armstrong Bldg. THE CERRUTI CLAIM Colombia Wants l.'s to Help In Arranging The Settlement. Washington. August 17.—The legal representative of the Colom bian Government called on the Secretary of State today for th* purpose of making arrangement* in connection with the final settle* ment of the claim of Italy against Colombia, It is represented by the Colombian Government that when the award was made by President Cleveland as arbitrator, there was no provision as to the method of settlement and the proposition of the Colombian Government is that this question be referred to the United Stales as arbiter. It is the desire of Colombia that this matter be settled in a man ner to preserve the selt-respect and dignity of the Republic. MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one con cern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The pro prietors of Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine ; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bron chitis, Hoarseness and all dis— eases of the Throat Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it Call on Curry Arrington, drug gist, and gel a trial bottle free. Regular size 50c and sl. Every bottle guaranteed or money re funded. Tke Royal la tb« highest grade baking pewder kaawa. Actaal teats shew it gaeaaao third fartkar than aay ether breed. 1O LOV4I [gj &akiHo POWDER Absolutely rare KOVAL KAMIHK ROWMR CO., Ki* VOKM. PERSONAL- MENTION. John Perkiua returned to Allan* ta today. Mr. G. 11. Gaskins, of A tian ta, is in the city. Mr. J, T. Skellery, of Nash ville, is in the city. Mr. a. G. Smith, of Griffin, is in the city today. Sergeant Frank Omberg will return to Griffin tomorrow. Mies J. W. Arleberry of AnnDou, is visifii g relatives in the city. Mr. A. W. Evans, of Sanders ville, is here today on business. Mr. William McLendon, of East Rome, hts typhoid fever. Attorney Henry Walker went down to Cave Spring, on legal business today. Mr. N ck Van Dyke is confined to his home with a severe case of malarial fever, Mr. and Mrs Dave Hauks went to Stock’s Mills, today Io spend a week with relatives. Bad blood become' good blood on taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It is the great blood purifier. Dr. C. Hamilton returned from Cedar Bluff today, where he has been on professional business. Mrs. J. B. Tippin, of Six Miles Sation, and daughter, Mrs. R. J. Ragan, left today to visit relatives near Atlanta. Mr. Bailey Gordon, went to Sa vannah and Brunswick this morn ing in the interest of the cornor ative foundry. Rev and Mrs. R. A. Eakes, of Conyers, Ga., are in the citv the guests of their son, Rev. J. H. Eakes, on East First street. Mr. Dean Owens, of this county, has been visiting his brothers, Messrs. J. B. Benton Owens in Koine. —Cartersville News. The many friends of Miss Beulah McLendon will be pain ed. to learn that she is quite sick at the home of her parents in East Rome. Messrs. Dock Griffin, Sam Hardin and Walter Cothran went up to Chicamauga yester day to take in the soldiers pa rade today. Rev. Clarence S. Wood re turned to his home in Columbus this morning after spending several day’ most pleasantly with friends here. Col. A. W. Walton, after spending a week most pleasantly with his family in this city, re turned to Greenwood, S. C.. this morning, where he is build ing a waterworks. Chick & Peters.—There will be an entire change of program at the Mobley park theatre to i ight by the Chick & Poter* Co. They gave a good perform ance last night to a very large audideucw. Miss Sallie May Akin spent Sat i rdav in R niie to meet a commit tee composed of Mrs. Hattie A ex and«r R umasville and Mrs Ethe IHil yer Harris regarding tht work of the United Daughters of the Confederacy.—Garte?**ille News. LOC«l HAPPENINGS. Miss Cary Van Dyke, of Chat tanooga, i’ the guest of Mis. J. N. Van Dyke near the city. House to Rent—ln East Rome, near depot. Good waler. Vpply to L. A. Lloyd. Much Improved.—L ouil Jones, the young man who was accidently shot while out hunt ing last Saturday, is getting along nicely, and will be able to be out in a few days. Will Entertain.—Mr. and Mrs John W. Bale will entertain in honor of their guest, Miss Haygood,.of Atlanta, at their home on Fifth avenue tomorrow evening. Overhauled.—The East Rome depot is being overhauled A new floor in the baggage and operrtors rooms are being placed. The operators are using a room on the second floor temp - rarily. House Party—The Cartersville News says’ Misses Susie Freeman. Julia Srn’th, Orie Betund Maynie Hudgins left last night to attend the house party to be g this week by Mr. Frank Freeman a* his country home, “Riverside,’’ near Rome. Tne hospe of Mr. Free man is an id»al place for just such a gathering, and the young ladies will no doubt hr-ve a very pleasant time. Chick & Peters —The Chick & Peters Co., pleased another large audience at the Part Thea tre. The program was entirely new and each member of the company carried their part to perfection, and deserves special mention. By r< quest the “Ser pentine” dance by Miss Chick, will be put on each evening. The moving pictures are very pleas ing and add greatly to the en joyment of the evening. Summerville News Says.