The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 25, 1898, Image 2

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PERSONAL MENTION. Algood Holmes spent today)< in the city. Mr.jW. I'. Hix, of Atlanta, < is in the city' Mrs. Guy S. Cothran is visit— ing friends in Mentone. Mr. 11. K. Rambo, of Atlanta, is registered at the Central. Miss Bessie Sproull is the) gm st of frit mis in Cartersville. | Mr. ami Mis. S.T. Buchanan, I of Trion.spent today in the city. Mr. It. L. Ramsey,ot Atlanta, j is in the city today on business. Mr. Henry Botts, of Atlanta, is registered at the Armstrong today. • < Mr. A. J. Lawson, of Chatta nooga, is stopping nt the Arm strong. Mr. W. G. Hinsey, of Nash ville, is stopping at the Arm strong. 1 Miss Nellie Wyly left today for Borden Springs to spend sev eral weeks. Miss Belle Bass, of Lavender, is spending a few days in the city with friends. Bad blood becomes good blood t on taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It is the great bio id purifier. Prof and Mrs. J. C. Harris! went down to Cedartown this) •morning to visit relatives. For Sale: 7 fine milk cows- Apply to G-. B. t Holder at Lindale. < Judge George Harris, of ' Rome, was in town Monday, attending court. —C a 1 h o u n c i Times. Misses Berta Maddox' and Louise Anderson eturned to Rome last Thursday.—Summer ville News. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ledbetter have returned to this city, ac companied by Miss Minnie Tomlinson. Col. John Cheney left Tues day on a business trip to Rome and will return Friday.—Mari etta Journal. Mrs. Haywood and daughter Miss Blanche, of Chattanooga, are the guests of Mrs. J. A. Glover, in the Fourth ward. Mr. Will Chidsey came up Saturday to visit Mrs. Chidsey, whois with the family of Capt. Cleghorn.—Summerville News. • File melons, cantaloupes, butter beans, egg plants ami oilier good things only at Lloyd & Harpdrs. They hustle to please. Big Brown Jug Fil ters for sale. Price $2-00. Miss Julia Stewart. Miss Chisholm, of Atlanta, is m Rome, where she is lining the importa it yosition of secretary to Prof. T. J. Simmons, preai dent of Shorter College.—Atlan ta Journal. Miss Louise Anderson, after a pleasant visit to Congressman Maddox’s family in Rome and to Lookout Mountain, returned home last 'Tuesday even! g,— Marietta Journal. Miss Marvin Trevitt, one of M.Jtou’s most charming young t .dies, is the guest of her broth er, Dr. C. A. Trevitt, in the Fifth ward. She lias j ust returned ■ from a delightful visit to Miss Watters, in Atlanta. Misses Mamie and Aimer Anderson, who hayo been the; guests of Mrs. J. Dallas Turner in the Fifth Ward, left thi* morning for Cedartown, when 1 they will spend several davs be hire returning to their homo in Macon. Mr. W. P. MeLtod is quites sick. Mrs. Frink L. West is report- I nd as no belter today. Mr. Walter Watters his re turned from Cave Spring. Mrs. J A. Sharp is visiting’ friends in Walker.county. 'Two weeks longer and the : public schools w’ll be open. Miss Anna Atkinson has re turned to her home in Marietta. Mr. Will Sandford, who was taken ill at the b ill game 'Tues day, is out today. Misses Lena and Liu O’Neil have returned from a pleasant visit to friends in Marietta. Mr. John D. Wake, one of Floyd’s prosperous farmers, spent last night in the city. Mr. V. M. Barton. o p Adairs ville, will move to Ro no :uon. He has a good position uor<*. Mr. aed Mrs. Hal blvu .llHi uh and two children left today for Mentone to ipend several weeks. “Finest coffees ever brought to Rome’’ is the verdict of all who try those sold by Lloyd & Harper. Nothing better for the price can be-produced anywhere Perhaps it’s because of his “knock down’’ accomplishment that the professional auctioneer can never get a situation as a store clerk or car conductor. Rome Public Schools. -Child ren not in attendance at Rome Public schools last year who desire to attend the coming year are re quested to report to superintend* ent’s office on Thursday, Friday or Saturday, Sept Ist, 2ndlind 3rd for the purpose of grading and registration. Colored will report to principal at colored schools. By order of the board, W. H. Steel, Secy, Baptist Association —The Floyd county -Baptist Associa tion will meet next 'Tuesday at Enon church ten miles from Rome. The Association is com posed of all the churches in this county. Dr. R. B. Headden and a number of delegates from Rome will attend. 'The conven tion will be in session several days. Very lll.