The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 28, 1898, Image 4

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IIEHUSTLER-COMMERCIAL EHUSTLER OF A? 2 4 £ Establlsbed, lf.«l. "HE ROME COMMERCIAL E«tabliHhe<l. 1895. ■tied every e>enllg. except Saturday. Sandav and weekly. PHIL G. BYRD, EDITOR AND MANAGER. Office WilUirson Block. Third Avenue The protocol don’t seem to have Lenefitted Alger. Dewey and Merritt didn’t need any protocol business in theirs. Teddy wants his Rough Riders out and out they will go. Mark that prediction. Spain still has her Camara, though she is short on snap shots and negatives. Isn’t it horrible to think of the war department having plot ted against Gen. Miles? No, Jane, dear, Teddy Roose velt’* round robin didn’t build a nest in an Algerian pigeonhole. With Dewey opening and closing the scrap why should it not go down to posterity as the Manila war? The Minneapolis mills now make 14,000,000 barrels of flour a year and consume 00,000,000 bushels of wheat. Capt. Taylor don’t propose that the Indiana’s war record shall be lost in the shuttle—and Capt, Taylor is right Less than 300 Americans fell by Spanish bullets. More than 600 have died in the Chicamau ga hospital death traps. Alger and all his “surgeons” and “nurses” should bo sentenc ed to “two years or as long as they live” at Chics manga. How about the men of the Third regiment? Do they want to quit or do they want to re main in service? Who can tell? Blanco, having had a seige of yellow journalism before the war, is keeping the reporters out of Havana as long as possible. Will the 71st New York be mustered out? It will and every member of the command will ■oon be enrolled on the pension lists. A few dozen of these poor doctors-with-politicalpulls ought to be taken out of the volunteer camps and lynched, now that rope is cheap. Boss Tom Catt Platt, of New York, is now hunting cover and inoculating against Roosevelt’s Rough Riding, Rough Biting, Round Robins. A round robin to the weather man that wou’d remove the rain clouds would induce us to sign a protocol with Gen. Heat, of the summer division. It toos Edwin M. Stanton lees time to muster out of ser vice an army of over half a mil lion men than it will take Alger to muster out 100,000. Holy smoke ! But won’t it be fun to do the Joe Wheeler act on a tree and watch the conflict between Gen. Uniform Miles and the “Michigan Gang?” Let the Northern bloody-sbirt howlers remember the hospital service,and the horrors attached, at Chicamauga, and let up on the cry of Andersonville prison. Um Rayal is tbe hiqheat baking powd.r Um> AcUutl testi. shew it goes o:ia further than ««r other bread. POWDER Absolute!/ Pure ROYAL bAKINO POWOFR 00., NfW YORK. The Chicamauga hospital horrors will forever overshodow the Andersonville sufferings. At Chicamauga the volunteer patients were grossly neglected, and, though feverridden, were forced to sleep on the damp ground while a mighty nation’s bounty was wasted while they starved. At Anderson ville it was different. A blockade was on and the prisoners were in a coun try they and their comrades had been devastating for years. At Andersonville, the surgeons and nurses did all they could do. At Chicamauga the hospital offi cials neglected every duty. By all means let an investigation be ordered and the guilty scoun drels run down and hung. The Duke of Westminster has written to the London papers vehemently denying the state ment so frequently made in the press that nis income is |5 a minute On every minute in the year. He submitted figures showing that his income is only f? a minute. If the Duke would give us about an hour of his valuable time —say some Sun day when he can spare it—we would enlarge the paper. Gen. Fitz Lee thinks that eight of the major generals will be retained in the army, and that the service will contain 100,000 men. Will Gen. Lee please tell us why this nation should be burdened with a standing army of 100,000 men? Is it going to take 75,000 soldiers to hold Por to Rico, Cuba, Luzon and a few coaling stations? If so then Uncle Sam has captured a herd of white elephants. When Blanco reached the bitter end he thought it was the jumping off ’jjlace and tried to leap. His government, however, determined to save the most ex pert Spanish typewriter outside of that bourne which is paved with good intentions, and grab bed him by the coat tails and yanked him back again. “When a man blames more than he praises he is billions/’ says the New Orleans Picayune. Then that was not billiousness that had Joe Wheeler down when be was in Cuba. Fighting