The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 19, 1898, Image 4

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THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL EHUSTLE R OF R CME Eblablished, 18U0. , -HE ROME COMMERCIAL Establi abed. IKWS. l.sued every evening, except Saturday. .Saudav aud weekly. PHIL G. BYRD, EDITOR AND MANAGER. >mon, WiUiraan Hlook, Third Avenue Miles should have cut the ca bles. Spain will have lots of fun paying off those Cuban debts. The shares that Cubans now need are plow shares—and mules to pull ’em. Has the protocol come to stay? If it has, we want one for Alger and Teddy. “Santiago” for centuries was Spain’s war cry —and we have captured even that. It looks now as if Gen. Mer ritt has the best claims for that lieutenant generalship. A few more days and the “gay and festy” oyster will be shelling the republic and its colonies. The best thing that the Cuban can do now is to turn that ma- i chete of his into a plowshare. ! The orange production of the Pacific coast this season has been the greatest in California’s his torp. The better the heart of the melon the more does its best friend rejoice when it is lacerated with the machete. Porto Rico has a population of 806,708, of which number 480,267 are whites, 77,151 ne groes, and 248,690 mulattoes. Not a clause, paragraph, phrase or section of that proto col even alluded to Blanco’s’ typewriter or to Weyler’s brag. Blanco didn’t have time to bid Gen. Lee goodbye. lie will have plenty of leisure to bid the old hero “Howdydy” when Gov ernor General Lee returns to Havana. While Gen. Weyler is under stood not to be wholly reconciled we believe that he has concluded to abandon that project of water ing his horse in Lake Michigan, says the Pittsburg Dispatch. Some of the Spanish papers mournfully admit that the Uni ted States have reduced Spain to a second rate Power. That being the case we seem to have performed the feat of kicking Spain upstairs, as before the war she was hardly better than a fourth rate Power. MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one con cern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The pro prietors of Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine ; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bron chitis, Hoarseness and all dis eases of the Throat Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call on Curry Arrington, drug gist, and get a trial bottle free. Regular size 50c and sl. Every bottle guaranteed or money re funded. 1h« Royal is the highest grade baking powd.r known. Actual tests show it goes one third further than any other broad. POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDf R CO., NFW YORK. The New York Press describes the thrilling experience of Lieu tenant Wise, who led his com pany and used a camera at the same time, up El Caney hill at Santiago. The Press says : “He charged up the hill at the head of his company in the face of Mauser bullets thick as hail, and with shrapnel shells bursting all around him, and curried in his right hand his sword and in his left a rapid firing camera of ; his own device. He took twelve | views on the film plates white he was running, and when he and the standing remnant of his company were in possession of the top of the hill and the Span i lards were flying down the other, I Lieut. Wise turned to a sergeant and said : “I think I’ve got some pretty lively pictures this time If there was only some ice in this sunburned country I'd de velop them right now.” ” jar:--- “The American ' business men,” says the Philadelphia Ledger, “are rushing to Porto Rico as fast as they can find Vessels to carry them. Many of them, doubtless, are on specula tive errands, looking for*oppor tunities to benefit themselves, without regard to the welfare of the island, but there mu tbe many othets who are looking for that permanent prosperity which can only be bad by devel oping interprises that must re dound to the good of the people as well as the investor.” The Xenia (Ohio) Herald in speaking of the troubles of that locality says: “The time has come for action. The streets are in a horrible condition. The police fund is exhausted, and our militia has gone to the war. ‘Ed’ Schmidt b owns the Council and the city is in darkness. Burglars are at large, and the Methodist Conference will be here in a few days. Johnny, get your gun I” Honolulu advices tell a shame ful story of overcrowding aboard the transports Peru and City of Puebla, which lately reached that port en route to Manila. Imagine men being stowed below decks in such a climate with an air allowance of only 70 cubic feet, whereas the garrison allow ance is from 800 to 1000 feet! Paul Watkins was arraigned in the Coney Island police court Sunday for being drunk and for disturbing the peace of Coney Island’s Bowery, but the police magistrate declared the charge absurd, as it was impossible to disturb that which did not exist. Watkins was accordingly only lined for drunkenness. Al thou h the Vaccine Insti tute in Cairo distributed lymph for 330,000 vaccinations in Egypt last year, the supply was not equal to the demand, and no less than 2057 cases of small pox were treated in the govern ment hospitals. Well, well ! A Honolulu pa per shouts: “Porto Rico must be ours I” No leprosy on that scribe’s gall. PRECOCIOUS This Tira Year old Maiden Visits President IN BEHALF OF BROTHER. Asks That The Piesident Send Him Home. Washington, D.C., Aug. 19. —A bright and interesting little gi 1 walked into the white house this afternoon and