The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 21, 1898, Image 8

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LEAD STAINS Strong kinks of Circilnislan iial Euidence. AGAINST DR. KENNEDY Held For Murder of The Beauti. ful New York Gjq.. New York, Aug. 20.—The police have produced two snore strong links in the chain of cir cumstantial evidence which they have woven tightly about Dr. Samuel J. Kennedy, who is charged with the murder of pretty Emeline Reynolds at the Grand hotel last Thursday night. She had been struck on the head with a piece of lead pipe. One was a bit of paper with the name “E. Maxwell and wife, Brooklyn,” written in Kenedy’s hand. The other was the new pair of drawers which he bought qn Monday afternoon, and on which is a black mark, such as would have been made had a lead pipe been pressed against it. Capt. McCluskey 7 found on the fire escape of room 84, at the Grand hotel, some pieces of tom paper. He lifted these together and producer! what he believed to be a memorandum given by Kennedy to Miss Reynolds when he instructed her to register at the hotel. It is a .'copy of the inscription on the register, which Miss Rey nods wrote herself. The detective chief says that the bit of paper has a mark on it, indicating that it was torn oil a pad. His detec tives, in their thorough search of Dr. Kennedy’s office, found the pad itself, and the police have it iu their possession now. Every leaf is marked alike. Capt. McCluskey showed the new 7 drawers. On the right side, beginning at the band and ex tendingdownward for several inches, is a black mark or such as lead would make if pressed against the drawe"s. A stain on the band, where the hook of the lead pipe blud geon may have rested, is very pronounced. The length of the black stain and the length of the exposed lead of the bludgeon correspond exactly. Ihe pipe bludgeon is heavy, but Kennedy’s drawers were upheld by his suspenders and ' the hook would have been bung and the strain would have come just where the support was strongest. But there w r as even a more damaging mark than that The lower end of the bludgeon is wound around with bicycle tape, the sort used to repair tire punctures. This tape has rubber or gum of some sort in it, and it is adhesive. On the drawers, just below the pouit where the black mark ends, there are bits of a sticky substance. The drawers and the bludgeon, as well as many other articles of clothing taken from Kennedy, have been submitted to Dr. Lederle, the Health De partment Chemist, for microsco pical investigation. Still another bit of iuforma tion which may lead to connect ing the murderous weapon di rectly with Kennedy was dis closed by Capt. McClusky,s in vestigations. The piece of leac pipe with copper wire inside is perfectly similar to that used by the Block Electric Light and Power Company, whose office is in the Bijou Theaere Building , at No. 1227 Broadway. [ This company has a plant in FIRST BAPTIST Reni al Seruic Growiiifl in Interest. A WONDERFUL MERTIfB On Last Friday Night-Meetings Continue This Week, The meetings at the First Baptist church continue to grow in interest. On Friday night there was never before such a mighty demonstration of the Spirit’s power among till is peo ple. Everybody was more or less touched by the Spirit’s power. A gracious influence pervades tfie congregation and we expect to see great results as the fruits of the meeting. Owing to the failure of Dr. Smith to receive the letter noti fying him of the time for the commencement of the meeting. Dr. lleaddeu has done all the work. He does not seem to tire under it, j- Mr. Wolfsohn’s singing has been a delightful feature of the meeting. He certainly is gifted for his work Many of his songs are the sweetest of sermons. His -inging has been a great help to the pastor. Both often, seemed to be moved by the same thought. The meetings will continue through the present week. The public are cordially invited to attend. We hope that this week will witness large and happy re sults as the fruit of the meeting. Tiie services today bid fair to prove most interesting, both morning and evening, and re member, you are cordially invit ed to attend. .. - | ihe Grand Hotel. It also has a plant on Staten Island, and it furnishes light and power to a certain district of the island. New Drop, where Kennedy lives is in this district. The most careful investiga tions abm this line are being made by the police. The bicycle tape is not re garded as so significant as the fact that just such lead pipe can be found at Ne.v Drop, Dr. Kennedy’s home. The dentist owns a bicycle and rode it fre quently. He had a repair kit, in which was bicycle tape. But ot bicycle riders in New Drop, as elsewhere, there is uo end. Acting District Attorney Mc- Intyre suggested that Km iedy committed the murder in the endeaver to save himself from a charge of forgery. He had given t e woman a check for $13,00 to which the name of “Dudley Gideon” was presumably forg'd. Ke wanted to get this evidence against him back in his posses sion. He knew the woman had it somewhere on her person. Kennedy was arraigned before Magistrate Simms in the West Fifty-fourth street court today for his preliminary examination. The courtroom was crowded. There are about 50 witnesses In the case. It was said that it would undoubtedly take several days to finish the preliminary hearing. No new evidence has came to light in the case since yesterday, according to the po lice, and the theory that obtain ed yesterc’ay is still the explana tion that is given as the reason for the murder of the Reynolds girl—that is, that the murderer, after giving the woman the worthless check for $13,000 m exchange for her SSOO, killed [her in order to get the chick back from her. j £ H, P. WOOTEN & BRO., Successors to -5 ROME PHARMACY. 