The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 30, 1898, Image 3

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SfflD JURY PRESENTfIENTS. We, the grand jurors chosen an d sworn for the July term of HU porior court. 1898, beg leave to make the following present ments to the honorable court ao d citizens of Floyd county. Upon inquiry and close inves tigation wo find the public mor als of the county to be in a healthy condition. While there is some lawlessness a vast ma jority Os the people are in hearty sympathy with and obedience to the laws of the land. PUBLIC ROADS. We find a number of the roads in the county in a bad condition and in some places almost im passable. The Cave Spring road between Lytle’s and Mobley’s Springs is dangerous and should be repaired.. The Redmond Gap road on the mountain, in Flat woods district, the Bluff road near the old Thomas Foster place, the Alabama road leading from Rome to Coosa, the Sum merville road near the Hogan place and the Kingston road from North Koine to the district line are all needing work badly, and should have immediate at tention. We would call special atten tion to the above roads, and such macadamized roads as need repairs in consequence of the small gravel being worked out or washed off, leaving the large rocks exposed and making trav el over them very trying and damaging to vehicles. Especially is this the case on the Kingston road from Worth Rome to the district line ; also to the fact that the water is allowed to run r down the road bed where ’it crosses at the Dowdle place and ask that it be remedied at once. We also find that the bridge . over Webb’s creek is needing repairs and the culvert on the Summerville road is in bad shape. We reconim nd that sign boards be put up at all cross roads and that footways be placed over all branches and creeks as required by law. We further recommend. that the board of roads and revenue have the district commissioners of Flatwoods, Texas Valley, Vans Valley and Rome districts to show cause why the roads in their respective districts have not been properly worked. PUBLIC BRIDGES. By inspection, so far as possi ble, we find all bridges in passa ble condition, except the bridge over Lavender creek in Texas Valley. This, w© are informed, has been closed by the road commissioners. We find the bridges in and neat Romo to be undergoing repays and when completed will be in good repair, new flooring being placed. We find no com plaint from the public except during the repair of the South 01116 bridge, it haying been dosed during the time of lay in g the floor. pension list. We have thoroughly investi- E al, d the pension lists and find ' al all the names thereon,, ex cept a few on the indigniyit list, • r e entitled to the benefits ac cunng from this fund. We rec ®mmend that the following par -168 on the indigent soldier’s list « more thoroughly investigated . I ** (v, dence submitted to us Qot BU| hcient to warrant their •mes beii.g placed on this list: p "/’oilier, R. H. Shirley, G. » W . A . WllUe W. w isenuan. . alms house. find thirty three inmates in the alms house, twenty four whites and nine colored. There are seventeen white females and seven white males ; two colored females and seven males. All the inmates are in a healthy condition as could be expected. One negro woman seems to be suffering very much from blood poison, and is not expected to hve long. The running expenses tor the first six months of this year, exclusive of physician's bills and medicines, has been $631 85 making an average of $3.45 for each inmate per month. The inmates speak in praise of L. M. Landrum and his fam ily and say they are well treated. The average for the first six months of this Jyear has been 3( per month. We find an average crop grow ing on the farm consisting of corn, sorghum, irish potatoes and also a large variety of vege tables. They have on hand now 150 or 200 dozen of oats and corn sufficient to feed the horses until gathering time. We find on hand one two-horse wagon, one one-horse wagon, which is very old, one disk harrow and sufficient- tools to cultivate a two horse crop. They also have on hand one norse, three cows and calves and seven hogs. We find that there have been four deaths for the first six months this'year. The plastering of one room of the superintendent’s house ha about half dropped off. We re commend the same be repaired by taking all the plasterii g off and replastering. We also recom mend that the other rooms be repaired. THE CHATNGANG. Through a committee we have examined the ehaingang. We find sixty nine prisoners, white males 13, colored males 55 and one colored female. All of the prisoners except one are in ap parent good health. That one has slight fevers and is lounging about the camp. We find 24 mules, all in excellent condition. The machinery appears to be iu fair condition. We find eleven wagons and one liay : with har ness sufficient to operate them, all in reasonably good condition. We find 31 head of hogs. It occurs to us that it would be profitable to furnish Hie super intendent with a wagon scale He tells us that many times he is kept from buying hay for want of something to weigh it on. The loss of time hauling sup plies ten to twelve miles isqu’te an item. Especially is this true when oui section is blessed with good crops. We know nothing about the legal question but in equity we believe the man on whose land the chaingang is now located should have some re muneration for the land destroy ed by roadways and waste rock that had been piled upon it in opening quarries. We are in formed that the county commis sioners are now negotiating with parties for new portable quarters for the prisoners, We believe this a step in the right direction. If for no other reason it will save a vast amount of time that is wasted in moving the present old rotten clap trap quarters. The character of the work done on Calhoun road in our judg ment is good. Public Buildinsl On examination of jail we find it neatly and nicely kept; it is in need of some repairs but the com* missioners are making now such pairs as we think necessary.