—Rev. A. A.Tilley, chaplain of the Second Georgia regiment came up from Hunts ville ibis morning at 1 o’clock with John Harvey, who con tracted fever while in camp and is dangerously ill at his home in North Rome Rev. 'Tilley went down to Cave Spring this morn ing and will return to Huntsville tomorrow. ' mother of f, Vt&RO** 4 rd mal, y children I ' A ’ s ranked ftamong nature’s ■'Y«nv £ : es b 1 ess i *J J InRS but n yA^- wben tbe ycares <f -L i tbe busy j housewife V V / are addled to the trials frequent motherhood, jV 2/ it is too great a burden /j ■vl f° r a woman who is not in *l. prime health and condition, //"fj Every woman who is called upon to bear the ordeal of Xs bringing many children into the world needs the support and reinforcement of that wonderful strength - promoting "Favorite Prescrip tion ” originated by Dr. R V. Pierce, chief consulting physician of the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. V.. and one of the iqost eminent of living special ists in treating tbe ailments of women. Mrs. David H Langley, of Lancing, Morgan Co., Tenn., in a recent letter to Dr Pierce, writes: " I am now thirty-six years old and have given birth to ten children. Eight onlv are living I ti.w twin boys six years old. The same spring after they were born I was confined to my bed all spring and summer with female complaint, had It so tudly I could hardly walk around the house without {ieeHug worse. I was restless at night, sleep almost fcft me, and I was almost a skeleton. I did not call my doctor as I had tried the doctors twice before when 1 was down with the same trouble, and mv husband paid out « great deal for me. I received uo lasting benefit. I had almost lost all hope of ever being able do anything. My husband had to work very I hand and I could not even attend to the babies, i Ffo one can know the distress of mv mind as a» body. Dr. Pierce’s Pavorice Prescription was Hit only medicine that seemed to dome any good. Aftee I had taken the first bottle and part of the second. J could sleep well and all my troubles began to get better I Iselieve I took eight bottles and theu I (e|t like a different person I gave birth to another baby and my oW domplnint came back I began using the Feroi'iu Prescription and was soon relieved and wss 10 do mv work, including th« washing. 11 ~ Mothers would be iwmjensely helped itt raising their children strong ami healthy by the sound professional advice conta|n<*4 in Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Ad viser. This thousand-page book will be sent free for 21 one cent stamps to pay the cost of mailing only. Address, World’s Dispensary Med. Assn., Buffalo, N. V., or send jj stamps for a cloth bound copy. - r— -JS- - - | LOCAI HAPPENINGS. House to Rent.—ln East Rome, near depot. Good water. Apply to L A. Lloyd. Police G< urt S ’ veral minor caseietiiel at this morning’s; i police court and were quickly] j disposed oil. Closes Tonight.—The ca p meeting at Morrison’s camp ground will close tonight. 'The services will bo conducted by Revs. Bugg and Sewell. City Court.—Judge G. A. 11. Harris will convene city court at the court house the second weekin September. Civil cases will probably be taken up first. Disorderly House.—Bail:(ls Bryant and Wimpee brought old Mrs. Caldwell and her two daughters from Foster’s Mills this morning and lodged them m jail, with running a lewd house. Moving.—Dr. Frank Wright, the up town druggist commenc ed moving part of his stock of drugs to Cave Spring this morn ing where he will continue the drug business. Good Ball Game.—l 9 to 15 in favor of Rome was the score of yesterdays ball game at the exposition park. The Rome boys went in to win and put up a magnificent game. They played again this afternoon. No Better.—Mr. Charley Crawford, who is dangerously ill at his home in Cedartown, is reported as no better today. He is gradually sinking and iiis death is expected momentarily. His brother, Mr. J, SantyCuaw ferd is at his bedside. Appointed Surgeon.—Dr. W. P. Harbin has been appointed a surgeon in tbe United Stated army and will be statimed at Waco,, Ga. The salary is sls) per month but will only la?t a fe»f m-mths. Hia brothe", Dr. R, M. Harb n will have charge of his ] ractica during his absence Going to the Camp Meeting? —Then you had belter get some thing nice in picnic goods to take witii you. You can find ev erything fresh in delicious pick les, new canned goods, crisp crackers, fancy lemons, nice fruit, melons, fat chickena.fredi bread, cakes, etc., Lloyd Har pers. Broke Down.