The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 22, 1898, Image 2

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CRUEL FLAMES Six People Pirisli In [lol Springs Holocaust VERITABLE DEATHTRAPS I Proved Ihe Hote’e- Victims Uniderititieci. Hot Spring. Ark. Aug 21. —S x persons lost their lives here to-day by the burning of the National and Windsor Hotels Five bodies have already been re covered from the ruins. The catastrophe occurred at 2 o’clock a, no., when the guests were sleeping soundly in the frame structures. The Windsor was only two stories high and the National three stories, but, owing to the inflammable character of the ma terial of which they were construc ted, they quickly fell a prey to tho fast spreading Hames and proved I veritable denth-traps to the luck less inmates, The list of dead as far as the bodies have been identified is as follows: VT. M, ditches, ofTulaa, I. T. W. H, Wells, of Marked Tree Ark. Abraham Matehews’ of Green* ville Miss. John Hudgins, of In dian Territory, killed by jumping from an upper hotel window. Two unknown persons. Not until the Coroner’s inquest is held can the names ot the vic tims he learned. The fire broke out in the Nation, al Hotel and the flames leaped aiolig th'* corridors with almost lightning-like rapidity. The guests were roused from their slumber by ths roar of the flames and half suffocated by the Volumes of dense smoke rushed into the hallways, only to find their escape cut off All were in their night rob >s, and a panic prevailed among the start led people. Many of them returned quick ly to their rooms, while others leaped over the staircase to the rotunda below. Those hemmed in their rooms, finding them selves closely pressed by the flames, jumped from the second and third story windows. Mr. Hudgins,who leaped from a third story window was almost instantly killed and many per sons were seriously injured .some of them fatally. Similar scenes were witnessed among the guests asleep in the Windsor Hotel, and a large number of them were seriously hurt by leaping from the windows. In addition to the two hotels, a cottage belonging to Colonel O’Brien and the livery stable was burned. The two hotels suffered the destruction of all their contents, but the horses and carriages in the livery sta ble were gotten out safely, ROUGH TREATMENT OF SICK Serious Complaints Made Ab ut Fernandina. Fernandina, Fla., Aug 21.—The hospi'al train that left here at 4 o’clock Thursday evening should have been ready at 10 in the morn ing . Serious charges are made. The fxpert bearers with the am bulances were not permitted to ■ handle patients, who were eith er pulled out and pushed into the cars by the trainmen er who had no assistance at all. Some fever patients were not allowed to board the train, the excuse being that they would cause too much trouble. They had to go jolting back to tne hospital Trie experience may bo fatal to many of them . The hospital ac commodations and force of sur geons and a’teudnnts are entirely inadequate the patients are not even properl y fed, a-d the division hospital in nil ways is a thing of terror to the iir-ii. BRITISH ADVANCE IN EGYIT| Making B'-ady to Strike the Fa tai Bljw in Sanders. ' ondon August. 22—Cable die- I atche r iroin Egvpt say that Sir Hei bert Kitchenei’s advance on Khartonm has begun and is con ducted like clockwork. Ihe Khalifa has withdrawn fr< tn his entrenchrnents at Shablnka Cat aract, but the War Office here is confident that he will fig t at Omdurman. The country is rais ing behind him and he dare not n>w ratrdat. When ai d how Sir Herbert Kitchener will strike the final blow nobody will know until it foils. TO WED HER If His Wife-to be Should Die or be Divorced, Columbia, Mo .Aug 22. —By some means Lucile Johnson pro cured the marriage license of Downing Buckner and Fannie Reed yesterday and at the time set for the wedding refused to give it up until Buckner should promise to marry her in case his wife should die or be divorc ed. Then the wedding went on. Buckner had previously been engaged to Miss Johnson. PROMOTED To Full-Fleged Naval Construc tor Was Hobson. Washington, Aug 21 Lieut Hobson ihe hero of the Merrimac, was promoted today to lea full fl- dg d Naval Constructor, He suc cessfully passed his medical ex amination here yesterday. Hie rel ative rank is that of Liautenant; At the time of his service on the Merrimac tie was Assistant Nuval Constructor with the relative rank of Lieut. Junior grade. CUT AN ARTERY 1 M urderer Kaiser Then Hanged Hi MSI LF Morristown, Pa., Aug 20. —Chas O' Kaiser’ santenced co be hanged Sept- 6 for murdering his wife’ committed suicide at the County Jail yesterday afternoon. Hegang el himself after cutting an artery i.i his wist with a watch spring. massacres Os Rebels in China to Occur Daily. London, Aug. 22.