- Since the last sitting.of the g and jury there have been 238 prisoners cared for in said j til. Relative to the court house we would recommend that a brick walk bo built in lien of the present an last pagi-) JE H, P. WOOTEN & BRO., *5 Successors to - T W F PHARMACY. 2; 309 Broad st.—New Clark Building. We have >bought trtib' entire stpck of the Boxne c Pharmacy and.are prepared tPisuppJy your wants in <the drug, piescription and jjalQiit, iribdiciiie line. <>ur tVi stock is complete and the. very liTghdst grade. sk® We solicit a part of your patrnrtnge and shall en 'Jbk deavor to the best of our ability to please you at all —3 t i ,nes - We should be-pleaded-you call On tis. Full line of toilet articles and nSi such things as are store. Cigars and Come to see us. * - • ■ ■ • •>« 14;’ . _ , . ■ < rid . j S. M Stark, iS x 22 J 2 ; lADIEo AND Mffi'ii TMLOB S Dougherty-Bldg, 2nd,Ave * .... * •:. • ... JS ’‘ J 'N T'-’-i.. •. , ■ -- I & ' t ‘ - ..4, ■ ' , , ... X F T HANSON.: i ‘NORRIS'N. SMITH. I THE HANSON SUPPLY CO. | | pi qmb in OitJ Tinning; | Engineers’, machinists’ g supplies; arid.;, * 5 tinware. ) Gas-and electric fix- C gasptine | 5 stoves. 1 Water meters. ■ 1 5 9 325 Broad st ‘ Phone 3?. « 3©©©©©©©©c '' 00 _” ‘ )' ■ 1 I.J '' ' * t l $1.25 and $1 50 Negligee shirts for $1 J A. GHiH S COMPANY WAITING -uji ftdj jjb.iHbii;.! . . ■ • <-1. <.jj .f. for everyone in Rome to coim J- | " in and see tlie-magnificent stock ‘ on and boy’s clothing bicycle 1 and golf suits, is wha ~ are’’doing, but we are hus tliijg While weavait. We will show'you the finest stock o 1 clothing, made from the newest fcffr - styles and patterns in fabricks 1 perfect fitting and handsome, t< he found in Georgia, and thej 1 •!,. j,. are above competition in value*- ; • v "’ ; ,1 , forjthe price. ThegreatestSline of negligee shirt ß ever shown in Rome. J. A G AITMON &C J !■ I- ■ , (1 . UVIIIW.. lajfcuu nji, mq- *■!. Can supply all I Ours is the Most Complete I Department NUrSer.y Trw« at ’ I in -frH'A II ft rates. We publish one of I 111 ll ICS the leatiinj Seed, Plant and Tree Catalogues issued, ■■■■■■■MaAaßManaMMM w nj c h will be mailed free. Send for it now, it will Q. nave you miney.l Try us, can refer you to customers in every state and territory in thi Union. 43 years of square deahng has made us patrons and friends fur and near. Have hundreds of carloads of T FRUIT A|D TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES, PLANTS. e We sand bv mail nostimid. Smda, Bulb., Plants, Roaea, Smail Trees, Ete. Safe arrival a. WE * HAEEitO* **** - Boa Q 2& PainesvHle, C • > To Musical Pep'le of Rome It is with pleasure that We introduce to our readers the prit of a new and complete stock of MB, BttiK ANQ Small Musical Instrumen ' 4 -—I Wf— -V I • n the new Moseley building, 327 Broad street where we would be pleased to have you call and examine our goods. The stock consists of some of the best makes pianc/and organs on the market todiy. We keep a Kill line o F everything pertaining to a first class music stor> —Something Rome has needed for a lo.ig time, Givi us a call and you will find a music store that Romans may be proud ofj 1 • We are determined to close o * t -BICYCLES the earliest possible-date. i E. E.I?OKES 327 Broad Street. S. P. Davis, Manager. X X X X.X X X XXX X X X X X X X X X X X X x.x« We keep on hand at all times a full stock of ’ Sheet Music; reliability" is a quality some newspapers have lost sight of in these days of “yellow” journalism. They care little for truth arid (a great deal for temporary sensation. It is not so with THE CHICAGO RECORD. The success of THE RECORD rests upon its reliability. It prints the news—all the news—and tells the truth • about it. | It is the only American newspaper outside New York city that has Its own exclusive dispatch boat service and its ; ' own staff correspondents and artists at the front in both > 1 hemispheres. It is the best illustrated daily newspaper in the world. (Its war news service is unapproachably the best. M Says the Urbana (Ill.) Daily Courier: ■ J “We read the war news in the other papers, then we turn to THE CHICAGO RECORD to see how much of it is true.” Sold by newsdealers everywhere and subscriptions received by all postmasters. Address THE CHICAGO RECORD, tit Madison street, Chicago. —l—a— ■■■ ii— ■ Como, Wis., Hyannis, Nebr, Jan. 10,1898. Jan. 2,18 ML I would not be I regard without PISO’S jh CURE FOR COW CURE for CON- raT WHStlll USE! AILS. SUMPTION as the SUMPTION for any |g lte6t gffi’SS D,c 3 best Cough medi- thing. For a bad ig |=fw|fl?W&Sju? cine on the marMbt Cough or C?IJ it is ■■ ——hr.ving used ft fee beyond all others. 15 years. MrsC. REYNOLDS. , J. A WESTOVER, “The Best Cough Medicine.” - - - « « .... —-—~ HAVE NO AGENTS but have gold di root to the eon- l\ ilk •umer for 25 year aat whole- L •< y j \ eale prices, saving him th® W I dealer s profits. Ship any- M j Tn j where for examination, zx I Everything warranted / z ESi ; *1 1 | l\ 118 styles of Vehicles. AK I IJ\ \aS*l atyles of Harness. I f T * I|Y\ // \iW Top Baggie., |36 to |7O. % 111/ /I 1 |F - Burreys,|solo|l2s Cam*- Y ArX/HA X 7 X ALa/X 1X? Ybaetons Trap., Wagon- X\M \ y X Mr* B X Spring-Road -ad Milt BkVE EwwyEaraeM. /nee, Hf M. Wagons Send for large, free y o cacgtj-—. wm - ...M. la,» CaMkgu. of our Myiw. MRAKT ■abnub mfw. o«. w *. fmatt, MutMg*n