The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 18, 1898, Image 8

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We Swing Tne doo? WIDER AJSTID ETILL WIDER OFKM Twwwi V HI MIM '■- ■HM Ulr xTflrwl n Makes this great s’ore a Greater Store. It multiplies the gem-treasures in this house; it ma g nifies and iilumins our claim, that this is the great bargain-apolis of North Georgia. AND NOW ALL READY W The Kane stock is in; is marked down to cost and below cost, and you can buy an hundred ea gle’s worth, a dollars worth ora dime’s worth at or below cost. The Kane Stock is for sale and the Bass Stock is for sale--all at our store, 245 Broadway, at '3L cos t or below cost. Much of the goods away below cost. That superb salesman, Prank Kane, will be on hand to wait on his friends and the trade. Silk Selects, Wash Wonders Winsome Woolens, Nobby Notions, Matchless Millinery, Superior Shoes —Slick salables, IF YOU WANT GOODS CHEAP, GO TO j mb KKi ß&m ■ il I B K W| ■■ MH MB MVHk ArMBVIJFB WmNV PROHIBITION WINS After Sixty Years of Liqilor Selling and Drinking SUMPTER GOES DRY Victory Perches on the Banner of The Ladies of Americus. Americus, Ga., August IS Sumter county went into the pro hibition column yesterday, *.aftej the hottest election ever witnessed here, and for the first time in six ty years red liquor is turned dowi and the county go's dry by 8S votes. Ihe campaign has been red-hct for five weeks, and the registrar tiou was the largest in years, more than 3,400 voters qualifying for the election. Though rain poured all day scores of ladies, staid near tn< polls and encouraged the voters for the prohibition side. Many whisky houses had agents here and nothing was left undone to carry the day for whisky. Eight country precincts gave a plurality for prohibition, and at th? city precincts the race was yery close. There is no likelihood of a con test, as the whisuy men concede defeat. The white vote of th-- county was overwhelming for pro - hibition while many negroes like wise voted the dry ticket. The victory was announced by the ringing of church bells lastuight though the city is quiet and. there is no excitement whatever. > House t> Rent. —ln East Rome, pear depot. Good water. Apply to L. Ai Lloyd. BRUMBHHEBRRUEj I Ytiilng Georgian Hoisted Old Glory Over Manila DEWEY OFFICIAL REPORT Only Five Amaricans Slaim In J ~_The Victorious Assaut. Washington, Aug IS. —Admiral Dewey’s official announcement of he bombarment and surrender of Manila has been received as fol lows: “Secretary of the Navy, Wash oa: Manila surrendered today to he Americans laud and naval for ces after a combined attack,A di vision of the squadron shelled the orts and intreuchments at Malate, on the south side of the citv, driv. ing oack the enemy, our army ad vancing from that side at the same ime. City surrendered about 5 o’clock, the Aim ricaii 11 ig hoisted by Lieutenant Brumby. About 7.- 000 prisoners were taken. Th squairon had no casualties, none >f the vessels were injured. “0 * August 7th General Merritt and I formally demanded the sur render of the city, which the Span ish governor general refused Dewey.’' Thomas M. Brumby, Hag lieuten ant to Admiral Dewey, is a south erner, having b*en appoin'ed to the Naval academy from Georgia. His present rank, dating from Aug. 24, 1892, is that of lieuten ant senior grade, his number of the list being 135 . Ca-ualties At Manila’s Fall, New* York, At g 18 A special dispatch from Manila Aug 13th, via Hong Kong to