The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 21, 1898, Image 4

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THE.HMIMIIEKIIL EHUSTLER OF ROM E Ertabilsbed. Iswo "HE ROME COM MERCI AL Established. 1895. Ixnued every eventug. except Saturday. Bandar and weekly. PHIL G. BYRD, EDITOR AND MANAGER, office. Wilkarson Block, Third Avenue Schoo) days will soon arrive. Brumby is a Georgian any how. Make Dewey Vice Admiral by all means. 'ihe next big event in Georgia will lie Macon’s jubilee carnival in October. If the board of strategy de serves a picnic, send it to join Miles in Cuba. If the rains continue Mr. Neill ill have to refigure on this year’s cotton crop. The railroads are getting some “phat takes” as the army con tinues to change its bases. “ _ The dirtiest of all liars is the I one who lies away a woman’s character.—Acworth Post. Now that the Philippines are ours by conquest, lets trade them to Engand for British West Indies. Merritt has the call on the coveted lieutenant generalship. Even Shafter has a better claim than Old Miles. — There will be no battle with the Spaniards today—the proto col has whiskers on it and all’s quiet along the Pasig. The Sultan of Morrocco is dead. We presume he will be succeeded by his son, a Moroc co kid. —Cedartown Standard. —‘ ' i Single blessedness hath its victories no less renowned than matrimony, says Dr. Frank Reynolds, of the Dalton Argus. It probably won’t cost over $12,000,000 in cash and much human life to produce the $6,-I 000,000 output ot the Klondike. ’ Now is the time to get your advertisement before the people. | Everybody is predicting a fine business for the f»ll and winter. Mr. Breeze, of Maryland, lias been defeated for Congress. His name is now Mudd—and per haps he will break into the Sen ate. Bring on your filter, oh con script fathers, and never mind about hauling it in over Broad street —after it is paved with ‘•victimized” brick. MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one con cern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. 'I he pro prietors of Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine ; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bron chitis, Hoarseness and all dis eases of the Throat Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it Call on Curry Arrington, drug gist, and get a trial bottle free. Regular size 50c and sl. Every bottle guaranteed or money re funded. The Royal is the highest grade baking powder known. Actual tests show it goes one third further than eny other bread. fcOVyjj &AkiHo POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL RAWIMO POWDFR CO., HfW YORK. The Spaniards can blame no ene but themselves for the fall of Manila and the Philippines. They doubtless remember how they played for time in negotia ting peace. Had they accepted promptly, the president’s terms j which they afterwards accepted, Miles and Dewey would have been notified in time for the ■ protocol to have saved the East Indies to the dallying and treach erous bullfighters. i The war is over, friends and fellow countrymen ! Now let us make things, and grow things, and sell thingsand buv things, j And capture trade, and conquer I prosperity,-and pay onr debts and thank the Lord for all His goodness ! —Albany Herald. > Even the conservative New Orleans Picayune accuses Secre tary Alger of sectional spite against the south and her sol diers. Alger seems to have a way of making himself hated, but let us hear from Alger and wait events. , ‘‘Georgia peach growers are said to have netted $1,000,000 profit this year, and probably lost just as much by not can ning, preserving and distilling the surplus product,” correctly observes the Augusta Chronicle. The Florida 'Times Union says : ‘‘Some of our co itempo i varies are declaring that the [United States can govern its . late conquests as it did the south. If so the unhappy natives may I regret the rule of the Spaniard.” Admiral Dewey’s name has been suggested for the democrat ic nomination to the presidency. Dewey is the greatest of heroes —when on deck —but who can say how he stands on the finau i cial platform. The opponents of the Hon. Allen D. Candler are at a loss .to find something against him. “Your Uncle Allen” is all right and has stood fire without flinch ing before.—Darien Gazette. Was it because of the loss of ■ his money on Jim or because I tke governor wa« about to par- I don his burglar son out of the 1 penitentiary, that drove old man Corbett insane? Dewey opened the ball, delib erately hauled off for breakfast > and then went back and pro • nounced the bedediction at the t funeral—after striking a post J mortem blow. The Klondike boomer, weary, j hungry and tootsore are heading south. Later on the Cuban and f Porto Rican adventurers will be 3 found dodging sharks and swim t, ming north. A POINTER FOR MILL MEN. The Columbus, via., Enquirer Sun says: The Massachusetts mills located near Rome, Ga., can give mills in the east some pointers. This mill was erected at a cost of $750,000, and the owners have just decided to double the capacity of There is money in cotton manu facturing in the south and mills ejin thrive in this section while those in (he east peri-h. Dalton is at this moment doubling the capacity of her own mills built by her own cap ital and declaring a forty four and one third per cent dividend. We repeat a forty four end one third per Cent dividend.