Joe is a billions immune. Many an ambitious young American who could not get off to Klondike, but who is now heading for an opening in Cuba or Porto Rico, will find the same to be about six feet long and grave deep. Admiral Candler has begun his bombardment and they say he is a splendid gunner —La Grange Reporter. Why put it “they say,” when you have suffered while doing target duty? Even so near home at Mon tauk Point rhe accomodations for the sick are wretched. This blundering incapacity should meet with a severe punishment. —Boston Traveller. I; Ki -ENUNCIATION . Ji no Ji: b of v IrmtP'rs have al* diod of <li*eases contracted i i I’ihiiiii' >i j ' iiinpH and ihousands mere will li 'fr'.m th ’ same cause The heath of many other th< n- ■ ‘ls 1 ■li i seriouHly injured •)i •! r • ler of their days At 1 l;.i) (i (■ nt of the 210,<100 voiHoteerw will return to their hotr -s <l':. r i in not being able to •»» rr>* tl'Mi pipy soldier and b um" ■ • .\ r rw ii< e experiences in the cal!', * < concentra’ion. They know that this si-kness j and death has caused mainly oy | the -riminui ignonmco and care ' lotsness of officers high in rank. They know that the incompetence and bridal indifference to the [health and manhood rights of the I soldiers was caused by making a political machine out of the war department instead of looking strictly to efficiency and fidelity in official sppoin*meats. The hundreds of thousands of disgruntled soldiers thutare going home, and the lelativts and friends ol the sick and dead men consti tute a very substantial part of every community of importance in the United States. The storm they will raise is calculated to make the wsr department and its culpable officers quake in their boots. The s'orm is already beginning to be heard. The injured e’ements are beginning to speak through tbe press. The gretft metropolitan papers are publishing column after column showing the shame* ful neglect of sanitary precautions in the various camps of the coun try and the general cussedness of the who’e system, or rather want of system, in the management of the vo'untecr army. Ere long the whole press >f the nation will join the indignant chorus and the thunder of their denunciation wifi -hake the country from center to circumference. The political effect is something which the party in power may well fear. It is likely to neutra'ize all the capita! that it has made ou’ of the victory over Spain.—Macon News. 1 . - W ■ T IH-L—' Here lies the body of Moses Draper (Tread softly ye who pass), Vt Ito lived till sixty without a paper, And then blew out tile gas. —Rick Valley Register We are told that Lieut. Willie Tiffany, of Roosevelt's Rough Riders, and a son of the New York millionaire jeweller, died of starvation. Alger’s gang seems to be, no respecter— If Spain bad only known how Alger and the political surgeons were conducting the army hos pital she might have held on a few weeks and seen different lesults. Some people are naturally nervous, while others are trou bled with prickly heat. An actress is often indebted to the florist for the flowers she gets over the footlights. There is nothing a manly man admires more than a girlish girl or a womanly woman. The man who fails to lay up something for a rainy day al ways has to depend on his friends for anumbrella. It doesn’t always make a man happy when a girl returns his ’ lovi—especially when it’s re turned because she has no use for it. Before marriage every man has a theory about managing a wife, but after marriage he finds that it’s a condition and not theory that confronts him. —Chicago News. • Hon. John W. Maddox, the popular congressman from the Seventh, was here Tuesday with his wife and two youngest chil dren, to be present at the burial of his kinsman, Mr. Edward Jones, of Mississippi.—Cedar town Standard. | 5 BEST SANITARY PLUMBING B •'1 ®®<|HMMl®®®e®®®®«»®®®®®®®®®®«» K i B ij 5 Gas, Water and Steam Fitter. p Writer IL I A « I Qas Fixtures, deters ” as 5t °ves F R # Pumps, Hydraulic rams, steam fix y S tures, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Elec- & S trie fixtures. D S Ir ’ I have employed Alex S. Pierce to rj ■ L take charge of my shop department. K 1 U Lie one best workmen in the L J South. Repair work attended to i promptly. |N I JOHNCCHILDS, I 4 • 223 Broad st. Opposite Thos. F y '-Ji •*> ■ 'S''®''®''®''® 7 ®''® S' (1 IKIME an URGE J 1 anlsoneaiw J 1* THEY ARE THE « : $7 KIND 9 )AT OTHER' PLACES. W, I :Buniedailoiiii?Ci).Z;a ' M ' • $ fl 5 a W I i EVERYTHING» i I H likkOEW T! tl■ I s K*■ t • H « II M COST d i*' v 1 | I Am A. O. Garrard |