The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 29, 1898, Image 4

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i™i[B-soiiira»i EHUSTLER OFR D A i KittabliHhed, UWO. *HE ROME COMMERCIAL EHlablUhed. IBW>. •ued every evening, except Saturday Saudav aud weekly. PHIL G. BYRD, EI ITOR AND MANAGER. Oflce Wilurwu. ,Block. Third A rente Montauk Point don’t seem tv be such a health resort after all. In his absence, oh,hero kissing woman, just oscul ite the grast —it’s Dewey. • ■■■■■■—■ 111. Thonsanda of bushels of peacbts were lost in Georgia, this year, fcr want of canneries. ■S”".. , g _!? Col. Ray b cable frank must have fallen overboard before he reached Santiago. In Cuba, the pr pulalion is de r > c e. in Porto Rico it is numerous. The same only different. • Sigsbee and the St. Paul and Wainwright and the Glouches ter were not in the New York .Naval parade. Hay-day in Albany is far more indicative of good times a con - ing than is the Hay-Day in tl e McKinley cabinet. The chief business of the Han na Misinformation Bureau thi fall will be to snppn ss and ex plain away the War department BcandaL. While the president is show ering pror'ntions on the com missioned officers, th "privates who did the fighting, are starv ing to death. The Porto Rican milk mi n milks Uis cows right in front of bis customers’ house. What a field that island offers to the men who sell pumas. We have three ex Presidents on our hands dow without counting Dole. Harrison is one and Cleveland is the other two. —St. Louis Republic. Speaking of the Cubans as being worthless and shiftless, can the United States afford to annex an island that will so largely increase the Populist vote? Asks a Kansas Democrat. Alger was guilty of base in gratitude in sending that ex planatory letter to Doctor Dep ew. He ought to have given it' to the Chicago Inter Ocean and aided a faithful friend to score a scoop. Spain is showing a disposition ■ to haggle, and hopes to unload the bulk of the Cuban debt up on Cuba. She will claim com pensation for public works in • Cuba, and will fight hard for any MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one con cern in the iaud who are not afraid to be generous to the needy ami suffering. The pro prietors of Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine ; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bron chitis, Hoarseness and all dis— eases of the Throat Chest and Lungs are surely, cured by it. Call on Curry Arrington, drug gist, and a trial bottle free. Regular size 50c and sl. Every 1 bottle guaranteed or money re funded. Th. la tba *••>••• P"*' hT Actual taata aha* H aaa- tarUar Um aar atbar treat |lOY4| BBSS! ROYAL RAKIHQ POWDER CO., RfW YORK. > • While the minds of the people have been fixed on the war, the Chautaugua movement has been 1 spreading worse than a Russian ‘ rJiistle. One of these days the sensible people will awaken to their peril and will promptly arrest every woman caught starting off on the train with a gasoline stove and an estay on the “Holy Grail” in her baggage. ’ —Atchison Globe. The New York World calls attention to the manner in which Capt. C. E. Clark, of the Oregon, has been rewarded for his services to this country. Too ill to retain command, he “goes over the side” of his ship and $llOO of his pay per year *is docked. Too ill to remain on waiting or ler he goes home on “sick leave” and is docked another S7OO. The Twenty-third Kansas regiment now at Topeka is to be sent to Santiago to aid in the “preservation nf peace and good will.” The war department ev idently doesn’t read the Topeka papers ! The Topeka police offi cers have had their task doubled in preserving “peace and good will” since camp Leedy was re opened.—Atchison Globe. Hear what Tom Hoyt says : “Sine© kissing public men has become a fad, we have decided to emerge from private life, join the immunes in Cuba, sink a bateau, kill a Spaniard, whip a delinquent subscriber and come back home and loudly demand a place among the elite kissed with the Hobson-Wheeler initia tion ceremony.” Capt. Young, commander of the Utah Light Art., who dis tinguished himsetf in the land battle at Manila, is a grandson of Brigham Young, the famous Mormon. He is a graduate of West Point, but of late years has been practicing law at Salt Lake City. Capt. Young has many relatives in Utah. Up in Albany whistling on .the streets is prohibited. Guess the boys got to using these ar tificial terrifiers.