The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 19, 1898, Image 5

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We Swing The DOOr VTIUDZEIR A.TSTID STjT-GLi WIDER OZF’.’ECI'T THE KANE STOCK! Makes this great store a Greater Store. It multiplies the gem-treasures in this house; it mag nifies and illumins our claim, that this is the great bargain-apolis of North Georgia. AND NOW ALL READY W The Kane stock is in; is marked down to cost and below cost, and can buy an hundred ea gle’s worHi, a dollars worth ora dime’s worth at or below cost. The Kane Stock is for sale and the Bass Stock is for sale—all at our store, 245 Broadway, at cost or below cost. Much of the goods away below cost. That superb salesman, Frank Kane, will be on hand to wait on his friends and the trade. Silk Selects, Wash Wonders Winsome Woolens, Nobby Notions, iTatchless Millinery, Superior Shoes —Slick salables, IF YOU WANT GOODS CHEAP, GO TO E ASS BROS. & CO. MPT. CARTER Dismissed From Service Without Pay. HOY YEARS 0 PRISON And hjs Disgrace to be Publish’ ed all Over the Nation. Washington, D. C., Aug. 19 —Captain O. M. Carter, the ar my engineer officer, whois al leged to have defrauded the gov eminent out of $3,000,000 while in charge of river and harbor improvements at Savannah, Ca.. will suffer in punishment more severely than any officer ever tried by court-martial in this country on similar charges. Carter, ‘being found guilty, was sentenced by the court to dismissal from the army, impris onment in some penitentiary for a P e,, iod of between 10 and 20 years, to forfeit all pay, and be sides all these penalties an addi tional and unusual one which provides that the 100th article of war shall be applied to his oase, and, if it is carried out,the f&cta in Carter’s case will be published broadcast through the country, and at his own home the local papers will be required t° print advertisements calling ■attention to the disgrace he has brought on himself. 1 urther, any officer speaking to or addressing Carter will be accused and tried for scandal ous conduct. It is the intent of this provision to call attention *■ the most public fashion to au SISOO IN CASH The Amount ttio Minley Cottoa Bale Sold for ON CHICAGO EXCHANGE A/as Sold Four Times—Funds for Hospital Chicago, August 19.—Business was suspended on Board of Trade for a time today in order to auc tion off the first b>ile of cotton from the South. 1898 crop, which wm presented to President Mc- Kinley by H. B, Beer, or New Orleans, to be sold for the beaefit of the government hospital sur viee. v The bale was sold amid great enthusiasm to ‘John Dopes tor SOOO He donated it to the First Regiment, Illinois Infantry, and it was bought by Zina Carter, president of the board, for S4OO, Mr. Carter gave it to the First Regiment again and the ba'e be* came the property of Frank G. Logan, for $250. lie gave it to the organization which is looking after the families of the Illinois volunteers and it was sold on their account, P. B. Armour pay* ing $250 for it. Mr. Armour will send it to St. Louis, where it will also be sold. officer’s disgrace, and to specifi cally emphasize the facts befoie his own people at home. This penalty has seldom been imposed in this country, lhe case is still before the Secretary of War for action and from him will b« forwarded to the Presi dent. FM HER LOCKED UP For Defendinfl Ins Daughter From Outrage SHAMEFUL fREATHENT Accorded a Citizen by Officers of Philadelphia Phiudelpbia, Aug. 19—William Funk, 65 years