The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 21, 1898, Image 1

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EIGHTH year smoke a “Bill Arp ’ warters New Brand SHAM DEFENSE. Anisricans SGrpriscd at .Ea sy Victory io Manila. the whole archipelago Surrendered toDewey and Mer ritt on Saturday. Hong Kong, Aug. 20.—An American naval officer arrived from Manila on the dispatch boat Zafiro and gives the . fol lowing story of the capture of Manila: “The Americans practically walked into Manila Saturday. The story of the Spaniards mak iea a desparate rmditauce is un true. Their defense was a mere sham and a formality. All the operations were confined to the South side of the city. Here the Spaniards had two lines of de fenses, the firat trench running parallel with the Malate river, Behind this was Malate Fort, with another trench running from one side of it down to the beach. There was a sandbag en trenchment extending from the other side into the shrubbery, “The American trenches were on the other side of the river, parallel with the Spanish ditch es. “After the slii s- shelled the trenches aud fort for half an hour, almost knocking them to pieces, Anderson signaled to cease firing. The troops then waded across the river and walked up the beach, as though going to dinner, meeting practi cally no opposition. They took the first trench and the Span iards retired to the second line. ‘‘The ships then shelled this for a quarter of an hour or more. The Spaniards did little shoot ing and then retired into the walled city, while the Americans walked on into the fort and sec-' ond trench. A few minutes later the white Hag was raised and the fleet moved over lowards’the city. “lhe American troops march ed on, leaving squads here and there along tho route When the troops reached the city they found lhe launch waiting for them with the white flag. It waa all over.'* surprised at easy victory. Hong Kong,—Aug 20. Advices from Manila state ‘.hat the Spanish officials kept secret the proposed capitulation so w ell that the inhabitants of Ma nila were hourly expecting the Americans to shell the city, and gteatly surprised when the <r ***P 8 marched in. it was the Seventy-third Na 'tivp liegiment that tired on the eta? 0r * CIUI troo P ß resting at Lun entire Spanish colony iu Milla disapproved of Gen Au gusti 8 dismissal. Gen Jaud him .unwilling to supercede " ’ aud only ytuMed under *rong pressure. TlcgMß Include archipelago. Aug 20 —The H.iog hMai“, r , r y “ 9 T“ d,,inOfll “ ! U “' upon Saturday e “-- Ji ‘ llden «« *«»d , ? cll,d “ th « e« THE HOME HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL ROME GEORGIA. TERRIBLE PLIGHT Os The Sick Soldiers Packed on The Mobilo MANY DIE EH ROUTE Seneca and Comanche Also Arrive at Montauk. Montauk Point, N. Y., Aug 20— Two of the three transports ar* rived from Sa-itiag. >la»t evening are anchored three miles off. These are the Seneoa and Comanche The name of the third*, as not ascertained until this morning be cause of the thick weather, when she waa found to be the Mobile Dr. McGruder, chief quarantine officer, went aboard the vessel this morning and was busy until after noon. On the Seneca were 412 men of the Fourth Infantry, of whom 73 ware »ick Ou the Comanche were 480 men of the Twenty-fifth infan* try and Geu, McKibbon and staff and 114 were tick. , The Mobile carried 1600 of the Eighth and Twenty-second Massa chuaette Volunteers, of whom 300 were sick and 10 died on the voy age, the latter peing mainly Massachusetts volunteers, w ho suf sered badlv on the way up. Th*- '*<»!>• ]e w«s densely crowded. There w< ra in all 1.500 men on beard of her consisting of th- E'ghth and Twenty-second R»-gii lar Infantry, and the Second Ma«sachus-tts th, sick v >bi ileir« and from ’• exhaustion, malarial fever and dysentery in the greater number of instances. It is rep irted chat there are no contagious diseases on board, aud this is the one redeeming feature of the ship’s terrible plight. Dr. Magruder says that the men on the Mobile are in a worse condi tion than any that have arrived yst. They had food and water but many were too ill to eat or drink. Many of the soldiers aboard were declared to b-» convalescents at Santiago, and were said to be able to atand