The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 30, 1898, Image 6

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mt nudi lER-COMNIERCIAL EHUSTLER OF R OME ExlabliHhed, I'M). 'HE ROME COMMERCIAL EHtabllHiied, 1805. eu«*d every evening, except Saturday. Sandav and weekly. PHIL O. BYRD, FDIIfUI AND MANAGER. Office Wilkerson Block. Third Avenue . i “ Th6 egg thnt is in bad odor is •hard to beat. Dewey and Schley send their duty and Don it. If Alger <fc Co., could only be mustered out next! Wheat seems to bo climbing down towards silver again. The leader of a lynching bee should be a neck-sport capable of at least 40 knots an hour. Alger wants the game law raised so that round robins may be shot all the year round. “ITandsome Bob” is making a powerful pretty soldier, on]his 13,000 a year and his war hoss. A few more degrees, Mr. Weather Man, and these nights will be fine for sleeping purpos es. To send our cavalry in dis mounted is not a good beginning for a stable government in Cuba. -1 / k - - Shafter and Sampson are a lovely pair of administration pets. Look at ’em ! Aint urn purty? While Uncle Sam’s commis sary holds out the Cubans will . remain in favor of a provisional government. On September 10th Colonel Candler, Chairman dußignon and Congressman Brantley will speak at Fitzgerald. Rome’s water-work s’ water is very popular with the milkmen. It gives such a rich, complexion to skimmed milk. Ray’s Georgia Immunes hre showing up better at Santiago than the Mississippians and Al abamians did.—Albany Herald. Russia proposes •‘internation al peace”—but she won’t get it, because there are too many ships of war and war munitions in sight, Major Frank Gordon, a son . of-his-father, who secured a commission in Col. Ray’s regi ment of immunes, is to be court martialed for drunkenness. Gov. Atkinson’s speech at Dublin on Saturday, was a bril liant vindication—of the W. Y. Atkinson administration. He MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. • It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one con cern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The pro - prietors of Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine ; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeloss cases Asthma, Bron chitis, Hoarseness and all dis eases of the Throat Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it . Call on Curry Arrington, drug gist, and get a trial bottle free. Regular size 50c and sl. Every bottle guarantee.l or money re funded. The Royal i» the highest grade bdklag powder fcaown. Actual tents shew it goeu ooo tblrd further than any other breed. Uffik kbi POWDER Absolutely Pur9 ROYAL RAKIHO COW If A CO., NFW YORK. .—J— -- -L- told the masses nothing, howev er, that they did not know. Georgia has had enough Atkin son during these four years, however, as has been attested by the common people, who, in a Democratic primary, sit-down on the administrative candidates, world withoutend. • Gov. Atkinson’s idea of form . ing one Georgia regiment of the men who want to remain in service is a good one, ‘provided enough soldiers can agree to stay.—Augusta Chronicle. And those who stay are per mitted to name the officers who are to command them. victorious south. Just before he died, Wendell Phillips, who did so much to force war on the south, in old days, and who insisted on dras tic methods with “rebels and traitors,” declared that the south and not the north had. triumphed. In conjunction with Mr. Phillips was William Loyd Garrison. Garrison’s son evi dently agrees with the lament of Wendell Phillips. He in the most caustic language, de nounced the evils of the recent war, and, in conclusion, says: “Moreover, the present aggra vated ills of the country a»‘e the direct legacy of the civil war. Without it the protective tariff would long since have given way to the English system of revenue toward which it was rapidly tending. The greenback and silver controversies would neVer have been born. The plutocracy which has assumed such alarm ing proportions had its genesis in army contracts, inflated 1 prices and special privileges so easily obtained unnoticed amid the clash of arms.” Mr. Garrison is e\ idently sorry that his ancestor prodded the south into hostilities or that >fibe war and reconstruction were not conducted differently. Mr. Gar rison evidently thinks that the present condition of the negro is not in some respects, as favor able as it was before 1861. Just think whit a mighty power the south is and was. Not only did she make the best fight in history for constitutional lib erty, but has dragged the victo rious section down to whit M.