The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 18, 1898, Image 3

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PEACE JOBBERS. ▼wo Senators Decline Tfie Honors With Thanks. OTHER COIMISBIONS Were Easily Made by President McKinley- Washington, Aug. 17. —Me Kinley’s Paris peace commission is a source of worry to him just now. Yesterday two United States senators declined plaees in that body. They were Gorman, of Mary land, and Allison, of lowa. Senator Allison could not see his way clear to accept the hon or, and explained that the inter est of his state in the senate, and his desire to continue his former vigorous participation in the shaping of legislation in that body and other interests, would preclude his taking up the ar duous duties at Paris that would demand so much time and seri ous work. During the day the president tendered to Senator Gorman, of Maryland, a place on the peace commission, but he has declined the offer. The president now, it is stat ed, is locking for another Demo cratic senator to take the place of Senator Gorman. The appointment of Gen. W. \V. Gordon as a member of the military commission for Porto Rioo was a surprise, but was welcome to the Georgians. 1 he president firstoftiered one of the places to Gen Lee, who thought he had rather remain at thd head of his corps ; and then looking around for a Southern man to serve, he himself,thought of Gen Gordon, for whom he has expressed the highest admi ration. It was the president's idea to have the regular and volunteer arms equally represented on the commissions, and the South and the North. The two commissions, as now constituted, stand thus: For Cuba —M <jor General James F. Wade, .Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Major General Matthew C. Butler. For Porto Rico—Major Gen eral John R. Brooke, Pear Ad miral Winfield S. Schley, Brig adier General William W. Gor don. Senator Allison, after a talk with the president, expressed the opinion that there should be an extra session of of Congress. He did not say that the presi dent had expressed a determina tion to call such a session, but lie indicated that he had given his opinion to the president on the subject. He declined a place on the p p ace commission on the ground teat his duties as chairman of the appropriations committee will be so heavy at the short session that he would not have time to bec< me a member of the commission and do his duty as chairman, too. His idea is that Congress should be called together early in November, und should en deavor to put through some, if not all,of the appropriation bills, so that the regular session could be devoted to the great amount of necessary legislation that will come as the result of the new territory acquired as the result of the war. it is regarded as very likely that this will be done. JAPAN OBSSRI/ES ■ Has Ser Naual fluents at Points of Vantage AMBITIOUS LITTLE NIEfl Want to be‘The Yankees of The Orient Seattle Wash., Aug. 17. —Rear Admiral Matsunaga Oki of the Imperial Japanese Navy, has ar rived in this city on thu steamer Rio Jan Moru, on his way to Lon don, where he will superintend the construction of two cruisers and a battleship for his Govern* ment. With him were two first paymasters of the Japanese Navy fakuchi Jujaro, who wdl go with the Admiral to London, aid Shimizu Nuke, who goss to San Francisco to join the Japanese cruiser now building there. Admiral Matsunaga was greatly surprised that peace was to be made and was very much interest* I ed in the terms. Wh n told that the disposition of the Pnilippines was to be left to a commission, he expressed his surprise that the United States bud not demanded the islands as Porto Rico was <1 ’ manued. He declined, however, to say anything as to his or his country’s opinion on th q i stion. He said: “Japan has learned many things from the war America has been waging against Spain. The A n ;r --ican Admiral’s fight ar Manila haF taught us that a fine ironclad and heavy guns alone would no* win a « battle. We will p iy m tre attention than ever to 'arg )t practice, and with that the Japanese will be- -J con * pow rful nav il natio . “We will nave a fine navy it she present policy continues. In this country several warships are * about m»<ly to go into comniis-i •> a„<? m England we win nun i i.. < ; large vesse's. 1 am going to L n- 1 don and will be there three years. During that, tone I wi 1 superin* tend the construction of the vessels that, are to be built and at the ' sani • tim - study the navies of th“ ' world ‘lt will not belong until Japan ' will be able to build her own war* ■ ships. ” —— !■"— Ok y h ' lIiOUSIW “Shave iiMcd your valuable CAM A- , JET.* :urJ 11'.<5 ll:viu p-rfect. Couldn’t d .■ithout, tlu-ra. 1 have ii:;< d them fo--> emi- time orind.gestioa andbiliousn. ssand uni m < ■>- i • H'tely curi 'l Keeoeini.-H'l them. i< every o:i_< )nce tried, vou will never be without them in he family." Edw. A. Maios, Albunj.N. \. | CANDY THAOS MA.IK RSOiSTEREO . < 4: . Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. fcnnf. lit Good, Never Sicke-i. Weaken, or Gripe. Wv, ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Merlin# Iteuefly *'..mpanr, ti.l. e-'.. Mnelreet. New tork. HD Tft BIM Sold and (tnnranteed by a I drug KV" iU’DrtW gists to CUKE Tobacco Habit Annual Sales over 6,000,003 boxes /OR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS D1808352.S such as Wind and Pain In. the Stoma I; Giddiness. Fulues* after meal*. Hem.