the jnurney, FOR PENSIONS In’9B War Many Applications Have Been Filed. Washington, Aug. 20. —Ac- cording to Commissioner of Pensions Evans, 144 applica tions have thus far been filed on occount of the Spanish war, of which about one half are for invalid pensions and half for widows and minor children whom the war has bereft of hus bands and fathers. A total of 50,000 applications is expected, and at an average of S2O per month the expense to the gov ernment would be $12,000,000 annually. FUGITIVES OFFER To Pay Fine And Stay Out of Virginia For a Pardon. Richmond, Va.. Aug. 20. Joseph Cannon, son of a wealthy Norfolk man and a fugitive from justice, offers to pay tho fine of SIOOO imposed upon him, audio stay out of Virginia, if Governor Tyler will pardon him. He is now in Canada. Cannon was sentenced to 12 months in jail aud to pay a fiue of SIOOO lor conspiring to blacken his bride’s name. n , , „ —, _. ■ ■■■■ 111. SUNDAY MORNING AUGUST 21 , |BJB. RANK NEGLIGENCE Dilll Knife Used bg Chick amailga Silrgean HARRY BOSS’S 6TORY - I 16 Days Without Treatment. Bought His own Medlc'ne. _,.s. * Cinauuati, Aug . 20 —Corpora' Harruy H bbs. of C >mpany Al Second Kentucky, who has return 'd to his home at 813 Scott Street Covington, bad an experience, with the lack of medical i.tttu* tion in the military camp at Uhie arnauga. Hobbs has blood poison ing. For 16 days he was kept in the regimental hospital. wh*ra the sick are placed for superfi ial ex amination before being sent to the divisional hospital. No one is expected to be held there longer than 12 hours. During the 16 days Hobbs says he had water only three times with which to wash his face. “You can imng ne my condition when 1 was released,“ he said. “After examining my foot fire surgeon ordered it poulticed, After waiting two days I asked an at tendant why the order was not carried out. He replied that th j re was nothing but bread to make a poultice of, I sent out of the camp and bought enough fl .xseed to keep my foot poulticed while io the hospital. “The doctors seem-d to have plenty of surgical instruments, But the knife they Used on me was | very, very dull ” Hobbs said: “I think the doc tors in our hospital were very competent, but they simply could not contend with the conditions undvr which they wire asked to work • LAVA POURS From The Canter of H st >r c Vesuvius Naples, Aug. 20.—Vesuvius is in eruption again, with four lava streams flowing down its ■ sides at the rate of 400 yards an | hour. From the center crater come smoke and flames and the sounds of constant explosions. LADIES’ FINE SAILORS. Go tc L inh un & Sons and g< t one of those fine sailors they are selling so cheap. They are ac tually worth SI.OO, $1.50, $2.00 and some even more, yet they are selling choice for 50 cents. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts, brusese sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itively cures piles, or no pay re quited. Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by all Druggists. The litt e brown jug filter price $ I 00. The Oostanaulj is in the jug. See how Dew ey- For sale by Miss Julia Stewart, also at Moore & Reese’s- I MMMMMWWWA WW ,J{ MM LANHAM & SONS, ♦ MMMM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMM MM SENSATIONAL IB 0f SAILORS I I V -raw* WE havtt j o )Ught the an ire stock of Ladies aud Misses Fine 5S aiO! s o’ one of ths Largest Mi Ilin dry houses o • Nn.v york and now olac® them on sa’e at a price thatis certainly most rsma kable. Whils we know tho peop’e of Roma £have been faked tim® and agjwn, y«c we JTARTLIN6 ANNOWOMEMf. "W That these Sailors are worth $I . J J Bl .59 in j >2.9) en h aa 1 m > will sell the n at th ) astonishing Io v p.-i >? o' SnmsAftjf (Ja> @£iAUQ i There Is Twenty-one Cases or 9no Thousand and Eleven Hats aud nota plug in the lot, but the orettiest an 1 latest thH.j* in SaLo Somefine Mi an, some fin e eplt v,soms r eugh brim and smooth crown, some colored brim and while crown.some of a!I co ors of i n e # rainbow. Bell crown,straight cro vn, wide brim, narrow brim, some < fine white and in fact all kins dexcept che ip traan and those w j do not want. This is a ch mce to buy fin ? sailors at a price that will probably not co ee ag lin. JHXHHM FIND SoNs- 10 CENTS PER WEEK