—Dalton Citizen. remedy Spain never tried when she was in the “pacifying” business in Cuba, was to furnish free garden seed. Lit Congress promptly assemble and profit by this hint. Allen D. Candler, Georgia’s “Old Commoner,” opened the campaign yesterday at Milledge ville. What your Uncle Allen will do to Hogan & Co., will be a plenty. Hon. Allen I). Candler and Hon. F. G. dußignon will open the state campaign at Milledge ville on the 20th, and set the ball to rolling for that 100,000 majority in October.—Cedar town Standard. MRS. GEN MILES’ WAR. That is a refreshing and charm ing story which comes from the Port Myer (Va.) hospital. Mrs. G«n. Miles visited there and found a storeroom filled with boxes of delicacies tor wounded soldiers contributed by individ uals and relief societies, but remained unopened for ‘-lack of authority from the war depart ment.” Now, Mrs. Miles comes from a fighting family and has mar ried into one as well, and she declared war right then and there—war on red tape. She riped open the boxes, distributed pajamas, jelly, tobacco, ginger ale, deviled chickens and whole stockings until the wounded cheered themselves half well. Then she went to Washington and applied at the war depart ment for permission to open the boxes I If President McKinley is com pelled to admit the urgency of Secretary Alger’s private busi ness affairs and therefore reluct antly accepts his resignation and then if Mrs. Miles is not too busy cutting red taps to accept the office of secretary of war—of course the constitution is in the way, more’s the pity'—New York World. The Sultan of Turkey has de cided to employ hereafter Ger man physicians instead of French. When the German Am bassador presented two German physicians to him recently he invited them to dinner .here and then raised one to the civil rank of Oula second class, the other to the rank of Saine-Mutemaz, and then calling in the imperia tailor, had the uniformed as be fitted their ranK. With honest Allen D. Candler at the head of the ticket, our populist friends could find no better time than in this year of grace 1898 to come back to the house of their fathers.—Law renceville News. That’s true. And they are coming back into the fold by the scores. On every hand the glad tidings is that ‘ the prodi gal has returned.” And we are giving them a hearty welcome. —Dalton A reus. An exchange complains that Georgia’s blackberry crop is not properly utilized. It supports the families of about a hundred weekly editors every summer and we know of no more charit able disposition to be made of it. Moultrie Obsetver. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRL? OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the cure anti skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in uvoiding the worthless imitations manufactured brother par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all oilier laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not g-ripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal. LOUISVILLE. • *>*:W YORK. N. Y. What are the editors jumping on Hobson for—just because he kissed a pretty girl? If there is an Editor in Georgia who never kissed a pretty girl he ought to be lynched !—Dalton Argus. Hon, Felix N. Cobb, of Car rollton, candidate for attorney general on the Populist ticket, went to Ware county recently to address-a big Populist rally. The audience consisted of one lone negro.—Albany Herald. 'Those Kansan ghoulds who desecrated the graves of Confed erate heroes in Virginia, should be tarred, feathered, soaked in turpentine and then fired—from the ranks of the volunteer army of the United States. The action of the dynamite cruiser Vesuvius may well be likened to lightning? It never “strikes twice in the same place,” because after the first shot, the spot isn’t there any more.—Columbus Enquirer-Sun • Coming to Rome. Judge J. M. Neel, of Carters ville, will move to Rome on Oc tober Ist, and will form a law partnership with his b-other, W. J Neel of this city. They will occupy the handsome suite of offices in the Medical building recently vacated by Dr. Mixon, and will fit them up with all modern conveniences This will make a strong legal firm as they are both men of energy, experi ence and sterling integrity. Judge Neel has an interesting family which will be quite a social acquisition to Rome. We extend a cordial welcome to Judge Neel and his family to Ro me. _________ There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was sup posed to be incurable. For a great many yea r s doctors 'pronounced it a local diseas, and prescibed lo cal retnedier, and by constantly failing to cure with local treat ment, pronounced it incurable Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, at d there foie requires constiiuticnal treat inept. Hall’s Catarrh Cure manu factured by F. J. Cheney & Cc. Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitu tional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts di* rectlv on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for auy case i fails to cure, send for circular! and tesiimonials. Address, F J Chenhv Co.. Toledo, O, Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall s Family Pills are the best- FIRST BAPTIST Heuiusi Services Growing in Interest. A WONDERFUL NERTIfIi On Lest Friday Night-Meetings Continue This Week. 