The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 21, 1898, Image 6

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omitum at »t [nr ill vk educed nninro nL a i l I. rnibLo In order to make room for our Fall Stock we are offering anything in our h)i;j LOW DOWN-FOB CASHMONEY! > ALL GOODS NEW AND UP-TO-DATE BUT MUST BE SOLD OUT AT ONCE! I We need the money. We need the floor=room=—so call at once for BARGAINS in: BED-ROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUH S, CHIFFONIERS, DINING TABLES, CENTER TABLES, WARD=ROBES, HAT RACKS,’ SIDE BOARDS, ROCKERS, MATTINGS, LACE CURTAINS, HALL CURTAINS, RUGS, PICTURES, EASELS, SCREENS, BABY CARRIAGES, & &. UDY, HARVEYS Oar Undertaking Dap rtment is complete in evay particalar. Gills promptly aUenlad day or Day ’Piioaa No. 9. . Kigrtt 'p hon e No . 183 te? Thoae several thousand pairs of pajamas which Miss Helen Gould ordered for the soldier boys are said to come in handy for cleaning guns. o o o Gen. J e Wheeler is not coms pelled to climb a tree to observe the progress of the fight for his re-election to cngr ss, says an exchan »e. o o o Major .John it L' nch, of the Third Alabama Volunteer I try (colored), s the only negro paymaster in the Volunteer or re* gular service. He is an ex-Con gressman from the Stated of Mis sissippi. 000 The military camp at Hunts ville, Ala, is called Gamp Wheeler in honor ot the old hero of San tiago—ami a hundred other battle, field s o o o The police force of the State of Sao Paula. Brazil is henceforth to consist of 5150 min. This is quite an army, io. view of the fact that the total population of the State is under 1,500,01)0. o o o Gapt- Eud&te of the Vizcaya is reported to have said recently. “Y ur Capt. ‘Bob’ E-vans he say to me—l cannot take your sword I have a right io only one quarter of it. It taK‘s t ur ships to capture it. Cabt. IJ-vai s he is one gen-tle-men. ” o o o The Am' icus Pi >nes-Recorder savst Nine tenths ot the officers ot the volunteer arm\ are proving themselves unfit for mili tary servic . Thsy gut 'heir com* missions beeausi of their politi cal pull’ and it now remains for President McKiulny to take the matter in band ai d pull those political parasities who have no 1 1 knowledge of military affairs and J are a disgrace to our army and t country . 000 i The will of Richard Tighe, tin eccentric New Yorker, who lived <>n Union Square uiril his dead] , two years ago, at the age of 91 years, involved the disposition of an estate of $2,000,000 and though it was written for the most , part in ink,some of its provisions were made in lead pencil and the Sur rogate Court has just decided that all bequests made by such method are void. 000 A correspondent of a London paper asserts that no fatal results may be feared from yel.ow fever if tbe person attacked, as soon as the svinptons appear take a tumblerful of olive oil with the juice of a lime squeezed into it. This dose should be repeated till vomiting and purging ensue. “Phis is infallible in checking the virulence of the complaint,” says the letter writer, ‘and a speedy convalescence invariably fi Hows. . I have not only proved its efficien cy personally, put have witnessed its complete success in dozens of esses, both in Cuba and Sou'b America. ” > 000 i Police Commissioners Jones: and Johnson, of Atlanta, Ga,, will ■ present a fine go ! d medal to the policemen of that city who shall; give the best answer to the query ■ ’ i What coiißtitutts a good police*| man? The answer is to be in not more than, fifty words, and it is ' • believed that, aside from the en- \ ■ tertainment that will be afforded, > the novel contest, will be the | I means of bringing out some | thoughts and expressions which mav be of benefit t < the p dice de partment Philadelphia Record with yon wh- tP. r you r .ti. v x t • . -killing tobaccoh.tbii. ✓ oves the desire for tubaevo. With,* . t nervous di«Uei»d. expeii ,i '< ■ t 1 , purifier bL-jJ rc- f \ ’ f s lost manhood, <■ . ’ ft O- CO . .4 • < ■ ill road: for u i.l it < ,r -' * >Wjb ffl •’» Cttrrs; i. • #-!.&' <4l rnaranteedio orw-«?r» uivrt-/ - SWc-Mfu. - '.<4 Poisoned by Ivy. Was in a Dreadful Condition Happened to Read About a Simitar Case - Followed the Other Man’s lx am pie and UJas Cured. Tie following incident is given by Charles Morris, general jobber, 52 Lexing ton Avenue, North Cambridge, Mass.: “Several y<r..3 ago I became poisoned by ivy. 1 t*i> ninny ne.