—The Times’ Honu Kong correspon dent says that the Massacres in Southern China continue. In Paklan and Wun-Cun 10 to 20 rebels are daily executed. Two hundred rebels were killed and 40 captured by Gen. Mawho at Sai-Wong- Kong. One of the most eminent and skillful specialists in the United States is the au thor of a great home medical work that every woman, whether young or old, should read. That physician is Dr. R. V. Pierce, for thirty years chief consulting physician to the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Insti tute. at Buffalo, N. Y. This is one of the greatest medical institutions in the world. In his capacity as head of this institution, Dr. Pierce is surrounded by a staff of nearly a score of able physicians. With the as sistance of this staff of physicians, during the past thirty years. Dr. Pierce has pre scribed for many thousands of ailing wom en. His “Common Sense Medical Ad viser’’ contains 1008 pages and over 300 illustrations. It contains several chapters devoted to the treatment of diseases pecu liar to women. A paper covered copy is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cei t stamps, to cover mailing, hr the Wor!d’« Dispen sary Medical Association, Buffalo, N, V, French cloth binding 31 stamps. Every woman should read it. It tells about a medicine that cures ail disorders and irregularities from which women suf fer. This medicine is Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. It acts directly on the deli cate organs concerned in wifehood and motherhood It makes them strong, healthy and vigorous. It allays inflamma tion. heals ulceration, stops' debilitating drains and soothes pain. It is the great est of all nerve tonics. In the “Medical Adviser” hundreds of women tell their ex periences with this medicine. The “ Favor ite Prescription ” is for sale by all good medicine dealers. NO INQUEST Held Over the Man Killed SatUrdaj NEAR ROUNBftViLLBMILL No Permission Given the Coro ner by Commissioners- The unknown white man who met with such a horrible death Satuaday evening by being knocked off a trestle near Roun saville’s Mill by Southern * li’y train, was buried yesterday af ternoon at 5 o’clock at Myrtle Hill, by the railroad company. There was no inquest held by the coroner as no permission was given him by the county commissioners, and as he has on several previous occasions had to defray the expense of an in vestigation, consequently he would not empannel a jury to make an investigation of the the death of the unfortunate man. Several weeks ago an un known man was found with his head crushed in North Koine, supposed to have been hit by a freight train. He remained in a ditch in a dying condition for eight hours. The commissioners were notified but they* failed to have him moved. Undertaker Frank West, chief Shropshire and several kindhearted citi zens had him brought to the city on their own responsibility and cared for and every effort made to find out who he was. The coroner should have pow er to take charge of and hold an inquest whenever be deems it necessary, as in any other cqun ty- , SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Css<lcsi>e<l Nrhedsle Is I.Veet Jsly t. ISSN. STATIONS. INo 10 No. 14 Nir i Lv Chattanooga O.llUaml 7.3 ipm to.ibpm Ar Daltou Lalam 8 4-’pni 12 lOuua Ar Rnroe U.UOum o.topui 1.44 am Ar Atlanta 11.40 am I i.sopm a.Otam Lv Atlanta 4.2opin|ll s>pm 5.20 an» Vr Macon 7.lupm 2 Usiun 8.30 am Xr Jesup i ".45am 2.311 pm Ar Everett I ..I 7.25 am 3.25 pm Ar Jackson ville f .__l u. ioam B.2&pm Lv jesuiff? >lo.oiam AMpm Ar Jacksonville LOOpm. Ki. 15pm Lv Everett j 7,30 am Tibpm Ar Brunswick | 8 iM:un 4.30 pm No. >0 carries Ptuiman Sisaping Car Chav taiwotfa to Atlanta. No. 14 carries Pullu an Sleeping Car and Day loaches Cha tu iooga ‘o Jacksonville and Al ania to Brunswick. No. 8 curries Pullma" Sleeping Car Chatta iooga to Atlanta. si *1 loNM. ~ Tla 13 i No. V No. Fj Lv Atlanta 4.2oam’ 400 pm 7.50 am Ar Rome t> 30am 6.25 pm 10.20 am Ar Dalton 722 am 7.34 pm 11.30 am Ar Chattanooga 8.40 am B.Sopir. I.oopm Lv Chattanooga 3.10 pm Ar Burgin 4.20 pm! Ar Lexington 5. lOpim 4.50 am Ar Louisville 750pm* 7.50 am Ar Cincinnati 7.3opm■"Tjiiain “ Lv Chattanooga ~ 1.25 pm I. Isum i 25pm Xr Nashville . fl.sspm 6.40 am 6.55 pm No 13 carrie Pullman Sleeping Cur Atlants '.oChattano >g'a and Chattuno.iga to Cincinnati. No. 0 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta o Cincinnati and Chattanooga to Louisville. sta r.i _ No. 6. I No. 12 I No. !