—The electric cars happened to another acci dent Tuesday. Some part of the machinery at the power house broke down and it will probably be tomorrow before the cars will be running again. The accident was quite an unfortunate one at this time on account of the ball eames in progress at the park. Hacks were run between the park and the city today. D. a. R Entertainment.— Ihe D. A. R. entertainment at the Armstrong tonight promises to be a most enjoyable affair. During the evening Mrs. Mc- Millan will sing “The Heavenly Song’’ and by special request “Schubert’s Serenade.’’ Mrs. T. J. Simmons will also contribute to the enjoyment of the occasion by singing two solos. Admission 25c. Gamesters —Officers Mulky, Johnson, Wimpee, Collier and xVlorris made a wholesale ar rest of a gang of gamblers who had congregated on the banjos of the Coosa river dear Ilorseleg creek, this morning about 9 o’clock. 'l'liey were taken to police headquarters and locked up until warrants can be sworn , out for them tor eaminif. The crow-1 consisted of four white 1 men and two negroes. They were shufling the cards when ) the officers surprised them. APPLICATION for; LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. Whereas A. D.Hardin,adminis trator of M. Avery Hardin, repre sents to the court in his petition duly filed, that he has administer 4 - ed M. Avery Jlardin’s estate. This is to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors to show I cause it any they can, why said | administrator should not be dis ; charged from his administration nda receive letters of dismission on the first Mon lav m October IS9S. This July 9lh lls'.K. I> IN P I >nvis (> <’i nnrv LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. T<» all whom it may concern. Emma Pentecost having in proper form aiipli”d to me lor pennanent letters of administration on the (state of Polly Pent cost lam of said county, deceased. This is to cite all and singular the creduors and next of kin of Polly P. nt< cost to be and appear at my office with in the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to W. H. Ennis, Co., Ailm'r on Polly Pentecosts’ estate Witness my hand and offi cial signature this 4th day of July 1898, John P. Davis, Ordinary, ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Agreeably to an order of the court of ordinary for Floyd county Georgia, granted at the November term, 1897, will be sold before the court house door in the city of Rome between tbe legal hours of isaleon the first Tuesday in Sept , the following property towit, —One undivided 2i5 interest in lo’sNos, 167, 168. 171, 190, 192. 202, 2-11, 242,244.245 and 8 4tbs of 189 and the South half of 240 All containing 450 acres more or less, subject to dower of Mrs Martha G. Miller. Said property sold as the propirty of J J. Miller, de ceased, late of said county. Terms of sale cash. W H. Ennis Administrator estate of J. J. Miller, deceased. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY To all whom it may concern Emma Penteccst havinf in proper ’ form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Redmon Pentecost, late of said county deceased. This is to cite all and singular tbe credit ors and next of kin of R-dmon Penteco-t to be and appear at my office within tho titre allowed by law and show cause if any they can, why permanent administra tion should not be granted to W H. Ennis Co , Adm’r on Redmon Pentecost’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature this 4th day of July 1898 John P. Davis Ordinary. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION GEORGIA F. OYD C UNTY. To all whom it man concern. George F . Chidsey having in prop er form applied to me for perma nent letters of administration on the estat of Mrs. Sarah B. Chid sey. late of said county, deceased. This it to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Mrs. Sarah B, Chid-ey to be a>>d ap pear at iny ofll :e within the time allowed by law and show cause if any they can why permanent ad ministrate!! should not be granted to Geo, K Chidsey on Mrs. Sa rah B, Chids-y estate. Witness my hand and official signature this sth day of August 1898. John P. Davis, Ordi"ary, YEAR’S SUPPORT. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern . Notice is hereby given that the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a year’s support to Mrs. Margaret J. Harris, 'the widow of Dr. 0. S. Harris, deceas ed, have filed their award and un less good and sufficient cause is shown the same will be made the judgement of the court at the September term of the court ot ordinary. This August 4th 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. CITATION —LEAVE To SELL. XSEOiU,IA, i«'L<>yD Ctq’KTy. Io all whom it may concern, J.! W. C. Harris, administrator of Dr. C. S Harris, deceased, has in due form applied to the under signed for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said de- i c< ant'd, and said application will i be h aid on the first Monday in i September t ext. This I~t day of i August 1898. .J. hh P. Davis, 1 2~' Ordinary. i SHERIFF* SALES fOE miBHR 1898. 3EORGIA FLOYD COUNTY, Mill be sold before the court house door in the city of Rome, Floyd Co. Ga. between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in September 1898 the following described property to wit: That tract or parcel of land sit uated, lying and being in Floyd ■county’ Ga., and in the city of Rome lying on the Eastern side of the O istan <ti'a river, being a por tion of 1 Gid lot No. 236 in the 23rd district and 3rd sectii n cf staid county. Begui ling on King street at the North' ast corner of the lot known as the Pinson or old Brick Yard lot and running in i: Northerly direction and along the W. st ‘■ide of King street to 1 the S ..tbeast corner of the lot i known ns the McGuire lot, thence to the Oostanaulu river on a line at right ang es with King St, this last mentioned line being North of the two rtory brick dwelling standing on the pa.cel of l«nd hereby conveyed, thence dow n said Oostanaula river t-> the Northwest ■ corner of the said Pinson or old Brick Yard lot, thence along the Northerly boundary line of the , said Pinson or old B:ick Yard ot to the place of beginning. The said parcel ot laud is bounded cn the North by the McGuire lot. on the South by the Pinson or old Brick Yard lot, on the East by King street and on the West by the Oostauaula river, being the . parcel of land as now enclosed containing 'wo acres more ox less, also that tract or parcel of land eiluar>d lying and being in the town of Forestville in said county ] of Fioyd and state of Ga., and known in the plan •of the said town as lots 165, 166 167 and 207. Levied on by virtue of a fi fa is sued from Floyd city court in fa vor of S, F. Magruder, cashier, against W M. Towers, as the prop erty of W. M. Towers. Also at the same time and place a part of the property in the First ward of the city of Rome, hereto fore known as the II times Sanita rium lot and particularly d scrib ed as follows, — Beginning on the iVest side of Ninth avenue ii said city of Rome at the b’outheast corner of said Hclmes Su'mtarium property and running thence in a Northerly direction along the . West side of Ninth avenue two hundred feet to a street, thencr . along the S <uth side of said stree 1 in a Westerly direction one hun dred and thirty-one feet to the Exst side of a street opened through tbe above mentioned Holmes San itarium property, thence in a Southerly direction along the sid * of said street two hundred feet. • thence in an Easterly direction along the line dividing this prop erty from the G.W. Holmes estate one hundred and thirty-one feet to the starting point. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fi fa issued from Floyd Suj enor court in fa* vor ot R G. (dark against W H . Coker and W. J. Neel, as the property ux W. H. Coker ana W. J. Neel. Also at the Sfiihe time and plac* fifty aerps in Norf part of lot of land number o- e hundred and uineiy-o-ix in the l-l.a district and 3rd sec’K'ii of Fioxu county, to satisfy balance cf purchase monej deed being fib’d and record' d in clerk s office of Superb r court < • this cou ty. LuV'nd on by virtue of an attachment fi ta issued frpn Floyd Superior c urt in favor of J. C Ev re‘le ag'imat Louis Bur ton as th<‘ prop uty of thedofend ant, j. Also at the fam-' time and plact all that tract or parc«i of lane situated, lying and being in the Fourth ward of the city of Rome. G-a., known as th'-* Mitchell survex Floyd county Ga., ns lot number t'uty-ibr e in block “B” fronting •m M.tchell ‘•■'reel one hundred fi and on the West by lot No. 44. oi the East by A. R. Harbor, on tin North by John Harrison and mor, fully d scribed indeed from II D. Hill and Florence f, Hill to F Hickey trust, e, recorded in Clerk’e office book “D. D ” page 58. Alsi all that tract or parcel of lane lying in the 23rd district and Brc. section of said county being one half interest in lots designated a» A and B of BarnweP survey oi what is kin wn as the Glantou place near E ist Rome, said lyir g contigoirs io each ocher and containing in all about 25 acres’ and bounded on the North by the Veal properly, on the East by Dean street on the West by the land ot G. 11. Miller, see deed from George D. Cox to Martin Graham. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fi fa issued from Floyd i superior court in favor of R, G. Clark against W. H . Adkins as the property of the defendant. lot number ih, j,. ~ . ”.| ' ” ty seven, eighty h Vo ' Southeast corner of lot im two hundred and forty, eightyXl acres on the North side of J t number two hundred and five L i ot lot number one hundred ’a.'d ninety-one, North half of . * ' number one hundred and n-m I two, twenty-eight acres ard Blr * teen rods of lot numb-r two hunZ , dred and forty-two in the South west corner of Bai d lot, begi nn Dir at Southwest corner of 9ai( j ( [ ' and running North sixty rods to , Alabama road, then following the . road to the slough sixty-seven rods, thence South -ly sixty-eight rods, thence West to ‘he original line seventy-two and two-third rods, also East half of number two hundred and sixty-three be ing eighty acres, also all of’ l o [ number twe hundr ■! ni'd six all lying a"d being (u q,.) ■ second district and t' d i,-, n ’ Floyd county Ga. 1/ Vl .*d ()l , i, y yirtue of a li fu is‘ m u in )h h’lox city court in favor ~i ton & Co. . again *l Mm v Korin. bey.Jihnscu & Fnrn by. Alfred Johnson and M. F<wmbej as the property of Alfred Johnsmi one of the defendants. Also at the same time am) place all that tract or parcel of ] aiH j being in the 23rd district. an d Brd «ection of Floyd county G a ., be ing six’een acres in tl e” Southwest corner of lot number two hundred and eleven. Levied on by virus of a mortgage fi fa issued from Fioyd Superior court in bivor of A.S, Burney against Martna Gro ves, as the property of the defend ant. Also at the same time and place that part of lot number sixty-one in block “B” in the K. u.-h ward of the city of Rome E'oyd county Gourgia fronting 40 Pet on ave nue “B. ” formerly Spruce street, and running back s- tn ~ width one hundred and f< rt v feel the sanis being bound, d on ihe N. rth by ths Coraway property, on the East by avenue “B” and on the South and West by the property of W. P. McLeod and being the premesis whereon J. A. Buffington now side?. Levied on by virtue cf a fi fa issued from the Floyd Superior court in favor of Jonn 11. Reynolds against W. P. McLeod, as the property of the defendant. J. R. McConnell, Sheriff M'S Tai Forstijileiita 1898. GE 0 R GIA. FLO Y D IV NT Y, Will be sola be'oi - the court house door in the city of Rome Floyd county Gw., between the legfil hours of sale m the lstTu**s day in Septembei 1898 ihe toii"»»- ing described p'op.-riv bv wtiu of state and county tux fi f>P is sm-d by" the tux col ecu.r of Floyd county Ga., and against the fol’ lowing named defendi.ios. All that tract or parcel of laud situated, lying and being in lot No. 278 in th ' 23. d d stnet and 3rd section of Fioyd county da. Said particu ar tract of land being one-half of lot No 2 m Penning ton survey and Iyl"g m’nr South east corner of lot No. ’''7B measur ing 200 feet North ami Smith and 163| feet East ami West ami con tains f ths of nil acre. 1/ ved on I'Y virtue of a tax fi fa issued bf John J. Black, former I’. C.,in favor of state and county f.x lax D'*l - John T Taylor, u“ tha property of the defendant. J. P. MbCoNNKLL. Sheriff. 9 CI TATION-LEAVE 10 SELL GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. I 'To al! may cone ri'. I W. H.', ad m inis'l at' ll ' I Polly Penticost, Gfcei-S'-d. h> ni I due form applied to th 1 ’ un>.'‘>' ■ signed for >eave to sell the I toh ■ belonging to the e-taie "I HMlt I deceased, unr. said Hpplicati' n " |! ‘ I fie heard on the first M.-ndaV '*t I. September m x‘. 'Tins 3rd i.i'V °* I' August, .1898. J< UN i’ DavH. Ij Ordinary*.- B LIBEL EUR DIVORCE. 1 iTATE OF GEORGIA FLOYD COtTNTY-- ■ Laura Bailey ) No d 5 Eloyd Sp f ■ v. > court,Jun,term M John Bailey. Libel for Divorce. ■ To th j defendant J.din BuileV B Yell are hereby ■ be and appear ut th** nt xt IHrIU 0 B • uperior court o. Elozd C"' l ' 1 _ ■ fa ,to be buhl on In* Hurd 0 ■ lay in January 1899. # B rhere'to answer tlm phunt'H s) ■ ition for divorc" i" f* l '’ .“m H tated cas-, as mde milt 11 j l)Cp H ho court will proceed a* t"J dt ■ ■ hall > ppertnin. , rV B Witness the lion W. W j B j idge t f saad court, this ‘ H >f July, 1898. B W. E, B»S Y-HK ■ Clerk ofjdupermr O r ‘- ■