—Ocilla Dis patch. We assure our contemporary that there was nothing artificial about it. It was the real thing. Ask our police commission.— Albany Herald. L! « The Saratogo conference of self-constituted advisers to the national government resolved that*our new accessions shall be the wards of the nation instead of its colonists. Lo, the poor In dian, has been that for about 100 years and look at him now. He’s not so many or so impressive.— St. Louis Republic. < ~ U - A Elevators have now been render ed safe in case of a tall by means of air cushions. It’s rather bard to believe, but they say that in a test made in New York recently, in which an elevators was allowed to ( drop twenty stories, the fall of BJO i feet did not break eggs lying on a marble slab in tha middle of the car nor spill water fiom a glass. TERRIBLE DENUNCIATION. « Hundreds of volunteers have al* nsady died of diseases contracted in unsanitary camps and thousands more will die from the same exuee. The health of many other thou sands has beep xorioiuly injured 'or rhs remainder of theirdays. At least 150 000 out of tin* 210,000 vo'nntiers will return to their homos digusted in not I eing able to do more than play soldier aud because of disagrees b]e experiences in the camps of concentration. They know that this sickness and death has caused mainly by the criminal ignorance and can lessuess of officers high in rank. They know that the incompetence and brutal indifference to the health and manhood rights of the ■oldiers was caused by making a political machine out of the war department instead of looking strictly to efficiency and fidelity in official appointments. The hundreds of thousands of disgruntled soldiers that are going home, and the relatives and friends of the sick and dead men consti tute a very substantial part of -very community of importance in the United States. The storm they will raise is calculated to make the war department and its culpable officers quake in their boots. The s'orm is already beginning to be heard. The injured e’ements are beginning to speaK through the press. The great metropolitan papers are publishing colu nn after column showing the shame* ful neglect of sanitary precautions in the various camps of the com - try and the general cussedness of the whole system, or rather want of system, in the management of he vo’unteer army. Ere long the whole press of the nation will join the indignant chorus and the thunder of their denunciation will shake the country from center to circumference. The political effect is something which the party in power may well fear. It is likely<o neutralize al) the capita! that it has made out of the victory Spain. —Macon News. i { For once, tho Spaniards have been right in ttieir contention. If words mean anything, the surrens der of Manila did not involve the who eof the Philippines. If they are retained, it must be on some other ground than that of conquest and occupation.—Sparta Ishma el ite. While the hospital horrors of this war are being investigated suppose we have a subcommittee to look into the purchase of ships made by Alger’s Michigan partner—There’s “pay dirt” along this lead. There is one good feature about the war just ending : The volunteers will not grumble at the food their mothers and wives prepare for them when they get home by complaining that “it Isn’t as nice as what Uncle Sipn cooKed ” The Duchess of Aosta, daugh ter of the late Prince Jerome Na poleon, is making daily balloon ascents at Arco, in the Austrian Tyrol, and is such an enthusiast in the sport that she pronounces it “the most suitable for high society.” Dr. C. Q, Colten, a famous American dentist who died in Rotterdam the other day, had pulled more than a million teeth. He was a writer of some note and was wealthy. « He w?s the first dentist to use “laughing gas’’ in practice. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. The rolling wheel gathers the punctures. Some men resemble dice —easily rattled, but hard to shake. There are times when the brave deserve immunity from the fair. Nothing curdles the milk of human kindness like indifference. / Ik ’ THE EXCELLENCE OF SYBUP OF FlfiS ia due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in svoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is* far in advance of all oilier laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In oi der to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal. L«UUVILLF.. ’ V F.W YORK. N. Y. ♦ r—- - The men in love !os j s self possesion in trying to g”t posses sion of another. The