«.' Lv Chattanooga 8.40 am 4 10am iftOOpm Ar Knoxville 11 55am B.osami I.loam Ar Morrist .wn 1.23 pm 3.50 am 2.25 am Ar Hot Springs 3 13pm*11.46am 4.00 am tr Asheville 4.35 pm 1.15 pm 5.10 am \r Salisbury 1 6.4opm' 8.30 am Ar Greensboro 0.52 pm 12.10 pm \r Raleigh | I.4J»m 3.23 pm Ar Norfolk I 7.50am 1 Ar Wa hlngton...'. I .".I 6.~12a1ii V.3spm Ar New Adri; ...| 1 12.43 pm 6.23 am No. ItcarrtcKPuihnun Drawn." Ko mi Sleep ing Car Chattanooga to New York via Ashe ville and Salisbury to Richmond arriving Rich- Bond 6.40 am. also Pullman Sleeping Car .Ireensboro te Norfolk No. 16 is solid train Chattanooga to Salis bury, with Pullman Sleeping Car Clriltauoo'a o Salisbury and Salisbury to New York with in t chance. st at ions. — ~ NoTT Lv Chattanooga s.uopin B.4t)am Ar Knoxville ......i.) 8.1 .pm 11.55 am Ar MorrKt .wn 2.15mn 1.23 pm \r Bristol 7.00 um 3.55 pm Ar Washin'-ton 17. Ham Ar New V..rk .. .... l.2op<n No. 6. ciu rics P.illmin Sleeping Car Ch'atta ■tobga t > Wamin/t u and Chait ui oga to New York witlKuit ehan'-e. No. 4 carries Pullm u. Sieving Car Kuog villa to Bri tol. SI AU S, >r Lv Rome 8710 am Ar Anniston 11.21 am Ar Birmingham 10.00 pm Ar Selma 3.55 pm Ar Meridian 7.3opn> Ar New Orleans 10.30 am Ar Jackson 8.45 am Ar Vicksburg 11.35 am Ar Shreveport 7.20 pm ♦ No. 15 JNo W ~ '+No, 16 ||No. W 2.00 pm 4.50 pm Lv ffome ar! B.soatn 8.35 am 5.40 pm 6.57pm,Ar Gad deu. ar AOOaiu 6.3(>u"i 6.00 pm T.topmiAr Attalla. _lvl A4sam! kntu ♦ Dally except Sunday. | Sunday only. F. S. GANNON, 3d v p * u.M.. Washington, D.OL J. M CULP. Trgf. Mgr.. Washington. D d W A. TURK. G. P. A.. Washington, D. a ** a rrv vs/’ri-rou , e w * Cl's ♦ *rar>sa T—a « ■" . J Chairman dußighon says w must make Candler’s niajorih 100,0011 and what. Chairin in du Bignou saj s “goes.” AN OLD NEGRO Murdered Near Chicamauga Friday Last. Yesterday morning about 2 o’clock Officers Jones and C<d-, her saw John Malone and John Haden coming from East Rome acting is a very suspicious man ner, and thinking something was wrong locked the negroes up to await further developments. Later on a telegram was re ceived Lorn the Sheriff of Walk er county to look out for the two negroes, as they were badly wanted for the killing of an old negro man by ’ the name of George Andrews, last Friday near Chicamauga. It was learned that the negro killed was from Rome, also the two that did the murder. Andrews’s head was beat with an iron bar, to a jelly. The sheriff of Walker county came down and carried the two negroes back to await trial at LaFayette, for murder. COLORED POPULATION Had a Big Day at The Exposi tion Park Yesterday Yesterday was a big day in Rome for the colored population. They turned out en masse to at tend a big camp meeting at the old exposition park. From early morning until late at night the cars were kept busy hauling the big crowds. Fully two thousand negroes wont out. Fifteen or twenty negro preachers from Rome and sur rounding country were on hand to preach the; gospel to the “brother in black.’’ The crowd was good natured and seeme 1 to enjoy the day intensely. TRANSPORT DAMAGED. London, Aug 20—The Russian transport Tanaboff from St. Peters* barg for Port Arthnr with 700 troops and a quantity of ammuni tion on board arrived at Dart mouth today slightly damaged as the result of a collision with an unknown brig off Diver. Mrs. A. B. Watkins and child* ten, of Rome, are the guests of the family of Mr. F. C. Watkins and will remain until the first of Sep tember. Mr. Watkins will come down from Rome in a short time to j >in his fnmily and return with them. IMMENSE CROWD The annual camp meeting in progress at Morrisons camp ground is drawing emense crowds. Never in the history of any previous meeting has such in terest been manifested. The beautiful day yesterday was an ideal one for such an oc casion and the people went out in minerals. “Just any old thing.” in the way of a vehickle was in demand, and hundreds was kipt away be iny unable to get a rig. All report a most delightful day. CIATION-LEAVE TC SELL. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern. W. I, Enn s, Administrator of Red man Pentecost deceased, has in tue form upplied to the under signed for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said de teased and said application will be heard on the first Monday in September next. This 3rd day of Augud 1898 John P. Da*l“, Ordinary CITATION —LEAVE TO SELL GEORGIA FLoYD COUNTY. Tc all whotn it may concern. John B Reser. Administrator of Mrs H. I Roser deceased, has in du i form applied to the undersign id for leave Io sell the lands be 'onging to the estate of said de ceased, and said application will be heard on the first Monday in September .ext. This fourth day .f August. 1898. JIHN P. Davi».Ordin iry i SHEW SALES fMI TO. ~ » GEORGIA Fl/.iYD COUNTY Mill be sold before the court house di.or in the city of Rome, Floyd Co. Ga. between the 1-gal hours ol sale, on the first Tue <l».y in September 1898 the following described property to win Tbut tract or parcel of land sit uated, lying and b-ing in Flojd county Gin, and in the city ot Rome lying on the Eastern side of the Oustan m’a river, being a por tion of land lot No. 286 m the 23rd district and 3rd section of said county, Beginning on King street at the Northeast corner of the lot known us the Pinson or old Brick Yard lot and running in a Northerly direction and along the West *ide of King street to the Southeast corner of the lot known as the McGuire lot, thence to the Oostanaula river on a line at right ang es with King St, this last mentioned line being North of the two story brick dwelling standing on the pa.cel of land hereby conveyed, thence down said Oostanaula river to tl.e Northwest corner of the said Pinson or old Brick Yard lot, thence along the Northerly boundary line of the said Pinson or old Brick Yard ot to the place of beginning. The said parcel ot land is bounded cn the North by the McGuire lot. on the South by the Pinson or old Brick Yard lot, on the East by King street and' on’ the West by the Oostanaula river, being the parcel of land as now enclosed containing 'wo acres more or less, also that tract or parcel ot land situated, lying and being in the town o’Forestville in said ccunty of Fioyd and state of Ga., and known in the plan of the said town aslots 165, 166 167 and 207 Levied on by virtue of a fi fa is sued from Floyd city court in fa vor of S, F. Magruder, cashier, against W M. Towers, as the prop erty of W. M. Towers. Also at the same time and place a part of the property in the First ward of the city of Rome, hereto fore known as the H olui'-s Sanita rium lot and particularly d n-ciib- Ted as follows, —Beginning on tin West side of Ninth avenue n said city of Rome at, the *-<>iit beast corner of said H< linns Samiarium property and running thence in a Northerly direction al mg the West side of Ninth avenue two hundred bet to a street, thence along the Sjuth side of said street in a Westerly direction one hun dred and thirty-one feet to the East side i t a street opened through the above mentioned Holmes San itarium property, thence in a Southerly direction along tha side of said street two hundred feet, thence in an Easterly direction along the line dividing this prop erty from the G.W. Holmes estate one hundred and thirty-one feet to the starting point. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage ti fa issued from Floyd Superior court in fa vor of R G. Clark against W. H . Cokerand W. J. Neel, as the property o. W. H. Cukerand W. J. Neel. Also at the same time and place fifty acres m North part of lot of land number ore hundred and ninety-six in the 24th district and 3rd section of F.oyd county, to satisfy balance cf purchase money deed bung filed and record-d in clerk’s ..flice of Superii r court c t thiscou..!}. Levied on by virtue of an attachiiK nt fi fa issued from Floyd Superior c- urt in favor of J. C. Evere’te against Louis Bur ton as the property of the defend ant. Also at the fame time and place all that tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the Fourth ward of the city of Rome, Ga., known as the Mitchell survey Floyd county Ga., hi lot number fo-ty-thr h in block “B” fronting <>n Mitchell street one hundred fl and on the West by lot No. 44. on the East »»v a. R. ilaib.»r, on tli< North by Jo' n Hat ri-on and more fully described indeed trom H. D. Hill and Florenc • f, Hill to F Hickey trustee, recorde l in Clerk’s office book “D. D. ” page SQ.5 Q . Also all that tract or parcel of lane lyii g in the 23rd district and 3rd section of said county being one half intertst in lots designated a. Aai d Bof BarnweD survey of what is known as the Glautun place near East Rome, said lots’ lying contigom to each ocher and containing in all about 25 acres' and bounded on the North by the Veal property, on the East by Dean street, on the West by the land ot G, H. Miller, see deed from GtorgeD. Cox to Martin Graham. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fi fa issued from Floyd superior court in favor ol R, G. Clark against W. H . Adkins [as ibe property of »be deleudaut. Also at the same ti ll)P a , lot numbei two hnndnd ar(l ,* " Ce ry seven, eighty fi VB ■ bcutheast con er < f i ot ... J h « i wo hundred and forty, eightv^fi*' l ' aer. s on the North side o f number two hundred a„d ot lot number one hundred ’. J ninety-one, No ,, h ha)f M number one huodr d an d ‘ two. twenty-eight acres ard » teen rods of lot numb r two | di- d and forty-two m the South’ west corner of h- id lot, hegi at Southwest corner ot hi d running N. r h sixty rods !' Alabnina ro .d. iln n following road to the slutiuh sixty- B J’ rods, thence Southerly six y»eigk rods, i hence West to t! e line s. venty-two and :wo-thi! rods, aso East halt o f numl’ two hundred and sixty-three |J mg eighty acres, a n of ’ ? number twc hundred and six lying a-’d being in the twenty secund diitrict and Trd sections Floyd county Gu. 1? vied on | yirtue of a li fa issued from KlorJ citv court in favor vfllnmi. ton & < o. . against Mary A. Foh,h hey.J-hnscn & Formhy. AHrej Jolinsjn and M Foimbey as th H property of Alfred Jolm.-on on,. () ( the defendants. Also nt the «tanie time and p] Bce all that tract or parcel of land being in the 23rd district and 3 r j “action of Floyd county Ga , | Je . ing six'een acres in the Southwest corner of lot number two hundred and eleven. Levied on by virue of a mortgage fi fa issued from Floyd Superior court in favor of A. S, Burney agaiugt Martha Gra ves, as the pr porty of the defend ant. Also at the same time and plice that part of lot number sixty-oiu in block “B” in the wa>d of the city of Rome Floyd county Gourgia fronting 40 feet on ave nue “B. ” formerly Spruce street, and running back same width oiih hundred and <• rfy feet, the same being bound. <! on the North by the Coraway pro, erty, on the East by avenue “ B” and on the Sou’h and West by the property of W. p, McLeod and being the uremeeis whereon J. A. Buffington now re. sides. Levied on by virtue of a fi fa issued from the Floyd Superior court in favor of Jonn H, Reynolds against W. P. McLeod, as the propertv of the defendant. J. P. McConnell, Sheriff. sirifis Tai sales Mjlrtr 11. GEORGIA.FL "YD CUVNTY, Will be sold before the ro irt house door in the city of li .me Fioyd county Ga., betw< ,u tlr legal hours of eale on the IstTiM day in Sf'ptember 1898,the toll w ing described property bv vtua of state and county fax li La is ■rued by the tax col feet, r of Floyd county Ga., and against the fol lowing named defendants. All that tract or parcel of ' .nd situated, lying and being in lo‘. No. 278 in th.' 23rd district 3rd s'-ctioii of Floyu county Ga. Said particu rr tract of laud heme one-half ot lot No 2 m Penniog tou survey and lying n«ar Souih east corner of lot No. °7B measur ing 200 feet North and South and feet East and West and '*oo tams of an acre. Levied on by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by John J. Black; former T. C., in favor of state and county for tax IM against John T. Taylor, ns lh'> property of the defendant. J. P. McConnell, Sheriff. CITATION- LEAVE 10 SE I I- GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may confirm W. H., administrator <1 Polly Penticost, deceased, has i‘> due form applied to the uiidei signed for leave to soil the 1..ui1« belonging to the estate of deceased, and said appfii a’ i"t' ‘ be heard on the first M-nnav September in x’. Tin* 3rd dat "t Aug al, 1898. John P. Davi>. <).,tmnry. LIBEL EOR DIVORCE. .-.TATE OF GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY — Laura Bailey 1 No 45 Floyd S’p r v-. f court,Jun,term ’9B John Bailey. ) Libel for Divorce. To the defendant John Bailey : Yuu are hereby commanded to be and appear at the next term of superior court of Floyd County Ga., to be held on the third Mon day in January 1899 then mid there to answer the plaintifl s l’ e ' tit’ion for divorce in the above stated case, as in default tin reof the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Hon. W. M. Heufy> judge of aaid court, this 5 h d»y of July, 1898. W. E, 'Beymegkl, JClwrk cf Superior Court.