The Journal, says that five American soldier FOR PRESIDE I ’ammany Hail newspaper Names Dewey WANTS hero de namila And Says That This Great Democrat can Win. New York, Aug 18. — fammany Hall has decided to make Dewey its presidential candid itein 1900 This morning’s Telegraph, Croker’s personal organ, says: “Make D--w-_y Preside ,t in 191'0 Why not? Dew *y is an American of the purest s'rain. Dewey is a D-m.icrat. Grant was a Democrat and the Republicans took him up, made over his politics, and then mace him Pr. siden* twi-e, D wev s politics is already written in pe - tect party time and tune . D-wey ’ can be elected to the vVhitehouse m 1900. I’h*- e is no m r> popular name in the genera I mouth today. Make ‘Dawey and Ma i a’ the party war <-rv. it, wil triumpa n *w and it wil 1 iriumph in 1900. Re publicans have already decided on McKinley’s renomioati n Let the Democracy put up Dewey, and n the finish the chattel candidate of Hanna will think h s name’s ‘ M anila. . were killed and about f< rtysfive wounded in the capture of Mani'a 1 this af'ernoo-i. The stars au 1 stripes were rais . ed ov-T the city at 5.30 p. m. Dur ■ ing the day Admiral D wey’s 11 *et t hundered a national sa ute, The Spanish loss has not be-n ascertained. It is probably several times as arge as that of the Am *r ' lean forms. The Colorad > troops were the liist to storm the trench 8. -jgh .SOUTHERN W railway. (on !eri**i‘d srin-du'v in Effect July <J, 1898. sr i No io <■- 11 X’o. *8 < .... , 4.3 ■ •! ’ ’ iri kr Dalton 1 T.alanij B.4?pm 12.10 am •\r Romo | V.tDani 9.40 pm; 144 um •ki- LL4oamjii.sopm s.ohim ‘I;M 1 > m \rN.i inl 7.lopnii 205aml 8.20 am \r .Jr sup ....... i | ..45:lid i 2.38 pm \r E .err't,... .!I 7.25 am! 3.25 pm I r•< e i I 9.40 am * 9.25 pm Lv .Jrsuf) i'J.tihun 6.56 pm Vr Jacksonville ... 1.00 pm! 10.15 pm 7.3oam 3 90pm Vl I L 1 . • - . : 1..', *p?U N 10 In Sle ;pin ; Car (’hat- tant.o„ - a to Atlanta. - N 14 r r. - l’ la an Slipping ('ar and Day ’ouche< 1 it;’ »■ a o J icksuuvlile and At ’nnta to Brunswick. I’uhma-* Sleeping Car (Jhntta looga to A* >«in'a , ■ 13 .'.’u 9 N’o. • l,v Au;inl:i . . . i 4.2'.’uui l.ftipm 7.50 am , Ar K<r:r- i».3;iam 6.25 pm 10.20 am \r Dalton ■ 7- J.iini 7.34 pm 11.39 am , Xr < natt •!)«>-»’/ I • b i-i th 8 . iprr. I.oopm Lv < . ... 1 • . opm Ari Kr L< n pm ; m . ..... a A: I. . ?.50am A ' LV< ' ' . I -ad. i pS Ar i 6.65 pm No 13 c.t t i«- Pullman Slecpin,*/t’ar Atlanta j toC'nattan »ga;n i P ai.’.ano )r.i to Cincinnati. No. 9 ci- ■ P inc.i Si ’ <’a. Vtlnaia lo Cin Jaiiati and Chattanooga to Louisville. L STAT \ _ S. I" |4 Lv • 1 :• iI 1 _.:i id.t’Opm ArKno.ville B.osarn I.loam ' Ar Morrist v. n| J.2<pm 9.50 am 2.25 am ArEoi Spr tfs.. ' .1 lipm 14.00 am Ar A dirvilie * 1.35 pm 1.15 pm 5. lOji.i 9 Ar >--tlis’>i!rv : 6.40 pm 9.30;.m Ar <4l fp;; - m-io ✓..{ | 9.52 pm 12.10.'in „ ArßaL’io 1 i.ihnn 3.23 pm | I 750 am Ar VV.t ' 6 C.tirt v .r X"w » r•. *12.41pm 6.23ain ’ No. 12 carri ;Pnlm m Drawl v. ho n: Sleep in-' <:.r< st tanoo a i<» New Y<»rk via Ashe ‘ '■ lllr :* ! i ali -m vLo Iti’hm >nd. arriving Ri-th i o Pullm ping < 'ar , rrrnsboro lo Norfolk ? No i i tr il l C'TittanoTfa tn Salis- . trirv. w h C i".m t i S'• -p; n ,r c u - ch a ttan M o . v-iliso.jr , ami . sd.sLr.iry to N -w York with . oui cuari t . I -■; x i ; ■ , jjfa T . Lv Ch-.iti nioo-ra. ... I ' 8.40 am 1 Ar KnotviiU 8.) pm Il.E6um Ar ,i ”, i.iam 1.2 pm Ar II i 10l 7.iX)ani 3..>5pm - Ar -Imp-ton 7.4<)am , Ar ?