\- Garrison considers a fearful abyss. So, if the north had al lowed the erring sisters to have gone in peace, there would have been no robber tariff, no money panic and no plutocracy. The men who forced the south to war had, according to Mr, Garrison a fearful responsibility and the northern men who pro claim their section triumphant, are according to Mr. Garrison. 1 worse than vanquished. Perhaps Henry Watterson, J udge Reagan and other old Confederates are, 1 with imperialism, putting the capstone to the northern over 1 throw.— \ugusta Chronicle. Bismarck was one day in a I company where among other things the subject of how much it cost to gain experience in life cropped up. He kept silent fir a time, but presently joined in t the conversation and said: ‘‘Fools pretend that you can on- ly , ain experience at your own expense, but I have always m.Hinged to learn at the expense of others.”- Thi- is <> ><• war in which the ’nospit il siH /oons of the volun teer citni|»s -oem to have been in league nii n he camp following unlerta er<. Alger’s fover camps have dune m >r ■ to cool the arder of A meric ii patriotism than all tha Mans* r bullets of all the Spanish gons. One of South'Carolina’s sena tors says McKinley ’.s alright, and McKinley says that Algeria aliighr,. Now what a-e you going to do about it? Hon. Robert Berner has a job of “plowing, plowing, plowing,” now ami he doesn’t seem in clined to turn loose the plow stocl’—Albany Herald Wheat harvests seem good all over the world. The farmer who sells the stuff at 62 cents a bushel may be a Ipcky man. I’he tendency is down, down, lowji. What 1 jas gone with the money that congress appropriat ed for the purpose of carrying on this kind hearted war? How is it volunteers are permitted to starve? Allen D. Candler, man of destinv, will lead Georgia Dem ocracy in the old paths and win for the party of the people the pjdjtime 100,000 majority. Mark that prediction. , ( _ - John Sherman seems to have more good, hard common sense than Alger. Who was it said that “Old John” was a “physi cal wreck and a mental ernbe cP,” anyhow? It is welt to keep plenty of roops near Santiago to suppress the insurrection th it would fol low if Col. Wood should order the inhabitants to take a gener al bath.—Chicago Record. New converts are joining the prddigals and repentant bacK slide-rs who are heading for the 'deinlScratic procession, whose standard Hearer is brave, honest, rugged’bld Allen D. Candler. - ; 1 L - Senator Dodson of Sumpter, will have little or no opposition for the presidency of the next senate . This is as it should be. Dodson as president of that able body of law makers will be the right man in the right place. """ ~ ' ' - ■ u* JS Nearly all women Jook ’ JCy forward to the ordeal -'■&£ 'W of motherhood with so ,'y much dread and anxiety onl y a ft e r the baby has "tSjjSßfc' safely arrived and made a ItSSy warm little place for himself J|Hl in the mother’s heart, does \ she fairly realize that it was 'I i | indeed a yood angel who ' brought th»s wee nestling to brighten and sweeten her life. Women who are approaching motherhood with a sense of fear and solicitude, or in a weakened physical condition, need the help of that marvelous ’* Favorite Prescrip, tion,” invented by Dr R V. Pierce, chief consulting physician of the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo. N. V., and designed expressly to restore healthy vigor to the delicate feminine structure involved in motherhood It takes away all of the danger and meet of the pain attendant up on motherhood, and confers on the baby that lusty hardihood which Is a joy to a mother's heart. , An Ohio lady. Mrs Ixfa Hoffrnire. of Claring ton. Monroe Co., in a letter to Dr. Pierce, says “ I had always been healthy until four years ago. Before the birth of my child I suffered almost death a dozen times Had what we call milk leg for four years Could not stand it to be on >ay feet long at a time without swelling dread fully. Before my last baby was bom, I had ev ery symptom of a return of the trouble. My leg swelled badly. I read of Dr Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, and thought I would try it I took six bottles, and when my baby was bom I was not sick at all after I was out of labor, which lasted only a short time In times previous, la bor had lasted twelve to fifteen hours. 1 aai a well woman to-day. and have been since I ot out of tied, when my little boy was nine days d 1 give the credit all to Dr Pierce’s Favorite I re acription. 