The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, August 30, 1898, Image 7

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Ik U Sparks ■ Slewart Co. ON THE LOOKOUT Constantly on the watch over the best markets, nailing every opportunity that will prosper the interest of our customers, is what keeps McDonald-Sparks-Stewart Co., so far ahead of the others. For instance, we’ve just made a fortunate purchase in Carpets,-Rugs and Mattings, and immediately share the profits with odr customers as follows:-- . Bussells carpet, mad 3, line 111 llti I 55c AA Genuine Smyrna Rugs, 4X7 feel $4.45 Si? Brussels carpet, made, lined and laid 60c H “ 14 3X6 feet 2-85 y Best tdrueselis carpet, made, lined and laid 65c V ‘4 “ “ 2 l-2Xsf~et 2.10 W Axminster, Wilton’s, Velvets and Saxony car- /i “ “ “ 26X52 inches 1.65 W W pets, we are offering at manufacturer’s prices. J V • • • * * ' * 4 As we never indulge in “False Alarms” you will realize the wisdom of coming promptly if you wish to oy these extraordinary offerings. They are too good to last long. Find them on the first floor. F MCDONALD-SPARKS-STEWART Company 1 UNDERTAKERS, . EMBALHERS, ' FUNERAL DIRECTORS • « ’ • MUCH WORK Demands lii« Presence al Manila, Says Dewey. FAVORS KEEPING CITY Asks for Battle-Ship and Ar mored Cruiser. Manila, Ang. 30.—Admiral Dewey, in an interview veeter day, said that he had been ad vised by the Navy Department Washington to hold himself d readiness to return home by quickest route for the pur pos of conferring with President McKinley on the Philippine question. Admiral Dewey replied,giving ® ulles» possible information 'is views on the subject, e suggested to Secretary Long lat the importance of the situa n required him to remain here, * re there is much work yet °- ilo thinks that his squad n 8 ould be augmented in h 0 ’ ler ®f° r 6> r Qr todii U/ ““““l’ s " d •" “red wuiser to Manila. rs.iual ° Sk, ' d *° expreßs •<« Ste 1 u,e ques le Phil- • mericans retaining . lppine9 ’ admiral Dewey uA a ‘ t,eßtars »■•<« tabla n l6 L ““ el “' th « faßh “ ‘L P ;? e “ ad ‘ o '‘l> e Pl„lip. ill' “’ ,d eaid : “I ; ulfl y there forever.” M* 8 ‘ he Work of the il. ani a » the admiral pvK Weh raUy \° f man, but I am proudest of men. No finer squadron ever assem bled so far as personnel is con cerned.” Aguiualdo has decided to send delegates to Paris to present the cause of the insurgents to the peace commission. They will also make known to Europe and America the nature of the rebel lion against Spanish authority, and the claims of the insurgents for recognition in the future government of the Philippines. It is reported that he will con sent only to an American pro tectorate of the Philippines, with practical independence for the people. Although officials of the Bu reau of navigation say that Ad miral Dewey has not asked for a reinforcement to his fleet, it is believed about the navy depart ment that the battleship Oregon will be sent to Manila shortly, via the Suez Canal. MERRITT GOES TO PARIS General Will Give Commission Benefit Os His Experience. Washington, Aug 30 It was an nounced this afternoon at the war department that Gen. Merritt was to go to Paris to give the peace commission the benefit of his ex perience in the Philippines. The original plan had been •to send Admiral Dewey to Par’s, but this was changed upon representa tions from the admiral that he could be of greater service at Ma nila than in Paris. Whether or not Gen. Merritt will return to the Philippines has not yet been determieed, that will depend entirely upon the state of affaire in the is'and, when the peace commission concludes its labors The choice of a route is himself, but it is expected tint he 1 will be in Paris within sixty days at th j latest “From Green'md’s ley inounu’’ To Hawaii's Coral strand, The tune is ‘DI •; ie Doodl e,’ All sing to beat the band. O 0 O The “IlTrovatore” wheel, th Ude in Germany has a musical contri vance fixed to the handle-bar and worked by the front Wheel, and plays over five hundred tunes. It can be stopp d by a spring and set on again for half an hour, and so on, ad infinitum, until the mach ine wears out. o o o Joseph Jefferson, it is said, was once in urgent need of ready money to hire a wagon while on a hunting and fishing trip in New Hampshire, bu' having none, he made out a check for $2 on a piece of white birch bark. The check was cashed by a farmer and oy him presented for payment at a Montpelier, Vt., bank by whose officials it was trained. It is kept as a souvenir of the great actor. o o o Clara —“Are you engaged to Doughlas for good?” Gertrude— “lt looks so . 