The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 01, 1898, Image 1

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EIGHTH YEAR ROMI QBOROIa. smoke a “Bill Arp ’ waiters New Brand . - ... £ • ~ FDESGH "HONOR frtoiHiloils Sensation io the Land of Frog-Eaten. COL HENHY SUICIDES, _ r _ M . -—«“• tonf»B»ed ForSSry in tho Dr»/’ fuaC ••• Parti, S»p». I.—Lieutenant Colonel Henry, who bad been arrerted on* the diecovory that he wai the author of an irapor tautlentr which figured ia the Dreyfus case, has committed suicide. He cut hie throat with a razor which he had concealed in hie vahse. Appears that so soon as M. Caraignac assumed the office of minister fur war he charged the official bureau to make a thor ough research of the Dreyfus ease, and it was this inquiry Which resulted in the discovery of documents lately read io the chamber of deputies by M. Cav siguac, slowing that proof us gUL I of Dr yfus was forged. When Col. Henry was #um nosed to the ministry of war and questioned by M. Cavaignac in the presence- of Gen. Boise* deffrssnd otixaw, be JU first affirwed tho authenticity of the i iuLTimiusing document. But when docrepaucies were pointed out he at first admitted adding sentences and finally confessed to fabricating the whole letter. It ia*ffii «aed,how* eve’’, that while this discovery has not changed M. Cavaigaac’s baiief in culpability of Dreyfus, the minister is determined to punish all tho guilty pn ’ties, no matter what their rank or posi tion may be. Col. Henry confessed to hav ing committed forgery, owing to the absolute necessity for finding proofs against Dreyfus. It is understood that the docu ment iu question io the letter which hitherto has been alleged to have been written by the German military attache to the Lali*a military attache in Oc tober, 1596. It is also said that when the interpolation in the Dreyfus ease was coming up in the cham ber of deputies, this letter was secretly communicated to the courtmartial and was the chief evidence w upon which Dreyfus was convicted. lhe anti-Drev ius papers are dumbfounded al the turn of events, while, on the other hand •be papers which have been •unporting the proposition to ’■eopen the case are jubilant. I'hey now demand the imme diate release of Col. PicquaH, *bo is imprisoned on charges connected indirectly with the r eyfus affair, and they also “eist up On a review of the Dr »yfus trial, kOBBKD AN EXPRESS SAFE I “ fi Thibvbs Secured ss,o)3 In Denver Colorado. () ® a ba, Sept 1, —Robbers secur f ’.• oto cs«h from the P*ci* o Kxpn,,. company today. ® uu »y was taken from a enroute to the depot in the w George Archibald, du* THEROME HISTLE R-COMME RCI AL "FIGHTING JOE” Begins an Inuestigaiion on his Own Hook ELCER’j INSINUATIONS •• J’ Fli IT- Havb pUt the Old War Horse ont his Mot*’. .•. » > i —e Camp Wikoff, Montauk' Point, Sept. I.—The sta‘oinents made by Gen. Joe Wheeler, Secretary of War Alger, and Comm’ssiry General Eagan placed the public in a position to judge who was responsible for the disgraceful state of affairs iu this camp. But there must be an onfficial placing of the responsibility, Gonera ; Wheeler has begun an investigation for that purpose. He is determined to s s( \ from the opposing statements of the intei ested parties the truth about the lack of lumber and. medicines which has brought the camp into disfavor with the entire country. Gen Wheeler 'a a,poi 1 Major Genera’ A—. s to find out just who is responsible for the mismanagement of the camip Secretary A’ger has practically said that Wueeler is responsible. 3eu. Wheeler has done more than any one man to svsttma tiae matters, here. Army ofli— cers are of the opinion that Gis for selfprotection against Alger’s insinuations that Gen. Wueeler has ordered Gen. Ames to probe for the real cause of the irregu larities It is a fact that the mal administration of the camp was well under way before General Wheeler got here, and is due to the minor officers connected with the camp. Gen Wheeler does not propose to be made a scrapegoat of by anyone, and especially not by she Secretary of War. The start ing of this investigation has been done with Gen Wheeler's ch*'r a'-lei istic energy and push. Gen. Ames has already had some of the leading officials of Camp Wikoff before him, but he rebases today to even admit that fact, and names were declined. It is believer that the investiga tion will even reach as far as Santiago, why the men were; smt so fast, the well ahead of vhe sick and the whole mana e- ? A ment of the transports. Uen. Ames was one of the men who signed the round rob in in Santiago' urging that the troops be mdvstt’ from that cli mate at once. He recommended that the sick men be sent first, that they be not allowed to lie there and rot while the well were being put on transports. Gen. Ames has been sat on for this and for other recommenda tions he made, which are now matters of history. FIGHTING IN THE SOUDAN Bat'lb Supposed To Be In Pro gress Near Omduran. London, Sept I.