309 Broad st. —New Clark Building. JC , We have bought the entire stock of the Rome Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our stock is complete and of the very highest grade. We solicit a part of your patronage and shall en deavor to the best of our ability to please you at all times. We should be pleased to have you call on us. Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articles and such things as are usually carried in a first-class drug store. Cigars and tobacco. Come to see us. 3? “ 5? I S S. M. Stark, a I i S' LAllllii IH GESTLIiKBN'S fllLOl S de /+« .♦3 ►*. ■*< Dougherty Bldg, 2nd Ave SI IflllllittiliMUill UHiS F/HANSON. * * NORRIS N. SMITH. I THE HANSON SUPPLY CO. | v Plumbing and Tinning. x 3 Engineers’ and machinists* j 5 suonlies. Stoves, rangesand • E Gas and electric fix- C NSURANCE gasoline S Water meters. id st. Phone 32. • O OmOOO ■ ■ ■ ■■ 2, - —I —2—L $1.25 and $l5O Negligee shirts for $1 J. A. GAHM S COMPANY "ARE WAITING for everyone in Rome to cduie ' in and see the magnificent stock on men’s and boy’s clothing, xi 3k bicycle and golf suits, is what we are doing, but we are hus tling while we wait. We will show you the finest stock ol 111 clothing, made from the newest ••, . styles and patterns in fabrieks, ' perfect fitting and handsome, to be found in Georgia, and they are above competition in values for the price. Thegreatest line of negligee shirts ever shown in Rome. J. A. GAMMON & ; ) I Can .upply al! is«x;;“iss .SMotr I Department Nursery [7777777.'7Y,:.V , i r", th A 11 S I 1 '"" low rates. We publish one of n ■ . | thp | ea! jj n g Seed. p| an t and Tree Catalogues issued, which will be mailed frec. Send for it n. w, it will save you money. Ti v us. can refer you to customers in every stale and territory . in the Union. 43 years of square dealing has made us patrons and friends far and near. Have hundreds of carloads of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, NOSES, PLANTS. e We send by mail postpaid. Seeds, Bulb., Plante, Rosea, Small Traaa, Etc. Safe arrival k. : aatisfac-ion guaranteed; larger by expresa or freight. 44th year, ya greenheaaaa. i,oaeacr«. > THE Ar HARRISOM *** Box 52R PatoMvUte, O To Musical Peple of Rome It is with pleasure that we introduce to our readers th bf 4 new and complete stock of MB, BBS, AND Small Musical Instrumen V Zt ' ' n the new Moseley building, 327 Broad street where we would be pleased to have you call an.} examine our goods. The stock consists of some of the best mikt-s <4 pianos and organs on the market el ty. We keep a full line of everything pertaining to a first class music store—Something Rome has needed for a long time. Give us a call and you will find a music store that Romans may be proud of, We are determined to close o -BICYCLES the earliest possible date. E. 327 Broad Street. -■ . } S. P. Davis, Manager. We keep on hand at all times a full stock of Sheet Music —""--"" ' - - - - RELIABILITY is a quality some newspapers have lost sight of in these days of "yellow” journalism. They care little for truth and a great deal for temporary sensation. It is not so with THE CHICAGO RECORD. The success of THE RECORD rests upon its reliability. It prints the news—all the news—and tells the truth f about it. It is the only American newspaper outside New York city that has its own exclusive dispatch boat service and its i own staff correspondents and artists at the front in both hemispheres. It is the best illustrated daily newspaper in the world. Its war news service is unapproachably the best J Says the Urbana (111.) Daily Courier: * M We read the war news in the other papers, then we turn to THE CHICAGO RECORD to see how much of it is true.*' Sold by newsdealers everywhere and subscriptions received by all postmasters. Address THE CHICAGO RECORD, IB* Madison street, Chicago. (oowwficn Co ? 10 ’ Hyannis, Nsbr, Jan. 10,1898. I would not be j pjsO'g . Plß n o ’® CUREFOR CON- GON SUMPTION as the SUMPllONforany P -|! best Cough modl- thlng For a bad cine on the narket. Cough or 00-J it is » hr.ving used it far beyond all others. Mrs C. REYNOLDS. j WESTOVKN. “The Best Cough Medicine.” * —— - ' . ■ >sWENAVENOACENn 1 H" "H ’ k.*b.».Ml4.i«te to R W «•»« fcr M ywi« M L MHI < > f\ n «!• mum turn th. a W 1 *S«r. for .lamiMh.. \ •In F kmbtH v.rra.ud / rill l\ ILF* f • IjLl m Mriw ,r mmbm., L— lf\l //\ W f 3 **W*- v N/TxAtj tt t vxMxr > Z/\/vA/vCX 7 v/5JXjT\\/ ww- x. vxx \ v x v wri \z. «W>M m 4 Mite HWABT •*■■■*«• AMB ■■■■« avw. «•. W a. FBATT. nwy. KMBAJBX. sea