old, is locked up at the Camden City Hall on a charge o' attempting to criminal* Iv assault 14-year-old Buelah Ford, of No. 756 Mount Vernou street. Lewis Ford, the father of the girl, occupies an adjoining cell on a charge of nearly killing Funk wheu he learned of the at tempted crime. Ford is a huckster, and has a shop on Sycamore street. Funk is employed by him. Last evening Mrs. Ford sent her daughter to look after the shop, and while there Funk is said to have attempt ed to assault her. A fearful struggle ensued, but i ne child finally managed to escape and ran to the home of Mrs. Rob inson. a neighbor, where she fell in a fit When revived she told had occurred, and Mrs. Ford was promptly informed. The latter told her husband, and Ford let! home to look for Funk and kill him if possible. When the two men met a terrific battle ensued, and Funk was terrib.y beaten and kicked before the police could in terfere. The girl was sent to the Cooper Hospital but the physicians said she was not seriously injured al* though suffering badly from ■bock. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Candensed Schedule la klffeet del, 3, ISM. ~ "stations No. lb No. 14 No I Lv Chattasoogu 6.30 am 7.30 pm td lOpm Ar Dalton... 7.61 am 8 42pm 12. lOam Ar Rome . Mtani » 40pm 144 am Ar Atlanta 11.40 am tl.sopm 6 (Warn Lv Atlanta AtOpra 1155 pm fttOam Ar Macon . I T.lOpm 2 05am 8 3Uam 'esup A 46am 2 38pm A- Everett 7.25 am 8 Wpm Al .1 . ksonvllle . ... .... 9 40am 9.25 pm I. Jesup" lO.blarw 4.56 pm A. Jacksonville.... l-OOpmllt-Wpin L.- Everett 7.30 am Ilßipm Ar Brunswick 8.30 am I A*>P°> No. 10 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chat tanooga to Atlanta. No. 14 carries Pullman Sleeping Car and Day Joaehes (‘iiuitanooga lo Jacksonville and At lanta to Brunswick. No. 8 carries Pullma* Sleeping Car Chaits nobga to Atlanta. si a i ions. No. 13 No. 9 I Np. T* Lv Atlanta ~ 4.20 am <b6priilT.soatn Ar Rome 6.30 um 6.25 pm 10.20 am Ar Dalton 7';2am 7.34 pm 11.30 am Ar ( hiitanooga 8 10am 8.60 pm I.oopm Lv Chattanooga 8.5.5 am o.lopm Ar Burgin .... 4.29 pm Ar Lexington s.lopm] 4.50 am Ar Louisville 750 pm I. Mam Ar Cincinnati ... . 7.30 pm] 7 llOani Lv Cliuttanooila .. . 1.25 pm I. loam T2spm Ar Nashville . ii.N>pm ij l Uipi 6.5 ft pm No Ul carrie Pullman Sleeping Car Atlant* to Chattanooga and Chattanooga to Cincinnati. No. 9 carries Pullman Sleeping Car A'tlant* to Cincinnati and Chattanooga to Louisville. STAI\ION®. No. 6. No. 12 [ No. 14 Lv Chattan bga..'.. 8.40am 1 4. lOumid.HOpm Ar Knoxville 1155 am 8.05 am 1. Warn Ar Morrist wn 1.23 pm il.soam 2.25 am Ar Hot Springs 3 l.lprn 11.46am 1 4.00 am Ar Asheville 4.35 pm LIRpm 1 5.10 am Ar Salisbury 6.40 pm 9.30 am Ar Greensboro . 9.52 pm 12.10 pm Ar Raleigl. 1.40 am S.23pm Ar Norfolk 7.50 am Ar Wa hiqgton.... 16.42 am 9.35 pm Ar New York. 12.43 pm 6.23 am No. 12 carries Pullman Drawing Ito ,in Sleep ing Car <'hattanooga to New York via Ashe ville and Saljsbury to Richmond, arriving Rich (loud 6.40 a.m. also Pullman Sleeping Car ireensitoro to Norfolk. No. Ii! is solid train Chattanooga to Sails niry. with Pullman Sleeping Car Chattanooga o Salisbury and Salisbury to New York with >ut change. - | No. 4 I No. 6 Lv Chait iimoga 5.00 pm! 8.40 am \r Knoxville B.4>pm 11.56 am tr Morristown I 2.15 am 1.23 pm Xr Bristol I 7.ooatu. 3.55 pm Ar Washington I 7.40 am \r New York ... I. 1 1.20 pm N'i. il carries Pullman Sleeping Car Cliatta aooka to Washington and Chattanooga to New York without change. No. 4 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Knot rille to Bri tol. STATION, , No- 15 Lv Horne .....7 TlOam Ar Annistou 11.2|pm Ar Birmingham 10.00 pm Ar Selma 3.66 pm Ar Meridian 7.30 pm Ar New 0r1ean5........ Id Mam Ar Jackson 9.46 am Ar Vicksburg 11.36 am Ar Shreveport 7.39 pm ♦No; 15 {No. 9 I ~~ tfco 1* If No. 16 ioupm 4.sopm.Lv Some ... ar AfiOaim (.£am 5.40 pm; 6.s7pm:Ar QaA den. ar AMam *3oa"t 6.00 pm I 7.lopm!Ar Attalla. W kltahiMM t Dally except Sunday. | Bwday **kp. F. S. GANNON. Mv.p. Ao.M..WMMm«tM. D.G J. M. CCLP. Trad. M«*.. B ft W. A. TUHK. ft P. A.. WmM— IM. B ft a a. BKNacanw.» jsjflMMMMMftMaa L'VER (, SALE: AND FEED STABLES- ’ Oifdi'i the public ihe finest teams, betconvev ances and mist pilite au I courteous drivers The best stock of horses <u l mules oa sale eou stamtly. iSuB Western & Atlantic R. R. (BAHUFKLDS UM) ANO » Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway r . . TO . . CHATTANOOGA, NASHVILLE, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO, MEMPHIS ** ST. LOUIS. PULLMAN PALACE BUFFET SLEEPING CAM JACKSONVILLE and ATLANTA .. TO .. NASHVILLE and ST. LOUS, THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE. Local Sleepers between Atlanta and Chat tanooga. Cheap Emigrant Rates to Arkansas and TmMo Excursion Pickets to California and Col orado Resort*. fee Map*, f ulders. Sleepwa Car Ree«rvation and W. ehuut Rat**, Schemdea. ik. write ar ugply te C.B.WALBU. J.A.HWMAS. , Ticket kjaat, Tkhet Agaat. >. UaiaTeapot. Na. S Akaba.theaae ATI AM A. &L LLAHi, 1. L f DAMM®SOX. ».JL, ticket Agent. aatUaeana Rosm-, W. Teas. 4ft M. MfWN. CBAS. L UMMAH. Mk MaMaw, Cea. ?aaa. Aga, K AIAAMIA. 6JL 2°CENT STAMP! Will send a letter to any point in Uncle Sam's big 4 domain.; For this very reason, if you are sick, #1 IT” ' sore or suffering, this "Bf very trifling outlay .iA. May Save Your h W’SOi liffl I Hcre ’’ just how LIIUI it is. You can < write a plain letter, can't you? will take just two cents to carry it to tip “Washington Medical & Surgical InsU, Atlanta, Georgia,” Arid tlie famous specialists who form the sUtf of* that Institute are able to give you advice and treatment by mail as well as if you come in pt r son to the city. This is no mistake. They arc Jo. iup it every day. They now have patients in all the adjoining States, some of them hundred# of miles away, and their cures are simply won* dcrful. CURES POSITIVE AND r n r r I CONSULTATION llt 11 i In every Deformity of Spine or Limbs. Club Foot, Hare Lip, Cross Hyes and other surgical cases, also in all forms of Bklu and Blood disorders. Rheuma tlam, Sciatica. Catarrh of the Nose. Throat. Lungs. Stomach or any vital organ, Liver. Kid ney and Bladder troubles, Nervous Weak neases of either men or women, diseases of the sexual parts and every other bodily affliction Uiat highly trained specialists alone call deal with. Write freely It costs you nothin* If we un dertake your case we shall send yen qneatioa blank for full particulars. If your case ic curable by human skill and perfect science WH SHALL CURE IT. That first 2-cent stamp may save your fife. All Utters sacredly private. ADDRESS, Washington Medical & Surgical INSTITUTE. 500-1 Austell Bldg., Atlanta Cut ItrMti with yo w ether you continue ui-rviA-kHliHg iuuiAA t o habit. *O-TO-U reinoves the deßir*'for tobacct * out nervous ells’ » OMR. Oipe'b utro- ' wl '.iue, purifies blood, re-ac’J ■torr** iOftt nanuoud. r-> YJ Ikuu if akei. rou t 400.900 tn iirrve wired. <O Tt> SAC £co» lino*. own Orutfinßt. Who •• S Ta*e itwHh IjHR k tt. ««uAlly MTN) 3 bwsftt. Mjtt.