1 don’t think he’ll aver ba able to marry me.”—Life. o o o Tommy—“Pa, why are single wo men called spinsters?” l*k—“l ex pect it’s because they are always spinning a web to catch a man.”— London Kun. 000 The Duke of W.lington said the Spanish were no fighters, and it’s suspected he knew more of this business than that later peerage authority, the Marquis of Queens berry. 000 Spain regarded Cuba merely as the Pearl of the Antilles; but for those prize-taking blockades it’s assumiog a diamond character. 000 The funny man on an exchange gets off this goodun: “Say that Jim Bixby must be a turrible fighter. He charged up that bill at Sau Juau with three ballets in body. routed a half dozen Spaniards single handed, and wuz finally knocked out by a bushwacker with a club.” “That’s funny. Blame me es I ain’t seen that little wife of his—she don’t weigh more’u ninety pounds—run him with a rolling pin from Hi- Hticker’s saloon clear past the Methodist church, an’ him holler in’ for mercy at every blessed jiynp!” boo Here is an extract from one of the latest novels; “Gerald Harbison panted heavily. The close atmosphere of the little apartment constrained his splendid luugs. He wdnt to the window, opened it and threw out his massive chest ” All of which would go to show that the landlady was hot on his track.—Cleveland Plain Dealer. 000 Mrs. Louis H. Pratt, of Sher wood. Wis., makes the somewhat original suggestion that sweet young things with golden hair should not monopolize the privil ege of naming warships, so she wants to be allowed to name the battleship Wisconsin. Among her qualifications she mentions the following. She is 51 years old, got her education in a little school house in Wisconsin, knows how to cook, knit, spin and make soft soap, wears her hair short, and has christened and reared two boys and two girls of her own. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALZE The best salve in the world for cuts, bmsese sores, ulcers, salt rheqm, fevet sores, tettjr, chapped chilblains, and all skip eruptions,, and pos itively cures piles, or no pay ie quired. Is guaranteed to giro perfect satisfaction or monoy refunded* Price 25 cents pt? box. For ja! 3_Llv CHEAP RATE§. The Southern R’y operates 3 daily trains between Rome and Chattanooga, by which parties can leave Rome in the morning, spend the day in Chattanooga, and return homo same evening. The schedule between these points is as follows. Leave Rome 1:00 a. m. arrive Caattanooga 4 :15 a. in.; leave Rome 10 .35 arrive Chattanooga 1: 00 p. m. • leave Rome G :25 a. m. arrive Chattanooga 8 :50 p. m. There is also a local train leaving Rome 3:50 p. m. going by the way of Cohutta and Cleveland and ar rives Chattanooga 7:20 p. in. Returning, trains leave Chatta nooga 6 :30 a. in. arrive Rome 9: 00 a. m. ; leave Chattanooga 3 ;10 p. m. arrive Rome 5 :35 p. m.; leave Chattanooga 10 :10 p. arrive Rome 1:44 a. m. Pull man sleeping cars on all trains. For further information call on C. Harrison, C. T. A. SICK MEN GOING HOME. Washington, Aug 20.—The sick at Camp Alger are being rapidly removed to their respective states. E<>rty-tw*) sick men of the Mis souri regiments left today. Tomor row one hundred sick men of the 5 xty-fifth New York will be sent h 'mein a hospital train. Beware of Imitations Vy ■ ■ V • fl NOVEL CONTEST Palrolmm White, of Atlanta, Won it. GIVES BEST DEFIjfiTIOJI Os a Model police Officer And Wins Pr Atlanta, Aug. 29.—Patrolman B. C. White wpn the-medal for thebost defi litio i to whit it took to m ike ago >1 policeman. Police Commissioners Patter son, Johnson and Branan met yesterday afternoon and care fully exaffiiued all. the replies and decided that the following answer won the medal: “Physical endurance, moral courage, personal bratery, a steady nerve, temper u ider con trol, prompt attention to duty, willing obedience to orders, thorough knowledge of city laws, police regulations and geograph y of the city ; in brief, the charac teristics of a gentleman, a sol dier and a Christian.” By a comparison with the an swers filed with Mr. G. N. llurtel, of The Constitution, to whom the police liad given their replies, it was ascertained that No. 6G was Mr. B. C. White. The contest was inaugurated for the purpose of ascertaining what the members of the police department thought about their duties and how they would ex press their views in writing. Messrs. George E. Johnson and W, O. Jones are given the credit of getting up the contest.