The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 30, 1898, Image 2

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SCHOOL jOOKS fl RA WL.... PERSONAL MENTION. Hon. Halttod Smith, has rt-" turned from Menlo. Hon W. H. hnnii, went up t<> Chattanooga tod»y. Mr. W. J. Montgomery, of Atlanta, is in the city. Mr* Stewart Marshal returned from Dalton last night. Miss Eva Camp has returned from a pleasant visit to Carters’ Landing. Mias Irene Langley hat returned from a visit to Rome, —Ann'tton Hot Blast- Misses Rosa and Octavi i Au bry, of Cartersville, are the guests of Mrs. Hine M. Smith. Miss Lillie Mitchel), of Gads den, is visiting her mother, Mrs. R. V. Mitchell, on East First street. A handsome Trap, little used, for sale at a bargain. Apply to G. W. Harp* r, at Lloyd & Har per’s. Misses Irene Farr and Mamie Moss, or Atlanta, are the guest of the family cf Mr. J. B. Watters, m rhe 4th ward, Tetley’s Teas are being served free at Lloyd & Harper’s. Call often and enjoy a refreshing drink. Ladies specially invited. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Childress and Master Jesse, have returned from a delightful visit of several weeks to relatives and friends in Columbia, Tenn. Miss Bessie Jackson, who has been the guest of Mrs. Halsled Smith left this morning for Warm •’prings to spend several weeks be fore returning to her home. . “Finest coffees ever brought to Rome’’ is the verdict of all who try those sold by «Lloyd & Harper. Nothing better for the price can be produced any where Miss Madge Patiersou of Macon, and Mias Sarah Yancey, of this ;ity, went down to Cloverdale, .he Yancey’s beautiful country home, this morning to spend -.everal days. The firm of Camp & O’Rear is this day (Aug. 27, 1898) dis solved. All parties indebted to hem will not pay unless both names, S. D. Camp and J. M O’Rear, are signed to the bills. Miss Carrie Sproull leaves today or Rome, where she will visit her sister, Mrs. W. L. Graves, before returning to her home in Anniston, Ala. Miss Sproull will be pleasant ly remembered as the guest of Mrs Walter Aker man for the past two weeks. —Cartersville News. SCHOOL BOOKS. The Rome Public School books can be found at J. SAM VEAL’S, as usual and the prices are as low as anybodys; don’t be mislead by any impres sion to the contrary. I appreci ate voter trade and will treat you all right. Bring in your old boods to exchange as you have alwavs done. I am in the busi ness and hope to stay, of course that all depends on my friends, and I hope they srre not going to be misled. Respectfully, J. Sam Veal, THE BOOK SELLER. BRYAN AGAIN*. \ Fifteen State Committemkn Fa* V R IIjVI N«w Y >rk, Aug 3C—Members < f the Democratic committee in 15 Ataies in the South and West «m* phatieartly indorse the remark* made by ex-Governor Stone of Missouri to the effect that Wm J. Bryan would be renominated in in 1900 and the issue of the cam* paign should he the fiee coinage of silver. Ahm et nothing is said of powible war The opii ion» were eent to the Herald at the re quest of that paper LOCM HNft»ENINGS. a Ordinary Court.—Ordinary John P. Davis will hold regular ordinary’s court court house next Monday morning at 10 o’c ock. CoMMieeroNEM Co VST ■—T b e F oyd county or mmisaionera court will meet in refniar eesaion at the court house next Monday morning at 10 o’cl< ck. Motion Court.—Judge G. A. H. Harris will hold motion court and set cases for the Sep tember term of the O)y court Thursday morning al> o’clock. Ko Better —Mr. J. Santie Crawford has returned from Ce dartown where he attended the bedside of hie brother, Charlie, who is criticallv ill with typhoid fever. Married Sunday. —Mr. H. R. Busby and Mix Ednie Everett, were married at the residence of Mr. R. A. Mooney by Rev J W Gilliam in North Rome Sunday moining The Lkata Here— The govern ment boat Leata which is dredging and cleaning the Coosa river, came up from Gadsden laet night end left thia morning for points •i >vn the Coosa river. Baseball. —Route and Gads den will cross bats al oxposition park tomorrow providing the w ather is not too inclement. They will play a series of three games, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Baptists Meet —The Floyd county B iptist Association met at Enon church today. Dr. R. B. Headden, J. F. Hillyer, M. F- Govrn, W. J. Neel and A. B. S. Moseley went from Rome. The meeting will * last several days. Moving Day.—The city au thorities gave notice to the women running disorderly houses on “Morphine” street to move, and yesterday several of them were hunting new places. “Beaver blide” and Mor phine” street are two of the most notorious places in the city, and the authorities intend breaking them up. Returned Today. Hon. John W. Maddox returned from Huntsville this morning where lie went to see his son, Dick, of Co. H, 2nd Ga. Jregunent, Mr. M addox states that yearly >U the boys want to be mustered out of service, and that he will make an effort through the au thorities at Washington to have them dismissed. Rome Public Schools. -Child ren not iu attendance at Rome Public schools laat year wbo desire to attend the coming year are re quested to report to superintend* ent’s office on Thursday, Friday or Saturday, Sept Ist, 2nd and 3rd for the purpose of grading aud registration* Colored children will report to principal st colored schools. By order of the board. W. H. Stbel, Secy, Prominent Railroad Men— . Vice President F. 8. Gan non and Assistant Gen’l Supt. Thompson, of the Southern R’y were in the city today on an in specting tour. They arrived this morning on the 9 o’clock, South bound train in a special car. From East Rome the car was brought to the city and switched to a siding near the Southern R’y freight depot where it re mained for several hours before leaving for Atlanta. Handsome box writing pa per and envelopes to match, only box at Lloyd & Har pers. Aho a large and beautiful line of pencil and ink tablets at marvelously low prices and la test designs. • For Sale: 7 fine milk I cows Apply to G. B. Holder at Lindale, r SANITARY PLUMBING j>| Wl ias, Water and Steam Fitter. 'x* ■ • Fixtures, deters -’as Stoves Bl mps, Hydraulic rams, steam fix- ? I es, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Elec- Bl : fixtures. p « L « I have employed Alex S. Pierce to '1 3 L J take charge of my shop department. S zfl (J a He is one of the best workmen in the m 2 South. Repair work attended to k K g | promptly. W i JOHNCOHILDS. f 4 £ 223 Broad st. Opposite Thos. F y M I# School BOOKS- 1 SCHOOL supplies! BflllKQ NEW & SEC-* OuUllO OND HAND,®) 2 • FULITi NForPUBficSCHOOI BOOKS! | | PRICES RIGHT | f: HARRY UVUNS t CO, § AILZI)I(’AIj ST w S- _ * W 11 EVERYTHISSII® j J Si gILUBERY II S> S .3 2 S* 1 ■ ■ S 3 s ■ Hl ( * i 7 IS || COST H S! J! J | Airs. A. O. Garrard ’