1 will never do without il daring such a time.** Na THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS Js.due not only to the originality and jjakhplicity of the combination, but also to the cure and skill with which it is ! manufaetui cd by scientific processes J known t> i. e California Fig SYRuiyJ Co. only, ardwe wish to impress upeAi'j all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is mifnufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will > assist one in avoiding the worthless I imitations manufactured by otliA par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has driven to millions of families, makes the name of the Company' a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all oVier laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or Weaken ing them, and it does not* gripe nor nauseate. In order to get beneficial effects, please name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FRANCISCO, CbL MH’ISVILi.k, ' YORK. N. Y. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. The rolling wheel gather? the punctures. Some men resemble dice —easily rattled, but hard to shake. There are times when the brave deserve immunity from the fair. Nothing curdles the milk of human kindness like indifference. The man in love los’s self possesion in trying tn posses sion of another. The patriotism of some men is limited to red, white and blue pok* er chips. The wife who chases her husband with a poker rules him with a rod of iron. Some men have a delicate spnse of humor, and the humor or others is senseless Practice makes perfect. The older a w«man is th ■ better she should carry her age. Darwin’s‘heorv may bp*ar fault, lots of men make monkeys of themselves nevertheless. After a woman has been married two or three months she goes around with an express ; nn on her face that looks suspicious!y like wisdom —Chicago News, For once, the Spaniards have been right in their contention. If words mean anything, the surrenb der of Manila did not involve the whole of the Philippines. If thiy are retained, it must be on s-mie other ground than i hat of conquest and occupation.—Sparta Ishma elite. We have three ex Presidents on our hands dow without counting Dole. Harrison is one and Cleveland is the other two. —St. Louis Republic. With a charge of cowardice and desertion hanging over him from civil war, Alger was a shortsighted tool to rush into the war with Spain under the glar ing white light of the Secretary of War’s office. Help Veteran Grimm in his effort to get up a box tol.e sent to the Hill City Cadets—Capt. Henry Stewart’s crack company of the 3rd Ga, Show your ap preciatiou of these gallant boys by contributing liberally to the box of good tilings Mr. Grimm is arranging to send Jie boys at Camp Northern. Money, mer-1 chaudise, edables, et al, should be left at the Racket Store on upper Broad street. The little .brown jug filter price $ I OO- rhe Oostanaul s is in the jug. See how Dew ey. For sale by Miss Julia Stewart, also at Moore & Reese’s- While the minds of the people havq been fixed on the war, the jChautaugua movement has been spreading worse than a Russian thistle. One of these days the sensible people will awaken to their peril and will promptly arrest every woman caught starting off on the train with a gasoline stove and an‘essay on the “Holy Grail” in her baggage. —Atchison Globe. - The New YoHf World calls atteirion to the manner in which Capt. C. E. Clark, of the has been rewarded for his services to this country. Tpo j ill to retain command, over the side” of his ship and i $llOO of his pay per year is docked. Too ill to remain on waiting orders,” he goes bpme on “sick leave” and js docked another S7OO. ____________ Hear what Tom Hoyt says : “Since kissing public men has become a fad, we have decided to emerge from private life, join the immunes in Cuba, sink a bateau, kill a Spaniard, whip a« delinquent subscriber and come back home and lo.udly demand a place among the elite kissed with the Hobson-Wheeler initia tion ceremony.” Capt. Young, commander of the Utah Light Art., who dis tinguished himsetf in the land battle at Manila, is a grandson of Brigham Young, the famous Mormon. He is a graduate of West Point’ but of late years has been practicing law at Salt Lake City.