—There has been a sudden interruption of news from the Soudan. It is supposed that a battle is in progress be tween the Aoglo-lgypt«in forces under Geo. Sir Herbert Kithcen* er the Sind&r and the dervuhars, under khalifa, north of Om&uran the Khalifas caprt -.1. THURSDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER I . |B»S. GflHGlfl GOK? ■H ■ ,'ti/ fteleaved of his Gonunsnd -by General Comet, -y.* BECAUSE HE WITHDREW His Cuban Army From Santi ago at a ( rltlca! Moment. Santiago de Cuba S* pt. l-r-Gon* oral Garcia has been relieved o f h’« co tn mend bv General Gomer acting under *nst.> actions Hom the Provisional Government. Th sis owing to d srppfoyal of his action during the Shifter inci dent. and ; n v>ew of the fact that he is p'*rsoaai:iGn grata tu lbs /■uerican Govtrume. t, At the co!rnu-ncemeiit of the war the Cuban officers ws'e ordered to put theinse’vfes under ibe ciders of the Amei can ccmnist dere, end the letter <»! Gate a to Shafter j- look ed Upon as a breach of discipline. His os’guaPen is not accepted, but be !■» r-l.oved of his command. Gnne al Uo<ri.'jiez cnismanding in the ejst n->d«iZG<>m<<S, will suc ceed h m. * cou -er -To G tie M Law'* u, tli ia cnoi* i gco firms th* rews that Geuernl U'cie-e vGH al rive this even’ng from SantaCrcz with dispatches from Gofaas to Goners! Lewtoa The sobataucw is yet un* known. A conference will be held at San‘3 Ana. Ths Cuban ha'ersaie Lacre’e Cei eco, Perez Rabi Ci •- ti'lo > rd cibers. Preliminaries will he err ng*d for the delegates to go to Ca nu .uity to attend the elec tion of the m w Cuban Govern ment. Colonel Ray of the Third Reg* iment of Immnues reports from Guabteuamo that the Cubans there, consisting of two battalions have ’n - ’mated their intention of entering the tow n and displaying 'he Cuban ting. Colonel Ray said that as Guan tar,? mo is United S'ates territory he wou’d look upon this action aa bofeti'e and call out his men. Then lhe Cubans paid the reason of their przipoeed en'iy was a report th*t the Sp i >sh pritouera in the town wou'd ;ise and sacrifice the American garrison, ehd they final ly conc'ndfd by asking for 4,0 0 rations A courier rrriving from General Castillo reports that the Goveruc of Puerto P' jicipe hae offered 'O march'ini, g'v ng up the town to tbe Cubnos 11 rupp le 1 with I,l'oo herd of cattle, 4' ocar's ai d 800 oxen for iranspcn-'tion to Havana The Cob >n» refused this proposi tioo after rhe ii" ifi-mtion of peace. SHFTERS’S CUBTO.VI3 FUVD Ha Has At ready Collected Over $102,003, At Santiago. Washingtoi, D. C , Sept. Adju* tantrGen. Corbin has received the following cjbh,g-am from Gen. ShafleT, under date of Santiago: ‘‘l have to day transferred all bueiuees relating to customs over to Major General Lawton. There has been collected, with the ex* cepiionsmail amount in July, $102,093. Salaries of officials andj all expenses, including alreet cleaning, jcity officials, police, etc,, have been paid to dale, )eav : ng over $! J.OJOrn the: treas ury. The expanses of the custom house have heen cut down from $40,030 per annum to $28,00 ), and that in time can be materially re* Shafter seems to be the only man in the American army at Santiago who suffered with gout. LANHAM & SO NS, WATIONU W1 OF SAILORS W'E have juet oou<ht the en ure etock of Ltdieslmd Sallote of ono of the Largeot Millinery houses of Na>v york and now place them on eala at a price that is certainly most remarkable. While we know the people of Rome have bisn faked time and a<ain t yet we make£th 2 STABTUNB mOMCEMEHT. That these Sailors are Worth Si .3 3. $1.53 xa?:i xil/» will sell them at th > astonishing Io v price of 50F.EACH I There is Twenty-one or One Thousand and Eleven Hats and • note plug in the lot. bat the an J latast tai 1; ii S1 _> • Soma fine Ml lan .00 ma tno split straw,son) rauji brim 1 il s naotA • crown, eome colored brim and white crown,somd of all colors of t '•a • rainbow. Bell crown, straight cro vn, wide brim, narrow brim, som> • fine white and in fact all kins daxaeptc’neap traan ail thoss wa do • not want. This is a chanoo to buy fins sailor* at a p. ic a B > >; • • that will probably not cone again. TPNHfIM ’fIND Sons. IO CENTS PER WEEK