<L Ines, spending i large sum < i money w:ibout obtaining i ] .rtiele of good. My children were dr .? afllieted v. ith the sam. disease. We .er. rli constant sufferers with an awful ehlng ;u :'....fdioa, and it seemed as if I hc.’ild tear myself to pieces. 1 picked p a pa;)'r in which 1 found printed a ,t im >nial frran a man in Vermont who nd been si tri’rlj afflictedand had taken vid’sSa: q r : !!a wit!, benefit. I bought . bottle, which we took and it did Mo and My Children o much good I parel < ■ d r uother supply. 7e continued taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla ntii wc ust d five bottles and J can ■ifely say that neither myself nor children | ave any signs of the poison. It has en ircly left us and wc are perfectly cured. Ve give the whole credit to Hood’s Sarsa ■iriila. Before resorting to this medicine was reduced in wojght, but now I • eigh 175 pounds. Hood’s Sarsaparilla as not only done much good but has een the means of saving me a great deal jf money. I would not be without it 'n my house and I heartily recommend .t to al! who are afflicted. 1 havewrit ?n this statement for publication, of my >w:i v. ill, as I want others to know what l 1 o g d "s Sa rss.parißa ■rin done for us.” Charles Morris. rl-11 ari-the only pills to ffika sea V f- Agricultural. 5 ' College Main BuilOinG. £ 1 DAHLONEGA, GA. A college education in the reach of all. A.8., li.S., Normal and Business Man’s courses, flood la!>ora.tories; healthful, invigorating cli ia.»te; military discipline; pood moral and religions influences. Cheapest board in the State; abund nee of country produce; expenses Irr.n §‘.‘s t<> '!.s> a year; board in dormitories or private families. Special license course for teachers; full fa ulty of nine; all under the control of the University. A college prepar atory class. Co-education of sexes. The insti tution founded sixicially for students of limited means. Send for catalogue to the Presidents Jos. S. Stbwaht, A.M. PROFISSIOHH URDS ATTORNEYS. Jj J. BRANHAM, Law Office, 200 k ist First Street, I J LOME, GA. CHAS, W, UNDERWOOD 1 Attorney at Law, Rome, Ga. Corporation Law Only. M B EUBANKS, Atterney at law. OlHceKing Building, Rome, «.a. W II- ENNIS, Attorney at Law {Will .Practice in all courts Office, Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga. •NAT J NEEL, Attorney at law. Will practice in allocurts. Special attention given to commercial law and the examination of laud titles. office in Kiitg building, Rome, Ga. WALTER, HARRIS Attorney at law and .1. P. Office over F. J. i Kane & Co.’s. LIPSCOMB <Sc WILLINGHAM Commercial Lawyers. ; Gfflce in Armstrong hotel building, Rome, Ga | , J. S A.NT Y - OR- A.W J'ORO ; Attorney at law, Rome. Ga. Collections a specialty. Masonic Temple. Rome, Go. , DENTISTS. ■ J. A. WILLS, D. D. S., ( fficeSlC 1-2 Broad. # Over Cantrell & Owen J. L. PENNINGTON. D D S.,M D. KNTIST- Office, 30ft 1-2 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur niture Co. PHYSICIANS. | I O K AMiriu TON, MQ- Physician an I Surgeon Office, Medical Building Rome, Ga. O. ce 'phone No. 63. Li £> ti V M £:> M 3 M O . Physician and Surgeon, Office lu Medina building. Residence, No. 403 West First st fflee 'phoNo 6 . ■' j —— l . 11 . Chick & Peters Co., . at park theatre ■ all this week with a; ; change of bill nightly.; > All this week the i • Chick & Peters C j-, at the Par’’ theatre. ■ 7-' ; '9 , ‘ ■• I s ■ ta-fr •' ffi i)f 1 A WHOLE CLUB B t::fE , --.• *2l .. Ca ’t p : - * ja Make L Better . , . x , ,> W \ .. Running Time ® / 'V ffl ... |R I<• ici’ f i a' in 1c i n line of jew 'lry, iudu* f i—lgj ding D uniii li | t , : | My st. )g'< of si'ver iiotioijs and lov ities was nev or m .)r,> (! mplete. ’J P I *3 d E 'T PS A 'SP -30 LALT Y. S! J. K Williamson • ’ww...,«w > ewm. • -n* -—• «:»■■* . . <> ..jv4 ■> uiS si •;.« j.a • l£r'jd-« *a « M«, • •■a’*' ■»r< EOR STYLE AND COMFORT, . and for a jolly good lime with family or friends, there is noth /p z in ’’like an open surry f>»r either Winter or Summer. Our stock / ffiLyr ofs’ylisli carriage Os unrivalled l/’ spider phaetons, run i- j b<-‘ : raps, c iris, wag- 1 I on lie.-, ca n<'[ ■' tn a,uro |a 11 sur- jy ■ J re arc liphf, easy, comforta bl iiisdl in eons’ rue- tiii’.i, trimmings :ti:d finish We ‘ also repair ail ov n’.i ml vihicles; als > cirri’a big line of harness and lap rob is, The Rome Buggy Ug, 509-511 Bruid street,!! qna Ga. Sa i'terfii<r.d & Williams, Agenls. d dWMiTi ■” w^WMLrrw.,- mt .-j'.w»a«uESrt«i<nrK^«i«sits?om.-w«uwvw CANDY CATHARTIC CURE CONSTIPATION 10= all i 25c 50= DRUGGISTS