walking up to one of the officers, said : “I want to see the president to ask him to let Ralph come home; Ralph is my brother and he is a soldier, and I want him to come home, he has been away so lung.” “What is your name?” gently asked the officer. “My name is Blanche Rich ardson,” she answered, “and Ralph is a soldier in Company F. First Connecticut. I want to see the president and ask him to let him come home.” Just at this time Adjutant General C< rbin was descending the stairs, having just left the president in his office, and, over hearing the little girl’s remarks, stopped and requested her to tell him what she wanted. “1 want to see the president to ask him to let Ralph come home,” repeated the child. “And whois Ralph?” asked the general. •‘He is my brother and he is a soldier.” the little one replied with tears running down her cheeks. Gen. Corbin, being interested, asked what regiment her brother was in. After Blanche had told him he informed her that the president was busv, but he would see to it that her brother was soon at home. The little one thanked him and ran out to where the mother and sister were waiting. Ralph Richardson, Blanche’s brother, was a member of the “91” graduating class of Har vard University and when the president issued his first call for troops enlisted in Company F, First Connecticut Volunteers, as a private, and is now station ed at Camp Alger. Blanche is only three years old. Edward B. Drew, who negoti ated the Chinese loan and draft ed the regulations opening Chi na’s rivers to foreign commerce, is a native of Massachusetts. For the services rendered China Mr. Draw has been raised to the dignity of mandarin of the sec ond class, civil rand, and is now enti led to wear a red button. Cuba needs the light of knowl edge. There can be no stable government founded upon the corner stone of ignorance. Uncle Sam should call for a few vol unteer brigades of school teach ers—and bar Kansans—as no freaks should be eligible. A feature of the population statistics ot Western Australia is the large proportion es males to females. Tlie disparity is maintained in the arrivals by sea. At present there are 45 fe males to every 100 males. The women of Western Australia have no time to agitate “Wom an’s rights.” “Spain lost thirty five armed ship* during the war, the U nited States none. No such n ival record was made i i any previous conflict between two nations.” —St. Louis Globe Democrat. O'# THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FKiS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is inunufaatured by scientific processes known t» the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and wc wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing’ the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the CALI FORNIA Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs hat given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all otjier laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the Dane of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. LOUISVILLF. ’ YORK. N. T. Although justice is blind, the Buffalo factions are trying to teach her the difference between a genuine prize fight and a box ing match. Americans are not fools. We do not forget how violent both France and Germany were against us at the beginning of the war, and we know how to value the gushing friendship they now offer us since our bril liant success and their suffering pocket books. POISON OR A BULLET The Choice Os Deaths A Chica go Minister Offered His Wife. Chicago, Aug 19 The alternative of poison or a revolver with wlrch to end her life was offered by R -v, Flavius J. Brobst. the preach er and lecturer to his wife, Mrs. Julia E Brobs*, according to a bill for divorce filed in the Super ior Court bv Mrs, Brobst. The wife alleges in her bill that she chose laudanum as the mians with which to commit suicide and that her life was only save! after she had swallowed the drug by the ciicumstancer of her having con sumed a q lantity of milk, which ameliorated its effects. During the time Mrs. Brobst was unconscious from the effect of the drug a period of about twenty one hours as stated in the bill ( Mrs. Brobst alleges that her hus* band according to what he later told her, preached two sermons. She als > charges her husband w ith tquandering her property. There has been trouble between Brobst and his wife for a long time and he has threatened to be gin divorce proceedings against his wife. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was sup posed to be incurable. For a great many yeavg doctors ’pronounced it a local diseas, and preseibed lo cal remedier, and by constantly failing to cure with local treat ment, pronounced it incurable Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, at d there foie requires con stir utic nal treat ment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure manu factured by F. J. Cheney <Y Cc. Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitu tional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts di> r ectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case i fails to cure, send for circulart and tesiimonials. Address, F. J Cheney & Co,. Toledo, O, Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best- House to Rent. —ln East Rome, near depot. Good water. ' Apply to L. A. Lloyd. OF I What has become of the old | fashioned woman who said when . her son had a sty on his eye that I he ate too much butter? —Atchison Globe. o o o Bes. re attempting to capture that Michigan Senatorship Gen eral Alger is warned that it : n pro tented by Fort Pingree, and Fort Pingr< e is well watered, provision ed wi h tiibeis and defended hy rapid fi-e guns shotted with facts ' furnished by the records of the Santiago campaign, o o o Professor Enrico Bottim, a fa*- moiiß Italian surgeon, has given up his practice, for lhe reason, as he explained in a public card, that he was “oppressed by the weight of the income tax imposed, and no longer able to meet it.” o o o “John,” said a Topeka wife to her husband, “I will quit drinking tea and save the war tax if you will do the same with beer ” “Woman,’’lusponded John, with cold severity, “do you think it is the part of patriotism to abandon your country in its time of peril?” -Kansas City Journal o o o “Did you say the man was shot in the woods, doctor?” “No, I didn’t. I said he was shot in the lumbar region. ” —Yonkers States man. o o o Lord Charles Beresford, the noted sailor, charges a half-crown for each ot his autographs. He does not pocket the money thus made, although in a year it amounts to a very considerable sum, but devotes it a'l to the various naval charities in which he takes so lively an interest. o o o Jack —Does he put much feel ling in his singing? Tom—You bet! When he sang his“Di.nking S mg” last night the whole audience got delirium tremens. —N. Y. Journal. i o o o Magistrate “The assault you have committed on your poor wite is a most brutal one. D j you know of any reason why I should not send you to prison?” Prisoner— “lf you doyour honor, it will break up our honey-moo n.”—Truth “My husband is plain-spoken; he calls a spade a spade.” “So does mine, but I must de cline to repeat what he cal's the lawn-mower. ” —Chicago Rtcord. o o o A writer in eastern periodocal, after recounting Gen. Brooke’s ex periences as a soldier—and manv ot them were thrilling—says. “The general has been »wice married. It will thus b * seen that his war re cord is a distinguished one ” o o o Husband That man you’ve invited her* used to kiss you before we were married. Wife—So did vou. Husband —But I’ve gotten over it and he hasn’t—Lite. The Thirteen Club of New York has congratulated Presi dent McKinley upon his defi ance of superstition in having signed the protocol on a Friday and in having promulgated peace on the thirteenth of the month. Asa in tter of fact, peace was promulgated on the 12th ; and the Thirteeners have been obliged to twist the truth a tri lie. The club might have recalled the fact that it was on al Friday (in August, 1492). that Christopher Columbus set sail from Palos on his voyage of dis covery of the New World. That was a lucky Friday for the Uni ted States; but it was unlucky for the Spain of Alfonso the Thirteenth and for Columbus himself, who only found a brok en hearted death in his “Nuevo Mundo.” THE MODERN BEAUTY* Thrives on good food a ,. auusbiue, with plenty of CJ * in the >pen air. Her form gl Ow ** and her face glows with j u eauty. If her system needs tlq cleansing action of a laxatiy', remedy she uses the gentls plessant Syrup of figs, niauuf tc . tured by the California Fj Syrup Co., only * YOUNG LADY GRADUATES Os the Rome Business Coll eg , are thoroughly prepared f or 1 stenographic nnd Work they are found canahte w |, ’ they go into tice ; they re- ju ceive high comm e n d a- Iron JSRk their employ- ers as being ' capable and experienced. Rmne business College enjoy, the largest enrollment of pupil, it has had in its history. Ther, will be thousands of vancancie, this fall to fill. Young men and ladies will do well to enter h«r, and prepare for thorough com mercial work. H. S. Shockley, _______ -Principal. FIRST WIFE BOBBED UP Declined To Be Considered Dead, Bigamy Charge. Trenton N. J. Aug 18.—Willi, Morgan’s pecu'iar idea of tbs meaning of the word death bn placed him it, the comity jail ou the charge of b g-unv. Twelve years ago Emma Snyder, a pretty sehool teacher in Hamil. ton Square, married Morgan, whn was employed in a Trenton rubber mill In a year or so friction ernne and they separated. About ten days ago Morgan married Laura May Groom, nearly SOyesrs bit junior. He to’d the Justice of the Peao* that he bad been married, but Lil wife was death Hearing of her huxba- d’s Meat alliance. ,’ r , Mgm cm.a*l |ms arrest, and bi is now uiuitr Islo9o bail . I ! HUNG IMPALED 04 FENCE. Boy Dropped Fk >m A Tree O <to Sharp Ir n Spik Chester, Pa , Aug 19 —Harry B. Smith, of Brooklyn, while on i visit here to his grindmother. Mn. K . 0. Taylor, to-day tell 15 fe-t from a tree and war impaled on an iron fence. He hung there scream ing wi'h pain until released, by neighbors. Fortunately the sharp iron spike missed his hily, bin passed through his right srm, which was terrihiv m ingled. A CLEVER TRICK. It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it, Anybody can try it who has Lame Back and Weak Kidii ’ys. Malaria or nervous troubles.We mean he can cure himself right away by taking Electric Bittei’fi. This medicine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant t' Liver and Kidneys, is a bloo 1 purifier and nerve tonic. It cures Constipation, Headache, Faint ing Spells, Sleeplessness an I Melancholy. It is purely vegeta ble, a mild laxative, ami restarts the system to its natural vigor- Try Electric Bitters and be con vinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed Only 50c a bottle at Curry Ar rington drug atore. EVERYTHING AT COST ♦ FOR THIS WEEK ONLY CLOSING OUT TO QUIT FRANK WRIGHT’S NORTON’S OLD CORNER OPPOSIT masonictemple For Sale: 7 fine miik cows Apply to Holder at Lindale.