<■ .. Y irk ' l.SOptn > N-. <>. cnrrii- . I’m in.i i Sb-ppin ; I 'ar Ch'uta >ioo -it. .. .in ami (’ inita.i o/a to New . | York wlthcnt eh in ' ■ No I • I’u no. s! pin,; Car Knox- I ville to Bri 101. STATI a No I.T I Rome il. 10am Ar A-ii: -too . U.-.'lnm Ar BiriiLiuham .... Kl.lXipin Ar Selina 3.M>pm - Ar Mi ri-iian 7.30 pm Ar New Orleans Ui.lliiain ‘ Ar Jacknon 7.. 9.4fiam Ar \ leks iiiru ll.iifiam Ar Shreveport. 7.2npm t.N.i. T. <.-No. '.i »X,, |B KNn. 10 2.(x>pm 1. Xlpm.Lv Rome nr AMlaml K.3s:im 1 5.1 ipm t>.s7pm Ar Gsul den. ar G.liOanr fl.3"u>n >; m 7. IQpnrAr Attalla. Ivl 5.45 am ,>.j>aia t Daily except Sunday. $ Sunday only. [ F. S. G ?•Mi *v.P. & Washington, D.C. d J. M. C! LP. Trat. Mgr.. Washington. D. CL I W. A. TURK. O. P. A.. Washington, D. C. G. A- UENSCOT.-'B. .* ' .v.A.Ohauanooica.Teu 1 I L’VER SALE'AND FEED STABLES- 0 1' m t’l i d, iTli) lie finest team?-, bi tttunvev anew ill qnt p ilita all eoi ’ca m drive's The b ’st sto -k: >f horses all nies oi - M-. c u etantlv. , ■ -'L ' 7a ? Western & Atlantic R. R. ißAniiniLDS UNti AW Nashville, Chattanooga & St* Louis: Railway * .. 10.. "1 chaitanooGa, NASHVILLE, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO, MEMPHIS ST. LOUIS. i ULLMAN PALACE BUFFET SLEEPING f-AMS JACKSONVILLE and ATLANTA . . TO . . NASHVILLE and ST. LOUIS, THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE. iocal Sleepers between Atlanta and Chat- ianooga. heap Emigra.’it Rates to Arlmnsas and Texas. ■ scursion tickets to California and Col orado Assorts. lor Maps, Folders, Slr-e,, gCar Wenervatiof- and ‘ itj information ab ut Scbcutdes. etc. . rite or apply to - 3. VAtKFR, J. a. twmas, T r.k jt Arjent, >icke» nCiorl, ' time- Oepet, t<o. Kfotha . House ' AHANTA GA. - •t. TBMoraw&xi, ». a I .diet_A«eat CSwtlxnaona, Ru ra, w. Ten-. 3S. ; it 1 ' X CJI -dx i. DARMAN, tiallK anajer, -e-v. Mit.. _ AllAfllA. r.L. |2-°CENT STftMR ■aaMuux -.nnMHßia Will send a letter to ' point in t'nele Sam's big 4 f.'JNI domain. For this very gs reason, if you an? sick, I sore or suffering, this 5 I very trifling outlay " V.-.... May Save Year Life! 77:33'= write a plain letter, can’t yon? B ' will take just two cents to carry it t 0 i “Washington Medical & Surgical lns’K-1 Atlanta, Georgia,” I Am! the famous specialists who form of that Institute are able to give you ad' treatment by mad as well as if you came i» W Son to the citv. Tills is no mistake. 1 lay “' J ing it every’ day. They now have |»‘ J all the adjoining States, some of them 7 »al of miles away, and their cures are simp? ■ derful. J CURES POSITIVE ANBCECfI CONSULTATION I US- 4 ' In every Deformity of Spine or Hare I.ip, Cross Eves ana other surgical iu all forms of Skin and Blood disorder., tism. Sciatica, Catarrh of tn< r- 11 ■ jjß Lungs, Stomach or any vital O1 F; 1 ' 1 - '. «<■ ney and Bladder troubles, Nene .(■ ne'ssrsof either men or vvoinen, disc, sexual parts and every other bodily am» j ■ highly trained specialists alone can < Write freely It costs you nctlimg dertake your case we shall send y ■ blank for full particulars. Ij V ---je #■ curable bv human skill and perfect ■ SHALL CURE IT- lifc 11 That f rst 2 cent stamp may save your letters sacredly private. ■ ADDRESS, , I Washington Medical & SoO i institute. I 500-1 Austell Bldgo It rests win yr. w < ’ ni ,^, T ‘'."» , .'-V-<>-i'i nerve-kilbmr :oI m-< -l-'d ■ {tWH removes the ’• c - "'W L out nervous distress. H )C ' 1 L ?Jf tine, purifies ‘,ho W'>od, A M niakcH yna stronft in health.ner’.. 0 u. . d ■ -o c k e ■'» KJD’T. ur " "Jr -e- *1-