—A very romantic marriage occurred in Rome last week, having part oi its scene near Lyerly. Miss Bonnie Foster, of Rome, was visiting relatives at Lyerly when Halsted Smith, Jr., came up and arranged to meet and mar ry her. They drove through the country reaching Rome early in the morning and ware married at the home of Mrs. Geo. Chid sey. The brides’ parents forgave and accorded them a blessing. Camp Meeting.—The annual campmeeting, which begins next Friday at Morrison’s camp ground, will probably be the largest attended in years. Every available vehicle in the city has beeu engaged for the occasion. L’he following prominent minis ters will conduct the services: Rev. B. P. Allen, Cartersville ; Rev. E. W. Ballenger, Rock mart ; Rev. J. T. Eakes, Dallas; Rev. W.C. Fox, Cave Spring; Rev. Geo. W. Yarbrough, Grantville; Rev. J. P. Burgess, Cedartown ; Revs. J. H.Eakes, A. H. S. Bugg, C. M. Verdell ind S. H. Dimon, of Rome. A CLEVER TRICK . It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it, Anybody can try it who has Lame Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he cun cure himself right away by taking Electric Bitters. This medicine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant to Liver and Kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures Constipation, Headache, Faint ing Spells, Sleeplessness and Melancholy. It is purely vegeta ble, a mild laxative, and restores the system to its natural vigor. Pry Electric Bitters and be con vinced that they are a miracle worker Every bottle guaranteed Only 50c a bottle at Curry Ar rington drug atore. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF ROS la due not only to the originality and simplicity erf the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it ia manufagtured by scientific proceaaea known u the California Fie Syrup Co. only, and we wish to inipreaa upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original reiruxty. Aa the genuine Syrup of Figs ia manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will asaist one in aveiding the worthleae imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs haa given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It ia far in advance of all oilier laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. •AN FRANCISCO, CaL Let'UYILLK. ' YORK. N. T. CAP. PHILIP'S CONVERSION A Philadxpaia Clergyman Sayb He Was The Means. At the Y. M. C. A, Hall, Brook lyn, yecterday the Rev, Kerr Boyce Tupper, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Philadelphia, announc ed himself te be the ermv rter of Captain John W. Phi ip, of tie battleship Texas, who publicly gtve thunks to God after the bat' He in which Ceiveras ships were destroyed, According to Mr. Tuppe-. he preached a seruon in Brooklyn a year ago on the subject, “Be Born Again,” and Captain Philip, who was in the congregation was much impressed thereby After the ser vice he introiuced hims-ls to the minister and spoke of the deep im pression the sermon had made on him. On the following Sunday the captain came to hear Mr. Tupper and later on called on him and au* nounced that he felt that he shou'd be born again into a new life. Later Captain Philip told the minister that he had announced hisconver' •ion to his crew and expressed his intention of holding services on the ship every day M r . Tupper de livered a warm eulogy of Captain Philip and his part iu the Santia go fight.—New York Suae. There is more Catarrh in this section of the ceuntry than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was sup posed to be incurable. For a great many yea-s doctors ’pronounced it a local diseas, and preseibed lo cal remedier, and by constantly failing to cure with local treat* ment, pronounced it incurable Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, ai d there foie requires constiiuticnal treat ment. Hall’s Catarrb Cure manu factured by F. J. Cheney & Cc. Toledo, Ohio, is the only constif u 'ional cure on the market. It is aken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts di* rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case i fails to cure, send for cireulart and testimonials. Address, F. J Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O, Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best- STEAMERS IN COLLISION. Hamburg, August 17. —The German gank steamer Gut Hail, Captain Daldorf outward biund tor New York, was in collission with th j German ship I) H. Wallen. Captain Wicke. which arrived her# on August 13 from Tacomvia Queenstow.i, and ha* .etu r ned to dock with her pert bow damaged. The D. H. was also damaged. Miss Ada Evans,of Canton, is the gu st of Mrs. John Foster at Mobley Springs. ENSIGN WOOD Os Vhe United Stales Cruiser Texa’. is Her?. GfIUE AN INfRRESTifIG < Account of The Destroying of The Spanish Fieet. Ensign W. 0. Wood, of the battleship Tex