The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 22, 1898, Image 1

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~|GHTH year L smoke a “Bill Arp’ waiters New Brand TRAIN WRECKED. Seven Killed anil Twenty nine Wotfnded. BOTH rRAIN3 SHATTERED Express Crashes Into Rear of Standing Train . Sharon, Mass., August 21. A local train from Providence, ft I, ( oil the New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad, due in Boston at 7 :45 p. m. yester day, while standing at the depo: WHS telescoped by an express train from New Bedford, and 7 persons w. re killed and 29 in jured. Messengers were hurried to Canton, four miles away with urgent requests for physicians and undertakers. All the physicians in town, a? well as three undertakers ami lheir wagons, came immediate ly to the scene, followed by a large crowd of sightseers. The surrounding country was thor oughly aroused. A large quanti ty of sheets, bedding and rude hosptial supplies were dispatch ed from adjoining towns. a he work of rescue was prompt but the debris was so great that hours elapsed before a satisfac tory estim ite of the fatalities could be made. After hours of hard work sev en dead bodies had been recov ered ard twenty-nine injured peop'e taken out. Other dead ma? yet be found. T he two trains which were in the. collision were usually com bined m one long train, but the traffic today was so heavy it was divided, the first section run ning as a local accommodation, while the second, which started from Mansfield fifteen minutes later than the first one, ran as an express, 1 he local train, due at Sharon at 7 :02 o’clock was thirteen minutes late. It left M insfield on time, making two stops, and had lost thirteen minutes be tween Mansfield and Sharon. It was due in Canton Junction,the next station beyond Sharon,two niinut s ahead of the express t'ain, which wou’d have passed it there. Sharon is situated in » c uive, and both the outward ai »d inward tracks are protected b> electric block signals. After the accident it was thought the block signals pro t* < ting the inward track was set ft danger, showing, as it was hi ended, that there was a tain in the station. 1 here was no warning given y the conductor of the Mans- I e ld local to show the approach- I"" 1 a * n that the track was not r 11 at the station, and it was f ut until he was within 4<>o feet 1. 1 le Nation that the engineer I 1 le express noticed anything ■rong. immediately set all F es whistled the warning, V 1 11 Wns to ° late to stop ths ■’Press. Claß ' le d hi to the rear car, ■P t l | U j asuu^er a,l d com ■ ly dem d l9 hing it with the ■ w *PLion of its roof. Its 3 p ae d |l lw “ Ot Blnck «d until the engine | j >r?. e r ,, 7T 6d ful1 * feet P tin Cir . TllJ THE HOM E HIJSTLEK-COMMERCIA L ROME GEORGIA. MONDAY EVENING AUGUST 22. 180 S. CARLOS WILL ACT When Peace has Been Pro claimed THE ‘'SINEWS OF WAR’' Are Said to be Abundant. The •Chamberlain Talks. Lucerne, Aug. 22, —In answer to questions submitted to Don Carlot Count Melgar, his chamberlain, has made the fol owing statement regarding the Pretender’s uprising iu Spain : “I did not say, as has been re - poited. that my chief would a proclamation to his adherents iu Spain as soon as the perlimin anes of had been signed. I did say. and I repeit i , that he will do so when peace itself shall have been formally declared. The exact date, therefore, depends upon the time when the Paris Peace Commission shall have c >n cluded its labors. “Don Carios has not ordered the present risings in Spain, They are spontaneous outbursts, show-, ing that the spirit of the nation is with the Prince. We do not need men, Wu can count upon so many fighting men in Spain that we have de din d assistace from out -eidirs.” Paris, Aug. 22 -Count* Urbiin de Mallie, the chief representative of Don Carlos in Paris, said to day : “Certain American gentlemen have approached ma with an’ offer of 12,000,000 francs tor the Car list cause, with the understanding that they be reimbursed double that amount when Don Carlos is seared on the throne of Spain,” Di Mallie felt in honor bound n>t to reveal their names. The Count declined, owing to the ex isting anti American sentiment in Spain, the responsibility of ac cepting the offer before consulting his chief. London. Aug 22—\ dispatch to the Daily Mail from Biarritz says that another armed band has ap peared in the district of Ciudad