The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 29, 1898, Image 2

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SLiOOL BOg-KS AT RAWLINS A NOVEL CONTEST Patrolman White, of Atlanta, Woo it. GIVES BEST DEFINITION Os a Model Police Officer Ard Wins Pr z. 3. Atlanta, Aug. 29.—Patrolman B. C. White won the inedal for th ■ best definitional to what it t >ok to in.ike a good policeman. Police Commissioners Patter son, Johnson and Branan met yesterday afternoon and care fully examined all the replies and decided that the following answer won the medal: “Physical endurance, moral courage, personal bravery, a nerve, temper under con trol, prompt attention to duty, willing obedience to orders, thorough knowledge of city laws, police regulations and geography of the city ; in brief, the charac teristics of a gentleman, a sol dier and a Christian ” By a comparison with the an swers fl'ed with Mr. G. N. Ilurtel, of The Constitution, to whom the police had given their replies, it was ascertained that No. 66 was Mr. B. C. White. The contest was inaugurated for the purpose of ascertaining what the members of the police department,thought about their duties and how they would ex press their views in writing. Messrs. George E. Johnson ind W, 0. Jones Are given the credit of getting up the contest. ► * Tetley’s Teas are being served free at Lloyd & Harper’s. Call often and enjoy a refreshing drink. Ladies specially invited. Picnic—The S. A. S club,will give a picnic at Wng t's Mills, tomorrow. They w.II go out in a large wagon, and a most delightful day is anticipated by all. Tried To Lynch a*Negrj—News . C’ reached the citv today of an at empt to lynch a n ,gro io Gad sden last night. It seems he got in a quarrel with a white boy and <hot him, which caused the ‘rouble [t could not be learned who the parties were or any particulars what ever. May Come to Rome. —Capt. Bob Cook the water wonder, will probably give an exhibition it Mobley park lake at an early date. Manager Marvin is in cor respondence with him in regard to dates. He gave an exhibition here last year in walking on the water. The Old Reliab —Hon. Erve Price, of “Price’s Neck,” this county, was in the city to day “howdyin’ ” with a host of friends. Brother Prioe is going to be the doorkeeper of the next legislature, or North Georgia will know’ the reason why. The breath of lite never animated a more loyal man than Erve Price. Floyd loves him and he is North Georgia’s favorite. Long may he wave I Union Meeting —There was a nniou missionary ineeting at the First Methodist church this after noon a’ 4 o’clock. The follqwing interesting program was rendered: Scripture reading. Hong, Piayer Introductory remarks. Paper —Miss Hattie Cooper. Paper—Mrs. H. G. Sraitn. Song. Paper—Mrs. J, C. Princup. Paper—Miss Battie Shropshire, Song —Mrs Simmons. Discussion —What is my indi vidual interest iu mission? i Song. " 1 Question Soft—Conducted by 1 Mrs. J. A. Bate- BEAR AND LION May yet Fight Over Their China SITUATION IS CRITICAL England is in Grim Earnest- Naval Demonstration London, Aug. 29 —A special dispatch from Shanghai says it is stated there that the Chinese min ister at St. Petersburg has report ed to his government that in his opinion the Cnina question will p ecipitate a conflict between Great Brita n and Russia. This state of affairs, he says, is oving to the British ambassador presenting a note at St Peters burg of such a peremptory nature, demanding freedom of enterprise in regions where Russian influence is supposed to prod nniuate, that Count Muravieff cannot accept it. I'he Chinese minister indeed ex pects that a conflict will certainly break out before the end of the year. The Daily Mail’s Peking cor respondent says: M. Pavleff, the Russian charge d’affaires in China who has been appointed Russian minister to Korea, will be succeed ed here by M De Giera. who is at present acredited to Brazil. M. Pavlt fl’e removal is generally at tributed to Great Britain’s sudden change of policy, the object of which was to impress Rnss’a with the advisability of recognizing our paramountcy in the Yang-Tse valley. ! Russian govern-nent has uite in accord with Great i’s desire to delimit the rs of the sphere of influence, hen on last Thursday it was permently respect the ity of tbiij sph re. it declined t*any guarantee. A prompt[ istration of the British fleet in the gulf of Pechil*. was a ready answer to this equivocation. / TWO HAVE DIED Fk m Eating Toad.-toolb MutaUe For Mushrooms. Chambersburg, Pa., Aug 29. Mrs. George Jc flu res and child of Philiadelphia died in Shippensburg today from the effects of eating toadstoo's mistaking them for mushrooms Rev. Mr. Jefleres, the husband and father is in a very critical con dition from the same cause. MI-S DAVIS IMPROVING. Narraugansett Pier R 1., Aug 29. —The condition of Miss Winnie Davis, who is critically ill hese, was slightly improved today. At a consolation Saturday, by Dr. John A. WHcox and Dr. Bache Emmett of New York, her ilh ess was pronounced to be gastritis. Prayers were offered today for her recovery in the Episcopal and Catholic church here. ATCAMP POLAND. Caqpp Poland, Knoxville, Tenn., Aug 29. —The Sixth Ohio and the Fourteenth Minnesota regiments reached this camp today from Chickamauga park. The two regi ments brought about fifty sick, who were sent immediately to the iivision hospital. It is rumored here that Maj Hysell, chief surgeon of the divi sion, will resign and return home. He is from Ohio. * SICK MEN GOING HOME. Washington, Aug 29.—The sick it Camp Algk>r are being rapidly removed to their respective states. Forty-two sick men of the Mis souri regiments left today. Tomor row one hundred sick men of the Sixty-tilth New York will be sent home in a hospital train. • For Sale: 7 fine milk [cows Apply to G-. B. Holder at Lindale. < S BEST SANITARY PLUMBING M i. 1 j • B Ta Gas, Water ar, d Steam Fitter. W A I Qas Fixtures, Cjas s toves B !, R « Pumps, Hydraulic rams, steam fix- Ir si’ Y 2 tures, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Elec- {' © trie fixtures. IL p # ' k ss’ . • .I have employed Alex S. Pierce to 1® A L I take charge of my shop department. J 4 (_J ♦ He is one of the bestworkmen in the L fiy. J South. Repair work attended to 1 « promptly. . K M t > W :: JOHNO CHILDS, > 44 •’ 223 Broad st. Opposite Th os. F y M aal - - ® fe' <[.'! ® ... K> * - - |n mi OREE ® I i tetelW anls m earth t | THEY ARE THE * Tjg 2 $7 KIND |AT OTHER* PLACES. * J s Rmv Tailoring Co £' a I L • u •) s _ mji .aam NW W* tW W/ NX* -Afc.W .W NW .tf'W n i i EVERYTHIBG IN® 1 1 * WcW T T T T T—, T-T * 1 1 1 1 ! • ' 8 I i $ 11 il COST is * I ’I 8 1 firs. A. O. Garrard * *»»*»««««*****«*«**'-