is, who was m the famous naval battle which de stroyed the Spanish squadron and captured Admiral Cervera, of the Spanish navy, is in the city and to a Hustler Commer cial reporter he gave an inter esting account of the great bat tle . He says Sampson should get credit for the destroying of the Heel as it was planned by him and not Schley and that he did not give himself credit for the whole affair as the newspapers claim. Ensign Wood’s home is in Jackson, Ga , and he is spend ing a few days in Rome H» is a student at “Annapolis. When the Spanish-American war broke out he was put in the navy. He will return and finish his course at Annapolis. LADIES’ FINE SAILORS Go to Lanham & Sons and get one of those fine sailors they are selling so cheap. They are ac tually worth SI.OO, $1.50, $2.00 and some even more, yet they are selling, choice for 50 cents. HUSB’ND AND WIFE SHOT Each SaYi- the Other One At teMpt I. D Tu .M URD ER. New York. Aug. 17 —Gtorg Guth, 2$ years old a driver aid bis wife, Mary, 22 y ars old. are • t Bellevue Hospital badly wounded. Guth has a l>ul et wound in his bead, and his wife a bullet wound in her head aud another in her neck, Mrs Guth claims that her husband shot her twice and then turned the weapon upon himse't. Guth claims that his wife shot him, and then afterwards shot herself. Both wi-re foufid h inu bleedingin the hallway of No. 511 East Twelfth s reet, ah-re Mrs- Guth lived. Mrs. Gu h told the police that shs had sep.iral d from her bus band b<cau-e he had failed to support h»r. and that he had been following h-r about late'y and annoying her. This morning, according tx he story, she met him in the hallway »nd upon her refusing to live with him again, he drew a revol ver and shot hor and then shot himself. A w on in living on the first floor of the heuse wh «re th shooting occurred says that she saw Mr. and Mrs. Gu’h convers ing in the hallway. Shu turned her b ick for a few moments and while in that po sition she heard reports of two shots. She turoed and saw Mrs Guth fall to the fl <or. Then she saw Guth step backwards sit dowi on the floor, and deliberately shoot himself. Mrs. Guth is in a precarious condition. 1 'L 1 . PASTEUR FILTERS The onl Germ Proof Filter in the world. Makes water pure and clear for sale by The Hanson Supply Co THE MODERN Thrives on good food a . . sunshine, with plenty o fe Xe 1,1 t ] l \ e ' pen a,r - form glows and her face glows with ’ eauty. 1 f her system needs th’ cleansing action of a ] )l¥u ,. remedy .h. uses the Syrup of n gs ,m aoul tiired by the California Fi Syrup Co., onlv ® YOUNG LAI Y GRADUATES Os the Rome Business College are thoroughly prepared f or stenographic and offie# Work . they are found oapablo they go into - w tice; they re- ' fL ceive hi g h comm e n d a- lheir employ ers as being capable and experienced. Rome business College enjoys the larg st enrollment of pupils it has had in its history. There will be thousands of vancanciei this fall to fill. Young men and ladies will do well to enter here and prepare lor thorough com mercial work. H. S. Shockley, Pri n c i p al. LONDON'S HOTTEST DAY Upward’ Os 150 Cases Treated Up TO TWO 0 CLOCK. J London, Aug 17. This is the hottest day London has known for along time. Toe St. John's ambui ance staff is out in full force and ia treating ac-nt-s of cases ot heat prostration Upward of 150 cases had been trea'ed a: the various hospitals be fore 2 o’clock in the af:eruiou. 4 number of policemen were over come . The surgeons found that rheir prostratio i was due to swell ng of the legs and feet produced >y the heat from the asphalt and -vood paving nn which they stood. KILLED 1 N A 'IORNAO Seven I* ;op..e Mee; D .ai t Ano Much Pr perty Damage:*. C uibv, Mi n, . Aug 27. —A tor nado last night struck twe v* mile lortltws it of this pl to i, kid •id seve.i people distroyed mniv building' and did great danri ig« t « he cr >ps lie entire family of Joseph Hutchins n, inc udi'g his wife and four child «d, w ire kil u ed, also Pe’er Juglin. Th-* s'.orm was not wide it> fxtent out very violent. Seven people are uiis«'Dg md some of them may bn killud. The storm was nn the borler between Southwestern Minnesota and South Dalrcta FRUIT FOR THE HEROES. A car of Lemons Sent from San Diego For Troops San Diego, Cal., Aug. 17.—A carload of lemons and other fruit obt.-iined by tho ellorts of the Red Cross Society to be for warded to the sicic soldiers nt Gen. Shafter’s army, left for ‘hf east today. It is consigned to Colonel J . McD. Brown, United States Army. Staten Island and Military Hospital. Besides lem ons, the car contains grape fruiL oranges and other fruits. 11 |0 car is elaborately decorated. Mr Sam Knox, a popular ex- Roman, returned to his home in Atlanta today. Mr. Theß. Fahy went to New York this morning to buy l‘‘ s tall and winter stock. Joe .Jenkins and Charlie Pul ton have returned from a Ashing rip to Hammond’s Mill. EVERYTHING AT COST FOR THIS WEEK ONLY v LOSING-OUT TO QUIT FRANK WRIGHT’S FARM* cY NORTON’S OLD CORNER ( PPOSIT MASONI CTEMh ) Jt