patriotism of some men is limited to red, white and blue pok* er chips The wife who chases her husband with a poker ruths him with a rod of iron. Seine men have a delicate of humor, and the humor of others is senseless Prac icp makes perfect. The older a woman >s th a better she should carry her age. Darwin’s theory may he ar. fault, lots of men make monkeys of themselveslnevertheless. a woman has been married two or three months she goes around with an express : on on her face that looks .susp’ciously like wisdom —Chicago News, Britian’s new naval program provides for the building of foqr additional battleships, four cruisers and twelve torpedo boat destroyers, bringing the total expenditure for new' ships up to $60,000,000. When Blanco reached the bitter end he thought it was the jumping off place and tried to leap. His government, however, determined to save the most ex pert Spanish typewriter outside of that bourne which is paved with good intentions, and grab bed him by the coat tails and yanked him back again. “When a mai) blames more than he praises he is billions,” says the New Orleans Picayune. Then that was not billiousness that had Joe Wheeler down when he was in Cuba. Fighting Joe is a billions immune. The Chicainauga hospital horrors will forever the Andersonville sufferings. At Chicamauga the volunteer patients were grossly neglected, and, though feverridden, were forced to sleep on the* damp g"ound while a mighty nation’* bounty was wasted while they starved. At Andersonville it was different. A blockade was on and the prisoners were in a coun try they and their comrades had been devastating for years. A t Andersonville, the surgeons and nurses did all they could do. At Chicamauga the hospital offi cials neglected every duty. By all means let an investigation be ordered and the guilty scoun drels run down and hung. The administration economists should secure the assistance of those Santiago fevers in cutting down.—Detroit Free Press. “Brdget, you’ve broken as much china this month as your wages amount co. Now how can we prevent this occurring again?” “I don’t know, mum, I unless yez raise me wages.”— Chicago Daily News. A Daily Reminder.— “Yos,-i love, 1 was leminded of you , every blessed day.” “You dear! boy I” “Yes, all the hardtack was so much like your biscuits.” Mamma —“It is very naughty to tell lies, Evu. People who do so don’t go to heaven.”- -Eva— “Did you ever tell a lie, mam ma?” Mamma—“No, dear, never.” Eva—“ Won’t you be fearful lonely in heaven, mamma with only George Washington?” Jswego Dailv Palladium. There ie more Catarrh in this 1 section of the country than all other diseases put together, and I until tbe last few years was sup posed to he incureble. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local diaeas, and prescibed lo cal remedier, and by constantly failing to cure with local treat ment, pronounced it incurable Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, ai d there foie requires constiiuticnal treat meat. Hall’s Catarrh Cure manu factured by F. J, Cheney & Co. Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitu tional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts di* rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case i fails to cure, send for circulart and tesiimonials. Address, F. J Cheney <fc Co.. Toledo. O, Sold by Druggists, 75c. H dl’ F.imlv Pills i-n' the best, Riggs—Who is that soldier with the great crowd around him? Higgs—That is Corporal Goosetalk of the volunteers. He is telling the crowd how hesgved the regulaxs at Santiago and prevented Shafter from making a fatal mistake. He has a brother in the Naval Reserve who was only prevented from advising Dewey how to take Manila by not being there.—Boston i'r ui script. • First Young Lady (indignant ly)—Little boy, don’t you know it is wrong for you to steal those dear little bluebird eggs? Don’t you know that ewich of those dear little eggs would be a dear little bluebird? Second Young Lady (more indignantly)—Yes! And don’t you know that stuffed bluebirds are 25 cents apiece now, and getting scarcer and scarcer every year,you miserable little wretch? —Puck. The Escape. SWhen a man has a chance to escape from prison he doesn’t atop to argue about it; he breaks out as quickly as ever he can. He knows that every moment’s delay may lessen his chances of es cape; but when a man is sick he too often postpones bis opportunity of getting well ?'