- |.. Diz dn ■■■<». Drowsiness. I if Heat, lerts of Appetite. C- I Blotches on the Skin. C' J 1 Chills. D;*- turlied Sleep. Frightful Dreams and nl Nervous und Trembling Sensaimm THE FIRST DOSE WILL give RELIE IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every BulTere will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEACHAM'S I’ll,IJB. taken as direct «d will quickly res'oro Females to com pete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the Bys tern and cure Nick Mendaclie. lore Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills ar© Without a Rival And huvn the larcest sale O s any Patent Medicine in the World, | I 25c. at all Drug Stores. jE H. P. WOOTEN & BIRO., ; I Successors to <5 SA* -S ROME PHARMACY. JS ''£3l 309 Broad st. —New Clark Building. C’-t . . \\’e have bought tho entire stock of the Rome f-.: i’l' ar!n:,c y ;i!U i i,re prepufed to supply your wants in W 4 the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our > stock is complete and ol the very highe.-t grade. We solicit a part of youi patronage and shall eu deavor to the best of our ability to please you nt all t ' nies - 6 should be pleased Io have vou call on us. c Csi Full line of druggist’s.sundries, toilet articles and v .Spj such things as are usually carried in a first-class drug ’’ store. Cigars and tobacco, Come to see us. 1 « « *❖> X ’ 'K-X , .X ’ : i S. M. Stark, £ . -H K-< ‘ . ■ x ' H. Dougherty Bldg, 2nd A e S ■ if , , . > ~j'. .si ® ®h; ® ® ® 4*t.s i# .;•< ~ O'* F. HANSON. . NORRIS N. BMIIH. a I THE BiHSON SUPPLY CO. I <5 . .’ 3 Plumbing and i inning. EiigtTww’ and machinists 9 supplies. Stoves, rangesand i tinware. Gas and electric rix= g 1 tures. INSURANCE gasoline 8 9 stoves. Water meters. 5 I 325 Broad st Phone 32. | X • ’ $1.25 and $1 50 Negligee shirts for $1 J. 4. G4WI a COMPAN ARE waiting • f .r every ne in Rome to corm in and sue tin magnificent stock zo on men’s and boy’s clothing bicycle and golf suits, is wha we are doing, hut we are hus ’ ilm.r whib' w - wait We wi) show you the finest stock o v ■ ’ U'i 1 fr< ' ' ’ ' ■ Styles lid patterns ill fabrieks perfect lilting and handsome, t —'-y be found in Georgia, and tbej are above competition in value* for the price. I i he greatest line of negligee shirts ever shown in Rome. , J. A. G Ain MON & : 0 C n supply nil V „ Ours is the Complete department Cursoryf h ci»l SC low rates. We publish one of in lite U. g the leading Seed. Plant and Tree Catalo/ucs .ssueu, w nich will be mailed Ire*. Send for it n.-w. Iwi I ave vou money. Tri n the Union. << years of square dealing has made us patronr and friends Hi a aear. Have hundreds of carloads us > FRUIT Aiiß ORUAMEKTAL TREES, SHR : JRS, RBSES, PLAHTS. We send by mail postpaal, Seeds, Bulbs, Plants, aUxstac-ion guaranteed; larger by express or freight- 44t'> >*"■ 3 3 *freen>u>u ia»o I the F’’' r ' oe *s HARRISOM ***> - 628 Painesville, C •To "Musical Pepie of Kuni \ it ’s with pleasure we introduce to our readers the pric of a new and complete stock of fdniiJUj UliUr.LJIjJj ,\ND Small Giisical .lu.sti’ume.i n the new Moseley building, 327 Broad street where we would be pleased to have you call ami examine our goods. 'The stock consists of some of the best m ikes up pianos and organs on the market tod y. We keep a full line of everything pertaining 10 a first class music store—Something Rome has needed for a long time Give us a call and you will fiud a music store that Romans may be proud of We are determined to close 0 ► -i::i-vi,i;> the earliest possible date. -E. uL'minuk*! I . ' /-‘L 327 Broad Street. / S. P. Davis, Manager. ■s X X X X X X XXX X \.\ X X X’X X X.X X X '' Si* Wo keep on h'aud at all times a full stock of Sheet Musi' RELIABILF is a quality some newspapers have lost these days of “yellow” journalism. They cjfrut/j and a great deal for temporary sensatior It is not so with THE CHICAGO REC The success of THE RECORD rests ujy It prints the news—all the news—ai about it. * It is the only American newspaper that has its own exclusive dispatch tL$ own staff correspondents and artists fa hemispheres. It is the best illustrated daily newspapei / Its war news service is Says the Urbana (Ill.) Daily Courier: “We read the war news in the f then we turn to THE CHICAGO see how much of it is true.” a Sold by newsdealers everywhere and 0 1 * by all postmasters. Address THE CHI Madison street, Chicago.. ■ ? Como. Wis., Jan. 10,1898. s I would not be Without pls o’ s CURE for CON- qT SUMPTION for any thin?. For a bad * ! ° Cough or Cold it is •g beyond all othurr MrsC REYNOLDS. >» “The Best Cough •OK ■ -»JMW - » LZWi<K»M*Mi>M*IUMaMuMMMMaeMMMMSa<MSMSMSS HAVE NO AGENTS » but have sold direct to the con- W |\ «unier for 25 year:) at whole- \ ■ 1 \ lr i Ba^e P r * ceß « Bavin « him the HmJL il dealer's profits. Ship any- ; \\ Ijf /W | whore for examination. /C \yf v ‘ Everything warranted. / / il I K 1H stylos of Vehicles, f 111 J\ wi| styles of Harness. I f ’ \\ // \ I kf $36 to S7O. \ Z z t" .< / C_ I )\ /> ' V Surreys, ssl) to $125. Carria- —I PhacUns, Traps, Wagon- XsX-XX- ettes, Spring Road and Milk |f«.n. Surrey Hamess. Price, |IC 00. Wagons. Send for large, free No As good M sells for $25. Catalogue of all our styles. »hud«. - * ELKHART C'AMIUAUK A.VD MAKXKIM MF*>. (IV. W It. I’lU 1 ' b ‘“' 1 \