* Capt. Young has many relatives in Utah. Britian’s new n.ival program provides for the building of fohr additional battleships, four cruisers jnd twelve torpedo boat destroyers-, bringing the total expenditure for new ships up to $60,000,000. Spain is showing a disposition to haggle, and hopes to unload the bulk of the Cuban debt up on Cuba. She will claim com pensation for public works in Cuba, and will fight hard for any’advantages. Alger was guilty of base in gratitude in sending that ex planatory letter to Doctor Dep jew. He ought to have given it J to the Chicago Inter Ocean and aided a faithful friend to score a . scoop. Speaking of the Cubans as being worthless and shiftless, can the United States afford to i annex an island that will so largely increase the Populist vote? /isks a Kansas Democrat. The Porto Rican milk man milks his cows right in front of . his cust. mers’ house. What a field that island offers to the , men who sell pumps. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and nn‘ : ! ‘h'- 'not ynnrn was PQ p. i I to ijh incnrehle. For a great 11 yea's d ctors pronounced “ ’ local diieas. and presoihed lo rp'Y'odlnr «nd hy constantly ,fi ihug t<> • nre with locr.l treat pro. uui c< d it incurable n<” his proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, ai d there |fGo- Hqaires consti uticnal treat I m ut Hull’s Ca’arrb Cure manu factu o.d by F. J. Cheney & Cc. T -ledn, Ohio, is the oily constitu tional cure on the market. It is taken i-’tornrliy m doses from 10 drips h o a teaspoonful. It acts di rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer Qiie hut dred dollars for any case i (nils 'o cur”, send for ciroulart a> d tesum inials Address, F J Cheney <fc Co.. Toledo, O, Sold by Druggists. 75c. H ill’Family Fills no th*, best, THE MODERN BEAUTY Thrives on good food sunshine, with plenty of ex. Cl|< in the ype n . a i r . Her form g| Ow . and her face g l OWB wiU * ' eauty. If her .ystem need. tit. cleansing action of a l awif , remedy she uses the g en tl. ai) | pleasant Syrup of fi gß) mQufa# tured by the California Fj. Syrup Ce., only ' YOUNG LADY GRADUATES Os the Rome Business College are thoroughly prepared' f ol stenographic and office work they are found capable win# they- go into t ” tice ; they re ceive high . coni in e n d a tions fr o r their employ ers as being capable and experienced. Rome business College .njay t the largest enrollment of pupils it has had in its history. Theri will be thousands of vancancin this fall to fill. Young men and ladies will do well to enter h«r« and prepare for thorough com mercial work. H. S., Principal. A CLEVER TRICK. It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it, Anybody can try it who has Lame Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles.We mean he can cure himself right away by t: king Electric Bitters. This medicine tones up the whole system, acts -as a stimulant to Liver and Kidneys, is a blood purifier find nerve tonic. It cures Constipation, Headache, Faint ing Spells, Sleeplessness and Melancholy. It is purely vegeta ble, a mild laxative, and restorei the system to its natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters and be con vinced that they are a miracla worker Every bottle guaianteed Only 50c a bottle at Curry Ar rington drug Storer ■■ ■. . -1.8 ■ U SANCTUM SILndUEtTJ acute stage it might be wet! for England and Russia to call in Dr. Cambon.—Pitt«biirg Post. !'I •' Vi' ?l jf P pH i ? There being bo a for condemning him Admiral Dnwey must be'cbiiHttred b jing an Ohio mar., —Detroit Jburnnl. Within a month 100,000 volun- f ! L ; I ; |’» fl n teers will become oivibiujdl again, and exchange their arms for knives and forks with which to attack t-quare Globe. That Sufro estat-j ii> San Fran cisco having dwindled t" modest probably a compiny or two of Sutroj widows -will ask to be raust’ n d out.. — Gajv ston News If the admiuistrathm ;/ criald get on the Peace Commission -the man who struck Billy PaUetyon it might hope to yet solve |hv Philip pine question.—Louisyi,llv4p" ur * ,r ‘ Journal. , . .. ?j Unless history has . lost, the art o f repea'ing itself Engl,aa> I Rus-ia are only, sjowii.g their teeth as an ex :use for. to sn'»’ch another slice qff« n PE n,, ends of China.—Chicago R cord. , i ■ •. • >i’l- The, Mtq'.ila cable again, but the war is ovet;, leaving the strategy board Beverft ' reamacf plans and sp^fioati 00 * on hand, which are now iso much dead 'stock. —Chicago'ljHYimicle. ■ - rt. -i-ri The Twentyrthird Kansas regiment now at Topeka is be sent to Santiago to aid in the “preservation nf peace and g'’°d will.” The war department ev idently doesn’t read thu Topek“ papers! The Topeka police ofli cers have had their task doubled in preserving “peace and will” since camp Leedy was re opened.—Atchison G’olm'.