The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 30, 1898, Image 1

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EIGHTH YEAR smoke a “Bill Arp ’ waiters New Brand resigned So That Coilrt Martial .joiiidu't Silence him Longer TELLS II FEftHFULS’ORY Drinking Vessels Wiped With Soiled Linen of Typhoie Patient Chicainfluga. Ga., Aug. 30—Ma jor C. E- R uth brigade surgeon, resigned bis place in the army that he might make this state mHut without fear of court-mar tial. He is a professor in the Keokuk (la ) Medical College. He was in charge of the hospital o.f the Third Corps. Second Division, at Camp Thomas. His official reason tor resigning was “sick ness.” To his hospital came sick from the First Missouri, First Maine. First Arkansas, Second Kentucky, Second Arkansas, Fifth Missouri, Ninth NeW YBjk and Fifty-second lowa. A lengthy report went to his Governor, but in l>rief it is that tb« hoapitC was equipped for 100 pati uis and handled 300 regularly Patients were supposed to remain there only five days, then to be removed to the general hospital, but many stayed there as long as four weeks es there v. as no room for them in the general, hospital . In two months 1200 passed througn Dr Ruth's hospital. He ht><! nurses--or was supposed to havethem—for a hundred patients but could get only enough extra detailed to take the places of those who, out of the scanty detail fell lick from overwork. He says there were no battles in which to dispense medicine. The medicine that was in tablet form was melted, owing to the improp er facilities for taking care of it, and ran into a solid mass, so that the doctors had to cut off lumps of it, guessing at the quantitiec, there being no scales nor graduat ing glasses. “One day,” says he, “I had to bathe 150 typhoid patients in two Vessels One of them I found un consciom and no longer able to bat off Hies that swarmed over him. IJg had been left lying in filth so long that maggots swarmed in hn bed and under him. The nurse who volunteered to clean him was busy hall a day at the work and ten days later was himself in the same ward with typhoid fever. dany of the nurses were gross ‘y''-competent. I had one In the 111 a-les ward who could not read when sob-r |„ t who WafJ drunk o|) He remained on duty sever “ days j n Hpite of my protest. Ho ‘pifal sinks were ful and bed P “" 8 *e-e hJ i Waß | lP(l for | Hck ()f Water. Ihe I t-d Cross nurses were of r,dußin abutfdauce but were tpeinietted (<> serve '‘lhcial repots were false. It l ' ,| ’" r '''d one day that there L ' riJ 'leases of typhoid iu the en k|i eil, "P. whereas there were 90 . ' Clu " B<)|,H hospitals alone ~ hospital there were 40 monyug.n Jl,t) statement of Dr. Ruth in I Ol t 0 O,le Fegim.ent b'igade under his care Onl 0110 t ’ n,e «ick a "d ' y 27 a,u! >ulance 8 . One regi -1 Wa * placed where it could 2 si '"“ inches but j', I,WI " l! t 0 underlying rooks, m>vet" aS " Ot P er,,lit t«d to 12 r° a beUer location tm 'Ong after. 6 Brt Fß that surgeon General THEROMEHLSTLEB-WMMEBCIAL ROME GEORGIA, GEORGIAN Appoinlnd Judge Advocate hi Santiago Coilrtmartial. LT.-COL. REAVES FIXED. Major Gordon Withdraws his Resignation. Santiago, Cuba, Aug. 30. — James Biotin;, Jr., ofMacon, Ga., has beeh appointed judge advocate for the courtmar rnartial now being organized tor general supervision of cases in Santiago district. A commission has been named to collate laws now in force in Cuba which can be used by the courts of this district as directed by American authorities. Major Frank Gorden tendered his resignation, but it has since been withdrawn . Lieut.-Col. Reeves’ trial be fore courtmartial has been finish ed. Col. Ray charged him with mental incompetency and phy t cal disqualification, alleging that he was unable to command a regiment or even a battalion. The charges could not be sus tained, and Col Reayes was re instated. The health of the regiment is good* «• Sternberg issued a circular ad vising health rules that it was impossible to carry out. The men refused to drink boiled wa ter, and there were not enough boilers to have boiled it anyhow. The water furnished clogged the filters in 15 minutes, so that it had to be used raw as it came from the creek. Sinks were al- • * lowed to overflow and canteens and peddlers’ wagons were al lowed to sell stuff that deranged the bowels of the men. But here is the crowning statement: “Nurses used linen soiled by typhoid patients to wipe out drinking vessels for the sick. They let sornrades die cavered with Hies and begging for water when water was at hand.” SWIMMING RACE IN FRISCO. San Francisco, Aug 29. —Cavilla of Australia today defeated Cor nell of this city in the third ot a aeries of swimming races for the world’s championship. The victor awam 680 yards m 13 minu'ea 10 seconds, ____________ WHEN YOU ARE TIRED Without extra exertion, lan guid, dull and listless, your blood's failing to supply to your muscles and other organs the vitalizing and strength giving properties they require. Hood s Sarsaparilla cures that tired feeling by enriching and purify ing the blood. It will give you energy and vigor. I i Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indiges tion , biliousness. 