'I he met tin :s nt the First Baptist church c.mtinue to grow in n tere-t. On Friday night there was nover before such a mighty demonstration of the Spirit’s power among this peo ple. Everybody was more or less touched by the Spirit’s power. A gracious influence pervades the congregation and we expect to see great results as the fruits of the meeting. Owing t» the failure of Dr. Smith to receive the letter noti fying him of the time for the commencement ot the meeting. Dr. Headden has done all the work. He does not seem to tire under it, Mr. Wolfsolin s singing his been a delightful feature of the meeting. He certainly is gifted for his work. Many of his songs are the sweetest of sermons. His singing has been a great help to the pastor. Both often, seemed to be moved by the same thought. The meetings will continue through the present week. The public are cordially invited to attend. We hope that this week will witness large an I happy re sults as the fruit of the meeting. Tiie services today bid fair to prove most interesting, both morning and evening, and re member, you are cordiallj. invit ed to attend. Cons rring the cross of the Legion f Honor upon the c”ew of La Bourgogne is calculated to impress the world with due appreciation of the value of pub lic opinion in France. 'I he he roes of La Bourgogne are more fortunate than the “heroes” of the Charity Bazaar fire, but net more deserving of honor. Mienmatism Is a blood disease and only a blood reme dy can cure it. So many people make the mistake of taking remedies which at best are only tonics and cannot possi bly reach their trouble. Mr. Asa Smith, Greencastle, Indiana, says: “For years I have suffered with Sciatic Rheuma tism, the best physicians were un able to relieve. I took many patent medium's but they did not seem to reach my trouble. I gradually grew worse until I was un \ able to take my food I ’ a or handle myself in any way; I was abao * lutely helpless. Three bottles of S.S.S. re lieved me so that I *oon able to move m y right arm; before l° n g I could walk across the room, and whea I had finished one dozen bottles wax’ cwr»tl completely and am as well aa •vws. 1 now weigh 170.” A Real Blood Remedy* S.S.S. cures Scrofula, Cancer, Eczema, and any form of blood troubles. If you have a blood disease, take ablood medi cine—S.S.S. (jpuatanleedpurely vegeta table') is exclusively for the blood and is recommended for nothing else. It forces out the poison matter permanent ly. We will send to anyone our valuable /pjft books. Address V Swift Specific a Co., Atlanta, Bfcrw fccwSl Ga. PASTEUR FILTERS ‘ T he only G&im Proof Filter in the world. Makes water pure and clear for sale by The Hanson Supply Co THE MODERN Thrives on good food ail( j • sunshine, with plenty of exe cise Tn the >pen air. Her form glow# I and her taco glows with jty eauty. If her system needs th# cleansing action of a laxative remedy she uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup of figs, manufac | tured by the California Fig | Syrup Co.. only . YOUNG LADY GRADUATES | Os tin l Rome Busine«aCollege are thoroughly prepared for . stenographic and office work; they are found cup'i'de when , they go in io 7 s —- L tice ; they re- ” , ceive hig li M ‘ comm e n d a- f n ’ their employ . ers as beiim » capable and experienced, t Rme business College enjoys 3 the larg»st enrollment of pupils it has had in its history. There will be thousands of vancancies • this fall to fill. Young men and J ladies will do well to enter here and prepare for thorough com i mercial work. ) H. S. Shocklev, FiRsTWIFE BOBBED UP Declined To Be Considered Dead, j Bigamy Charge. J Trenton N J. Aug, 18.—Willis ‘ Morgan’s pecu inr i lea of the ■ moaning,of the won! death has ) placed him it. toe enmity jail on > the charge ot h g >in v. , Twelve years ago Emma Snyder, a pretty sehool teacher in Hamil ton Square, marri< d Morgan, who was employed in a Trenton rubber mill la a year or so friction came and they separated. About tun 1 days ago Morgan married Liura vlay Groom, nearly 20 y-ars his ■ junior. He to d the Justice of the Peao<« that he had been married, but Lis > wife was dead. Hearing of htr husband's hilest . alliance. Mr . M< gll caused , his arresL and h > is now under , SIOOO fiail. A CLEVER TRI< K. It certainly looks like it, but , there is really no trick about it, Anybody can try it who has ■ Lame Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles. We 'mean lie can cure himself right I away by taking Electric Bitters. This medicine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant t > Liver and Kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures Constipation, Headache, Faint ing Spells, Sleeplessness and Melancholy. It is purely vegeta ble, a mild laxative, and restores the system to its natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters and be con vinced that they are a miracle worker Every bottle guaranteed Only 50c a bottle at Curry Ai rington drug atore. EVERYTHING AT COST FOR THIS WEEK ONLY CLOSING OUT TO QUIT FRANK WRIGHTS FA RM AC A’ NORTON’S OLD CORNER OPPOST r M A SONIC T E M Pl E * TdPF WORMS “1 tape worm eighteen feet louff e Ist e:i’iin on the nceno after mv taking two . AS< .UIETS. This lam sure has caused I .4 health for the pnat three years. lam sun iking ‘ Is the only cathartic worthy or juco by a.iisibla people.” , ~ ilßu. W. BOWLES, Baird. Mass. CAN D Y a Yk- CATHARTIC THAOE MARK RteiiTSRSO Pl<?nsant. Pal'ltable™ l Potent. Taste Good Vo lood. Never Sicken. Woaken, or Gripe, ttk*. ■ ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterlinp Remedy < «iM*|>.in?. Ckie«KO. Mmaireal. S* w an rn DAO Sold nnd m'nrnnteed by nU-iU-DAb uisrato CtBK 'iehucce HakW-