■- an “ says: "O. perhaps I’ll T better next week” or •t: “next month.” ' Vweeks and months go WBjQ on and every day his chance °f escaping from the dungeon W ( °f disease grows smal) A - The "Golden Medical D* BMiSTr IsS covery ” originated by Dr. » v / erce > of Buffalo, N.V., SMmZ Jr—"A “ certain means of res- - j cue to ever y man and woman SJ’lk YyW who is suffering from any wflk form of weakness or disease .■ ’’’ ‘ ' due to imperfect nutrition I marvelous “Discovery” creat < a good appetite, good I ' dig< tion, good blood, good ?-health. It gives solid flesh, mns cul a r strength, I tl nerves an( ’ keen i w ' lß • jifrvßS % b e 'P s Y ou to th in k , - clearly and work auccess -- —- fully. Mr. Frank, A Starti. of Fayetteville, Fayette Co.. Texas, writes in reletterrto.Dr. Pierce: "It affords me pleasure to testify to the remarkable curative pov -r of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery 1 was severely afflicted with trouble in my lungs—spitting up blood, and was so weak I was unable to continue my work I tried several remedies which gave me no relief, and I had commenced to thhik there was no hope for me. Dr. Mierce’s Golden Medical Dis covery was recommended to me so I tried it and began to improve at once, and was soon able to resume work. I consider it a wonderful medi cine." Every man who wants to save doctor’s bills should send si one-cent stamps, the cost of mailing only, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for a copy of his 1000-page illustrated book," Common Sense Medical Adviser,” in paper covers; or ji stamps ’ for cloth-bound copy. THE MODERN BEAUTY Thrives oi> good food sunshine, with plenty of ex« cine in the ipen air. Her form glows and her face glows with eauty. If her system neeffg the cleansing action of a laxative remedy she uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup of fig ß , mauufac tured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only YOUNG LADY GRADUATES Ot the Rome Business College are thoroughly prepared for stenographic and office wor^ . they are found capable when they go into / tice; they re- ” ceive high f e n a- ' f o i> their employ ers as being capable*and exp<s leneed. Rome business College enjoya the largest enrollment of pupils it has had in its history. There will be thousands of vancancier. this fall to fill. Young men and ladies will do well to enter here and prepare for thorough com mercial work. H. S. Shockley, Principal. A CLEVER TRICK. It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it, Anybody can try it who has L ima Back »n I Weak Kidneys, Malaria <>r nervous troubles.We mean h c n cu"i himself ri<»ht away by g kmg Electric Bitters. This medicine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant to Liver and Kidneys, is a blood purifier and uerve tonic. It cures Constipation, Headache, Faint ing Spells, Sleeplessness and Melancholy. It is purely vegeta ble, a mild laxative, and restores the system to its natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters and be con vinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed Only 50c a bottle at Curry Ar rington drug alore. “-LL 1! '! '.g. ■_ ■_ SANCTUM SILHOUETTd Before the case reaches the acute stage it nrrght be wail for England and Russia to call in Dr. Cainbon. —Pitt*burg Post. There being no oihor caune for condemning him Admiral Dewey must be censured fur not being an Ohio maug—Detroit Journal. Within a month 100,000 volun teers will become civilians again, and exchange their arms for knives and forks with which to attack square meals —Boston Globe. That Su ro estate in San Fran cisco having dwindled to in >dest pr portions, probably a comp my or two of Sutro widows will a«k to he mistered out. Galv eton News. If the administration c >uld get on the Peace Commission the in m who struck Billy Patterson it might hope to yet eolvn th-' Philip pine question.—Louisville Courior- Jouinal. Unless history has lint th” art of repea'ing itself Eugl tn l and Rus ia are only h owit g‘ their 'eeth as an excuse f>r eaeh to snatch another slice off opposite ends of China.—Chicago R.cord. The Manila cable .is working again, but the war is over, leaving ’he strategy board with several reams cf plans and specifications on hand, which are now ao much dßad stock. —Chicago Chronicle. Jinks—What’s a post graduate course anyhow? Filkins—Oh, it’s where a fel low takes a tumble to himself, before it’s everlastingly too late •nd goes and gets posted even if he has graduated.—Pm k. House tq Rent.—ln Fast Rome, near depot. Good water. Apply to L. A. Lloyd.