2.). Senator Dodson of Sumpter, will have little or no opposition for the presidency of the next senate . This is as it should be. Dodson as president of that able I body of law makers will be the right man in the right place. TUESDAY EVENING AUGUST 30 , |B9B. SICKENING Is The Details of Ghicamatf ga’s Latest .Horror. NURRy MUTILATED BODY I Found by His Captain Who Went to Look For Him- Chattanooga, Tenn. r Aug. 29. —A genuine horror was discov ered today by Capt. Samuel S. Connor, company A, Ninth New York, and will be reported by him to Gov. Black when he reaches this city Capt. O’Connor after some hesitation, told the following story : “Private Nunns,J who is a member of a well-to-do New York family, had been transfer red from company A, Ninth New York, to the Second divis im, Third corps, hospital com pany. He was taken sick last Monday and was sent to the Sec on I division hospital, where he died Satueday. No report of his death was made to Capt. O’Con nor and today he went to the hospital to see how the man was getting along. He found him in a tent adjoining a fever tent on a cot, stark naked, his body had been opened and an autopsy performed, the flap covering the bowels and stomach having been laid back. The body was in a horrible state and had lain there since Saturday. Enraged and shocked at the horrible sight, Capt. O’Conner called on the physicians in charge and denounced them in good round terms. Being asked why the body was not dressed, the doctors said the man had no clothes. “Did he come here naked?” asked Capt. O’Connor. “No; but he had no clothes.” When they heard that the at tention of Gov. Black, of New York, would be called to the matter when he arrived here, a suit of clothes was instantly found, the body was Sponged and dressed and fixed for the undertaker’s care. The remains of this dead sol dier lay right against a tent full of sick men. The effusive odor from the body on Monday was something fearful. Capt O’Connor has preferred charges against Major* Smith, Major Raymond and Major Hub bard, doctors in charge at the Second divi ion. Third corps, hospital, and the matter v. ill be investigated thoroughly. Capt. O’Connor says he has s< rved eight years in the British army in South Africa, on tlie Nile and elsewhere, and he never saw better managed hospitals than the Leiter and Starnberg hospitals atChicamauga. “They I are models,” said the veteriu.j “But,” he added, “the division j hospitals are utterly rotten in every way. T would never expect to see a sick man of mine a.'ive again if he were sent to one of, those horrible places.” “As for the camp, Captain O’Connor says: “In all my years ,of soldiering I was never camped i i so healthy and pleasant a pl ice as the Ninth New. York occupies in Ghicamauga park. I It is model in every way. ’ LANffAM & SONS, SENSATIONAL» 0 F SAILORS WE havrfjuat naught th a en .ir* stock of Lidieshnd Misses Fine Sailots of one of the Largest M ; llin ary hp uses o" Na jv york and now place them on sale at a price that is certainly most remarkable. While we know the people of Ro n a have baen faked time and again, yet we make the STARTLING ANNOUNCEMENT. W That these Sailors are worth $l.O 3. $1.53 i i d;s2. 33 ai:h a i 1 v > will §ell the n at th > a?toni*?h’n Ip v price o : 50--EACH' - •. • iJ j, •■ ■ ' |! ; I There Is Twenty-one Ca 33 ar Ona Thous and an J Eleven Hats arid 6 nota plug in tha lot, bit ths arettpst 1n 1 I itast i i. 1 ; i » » <> Somafine Mi.’ n „j ? : in ) co’it. 3ti-a n)ri jjh b.yn ni s n joth $ crown, same colored brim and whi e erpw i,so na of,a! c a ors of i”*e A rainbow.’ Bell trowni straight cro vn, wide brim, nir o v trim, som 3 i# fine white and in fact all kia > d jxc 3pt cia ip tra -1 ail 11 a>aw ado • . , not want, Thiif ib a. ch trice ta bjyifina siUara at a O’-icJ # £ ♦ < that will c'a ne agiip. | JHXI II I\l BN 1 ’ OON». IO CENTS PiR WEEK ■■■■ ■■■Hl ■■■