Rodrig, about 50 miles from Sal amanca. The dispatch also says that more Cariist agents have been arrested at Carcelona. escaping steam entered the car ind badly scalded a number of occupants. The roof of the last car was forced on top of the en gine oi the express and remain ed there as the only portion of the car intact. Engineer Setch* 11 and bire man Holmes, of the express, both jumped when they saw that a collision was unavoidable. Everyone of the killed and in jured was on the Mansfield train and the only explanation of the fact that the number of fatalities is not larger is that the passen gers were all in the forward end of the car, m the act of alight ing at the station. There were about thirty-eight people iu the last car, and the most of them at the time of the accident were either upon the front platform or standing by the door. Pineapple sherbet is delicious and easy to make. Large cans of grated pineapple, cactus brand, 10c cans, at Lloyd <fc Hampers. DAMNABLE BLOT The Hospitals of The l/olilc teer Armies. ThE HALF NOT ’ OJJ Os Needless Suffering on Ship And in Camp Cincinnati, Aug. 22 —The pathetic storv of how Albert Boedeker, the young Bellevue (Ky.) soldier, died through medical neglect at C hicamnuga, baa stirre 1 Boedeker’s fel'ow soldiers in the St cord Kentucky at the camp. Jesse Hardin, one of the Lest known young men of Newpoit, was Boedeker’s nurse part of the time. Iu a letter received Saturday by Howard Benson, of Nev port, Hardin says : “I will stand by Boedeker in the statements he made. I was the only nurse in the regimental hospital and knew how he was treated The company was sup posed to feed him, and manv a time he got no food. When he did, I had to fight for i . “I gave Boed< ker his medicine when we had it. The three dav> he got no medicine there was none of the kind he needed. “The sick men slept on the ground in a tent 1G by 16 feet, there were as many as 10 in the tent with all kinds of fever. J te iched the tent one rainy night when it was Hooded. ‘ ‘ Boedeker cried as if his heart would break about the neglect He a'-ked me if I thought he would die. I knew from the treatm nt he was receiving it was all up. “You can be no soldier here ; it’s a dog’s life.” • HORROK S..IPS . May Be Investigated By a CoURTMARTIAL. Washington, Aug. 22.—Sid geon General Sternberg will de mand of the war deparlm nt r thorough investigation of tin latest hospital ship horror. Al though he would not discuss the the matter today, it is evident that he does not consider his branch of the service as in any way responsible for the condi tion of affairs on the Mobile. “1 look to see a court martial ordered over these horror shipf yet,” said a surgeon, who wears Uncle Sam’s uniform.. “The huddling of 1600 men into vessel calculated to hold a thousand, and feeding them on tainted food, is a crime for which somebody will be punished.” / “IN A BUNCH” Fifteen Couples wiH be Married on Lake Michigan. Chicago, Aug. 22. —Two thousand Chicago mailcarriers will go to Milwaukkee, Chicago’s Gretna Green, tomorrow prima rily on an excursion, but inci dentally and in reality to witness he marriage of 15 of their broth er carriers. The knots will be tied on the Whaleback. The 15 couples will be married “in a bunch,” a spv-J of ministers I having been provided for the | occasion. mmmtmmmmmmtmmmm LANHAM 'wthk ■ I I ’ mm mrnmm mmmmmmm SENSATIONAL Mil OF ¥TTE h*Vtf just nought th 3 an ire stock of Ladies and Misses Fine || S& ’ O!S ° f one of tha Latest Millmary houses of New york and now place the n on sa’e at a price that is certainly most remarkable. Whils we kno vth 3 people of Rome 3hav 3 basn faked time and again, yet we make the STARTLING IWICEMGMT. That these Sailors are worth $ 1.0 3. $ 1.53 lit H 2. )3 ea:h an 1v > will sell the n at th 3 astonishing lo w prise of E* A 6T? f! A RWI |v >&■ xl > " JLR. I UUe A ! % I here Is Twenty-one Ca es or One Thousand an J E'even Hats and not a plug in the lot, but the orattisst an i latest thing* in Sailo Somefine Mi an,so ne fine sp it tra.v,se n 3 rough brim and s nooth crown, some colored brim and white crown,so me of all colors of ram how. Bell crown, straight cro A/n, wide brim, narrow brim, some fine white and in fact all kins d except che ip trasn and those we do not want. This is a chanee te buy fin 3 sailors at a price ♦ that will probably not come again. & # $ &♦ JHNHfIM pNP Sons. 10 CENTS P-R WEEK